Learn GUI MUI, Guide ( V6.2) ) [RMX]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Like I Promised .... by the voting .. i updated the MAP :D

This map is done to provide a better understanding to GUI MUI.

And also to help the beginners learn how to do spells.

Contain Heavy Comments and Read me :p.

You can learn GUI MUI indexing style, also learn how to improve them by recycling.

Changelog :

V4.0 :

-Reworked all the hard spell and added new features to it.

-Added a read me on how to understand MUI and everything about it.

-Made some spells more efficient ^^

-Added alot of new spells :D

-Added some very complicated GUI spells ^^

---Plz Rate and comment, hope you have fun learning ~~RMX~~

NOTE !!!

READ !!! : --- > V6.0 :

- Added ALOT ! of spells !!!!!

- Added one of my favorite spell ( Phantom Zone ) my own creation ! :D

- Improved lots of spells :D


GUI, MUI, Help, Spells, 4 easy, 2 normal, 1 hard, 3 tips and tricks, 1 recycled indexes, Rmx, wild, axe, summon, hard, easy, medium, flower, power, Ph

Land of the Free (Map)

20 Oct 2011 Bribe: Deprecated in favor of Hanky's Dynamic Indexing System.

Should i update this Pack and include more spells :D ?

  • Total voters
Level 9
Apr 7, 2008
Excellent Idea RMX!!! Because yea, as it were the tutorials are basically ununderstandable (lol) unless you ALREADY know how MUI works. What's the point of them then? Dude, I haven't tested it yet, But i know I don't have to (Though I will take a look at it). +REP and Vote for APPROVAL YAY
quite good for beginners to learn! i suggest this for people who dont know how to make MUI spells and leakfree spells ofc!

however one thing i suggest you update is that Fire Dash and Stomping Jump and there loop triggers have some comments on what which action does! since they are most complicated spells in this pack but have no comments in them (in code)

however spells are quite readable (i mean for thous who know advanced GUI) but for tutorial spells i would suggest you to add more comments so that people know what are you doing and how stuff works.

4/5 will be 5/5 once u add more comments and explain how things work since this is tutorial map right? ;) and +rep

~Dark Dragon
Hmm, still, a solid knowledge of basic GUI triggering including array usage is necessary to be able to understand these samples.
If you want to make it really user-firendly, include a very large documentation, starting at zero and ending at MUI.
I also recommend you to make use of "Jass texts" (disabled and transformed trigger) since these are easier readable than the used trigger comments.



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Hmm, still, a solid knowledge of basic GUI triggering including array usage is necessary to be able to understand these samples.
If you want to make it really user-firendly, include a very large documentation, starting at zero and ending at MUI.
I also recommend you to make use of "Jass texts" (disabled and transformed trigger) since these are easier readable than the used trigger comments.

I will do that Paladon ^^
Level 6
Feb 26, 2008
Hey edit: Your hard spell isn't that hard to understand, it's dynamic MUI :D
The Easy spells are too easy...
The Normal spells are too normal...

In conclusion: It's bad that you've made a Work with that High Quality! (LuL)
Yeh 5/5, like Paladon said, a to MUI documentation would be useful and try to read Paladon's shockwave and Baassee GUI MUI spellpack to see how well documented it is `:D

Have fun And Good Luck! Maybe add a VERY HARD difficulty?
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Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Hey edit: Your hard spell isn't that hard to understand, it's dynamic MUI :D
The Easy spells are too easy...
The Normal spells are too normal...

In conclusion: It's bad that you've made a Work with that High Quality! (LuL)
Yeh 5/5, like Paladon said, a to MUI documentation would be useful and try to read Paladon's shockwave and Baassee GUI MUI spellpack to see how well documented it is `:D

Have fun And Good Luck! Maybe add a VERY HARD difficulty?

Well this Hard spell isn't hard for me IT IS HARD for BEGINNERS !!!

Anyway i will add a lot of comments, but i don't tend to put the them in the triggers i will make like Paladon said ^^

Thnx for the great comment ^^



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Definetily, wrong, his last spellpack even has the name of "LEARN" ;)
Nevermind, let noobs better study through both of your spells.

But take a look at it, his way of learning is not like my way.

MY way is on the highway :p lol it's a song, anyway ( What is it with me and the WAY )

Anyway let Beginners .. plz do not call them noobs .. learn form easy normal and hard spells ^^
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
But take a look at it, his way of learning is not like my way.

MY way is on the highway :p lol it's a song, anyway ( What is it with me and the WAY )

Anyway let Beginners .. plz do not call them noobs .. learn form easy normal and hard spells ^^

I only know the song about Hiveway Star - Deep Purple :p
Well, that's seem to be deep offtopic, let's close this discussion, even though we reached the same conclusion. :p

However, I think, that every upload spell should be assisted with a correct custom comments to let people know, for what this actions standing are. Not only "special studying" spellpacks.

