~!52,000 Members On The Hive!~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hive Workshop's 52,000th Member~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We've finally reached our 52,000th member in the month of August 2009! Good luck to everyone in Hive and I hope 53,000th will come during this month too, good job in promoting the Forum you all...
PS: I'm gonna send out some more bribes-- I mean fliers...
Look, I know a lot of you hate it but there's no doubt that a whole truckload of people love to play DotA, I think it's about time Hive Workshop made a Sub-Forum, or even a Sticky Thread in General Discussion that allows DotA players to freely talk, that would really attract some of the DotA community as well as give us a chance to convert them into Warcraft Modelers or even Lore-Lovers.
Also, you might want to make different sub-forums which we can discuss about Blizzard Stuff and Patches, this would give some Blizzard-Lovers some chance to say what they like here.
We could also make more forum-alliances with different forums like those in Undead Assault [
www.undeadassault.com], Scrolls Of Lore [
www.scrollsoflore.com], Space Command [
www.w3spc.co.cc], Warcraft III Haven [
www.wc3haven.com], Warcraft III Diplomacy [
www.wc3diplo.net], Gamer Isle [
www.gamerisle.org], Defence Of The Ancients [
www.dota-allstars.com], The Unofficial Warcraft III Forum [war3.incgamers.com] and many other similar Forums. This would increase our chances of making Diplomacy in Hive Workshop and might bring us a lot of new members from their sites, also, our Users can easily navigate to their sites and find more sites to promote Hive Workshop in, so what do you say, add more Allied Forums links at the bottom of the screen?
PS: The links I've posted was not meant for their forum promotion, although it would be great to join both Hive Workshop and their forums, I'm just trying to give an idea, sorry and please don't ban me for this I don't mean any free advertising...