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[Defense / Survival] Kingdoms vs. Zombies

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Level 8
Mar 2, 2014
Kingdoms vs. Zombies + Zombie Campain

Kingdoms vs. Zombies

What is this map about?

Short version:

You pick one of 10 kingdom traits, then you get one worker called "first worker"on random place of map, you build your main building with him(only once possible),then build your defences and train troops to fight off zombie. If you loose castle you become zombie. Zombies spawns in "source of infection" on random place of map. Kingdoms win if source of infection is destroyed. Zombies win if timer expires or if all kingdoms turned into zombies.

Long version:

You pick one of ten kindom traits with trait picker. by coming to circle of power.
By clicking on units presenting traits you get specific info about them.

Wall specialist.
Doubles hitpoints and armor of walls.
Wall build and repair cost reduced by 50%..
People slowly repair your walls they "regenerate"
Your castle can train Mine planters.

Castle specialist.
Doubles hitpoints, armour and damage of your Castle and towns.
Gives castle bombardment with long range (manual control).
Allows you to research summon garrison.
New towns and their upgrade cost 30% less.

Tower specialist.
Build and repair cost of towers reduced by 50%..
Doubles armor of your towers.
Gives weak but extremelly cheap improvised tower.
Gives you strong but expensive canon tower.(limit 5)
Can build one big tower in your castle.

Rifleman specialist.
Riflemans train cost reduced by 50%.
Riflemans fire rate increased by 25%.
Riflemans can now hide at night and ambush enemy!
Workers can build bunker where can riflemans station.
You can train general with trushot aura.

Footman specialist.
Footmans hitpoints doubled.
Footmans armour doubled.
Footmans do not turn to zombies.
Footmans can now charge.
You can train general with endurance aura.

Medic specialist
Medic mana, mana regen, health and damage increased by 50%.
Medic can now use emergency heal.
You can train general with mana regeneration aura.
Your castle heals nearby units

Market specialist.
You can build markets, each gives you 100 gold per minute
Maximum number of markets is 5.
Gold cost of one market is 500
Your markets can sell units to players with heroes.
You start with 300 more gold than others.

Siege specialist
You have powerfull siege under your command:
Balistas with powerfull single target attack (limit 3) (only attack units)
Catapults with powerfull aoe attack (limit 3) (only attack unit)
New towns and their upgrade cost 30% less.

Bandit specialist
You have no workers or buildings.
You have only bandit wagon where you hire variety of bandits.
Every close combat Bandit has Charge and Pillage!
Your wagon is of course movable and can hide at night.
Please note you are at war with everybody from start.

Hero specialist
Your kingdom has raised hero which is excelent at fighting zombies.Has emergency heal.
Can learn Call Elite footmans, Horse Jump, Heavy strike and Head strike


Then you got "first worker" depending on what kingdom you picked and 1000 wood. That worker is invisible and indestructible. With your "first worker" you can buil donly Castle for 1000 wood. After castle is build your "first worker"disappear. These worker have Jump (teleport for short distance) in case they stuck. (spawning of workers is random).


Only currency you need after your castle is build is gold. You gain 300 gold every 60 seconds.If you build your castle near gold mine you get approximately another 300 each minute. (and its highly recommended, that you build your castle near gold mine)
Starting gold is 0 + 50 for every player not present in slot or left in first 5 seconds of game. (means 500 gold for singleplayer). For each castle killed by zombies is periodic income of remaining kingdoms increased by 50 gold)


After your castle is build you can train normal workers to build standard building. You can also reseach in your Castle two extra upgrades for buildings one gives +3 armour to all building(3 levels) and second makes walls and towers hurt meele attackers.
If you dont build your castle in 5 mins you will DIE, and turn into zombie.Note: nothing prevents you from suiciding your castle if you want be zombie so badly just kill yourself.

