Is Jaina a protagonist or antagonist?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
It was confirmed by Varian Wrynn that one of the major leaders of the Blood Elves had been negotiating for joining the Alliance so that leaves us with three possible candidates Romath, Lor'Themar and Aethas. Romath is an unlikely candidate since he as displayed in the Lor'Themar short story is very anti-Alliance since they are still willing to protect the two archmages that were present during Garithos' attempt of blood elf genocide. That leaves us with Lor'Themar and Aethas who both are featured a lot in patch 5.1 and 5.2. Out of these the most likely is Lor'Themar since he has mentioned that he had considered joining the Alliance, he is featured most of all the blood elves, there are rumors of him attending meetings with the Alliance and he also shouts out that the Alliance was forcing his people closer to the Horde.

During this time of negotiating with who probably is Lor'Themar, Jaina decides to go all out crazy and wants to bring up Garithos' quest of exterminating the blood elf race. Imprisoning everyone who dosen't try to flee and kill those who do try to flee. Rommath manages too break out Aethas and some of the other Sunreavers and brings them safely back to Silvermoon. Later, during the siege of Orgrimmar Jaina keeps up her hostility towards the elves and the rest of the Horde attempting to have the blood elves and all the races of the Horde extinct.

So what is your opinion of Jaina Proudmore?

In my mind she has gone absolutly insane and her quest for revenge has made her just as much of a monster as Garrosh. At this point she clearly dosen't care about anyones lives and she would see the Alliance and all of Azeroth burn to the ground if it meant she could have things her way. And in my opinion she deserves to die because lets face it, if we ever had reason to kill Garrosh we have ten times the reason to kill Jaina.
During this time of negotiating with who probably is Lor'Themar, Jaina decides to go all out crazy and wants to bring up Garithos' quest of exterminating the blood elf race. Imprisoning everyone who dosen't try to flee and kill those who do try to flee.

Well Razosh, i think that she took a lot of fire from the Horde when Garosh destroyed Theramore with the mana bomb!
As of her actions, in my opinion she finds comfort in Garithos' actions without knowing!
Also do not forget about her attempt to destroy Orgrimmar only to be stopped by Kalegos and Thrall! I think the events at Theramore still haunt her.

In my mind she has gone absolutly insane and her quest for revenge has made her just as much of a monster as Garrosh. At this point she clearly dosen't care about anyones lives and she would see the Alliance and all of Azeroth burn to the ground
I agree to that, but she focused her anger towards the Horde. I mean they killed her father Daelin Proudmoore; even if he was blinded by hatred towards the orcs!

...and yes, she seems to have gone her own way, she really seems like an old hag now...sadly a good character gone bad:((
Well yes! Garosh really ruined the Horde we knew! Sadly it had to end with Garosh killing Cairne Bloodhoof (poisened by Magatha of course....that vainglorious b...h), and Lorthemar turning forever to the Horde!
she has a very twisted view of how the Horde worked with Garrosh
sadly that's also true...but don't forget that not all Horde supported Garrosh' quest for conquest!
I'm sure that the rift created between Varian and Jaina will only widen with time:((( I feel sorry for her; i mean she becomes in a way some sort of Katrana Prestor(Onyxya), a poisoning influence on the face of the Alliance!
Sorry Jaina, but you lost the big picture:(((
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
If no doubt, she is still a protagonist;
I believe that is all the rage she has the horde, she always had, like his father and brother, but she never found a way to show such hatred, so too, she tried to seek peace,for not to become the that comes after the event Theramore;
probably, it will still the protagonist, will make many good and bad things, I believe that makes things worse, bring more war, probably against Sylvanas and the Forsaken cause if no doubt, she will return to Dalaran Crater, and make a war to reclaim Lordaeron and capital city. (Second, wowpedia, the Residence of Dalaran is unknown)

I don't know, but i still love her :p
I believe that makes things worse, bring more war, probably against Sylvanas and the Forsaken cause if no doubt, she will return to Dalaran Crater, and make a war to reclaim Lordaeron and capital city. (Second, wowpedia, the Residence of Dalaran is unknown)
About her intentions, are you sure that she will move Dalaran back to Alterac Mountains?
I mean she will need some Alliance support from Stormwind, Gilneas or the Wildhammer to reclaim Lordaeron's capital!
I would personally like to see Lordaeron reclaimed, but it's still next to impossible to take it without support!
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
About her intentions, are you sure that she will move Dalaran back to Alterac Mountains?
I mean she will need some Alliance support from Stormwind, Gilneas or the Wildhammer to reclaim Lordaeron's capital!
I would personally like to see Lordaeron reclaimed, but it's still next to impossible to take it without support!