Kinda a "JESP Standard". But in GUI. :)
Level 1
May 31, 2009
hi (i am new on Hive)

First: maybe you can write into the comment-box at the top of the trigger-editor, what exactly the spells does, like this: Fire_Hero deals 100 Damage + 5 x his strengh to the target. He also deals 100 Damage to each target in range/aoe.

In the Fire Dash spell is no documentation, you can explain, why you need the variables in the following loop.

Same on the Stomping Jump spell, why the hell you use Crow Form??? I heard, that you can manipulate the fly-heigh, but i don't know exactly what it does. Explain more for the beginners, pls.

At least you can write a List of words like GUI, MUI, MPI, Jass, JESP,vJass, whatever. Then it's better to understand.

I give you 4/5.



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
hi (i am new on Hive)

First: maybe you can write into the comment-box at the top of the trigger-editor, what exactly the spells does, like this: Fire_Hero deals 100 Damage + 5 x his strengh to the target. He also deals 100 Damage to each target in range/aoe.

In the Fire Dash spell is no documentation, you can explain, why you need the variables in the following loop.

Same on the Stomping Jump spell, why the hell you use Crow Form??? I heard, that you can manipulate the fly-heigh, but i don't know exactly what it does. Explain more for the beginners, pls.

At least you can write a List of words like GUI, MUI, MPI, Jass, JESP,vJass, whatever. Then it's better to understand.

I give you 4/5.

You forgot PUI and jVass, anyway i will ALL in the next update 8)

No offense but i would rather recommend to newbies to learn from Paladon's advanced shockwave spell than from any other spell there is here :p

Didn't you hear :p , i will UPDATE it, like Paladon said, tarting from zero and going to ext.

Thnx all for the comments 8)
Level 4
Jun 1, 2009
the hard spells and normal spell could use more documentation, also there are some minor spelling mistakes such as "threw trees" in dash spell.

Overall a very good spell pack, i have learnt tons from it xD 5/5 from me. Keep up the good work!
Level 10
Jun 1, 2008
The Thunder Strike spell have bug...
If you start it near enemy that attack you, the caster will auto-attack enemy, but the thunder still come.
Your Thunder Strike Off trigger can't detect it, because auto-attack is not an order.

To fix it, simply just check in your periodic trigger what is the caster current order. If the order not stop or hold position, then stop the spell.
OR, you make the spell channeling from Object Editor then Change the Event in Thunder Strike Off to "Unit - A Unit is Stop casting an Ability".

Why you use (Casting Unit)? (Triggering Unit) is more faster.

And be careful with For Each Integer Loop, there's GUI bug in that function. It will stop at one number more than you decide. Like, if you set it to stop on 3, it will stop on 4.

Well, it's nice to be a tutorial spell, but the Hard spell is just like, normal maybe? Increase the complexity of it and it will become the Hard Spell, like thunder will cause random effect on victim, or something like that.
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Reactions: Rmx



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
The Thunder Strike spell have bug...
If you start it near enemy that attack you, the caster will auto-attack enemy, but the thunder still come.
Your Thunder Strike Off trigger can't detect it, because auto-attack is not an order.

To fix it, simply just check in your periodic trigger what is the caster current order. If the order not stop or hold position, then stop the spell.
OR, you make the spell channeling from Object Editor then Change the Event in Thunder Strike Off to "Unit - A Unit is Stop casting an Ability".

Why you use (Casting Unit)? (Triggering Unit) is more faster.

And be careful with For Each Integer Loop, there's GUI bug in that function. It will stop at one number more than you decide. Like, if you set it to stop on 3, it will stop on 4.

Well, it's nice to be a tutorial spell, but the Hard spell is just like, normal maybe? Increase the complexity of it and it will become

I will fix the Thunder Strike ability, but for the loops A and B they are in instant spells. so the bug have 0.0000001% chance to aquire.

Also about the Thunder Strike spell, well i did it as fast as i can and didn't check for any bugs that would aquire.

Thank you for the heavy feedback and +rep ^^
Level 1
Jun 7, 2009
Wow! Finaly!!! i finaly understood how to MUI... wow ty for having done this dude... the normal spells learned me allll what i needed... wow thx.... lol...
4/5 cuz there is no documentation to help :\ ... I'm lucky.. i aleardy knew the major parts of the triggers but if it would have been my first time... i think i wouldnt understand it ...
Level 22
Nov 14, 2008
lols many comments about me in this topic, it's not my spellpack or isnt it? ^^

downloading ...

Edit: Here we go a simple review ...

