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Lightning Effect Pack

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This is a collection of lightning effects I made. I don't really like Warcraft 3's vanilla lightning effects, so I decided to make my own. This pack contains 7 new types of lightning, each with 8 colours, and two bonus ones.

Version history:
v2.0 - Targeting Laser, Chain, Chain Alt, and Constellation. Added white variant for all coloured lightning effects.
v1.0 - Initial release

New Lighning
The string to create this First two letter of the colour/concept + NL. So a blue New Lightning would be BLNL.

Sleek Beams
The same concept applies. Red Sleek Beam == RESB. Initially the code was SL, but I changed it to SB and only realised that some vanilla lightning effect use SB. Not really a problem, just can be slightly confusing.

Partcle Beams
Since vanilla lightning effects tend to go with PB and SB for Primary Beam and Secondary Beam, I went with PA for Particle Beams. Yellow Particle Beam == YEPA.

This is a more futuristic-looking beam. Use BM for the code. Green Beam == GRBM.

Targeting Laser
If you've played Starcraft II, you'll know of this unit called a Raven that can basically annihilate your entire army with seeker mines. These things use targeting lasers to identify their target, and that's basically what this is. Spirit Targeting Laser == SPTL

It's a chain design specifically for reeling things in. If you do not wish for it to move, you can edit the slk that accompanies the zip file. Fiery Chain == FICH

Chain Alt
This is somewhat of a slack version of the chain that doesn't move. Useful for if you want to link units together like the Demon Hunter does in Diablo 3, preferably with some immobilisation effect. Red Chain Alt == RECA

There are additional lightning effects that I made just for fun. They are:
HLFX - Healing Flux
CONS - Constellation

The available colours/concepts are:
• Blue
• Red
• Yellow
• Green
• Fiery
• Mystic
• Spirit
• White, for if you want to colour the ligthning effects yourself.


These lightning effects are not replaces. To import them, you require your lightning effect .blp file, and the LightningData.slk. Your import paths must be the following:


You don't HAVE to import all the lightnings. Just import those that you'll use. If you want to see the lightning effects in-game, download this test map and try it for yourself.
Give credit if you use.

IMPORTANT: Do not use the clean slk feature of vex's optimizer else the lightning effects will not appear.


  • SBL_CustomLightningTester.w3x
    398.9 KB · Views: 1,346
Last edited:
The skin section can only do 1 texture at a time, though, right? That's not very efficient, unfortunate. I wanted to upload this as a pack, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I guess I can eventually upload a few variants here and there to the skin section and then link back here?

It's not really planned to be expanded upon, but I think adding at least a chain-link variant would go a long way to make this pack better. Any suggestions anyone has is welcome!

Some of them have some colour variations, like the blue has a tinge of purple on the glow and some of the concept ones like Fiery are yellow and red. I can always add in a white one, though, not a problem at all.
Quite wrong, you can have one main and multiple secondaries. I know because I moderate the section.

You can also upload them as a pack, and I can moderate those as well. Suffice to say these are quite handy and prove to be quite useful in the long run.
Huh, I see. Well the next update will go up in the Skin section then.
HELLO THERE! The Download Link is dead. Can you upload a new one?
Ah, shame. I've updated the actual resource page in the Skins sections so it should have all the lightning effects in there.
Level 10
May 25, 2021
Hello, I don't understand this part, can you help me please? What is clean slk feature? What is a vex? And what is a vex's optimizer?

Because there is no lightning appears in my map after I follow your instructions above. :grin: :grin: :grin:

IMPORTANT: Do not use the clean slk feature of vex's optimizer else the lightning effects will not appear.
If you don't know what it is, then chances are you are not using it. If the lightning effects are not appearing then make sure that you've imported the LightningData.slk and changed its path to Splats\LightningData.slk, imported the lightning files you want to use, renamed their path to ReplaceableTextures\Weather\SBL_[TheLghtningEffect].blp and use the relevant code to use them. (Eg, Blue New Lightning is BLNL)
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