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The worlds most used up question.

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Do you think Sylvanas deserves to die?

It alweys ends with that all alliance players say YES SHE KILLED OUR MEN AT THE WRATHGATE! And all Horde members says no she didn't you unedjuceted allys she is a proud person who only seeks her races survival.

But anyway I'm curious, what do your little minds say? My personal thought is no. She have done bad things that's for sure. She have plauged Gil'neas making it impossible to live there even tho Garrosh told her several times not to and yes she kills innocents to incrase her numbers. But she is the person Azeroth need if it's to keep 12 million players. And if she died the hordes grip upon northend Lorderon would crumble only to disappear completly. And when all of Eastern Kingdoms would belong to the alliance Varian Wrynn would destroy Quel'Thalas killing almost all blood elves and selling the survivors as slaves. And then they would take Kalimdor, and with no threat in Lorderon and Quel'Thalas they would take Kalimdor for sure. Varian who is only driven by hatred would kill all orcs men, women children and then take the Tauren, Trolls and Goblins. And when they all are dead he would realize that he is nothing and aas the people would grow to despite him only to finally attack his palace, he would murder the introders only to give the blame to their friends and familys only to seek them out and slaughter them one by one untill the night elves and dreanais would turn against him. And yes I am a horde player.

Sylvanas is and will alweys be the last hero of Azeroth. She was the only one left who dared to stand against the lick king after the human empire falled under his tainted feets. She was also the only one togheter with Illidan who gave the lich king a match. She was a proud leader who stod proudly against the lich king no matter the odds and she did what no one else would have deared to do. This is the memory of Sylvanas that I keep whith me.
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