These 8 buildings can build workers of all kingdoms(or its special versions):

1)Barrack (or Special Barrack) 150 gold -used to train standard units which are:
-footman (100 gold)+ defend upgrade for them
-rifleman (200 gold) + attack range upgrade for them
-knight (250 gold)+ animal war mastery upgrade
-medic (150 gold)+ two level of upgrades for

2) Blacksmith (150 gold)-used to upgrade standart units
-three upgrades for meele attack
-three upgrades for meele defence
-three upgrades for ranged attack
-three upgrades for ranged defence
-three masonry upgrades

3) Astronomy laboratry (50 gold)
-you can use scope to see faraway land
-you can train zeppelins here
-you can research and then train Zombie killers here: powerfull units with Susperior Armor(reduce incoming dmg by 12, can not go under 3)
-upgrade for zombie killers which increase their movement speed by 100
-upgrade for zombie killers which increse their hitpoints by 200 but decrease their speed by 50
-zombie killers cost 300 gold, but you can train them only after 5 minutes long research which cost 300 gold too.

4) Imperialist monument (500 gold)
-can be build to be able tonde clare war on all kingdoms
-when you start building this building all kingdoms will get notice what are you up to
-after building complete you can click on ability "Betray kingdoms", this will make you war to everybody, this action cannot be reverted!!!

5) Guard tower (150 gold)
-standart tower, good at shooting on zombies

6) Horizontal wall (40 gold)
-can be lowered so units can pass trough

7) Vertical wall (40 gold)
-can be lowered so units can pass trough

8) New town 900 gold
Expand your kingdom, new settlement is costly but, if build near goldmine, returns in three minutes.
NOTE if this settlement fall you DO NOT turn into zombie.
Can be upgraded to fortified town.

Game Setup

Up to 11 players whose play Kingdoms, and 12th is computer who is zombie
If there will be computer in any slot it will play as zombie with AI.
I recommend full house but with 3 players can be played well too.
If played as singleplayer you gain 500 starting more gold and 500 more periodic income. Difficulutly can be raised by adding computer players to kingdoms slots.

Game situations

Players leave when loading or up to 5 second game time... He goes to zombies with AI
Player leave after 6 second of game time all his units are killed.
If There is more then 4 players after 7 mins of gametime and none of them have turned to zombie yet - AI zombies get major boost.(+ 250 hp + 30 base dmg)

If castle of some player falls three things will happen:
1) he will turn into zombie
2) he will unally all kingdoms and ally all zombies
3) his remaining units and buildings will be divided among other kingdoms

What happens when you become an zombie?

When you are turned into zombie Your gold is set to 300.
You have one invisible immortal "main zombie" which can build zombile spawners, there is no limit to them but each cost 200 gold, then you can train there zombies.

Standart zombie
Weak but cheap brain eating zombie.
10 gold

Economic package of standart zombies.
For only 100 gold you get 12 brain eating zombies!
100 gold

Cunning zombie
This zombie is capable of exploiting enemy structures, he is kinda mole. He just want get inside. Has siege attack.
15 gold

Economic package of cunning zombies
For only 150 gold you get 12 cuunning zombies!

Big zombie
Big but slow brain eating zombie.
30 gold

Economic package of big zombies.
For only 300 gold you will get squad of 12 big zombies!

Zombie zombie
This huge zombie is made of... zombies.... if fall apart 5 zombies appear.
80 gold

Economic package of zombie zombies.
For only 800 gold you get 12 zombie zombies!

Agile zombie
This zombie can jump short distance
30 gold

Economic package of agile zombies.
For only 300 gold you get 12 zombie zombies!

Zombie army for 1200 gold you get zombie army
You get 6 zombie zombies + 12 from every other kind

Main zombie can research ten times:
Anger: increase base dmg of all zombies by one (research time 120 seconds) 50 gold
Resilience: increase hitpoints of all zombies by 50 (research time 120 seconds) 50 gold
All zombies have also eat Corpse (which heals them:O)

Additional info:

-living untis are turned to zombies, when they die
-there are four neutral hostile markets, which can be rescued by kingdom, they give 100 gold each minute
-there is one barrel which drops random 3 pernament item for hero
-items in markets are all custom made for more realistic purpose, but none of them is OP against zombies
-map is ready to be played!

