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[Role Playing Game] Kalak'a'hui - Phase 1 Version 3.10c Released [17.9.2018]

Throughout the journey to rescue the Gods, what would you like your character to do?

  • Explore regions fully

  • Solve puzzles

  • Defy the Gods

  • Switch roles between characters

  • Saving souls

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Level 11
Nov 25, 2014


Important Notice: Map Version will be revamp into Phase and Versions. Current Test Map is P1V3 (Phase 1 Version 3).

Phase 1 : Gateway to Hell
First theme where the character journeys to the Gate of Hell.

Phase 2: Hellfire
Second theme where the character embraces the culture of Hell.

Phase 3: Hellborn
Third theme where the Gods are discovered and new revelations encircle.

Phase 4: Fire and Void
Final theme where Hell is brought into major wars and conflicts.


Kalak'a'hui is a single player RPG started out around April 2015.
The game focuses on exploration, adventure and a little riddle-solving and accessing secret areas. It is planned not to be a strict RPG but a trip to an infernal world where Gods, Ancients and poor soul exist.



You play as a Rescuer to save two Gods from Kalak'a'hui, a Realm of Flames and Heat, in a typical slash and kill game.
You gain experience by killing creeps and enhancing by collecting items.
Items can be forged and combined with the help of an Alchemist.
With only limited item space, you need to choose wisely to survive this world.

There are basically three regions to explore:

This place offers most of the gameplay arena with common interactions and quests to complete.

Loots can be in the form of Experience, Gold and/or Satisfaction.

This place can be accessed via uncommon ways, such as passwords, riddle-answer, puzzle solutions or state of the Hero (Attributes, Level, HP or MP).
If you're lucky, certain Secret places offer a more robust backstory of Kalak'a'hui.

Loots can be in the form of Curse, Experience, Gold and/or Satisfaction.

This region offers generous blessings or ominous curse when you know how to interact with it.
Merely entering this region will not have any effect on your Hero.
The ways to interact with these Legendary places are often cryptic
and may not even revealed to you in a usual way. Sometimes you need the help of the Internet (yes!) to help you.

Loots can be in the form of Curse, Experience, Gold and Satisfaction.


Core storyline has already been established. Quests are mostly complete as of now. Date 6 June 2017


Key Characters

Haeleon Portrait.png
Disciple of Light, Haeleon is one of the Gods you must rescue. Haeleon compensates his poor combat skills with powerful supporting magics. He can boost your damage, armor, HP regen and heal you all the way! With careful manipulation, you can be storming through Kalak'a'hui without worrying about your health!

Milarosa Portrait.png
Daughter of Eternal Nature, and may be a possible love interest of Haeleon, is a powerful Goddess. She could easily summon the powers of Nature to her bidding and binds her formidable foes with her magic. When angered, she can switch forms to allow her wrath to consume her preys. With powers of entangling, poison, and growth, she can outmatch her opponents quickly if you know when to switch forms.

Elinar Portrait.png
War Maiden of Inix, she is a fierce disciple. Paralyzed from waist down, she could only move with her upper torso. Though limited, her weapons could prove to be lethal. When released from her master, she was only equipped with basic skills and a guardian wisp; as she grows on, she becomes a dangerous assaulter capable of bringing entire city down with only her spear.

Burning Terrain & Atmosphere
If your Hero accidentally steps on a lava terrain, your Hero HP will drop 1% for every second you step there. Plus, there will be a Firestorm every few minutes that razes about everything non-native to Kalak'a'hui. It could be fatal in early game but annoying later on. Worse, you have flames that burns you if you get too close!

Spirit of Inixar (Guardian Wisp)
It's like a pet/guardian system. You have a purple wisp floating around you wherever you go. When your HP runs too low, it will heal you for a significant amount. In the beginning it may seem weak, but later on, it will start damaging nearby foes and great DPS. Plus at some points, your Spirit gets an upgrade which will buff up your deceptively ordinary spells. And no, you cannot control it. It has free-will.

New Status - Satisfaction! (25 March 2017)
Your hero has mood(swings). Being in a depressing and horrifying place, your hero will get less satisfied as time passes. But if you are able to crack the puzzle, kill some foes, eat some food (yes!) and perhaps fall in love (guess!), you get satisfied! What's with this Satisfaction thingy is, the higher the level the better the chances you get good items, low satisfaction will cause your hero to be exasperated and may run away from battles and interactions!

