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Joan Of Arc

Model made for Modeling contest #12

Give a credit if you use it in your map.

Sorry for constantly editing the model but i realized that i forgot to upload the portrait >.<

female, footman, warrior, human.

Joan Of Arc (Model)

Joan Of Arc (Model)

13:27, 20th Feb 2009 LiOneSS: Oh skrab, that's such a lovely model. I love the skirt thing you did :) Good mesh, nice use of in-game textures. The only bad thing are the attack and walk animation. The attack animation should be a bit more fierce...




13:27, 20th Feb 2009
LiOneSS: Oh skrab, that's such a lovely model. I love the skirt thing you did :) Good mesh, nice use of in-game textures. The only bad thing are the attack and walk animation. The attack animation should be a bit more fierce, right now she looks like she's about to gently pat you with the sword, and the walk animation is a bit robotic. But the model is certainly approvable, good job.
Level 4
Oct 22, 2007
Dude, try and do this right if you are gunna make her... Research on her before you go about making her because for one the armor should not have color, Her armor was said to be white. so you should remove the shoulder color, the brown in the armor, and the Skirt around the armor should be red and if possible red with some black markings in it, the blade is okay but i feel that is should be smaller for the fact that it was much smaller and it looks far to big for the Model and last her hair, she ended up cutting it so you should make it shorter if possible, so I have to say its a 1/10... sorry for being harsh but I recently learned about her in High School so, I have a better picture of what she should look like.... oh and you should also add a crest on the end of the sword with a cross like something in this pic

Dude, try and do this right if you are gunna make her... Research on her before you go about making her because for one the armor should not have color, Her armor was said to be white. so you should remove the shoulder color, the brown in the armor, and the Skirt around the armor should be red and if possible red with some black markings in it, the blade is okay but i feel that is should be smaller for the fact that it was much smaller and it looks far to big for the Model and last her hair, she ended up cutting it so you should make it shorter if possible, so I have to say its a 1/10... sorry for being harsh but I recently learned about her in High School so, I have a better picture of what she should look like.... oh and you should also add a crest on the end of the sword with a cross like something in this pic

First of all, this is warcraft and you need to keep some features so it remains warcraft-ish. Because it will be small-sized in game, you con't need to add those tiny detail. Also, if you don't like the skin, then ask him if you can skin his model, because skrab isn't that good with textures. For the short hair, well, she wasn't having short hair for the whole life. Still the best approximation out there.
Level 8
Dec 19, 2007
It's personally quite well done.
Saint Joan Arc, I've heard her before.
I thought it came from, Yu-gi-oh! when I saw this saint card before.
But again, probably I am wrong.
But you deserve a 4/5.

Dude, try and do this right if you are gunna make her... Research on her before you go about making her because for one the armor should not have color, Her armor was said to be white. so you should remove the shoulder color, the brown in the armor, and the Skirt around the armor should be red and if possible red with some black markings in it, the blade is okay but i feel that is should be smaller for the fact that it was much smaller and it looks far to big for the Model and last her hair, she ended up cutting it so you should make it shorter if possible, so I have to say its a 1/10... sorry for being harsh but I recently learned about her in High School so, I have a better picture of what she should look like.... oh and you should also add a crest on the end of the sword with a cross like something in this pic


And yes, it's easy to say the details but it's hard in doing it.
Why don't you do it yourself so this modeller can learn from you? Not trying to be insulting so sorry if you feel offended.
Anyway, adding too much details means more polies, more polies means larger size file, larger size file may lead to disapproval.
Warcraft is kinda backward 3D game compared to those games like Unreal Tournament or Halo, so we will have to suffice with this.
Level 4
Oct 22, 2007
First of all, this is warcraft and you need to keep some features so it remains warcraft-ish. Because it will be small-sized in game, you con't need to add those tiny detail. Also, if you don't like the skin, then ask him if you can skin his model, because skrab isn't that good with textures. For the short hair, well, she wasn't having short hair for the whole life. Still the best approximation out there.

Its true, she didn't have long short hair her whole life but she did have short hair when she wore her armor and had short hair when she obtained her armor/sword so I think it just needs shorter hair really... and maybe I will take a crack at reskinning...
you have lots of animation troubles that you must fix.

First you are using TCB incorrectly, look at my tutorial for fixing it. (on Stand - 1).

Second, you haven't optimized the Keys. You must reduce the keys after baking the animation.