Game balance:

With garena bugged, ENT disconnecting any game I create in 1 min, nobody coming in battle.net and MMH "SUGGEST MAP" I got really mad I can not test new games with more people... so if you test my map please give me feedback so I can balance it at least little.

"Why should I play this map?"

-its more belivable then most of other zombie games, you just rule your kingdom in around year 1600 and some infection came out.
-there are no spells or magic in my map only unnatural thing is (surprisingly) ZOMBIEEES. Heroes have spells like "Call Elite Footmans" or "Heavy strike" instead of "wtf omg problem, lets call meteor strike"
-no isles or continets divided with deep water, I just hate swiming zombies or zombies with transport ships or even navy or when zombies can not reach some places (poor zombos)
-no static things, zombies starting random, you starting random, other players starting random, other players turned zombies random. I dont like too much static maps, when you just learn after few games where are starting units of your and then maximalize their effect
-in general instead of bitching what I dont like on other maps (especially zombie ones) I made one own:)
-yea and there is possibility that everybody wins, for some people it shoud be probably in section "why not play this map" :D, but its funny fact: Players start as kingdom right? when you die you become zombie right? When all kingdoms die zombies win right? But where there are no kingdoms there is no players who lost right? And all player are zombies and victorious right? Got it right?:D









Map help:(and my to-do list)

Leaks: (if you say "your map leaks" I say "WHOOOOOAAAAAAT???!!!!!????")

I would be gratefull if some experienced mapper looked into my map and tried to fix at least major leaks, I will try do it myself but these waters are still new for me and its not my priority atm because my map dont lag at all. I need first read tutorials about it and so on...


In future I want change kinds of zombies to look more differend. But I first need to read tutorial about it, learn it... If somebody want do it, thank you.


I did my best, but am not really in critter and flower thigs. But I think fuctional trigger more important in this type of map then happy fluffy animals. If some pro want do uberterrain.... I wont stop him:D


And somebody tell me do my map need leaderboard? (If yes secred wish somebody will make it)
You will be credited (yay).

Known bugs: (eh feel free to fix?)

- I gave walls bility "burrow fiends" I renamed it ofc, but 3D picutre is same and makes it map less belivable. And I cant chance model file completelly becouse then it looks really bad when walls are"lowered".
-If you want "raise wall" and some units are above it will raise next to them, making them move little and units can pass them. I need to somehow disable "unburow fiends" when units are above(or do gates) This bug hurts me most:(
-"Unable to place new create unit" spam, its rare but it was hapening. It obviously happens when random AI buildings are generating at start. I tried to lower colision size of those building and changing terrain.(seems fixed, but I keep it here, in case somebody eperience it.)

Game protection:

I am giving here map unprotected, so everybody can look how I solved thigs. But I forbid hosting any version of my map If I dpersonally approve. You can post changed version here if want I guess. I upload maps on this forum and on ent by "Retria" or "Theystolemybook". ATM my protected map dont work, I dont know why, so use unprotected ones.


version 1.04i
-fixed bug with packages of zombies not working due to too hight negavite regeneration
-fixet Resilience and Anger upgrade problem
-fixed issue when Hero specialist could have more then one hero
-fixed tooltip of hero
-laboratory now gain stats from buiding upgrade
-it is now imposiible to heal burrowed walls and they wont regenerate
-jump will have only one level (horse jump stay with three levels)