Unlike most RPG (I guess), Kalak'a'hui provides a handful of seemingly low level items in the beginning. When you begin to explore much of the map, more items will be available for forging! Forge your way up to enhance your item skills and when you have reached the Zenith Tier, you will be forfeited of the item abilities but grant you a powerful Spell Booster.

Chapter 1
Secret: 1
  1. To gain access to the Entrance, go to the blind person called Noir to the North of where you are starting.
  2. Go to the South-West to find a very tiny plant near the rocks called Ubhat.
  3. Collect it (note this would not show in your item inventory) and go back to Noir.
  4. Slay him to get the Empty Pot.
  5. Go to the Well and use your Pot item on the Well, it would refill it.
  6. Use the Refilled Pot and douse the flames in the Firepot held by the guarding statues.
  7. Once both flames from the Firepots are doused, the Entrance would automatically open
Hidden item: Charm of the Western Gates

If you are lucky, Noir would drop his Heart upon death. Collect it and bring it to the Statue holding a Glowing Globe. An animation would run and an item would drop!

Chapter 2
Secret: -
  1. You now enter the forest of Suicides.
  2. Nothing much, just slay all enemies.
  3. There is a Treasure Box if you travel North. Click on it and it will dispense bonus gold.
  4. There is a Well to the West. Approach it and your wisp will fish for you
  5. Blood Crystal is there to heal you.
  6. A Galbor corpse can be destroyed by repetitively casting your first spell. Keep the item 'Stealth' for future use!
Hidden item: Orb of Damage XVI (destroy the pus near the violet crystal to get it); Rocks and twigs (near the Well, well camouflaged!)

Chapter 3
Secret: 2
  1. Find Jurahn
  2. After the cinematic, go look for the Alchemist in his house.
  3. Break the gates and kill all enemies to the North before the Haunted forest.
  1. If you enter Jurahn's mansion with low mana, this would initiate a very romantic cinematic with laughable and yet imaginative end-scene.
  2. Then, as Jurahn is asleep, click on his sleeping body incessantly to 'jerk off' his way to your delight (Satisfaction). Spammable too!


Special Thanks:

  • General Frank
  • HappyTauren
  • icewolf055
  • Judash137
  • the Inferno
  • Deimos2110
  • Satreas
  • Junk
  • Shamanyouranus
  • Koshak
  • JetFangInferno
  • Kitabatake
  • Dionesiist
  • Pins
  • Sin'dorei300
  • Amigurumi
  • CreatorD3292
  • Uncle Fester
  • RightField
  • Matarael
  • Gottfrei
  • eubz
  • Mr Yagyu
  • Dimbasik
  • 00110000
  • blood raven
  • SuPa-
  • Champara Bros
  • Alchemist
  • Power
  • Tirlititi
  • Callahan
  • Nikikin
  • Sliph-M
  • Fingolfin
  • Bisnar13
  • Tranquil
  • KAIL333XZ
  • Hate

  • tv1.00a0 - First test map launched
  • tv1.00a1 - Fixed several errors (statue status, item drops, bonus secrets, enabled Jhar'a'hui sequence
  • P1V3.00a - Renewed release
  • P1V3.01a - Accidental mistake eradicated
  • P1V3.10a - Better tool tips, abilities and visuals.
  • P1V3.10b - Amended wrong tooltips, abilities arrangement, wrong trigger
  • P1V3.10c - Mermaid spell forgot to nerf

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates


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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
A very interesting RPG map I must say. The features of the game shows promise, the interactive environment that is. I like that the environment around you affects the whole state of your hero. The puzzle looks interesting as well.

The terrain screenshot are great. You pretty much utilized the basic warcraft terraining set very well without using much custom doodads and props models. The lighting looks fairly amazing as well. Just a bit of decoration and props around and it's good to go.

So far, I wish you luck on the project. It's good to see projects like this!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014

Introduction of Shurivar, Goddess of Traitor.

A tricky goddess who would punish anyone who is a traitor to the Family and Country. She stands guard over the Flameshadow Desert where strong winds continuously cast over the mountain canyons over strong convection current.

She owns a pet called Fwetib, a two-headed human-dog-thing. Tell Shurivar the origin of Fwetib and you will be granted access to the inner world of Kalak'a'hui. Tell her as soon as she has asked you to find Fwetib. Use your decoding skills on why the name is FWETIB.
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014

Summoning Beam

I still haven't thought of the use of a summoning beam. I was thinking of a demon coming through but then, why the demon is summoned? OR should I make it into a location of a quest? If yes, what quest is it? What would you like this beam to do?