I think Kul Tiras is a safer bet for Jaina to place down Dalaran.
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Dalaran, is a magic city, they can teleported the army quickly and safety into the city, and as Razosh says, have Kul'tiras, by many time that they don't appear, it's a possibtly.

And if they back, and reclaim Hillsbrad Foothills, they can reclaim Gilneas too, and march to Silverpie forest and Tirisfal Glades, well, i would like to see Lordaeron back to the humans, but, i love the Forsaken too.

And i'm don't have sure, it's what i think :3
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
And if they back, and reclaim Hillsbrad Foothills, they can reclaim Gilneas too, and march to Silverpie forest and Tirisfal Glades, well, i would like to see Lordaeron back to the humans, but, i love the Forsaken too.

And i'm don't have sure, it's what i think :3

The entire reason there is peace between the Horde and the Alliance is because both WarChief Vol'Jin and King Varian wanted the slaughter to stop. I doubt Varian would back Jaina up were she to start a war with the forsaken and alone Dalaran do not have the power to stand against Sylvanas. Not to mention the blood elves would more than likely come to her aid.
I doubt Varian would back Jaina up were she to start a war with the forsaken and alone Dalaran do not have the power to stand against Sylvanas. Not to mention the blood elves would more than likely come to her aid.
About the blood elves, are they still thinking about an agreement with the Alliance! I mean they were traditional allies of humans( Garithos being a racist, not my choice of marshal but..)! I would like them to make some sort of alliance with the humans! I my opinion they have a lot of potential; if they'd let go of fel magic and stuff!
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
About the blood elves, are they still thinking about an agreement with the Alliance! I mean they were traditional allies of humans( Garithos being a racist, not my choice of marshal but..)! I would like them to make some sort of alliance with the humans! I my opinion they have a lot of potential; if they'd let go of fel magic and stuff!

I wouldn't bet on them joining the Alliance at this point unless the sunreavers are released and Jainas head is served to them on a silver plate.
Jaina, in my opinion, is an example of Blizzard's pathetic character development. She just tries to be evil and maniacal against the horde but in the end Kalecgos or Thrall or some other good guy comes along tells her not to and she ends up doing nothing but spouting a load of rubbish instead.

Perhaps if she had actually done something useful against the Horde and launched relentless assaults that brings Garrosh's offensive to it's knees then maybe it would be believable.
Perhaps if she had actually done something useful against the Horde and launched relentless assaults that brings Garrosh's offensive to it's knees then maybe it would be believable.
I think the same here; but there are some treaties which need to be fully understood! Before Garrosh, she signed a non aggression treaty with the Horde:)
Still she became a poisonous influence!
Jaina, in my opinion, is an example of Blizzard's pathetic character development.
Yeah! Thank Blizzard for that! She was on of my favorite characters:((
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Yeah! Thank Blizzard for that! She was on of my favorite characters:((

Now you know how I've fealt about Malygos for the past 5 years. ;) Although they finally introduced him again in Dawn of the Aspects and lets just say he's pretty darn bad @$$.
Level 3
Dec 20, 2013
Now you know how I've fealt about Malygos for the past 5 years. ;) Although they finally introduced him again in Dawn of the Aspects and lets just say he's pretty darn bad @$$.
I have to agree with you there, Malygos was the one that Jumped down Galakrond's throat with a giant rock, and blocked his throat with his strength only, and Neltharion was meant to be the strongest of them, but Malygos was much wiser, making him a Leader at that time, until Alexstrasza gained her intelligence and became the proper leader.:ogre_haosis:

Also I think Garrosh should've killed Jaina when he had the chance.
I have to agree with you there, Malygos was the one that Jumped down Galakrond's throat with a giant rock, and blocked his throat with his strength only, and Neltharion was meant to be the strongest of them, but Malygos was much wiser, making him a Leader at that time
One of the reasons Blizzard made me mad when they turned Malygos bad:(( Shame on you Blizzard!

Also I think Garrosh should've killed Jaina when he had the chance.
He had his chance and his screwed it:)) Nothing new:)
Anyway, he's a power-hungry mad orc. Never liked him in the first place:(
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
He could have been a valuable asset for the war effort against Deathwing!!

I think that's the problem though, wherever Malygos was he was always the most powerfull and intelligent of the aspects which makes me think that maybe he would have won against Deathwing had he battled his younger brother over Grim Batol and not his Alexstrasza.
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