Jaina's madness!

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Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Well.She was the first Human to ally whith the Hord and together stod against Burning Legion.Then her father was killed by Hord (Rexxar to be more precise) she dident go mad tho...She knew her father was wrong and accepted the consequences that came for her fathers action...and still never had thoughts on destroying the Hord.After Garosh doing she started becoming the Jaina we know today...And imo it is normal...If someone you trusted someone you shed blood whith decided to bomb you're city kill you're fellow citizens you sworn to protect i don't think you would stand Idle...

Now the thing that's wrong whith her is the fact that she wants to destroy the hord, imo Garosh was the one responsible for her loss and he is the one whome should be punished not the entire hord after all you cant judge one nation based on the action of one man(this case orc :p ).Just as Thrall did way back when her father was threatning his race he just killed Admiral he dident destroy Theramora.I suppose that watching you're city get annihilated by a mana bomb can do that to you're head.

I hope i made sens

Btw did Go el fixed his pc :D i am interested on his camping
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
@DD Mikasa. Yep its fixed but apparently he doesn't wanto do anything related to War3....he's not comming back to the Hive,ever
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
@Archimonde supreme
Oh well...And i was hopeing to see a camping whith Kel'thuzad in it.
Wait a minunte...You're a demon...I dont trust you're kin.Go away demon spwan :p
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Aren't we all?

In one form or another and in different quantities.
Yes we are. Some of us hide it,others embrace the insanity or just don't hide it.

I think I understand this. Big english words confuse me.
@Mythic. What threshold. Is there a threshold of crazyness?ok except the obvious like running after a truck yelling that you wanna eat its babies
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
I just saw the vm on sclammerz profile.

Yeah. That's how we are. We discuss everything anything related to the topic. Sorry.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
'wondering if there are normal sane people around.

We'd have to search pretty hard to find them amidst the chaotic madness surrounding us.
I doubt it.

Waste of time. You'll never succeed. Muhahahaha.

We should stop off-topic now before Sylvie shoots us
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Jaina should become a forsaken. Think of it, every time someone dies his/her personality changes 180 degrees. Thus, if Jaina became a forsaken she would take over leadership from Sylvanas and thus, we'd get rid of 2 crazy rulers at the same time. Then someone reasonable could take over the alliance as Jaina becomes a part of the horde.
It would also make her somewhat closer to what arthas had become as a ruler of the dead.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008

Seriously how didn't anyone post this picture sooner?
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
They f-ed it up big time, Jaina is justified in going bonkers for what happened to Theramore but they swapped Jaina with Varian and that left a very bitter taste in the mouth of many players.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Didn't she charge like insane in Pandoria again Horde forces and almost got herself killed? Like that time when she preformed starfall on the bridge instead of going to the land and then blow up the bridge? Didn't she also not do anything for entire WoW and instead allowed that arrogant archdruid to boss her and elves around until he naturally became evil?

Non human characters in Alliance are... cardboard cut outs. In Horde we at least have active non orc characters.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Didn't she charge like insane in Pandoria again Horde forces and almost got herself killed? Like that time when she preformed starfall on the bridge instead of going to the land and then blow up the bridge? Didn't she also not do anything for entire WoW and instead allowed that arrogant archdruid to boss her and elves around until he naturally became evil?

Non human characters in Alliance are... cardboard cut outs. In Horde we at least have active non orc characters.

Wait a minute...Furion evil... :eekani:
Boy i need to re-start studying the WoW lore... :vw_sleep: :vw_sleep:
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
No not Furion, he didn't reappear till Cata to replace the crazed archdruid Fandral Staghelm who lead the Druids of the Flame (how does that work anyway?). Furion itself suffered from serious mutations though, like he tried to morph in to cat, bear, tree and owlbear all at once.

No idea why would you want to relearn wow lore again, I am doing my best to forget it.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
No not Furion, he didn't reappear till Cata to replace the crazed archdruid Fandral Staghelm who lead the Druids of the Flame (how does that work anyway?). Furion itself suffered from serious mutations though, like he tried to morph in to cat, bear, tree and owlbear all at once.

No idea why would you want to relearn wow lore again, I am doing my best to forget it.

Once you go WoWlore you never go back :ogre_hurrhurr:
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