I need your ideas!

PS: I haven't smoothen the rough edges. So... yeah, that's why it looks horrible now.
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014

Update (24.12.2016):

It's a gigantic peaceful being that roams Kalak'a'hui. Only attacks when disturbed, these Keeper seems to hold a secret that is so devastating it might burn your mind. Your instruction here is to kill it before the secret unleashes. Will you?

*Hivers, you may post any ideas you want in the map and I'll try to incorporate them*


Update (25.12.2016):
Ingame Mode

Here, Elinar stumbles into a dangerous complex, not knowing what she could unleash when she overstayed Kalak'a'hui's welcome.
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Level 11
Nov 25, 2014

Update 1.1.2017

Happy New Year!!! To celebrate, Kalak'a'hui introduces the Organ of Meletha! Created amongst the Divine Instruments, this Organ soothes the souls and flesh! But really, who's the headless organist there?

PS: the Organ plays itself when you approaches! The music is ...... oops, I can't tell!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Hey guys! It's been a while, I know. I've been busy for some months, well here it is, my next WIP.

Before that, I was asked why set up a poll for my map, and my answer is, your vote counts! Let's break that up a lil:

Explore regions fully (55.6%)
Now, most of the C O M M O N regions are set up, except for those side quests, which I'm still struggling to create to prevent lost of coherence to the story. S E C R E T regions are laid up fully. Let's say there's a creature so cute you wanna burst it with lightning if you manage to unlock it! (Got a guess?). Well today I'm going to put up one of the L E G E N D A R Y places now, the Silvertree of Kalak. You can only access to it by cracking a S E C R E T place, and solving a puzzle posed by its guardians

Solve puzzles (38.9%)
What can I say? It's the most headache part. I am trying to design a variety of puzzles, but I needed time. Look out for the dead Keepers! Their dead bodies carry certain treasures for solving puzzles! Well, since the percentage is 38.9%, most of the quests doesn't involve puzzles, but merely completing chores.
Vote this more for me to add more spice!

Defy the Gods (50.0%)
Tsk tsk tsk. Let's just say there's a slight chance you have to *ahem* to get what you need to cross the hostile lands of Kalak'a'hui. I'm not revealing here!

Switch roles between characters (5.6%)
Yes, there is! There's a Guardian in the Haunted Forest called Axcek. Type "play Axcek" and you will be granted a limited time to control Axcek, a powerful guardian preventing any beings from harming the forest. Axcek also provides a background story on how souls evolved through time. Talk to him more!

Saving souls (11.1%)
Click a soul and it changes into a black crow that flies to the South. The more souls you save, the better your chances are against bosses. Killing an organic unit doesn't count as saving, instead it goes into your soul counter. This is vital for certain quests.

OK, nuff said. Here's couple of screenshots of Silvertree of Kalak


Near the Northwest corner, there is a sanctuary set up by a fierce Acolyte of the Moon with his Lunar Stag. This is a L E G E N D A R Y place where you can access only by a special transport. Notice the snowy terrain size with the remaining pictures

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Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
Looks nicely developed (although really dark), seems like you put in tons of time and effort, I support this project!

Now I know where Dr. Manhattan went to after he left earth :)
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Looks nicely developed (although really dark), seems like you put in tons of time and effort, I support this project!

Now I know where Dr. Manhattan went to after he left earth :)

LOL.... what do you mean by... erm, dark? Yeah, my release date is pushing further and further!

Well, I can't find a suitable image, so I use Dr Manhattan, the closest one... this is the real one below
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Thanks eh! I'm actually still not satisfied with the setting. I need more... emotions to it, like, awe and impressed, with very local architecture, environment, props that is out-of-this-world-but-related-to-hell stuffs. I feel like it's more like cut-and-paste...

Just wish I can have a modeler as a partner!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Hello everyone!


I hope this month brings time for me to further complete my map. Soon, I'll need someone to look at my triggers and refine it further. Anyone up for the job? :vw_love:

Another piece of Legendary region: The Revenant of Anger! He sits at the centre of Constellation Pentagram (it's a topview picture, okay) and waits to unleash his anger to anyone that comes close! Extinguish his fury by completing a puzzle and you will be rewarded!