- I start from the top

- In the leak teaching, you should also say that if you wanna remove locations that got indexed (mostly not necesssary to do that like me but still) adding the lines in your "teaching"

- call RemoveLocation(udg_Variable[udg_Index[Number]]) notice the double ]]

- else I think the teaching is fine

- bursts naaaahhh bad name, more like stomps to me ;)

- sorry for telling you but still rules are rules, make it multi-leveled and at the same time you can teach how to make damage formulas for an example

- in all the glory of casting unit you should mention that it is choose able with triggering unit which is faster still ...

- you dont use the fire damage variable in damage target in fire burst spell, remove it or use it :)

- I'm very against creating sps at picked units, if the amount of units got high enough the spell laggs ALWAYS

- just laughed at aqua burst, name stole from berzerk ;)

- you mention that you shouldnt use the integer A nor B but still you use it and you warn about it but I think you should be a role model here and change the loop to a normal integer ;)

- the effects are not bad when there ARE units near the caster when casting aqua burst but when there are no units it look pretty weird with six piles of water around the hero but nothing inside the circle :)

- darkness spell/stomp looks good enough

- in the nature spell you should mention that the loops are for SFX work and not for the damage

- the timer ... isnt it better to just use a normal value instead?

- in fire dash loop spell you should mention that it is built backwards meaning if the first check is 0 it turns off and the actions below is that if the spell is not off gaaahh just tell em that they actions are reversed orders :)

- stomping jump lawls

first of all didnt it say 200 damage? cause the damage is 100 :)

no one will get the parabola if you are not used to it but still that is a problem

good that you checks if it's in the bounds of the map

- the hard spell

isnt a channeling spell just a cast and stand still and hope the lightnings hit spell ;)

you should mention where the knockback is and where the lightnings is in the spell actions

To all that reads, these arent any bad spells at all thought so points might be changed

To rmx

ya you still wont beat me in documentation dont ya? ^^

but still better then my pack cause my pack got wasted of time still you mention at some reply in this thread that I made it for a system dunno what you meant but anyways

you say that the variables explains themselves most times, and they do most times but I would still aquire some lines just simple like "the caster" or something like that above some

the hard spell looop got 3 comment lines ... that's below the average cause the harder the spell is the more documentation it should be not less ;)

good job as always still keep my points in mind dont ya

time for me to go on my trip in 9 hours so need to pack and some, new vacation :)

see all very soon if I got the time

but for now

have fun


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Level 6
Feb 26, 2008
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
      • FD_Skip Equal to 0
    • Then - Actions
      • Set FD_Times = 0
      • Trigger - Turn off Fire Dash Loop <gen>
    • Else - Actions
Why you turn off Fire Dash Loop instead of turn off THIS TRIGGER :p
Well just change that to make it more effectif (well it won't change anything but lol it's cleaer I think?)
Level 22
Nov 14, 2008
(learn from baassee's spells).

thanks for that one :)

rechecking once again ...

-Review v2.0-

- Read me, leak teaching seems fine to me

- Fire burst still doesnt use his damage
  • Unit - Cause Fire_Hero to damage (Picked unit), dealing 100.00 damage of attack type Spells and damage type Fire
- rest of the bursts seems fine still didnt check them as I did the last time

- in your MUI guide read me comment you should change the MUI lines cause usally you just use the Index method to make "periodics" MUI since jass uses locals instead also you should mention kingz tutorial since your way of MUI is a little changed from the regualar indexing

- fire dash seems fine

- stomping jump got some what of a flaw, the destructible aoe and the damage aoe isnt the same still 50 range isnt much but in some cases it DOES matter

- some more explanations should be put around the parabola still I know you need to know maths alot to get that but some explanation for new scripters who want to make something with "height" cause usally they just rip off the parabola like me and dont get a shit (but I get it :) )

- wont go threw thunder strike

- in your tips and tricks you should mention that if you base it on mortars, remove the minimum range of attack so you can get the parabola in small ranges too

- in arrow shower ... well I hate waits but yeah you are right, you are just waiting for 2 actions that are instant + nulling but I think you made the wait wrong, maybe better if you make local integer and the call TSA(local t) cause I'm not sure about the wait there cause you are just waiting 3 seconds not waiting a local but you have to talk with seed about that

- dragon breaths seems fine

- bla bla bla recycle knockback, canät judge that really but it seems enough but not sure there either about the recycle method ...

alright thats it, I didnt deep scan cause neither want to nor having the time but checked a little. I think some stuff as the knockback recycle is brilliant if it works, I dont say that it dont work but I'm not really sure, cause then I have to calculate some maths and I DONT WANT TO :p

still you lack of documentation at many points as usual lool

and still you havent changed the casting unit but it's your style of triggering and I cant change that

thought of my down points you still have many good points but as it is a guide you should documenate more ;)


an old friend

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