Zombie Campain

information soon but ready to play:), just eat all humans


WhiteDeath for awesome model of Infested Zombie
Wandering Soul for Village-Town-City model
Tranquil for Royal Captain model
Mc ! for Holy armor Icon
Blizzard for Thorium Icon :D
NFWar for awesome Jump Icon
h3ih02 for Warcraft III Color Tags And Linebreaks tutorial
oz02 for A Beginner's Guide to Map Making
Zypher for Understanding triggers and creating them tutorial
irfan skiljan for INFRANVIEW
DenZel94 for What are "TOOLTIPS"? tutorial
Caedrus for How to greatly reduce Object Editor lag!
Frankster for Crediting tutorial
VeljkoM for AI editor tutorial
Johan Aronson for Picture for Game Setup Screen
Karaoth for helping me test map and got great Idea I should remove wooden fence as wall:D
all who write ndy tutorial or posted any model for free download
all who will help me in future

PS: I have never wrote so much text in english, I hoper grammar nazi zombies wont ate me.....
PPS: this is my first post on this forum yay


  • Kingdoms and Zombies v.1.04g.prot.w3x
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  • Kingdoms and Zombies v.1.04i.w3x
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  • Zombie Campain.w3n
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new screenshots are really promising. However I suggest you use color codes to determine hotkeys in game, started by |c and ended by |r. There are four values in hexadecimal, from 00 up to ff. They are opacity(opposite ofmtransparency), Red, Green, and Blue, respectively. So if I want green colored text, I will do:

Level 8
Mar 2, 2014
new screenshots are really promising. However I suggest you use color codes to determine hotkeys in game, started by |c and ended by |r. There are four values in hexadecimal, from 00 up to ff. They are opacity(opposite ofmtransparency), Red, Green, and Blue, respectively. So if I want green colored text, I will do:


Before I change it everywhere did you mean this?:)

I also changed market income to 100 gold every 30 seconds instead of 60 as you suggested.
And I added gold cost of kingdom units to main post so people can be in picture.
After I am done with tooltips I will probably go read some tutorials about leaks:)
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
What happnes when you go to zombies?
Maybe could be beautifuler if it was
What happens when you become an zombie?
But it is just an insignificant detail.
also in the first trigger do an loop for adding the eleven first players to the kingdom and use call destroytrigger(getriggeringtrigger()) custom script at the end of this trigger as this is an trigger you will not use again.
also in bonus income you leak players groups and you can merge the triggers bonus income periodic income and market income
Remove the zoumbie zoumbie fall apart trigger and add the hydra split ability with changed parameters to zoumbie zoumbie
Locations leaks anywhere and groups leaks anywhere did you read the tutorial on memory leaks it would improve the performances of your mod.
fuse the triggers you copied one time per player by adding get triggering player and some arrays of variable.
do an array of units for pickers and fuse the triggers in unused slot section.
Fuse all the training pack triggers or add variations of hydra split ability to those zombie pack trainers and give them negative regeneration.
But it seems to be an good mod just read http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/trigger-gui-editor-tutorials-279/basic-memory-leaks-5889/
also make jump have only one level as the three next levels are just useless
Also it is trivial in solo to use some zeppelins to bring three peasants near the infection source and to spam towers around until it die is it intended?
Tactic: start with tower specialty by walling you base with labs and build enough turrets and gunners upgrade buildings resistance and build an bunch of zeppelins and of peasants then build an tower outpost near the infection source walled by labs as they are really fast to build (faster than walls) overlaps and have nearly the same cost and with many gunners (transported by zeppelins) then push by building more towers and kill the infection source by ordering your peasants to build at maximum speed towers and send your gunners for helping to kill the infection source
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Level 8
Mar 2, 2014
Thank you very much Noob for advices My response is:

Green = Done
Orange = Will do later
Red = Do not know how
What happnes when you go to zombies?
Maybe could be beautifuler if it was
What happens when you become an zombie?
But it is just an insignificant detail.
also in the first trigger do an loop for adding the eleven first players to the kingdom and use call destroytrigger(getriggeringtrigger()) custom script at the end of this trigger as this is an trigger you will not use again.
also in bonus income you leak players groups and you can merge the triggers bonus income periodic income and market income<I removed leaks but did not fuse it becouse I changed market income already to 30s and there can be many changes soon so I will keep it separated for now>
Remove the zoumbie zoumbie fall apart trigger and add the hydra split ability with changed parameters to zoumbie zoumbie