Third, The walk animation and the Attacks are way too slow. a walk animation should be somewhere between 20-24 frames in an FPS of 30, yours is 4/3 seconds.

Fourth, your animations have motion but they lack agressivity on attacks and passiveness on stands.

Fith, for capes it's better to use Reactor engine to simulate their friction with the model.

Sixth, the model needs some originallity when it comes to animation, she has the same feeling as the footman.

About Geometry:

The geometry is avarage, all I have to say is that you must fix Smoothing groups on the face and fix unwrapping. Perhaps try a different armor.
Level 25
May 31, 2007
you have lots of animation troubles that you must fix.

First you are using TCB incorrectly, look at my tutorial for fixing it. (on Stand - 1).

Second, you haven't optimized the Keys. You must reduce the keys after baking the animation.

Third, The walk animation and the Attacks are way too slow. a walk animation should be somewhere between 20-24 frames in an FPS of 30, yours is 4/3 seconds.

Fourth, your animations have motion but they lack agressivity on attacks and passiveness on stands.

Fith, for capes it's better to use Reactor engine to simulate their friction with the model.

Sixth, the model needs some originallity when it comes to animation, she has the same feeling as the footman.

About Geometry:

The geometry is avarage, all I have to say is that you must fix Smoothing groups on the face and fix unwrapping. Perhaps try a different armor.

First: I fixed that problem stand - 1 animation.
Second: I forgot to do that, after converting i fixed some animation problems and than i didn't wanted to go back >.>
The walk is on 24 frames now and the attacks are around 27 frames.
I don't know how to do capes in Reactor engine :(
Its my first full character animation :( so i must fail on animation quality and originality.

btw thanks for the critque
mech, maybe because you convert your animations to linear, you cheater, :p.

Sry for off topic, but you could take what I just said to optimize the model more. Let's be honest it's very hard to distinguish smooth animations frtom linear animations, converting your animations to linear could help reduce the filsize to half or even more than 60%.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Dude, try and do this right if you are gunna make her... Research on her before you go about making her because for one the armor should not have color, Her armor was said to be white. so you should remove the shoulder color, the brown in the armor, and the Skirt around the armor should be red and if possible red with some black markings in it, the blade is okay but i feel that is should be smaller for the fact that it was much smaller and it looks far to big for the Model and last her hair, she ended up cutting it so you should make it shorter if possible, so I have to say its a 1/10... sorry for being harsh but I recently learned about her in High School so, I have a better picture of what she should look like.... oh and you should also add a crest on the end of the sword with a cross like something in this pic

Lol, you're a fool if you're going to rate such a nice model a 1/10 because it isn't "historically correct". What would you rate it if the model was named female knight?

Please, get over yourself and rate the model by how good it is and not by how it's named or don't rate at all. Just please stop acting like a child and get over yourself.
Dude, try and do this right if you are gunna make her... Research on her before you go about making her because for one the armor should not have color, Her armor was said to be white. so you should remove the shoulder color, the brown in the armor, and the Skirt around the armor should be red and if possible red with some black markings in it, the blade is okay but i feel that is should be smaller for the fact that it was much smaller and it looks far to big for the Model and last her hair, she ended up cutting it so you should make it shorter if possible, so I have to say its a 1/10... sorry for being harsh but I recently learned about her in High School so, I have a better picture of what she should look like.... oh and you should also add a crest on the end of the sword with a cross like something in this pic

dude.... oO this is warcraft oO
mech, maybe because you convert your animations to linear, you cheater, :p.

Not really, actually it has TCB rotations. However I don't see why are non-linear animations so praised, I prefer working much more with linear ones. But yes, unlike mine this model has a portrait, but still, 224 kb is too much, even my three stage building has only 170 kb.

skrab, do you perhaps use IK solves also on arms?
Level 25
May 31, 2007
skrab, do you perhaps use IK solves also on arms?

only legs, the arms and the rest of the body was biped

I ain't acting like a child, he named it that so i was giving him advise on how to fix it so that it fits with the name...

dude its just the name :/ and this model is for Modeling contest #12 theme, so if i would make the real Joan of Arc she would probably be a hero...
Level 1
Feb 23, 2009
okay guys lets just say its a nother woman, who like the name joan of arc and have chanced her name to that,

and she went to the doc to get her head fiksed but it wend rung, and now she just like to fight...

all happy now?