I will release a book about the world of K'os soon enough and Kalak'a'hui will be one of the lores. Good or bad news?
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
It's Mid-April, and sadly I haven't gotten myself to work much. It's been hectic. Well, here is a scene
Yeah, you can find this is one of the screenshots I've posted, it's just an animated pic. I'm still stuck at this. There are souls being sent to random portals (7 of them) and I can't find anything more interactive here. There's no enemy laying around this ... 'Junction'. My burning idea was to place a bet on which soul would enter which portal and if the bet wins, you gain... err?

I've lost and I am lost too.

Any minigames related to this junction? Need your blazing ideas guys!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Another screenie, Marsh of the Plagues. These beasts give the best experience to the player, but the zombies dotting around them give great nuisance of plague aura. Not much loot, but let me give you a hint, it's a secret region, which means by entering a secret code, you are given an item that summons a Magmator with abilities of pulverize, taunt, stomp and immolation, unlimited charge.

Weak at first, but you can accumulate the number of Magmators and wreak havoc upon swarming enemies.
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Phew, okay, it's a long weekend and so, uh, I've finally completed the scene where you (the player) has to judge which of the 5 prisoners is guilty of gruesome murder, who are guarded by a sadistic Ular'dua (no picture available), and I've also completed a minigame where you control a fish in a fiery lava-river trying to fetch an *unknown* artefact for your Hero (no picture available)

Yeah, those are SECRET regions, so, I'm not telling!

The junction post, sadly, nobody replies or PM me about ideas, so I've to discard that section for a moment. And after stumbling two videos on youtube (no prize for guessing!), I've designed a LEGENDARY area: Ebrius vs Sobrius! This, I will not unreveal, because it can be tough to get to this area.

As a promise, I show you my WIP:
Crystal balls and wine flasks, together with flooded area and ... an ANGEL?

What is this place? =D

I need more response for my project! Any ideas involving HELL? or INFERNO? or anything related to demon thingy?
Happy Sunday/Monday, y'all!
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
Maybe something like a lost soul asking for a specific item that you have to finish a quest to retrieve, but the soul only hints at what the item is, so you'll have to do some guesswork to get it right. You could have this be randomly selected so its a different one every time you start the map.

Also you could provide the player with special summons for completing quests, kinda like the ones from final fantasy games (just make sure they share a cooldown or they'll get spammed) this will make things a lot more interesting.
Level 5
Mar 24, 2017
nice map. some creepy looking stuff though. but im definitely lookin forward to playing this
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Maybe something like a lost soul asking for a specific item that you have to finish a quest to retrieve, but the soul only hints at what the item is, so you'll have to do some guesswork to get it right. You could have this be randomly selected so its a different one every time you start the map.

Also you could provide the player with special summons for completing quests, kinda like the ones from final fantasy games (just make sure they share a cooldown or they'll get spammed) this will make things a lot more interesting.

Hmm, I already have a ghost asking his body to be returned and reborn...and regarding the summons, I try to limit them down because I don't want them to affect the cinematics. Some places have no place for them to stand to be honest. HAHA.

nice map. some creepy looking stuff though. but im definitely lookin forward to playing this

I'm constantly strayed away by new fizzing ideas. My main storyline is still holds, but it looks weak and fragile, need to be more robust though, but I need time, modeler and a trigger artist! Anyway, thanks for the compliment!
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
If you don't want the player exploring your map with a flying summon you could make the flying summons have real slow movement, that way they wont fly far enough to explore anything, if you don't want them exploring at all you could make stationary flying summons; a flying unit that essentially doesn't fly (it does rotate itself to fire in different directions though,) I believe this is accomplished by setting the summons movement speed to 1.
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
If you don't want the player exploring your map with a flying summon you could make the flying summons have real slow movement, that way they wont fly far enough to explore anything, if you don't want them exploring at all you could make stationary flying summons; a flying unit that essentially doesn't fly (it does rotate itself to fire in different directions though,) I believe this is accomplished by setting the summons movement speed to 1.

Great, you gave me an idea for another the eternal punished! Thanks! LOL. the flying summon gave me an inspiration!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
After introducing Ebrius v Sobrius, it took me a week to devise a door that only opens when the Balance are... well, balanced. How exactly? Let's just keep it simple: MATH. Sorry math haters!

Also, when you enter Ebrius v Sobrius, you can break the Crystal Balls lying around, it releases a wisp of voice that can be either helpful to your future quests, utter nonsense, or a spoiler! Or, would you drink from the wine bottle instead and remain invulnerable for the next 15 minutes?