Locations leaks anywhere and groups leaks anywhere did you read the tutorial on memory leaks it would improve the performances of your mod. <I would rather do this with "leak check" but I am getting this error:
I tried to run as administrator, but it is not compatible with win 7 probably:(, anyway I want try to fix "leak check" first before fixing leaks>

fuse the triggers you copied one time per player by adding get triggering player and some arrays of variable.<I managed fuse "far" and "zoom" command but I dont know how to fuse other three exactly>
do an array of units for pickers and fuse the triggers in unused slot section.<I made array of units for pickers but then I got stuck

add variations of hydra split ability to those zombie pack trainers and give them negative regeneration.
also make jump have only one level as the three next levels are just useless<I rather made other levels usefull: range 750/900/1200; Cooldown 20/10/1; Mana cost 60/30/10
Also it is trivial in solo to use some zeppelins to bring three peasants near the infection source and to spam towers around until it die is it intended?<nope, zeppelins are inteded to bring army to "source of infection" if your kindom is pined by armies of zombies, so I gave peasants this ability:

Changelog moved to main post




and consumables are consumables only if it written like this:

And I am not sure if "making new bases is hard" is good or bad yet, originally there was not possible do new bases at all.
If player uses army + peasants for towers to kill source of infection its allright but I will test it too, to see if it that easy.

Edit 2: I got little confused, first time I was doing serious items:), in game book which gives +50 hp is actually consumable I will just fix tooltip:)
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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Now creating new bases will be epically hard as moving peasants near another gold mine is nearly impossible without zeppelins and it does not fix the tower spam when attacking with your army and some peasants I think it would be better to add the demolish ability to the source of infection.
Add the consumable / not consumable information on those items because the resilience training manual is probably not an permanent also was it intended to be able to spam heroes for 500 gold each without food cost because it is better to build one more hero than to give two manuals of health to an hero also the class:any is an fun joke(There is only one class).
The jumping ability is not used by heroes and so having three levels stay useless the heroes use the Horse jump ability and an zombie can not increase the levels of his jump ability.
Maybe do an special ability upgrade with ten levels who improve the zombies abilities and give to some zombies new abilities like giving to the cunning zombie an slowing aura or slow poison for normal zombies and stuff of this kind.
Also the only reason sometime I use walls instead of labs is that burrowed walls regenerate and can be healed by medics and that labs does not benefits from the masonry upgrade. Is it intended that walls can be healed by medics?
Reading your new triggers
do an array of units for pickers and fuse the triggers in unused slot section.<I made array of units for pickers but then I got stuck
use an for A loop and check the conditions for each player and do stuff with player of number A and remove its picker[A]
Remove all the X first building and all the X kill worker and do an kill worker who trig when any player select an castle builder and then check if the player have built an fortress by doing an unit group
or do an boolean array for all players who become true for the players who build an castle and an kill worker who trig when any player select an castle builder and then check the boolean of the player and if it is true kill the worker.
and for the player become an zombie do only one trigger with event an unit die and check if the dying unit is in the castle category then do the stuff for the owner of dying unit player

So resilience training manual is clearly underpowered as carrying an item for having only 50 bonus HP is just wasting especially if it costs 200
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Level 8
Mar 2, 2014
When I was working on "Kingdoms vs. Zombies" I got idea "omg nobody did Zombie Campain yet. So I got little excited for it and I was working past two weeks on Zombie Campain. I have already rough version of few missions ready so you can try it and tell me opinion.
And I also relased new version of "Kingdoms vs. Zombies" fixing worst bugs making it unplayable optimalization must wait:)

I do not want spam another thread, so I will stick it here, anyway both its mosty about Zombies

Can anybody change Name of this Thread to "Kingdoms vs. Zombies + Zombie Campain"?:D
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