====================WEEKLY WIP====================

The fearful Aerinies that feeds off the innards of Apothecary Velma, whose sins include prolonging the lives of a mortal by shortening the lives of an immortal. As punishment, she is sent to suffer by having her wounds heal as soon as the Aerinies which bites pieces off her.

Recent outbreaks of the unpredictable Kalak'a'hui nature has made the Aerinies more powerful. Velma will die in weeks as opposed to her intended eternal punishment, your Hero, Elinar the War Maiden of Inix, will have to make a choice:

A. Save Velma and kill the powerful Aerinies
B. Kill Velma (putting her out of misery) and let the Aerinies die of hunger
C. Let Velma be eaten by the Aerinies

Your choice will not affect the main gameplay, but it would unlock different bonuses for you!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Hellish looking map, but damn good project, does the character find salvation when he wins the map?

Well, it's supposed to be some sort of alternate Hell. Souls don't descend to Hell, in this Universe, they are transported (there's no clear direction of up and down, just move to a location) to Kalak'a'hui, an ancient region of eternal flame where Gods cannot douse it. I can't be revealing too much on the plot as I don't want to spoil things here, what I can say is, the character will face difficult choices in the end. Saving the Gods remains the main quest, nonetheless, and nothing will change on that. What does change is the character herself. Throughout the journey across the plains of Kalak'a'hui, she will see that the place is not what she thought it is.

Let's not elaborate further shall we?

For now, I am thinking of three utterly alternate endings, all involve saving the Gods.
Level 6
Apr 14, 2017
Really interesting, let me know when its released I think the whole idea as well as the execution is awesome (even though I'm not into dark stuff)
So yea, keep your fans updated and keep up the great work!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Really interesting, let me know when its released I think the whole idea as well as the execution is awesome (even though I'm not into dark stuff)
So yea, keep your fans updated and keep up the great work!

I don't think I have fans around here... yet. LOL. The story aren't that dark though, but hey, thanks for the encouragement! It really helps! I hope I can release this before December 2017... but well... too early to predict I guess
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
dec of this year? I'm looking forward to it

Whoah! Cool your horses! I'm not making any definite promises. I'm merely estimating this based on my progress. So far I've covered around half of the map, that leaves me the other half PLUS the climactic sequence. Thanks for your ever watching presence! HAHA. I'll send someone to check and consolidate my triggers around October, fingers crossed!
Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
====================WEEKLY WIP====================

In-game screenshot of Suzara (in water) meeting her mighty divine-like lost Queen Sui'iri.
Sui'iri: What are you doing in Kalak'a'hui?
Suzara: I'm pooping in front of you, dang queen!

A little background story here:
Queen Sui'iri is created by Shurivar (look up my Screenshot sections to locate her) in attempt to dwell both in waters and land. Queen Sui'iri was stationed at Kalak'a'hui to grant some helpless souls to reborn as young Naga larvae. She has great attitude problem and strikes at anyone who irritates her. Her story and the Naga expansion would be one of the sequels I intend to make (along with the sad story of Axcek and his Exodus)

This is not a campaign though, just some events happening in the universe of K'os.

Anyway, another news: I'm creating a simple blog to store all my pics and gifs there. And I'm going to write some background stories there as well. It won't be a fancy official site, just a simple blog to help me (perhaps you as well) to keep track with the world of K'os.

Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
Nice, this map has enough lore for an entire campaign or two, and thats a lot of lore. +rep

Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, I think I'm too greedy in creating so many lores. Too many ideas about Kalak'a'hui fizzing in my brain, screaming to be poured out. The Aerinies is somewhat inspired by some graeco/romano mythology, as well as a little thing to do with Trudi Canavan's Circle of Five novels about a race called Dreamweavers.

Shurivar, Suzara and Sui'iri... erm, I intend to re-create how Nagas are created. There are many Naga race related maps (campaigns? Didn't see any for now) and although I haven't played WOW, I am fascinated with Asian mythologies. I played around with them and if you are able to unlock Shurivar and play as her, you find her spells weakly related to Hindu mythology of the God Shiva, especially the Third Eye spell Triumbhaka.

The most mysterious character I've yet posted is the God Lor'safar, the one who fabled to have created Kalak'a'hui at the first place. This, I will NOT postt his face. Go hunt him down if you want to. You can still win the game without finding him
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