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What champion would you like to see next?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
As you may know the next champion is set to be Johanna but the topic at hand is what champion would you like to see after her if you could choose anyone?

If I could pick anyone I would pick Aegwynn. If you're not familiar with her she is the second most powerful of the mortal spell casters who've ever lived only outmatched by Queen Azshara. She started to train to become a guardian of Tirisfal at a young age and ended up serving the order for over 1 000 years. After her first year of training she had already mastered the Meitre scrolls. Even for the high elves it usually took decades before they were even allowed to read the scrolls for humans it was almost unheard of. Aegwynn single-handedly turned the order from puppets into their own respected order. She as well defeated the avatar of Sargeras in single combat and locked him up in the tomb of Sargeras where he remained chained until the second war. She is without any doubt the greatest human who has ever lived and her deeds far outshines those of Thoradin, Anduin Lothar, Jaina, Medivh or any other of her race.


Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Dekard Cain for Diablo Support
Mephisto for Diablo Assassin or Support
Baal for Diablo Specialist or Assassin
Belial for Diablo Support or Specialist
Wizard (insert name) for Diablo Specialist or Assassin
Monk (insert name) for Diablo Support or Assassin
Kormac, Lyndon and Eirena (The Followers) for Diablo Support or Specialist
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Somehow I doubt Thrall is in any way able to take on Deathwing. :D Remember Sindragosa shows up for 2 seconds so having a dragon more than a hundred times the height the size of a mortal seems a bit unfair. If they do decide to scale down the most powerful of beings on Azeroth I'd vote for Malygos or Yogg-Saron. But then again Aegwynn would also have to be scaled down, if she can best the avatar of Sargeras the Lich King wont be a problem.


Could you imagine Yogg-Sarons ultimate, madness overwhelming, takes control of an enemy champion for x seconds.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Somehow I doubt Thrall is in any way able to take on Deathwing. :D Remember Sindragosa shows up for 2 seconds so having a dragon more than a hundred times the height the size of a mortal seems a bit unfair. If they do decide to scale down the most powerful of beings on Azeroth I'd vote for Malygos or Yogg-Saron. But then again Aegwynn would also have to be scaled down, if she can best the avatar of Sargeras the Lich King wont be a problem.
Deathwing does not need to be scaled down. Considering some of his opponents include an angel, embodiments of pure evil, demi-god Nephalim, mutated alien creatures, highly advanced alien creatures and humans with technology from the distant future I do not see his power being out of place. Sure he is powerful, but tell that to the battleship Hyperion, and Sonya.

He would probably be in the same toughness class as Azmodan (which is toughest non-buffed character) and a Specialist so similar damage class as well. Being a dragon mobility would probably be one of his specialties (similar to the Dwarven guy on a Gryphon) so one can suspect a slight compromise to damage (other Specialists can out damage him). He would probably have some "on-kill" or DoT trait.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Deathwing does not need to be scaled down.

This sounds more than just a bit stupid. You aim to tell me that a 200 meter tall dragon with magic, flying ability and a flame breath that can pierce through anything tested to date is of the same power level as what? An orc shaman whom needed 4 giant dragons and 25 players to defeat Deathwing? Some prime evils that could each be defeated by a single human? An Angel who's not powerful enough to defeat Diablo alone? Kerrigan who personally got beaten by Raynors men several times over and had to retreat and heal her wounds? A barbarian who couldn't even attack Deathwing since she has swords and he is flying?

Deathwing could make the greatest dam one of the greatest buildings crafted in our time yet the hostile buildings would withstand his powers? Do you really think that a pandaren child is of the same power as an aspect?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Some prime evils that could each be defeated by a single human?
The Nephalim is not a human. Their power exceeds that of the prime evils and angels. Entire armies can be destroyed by but a single one they are that powerful. In Diablo II Demon Lords were not at full power either due to various reason which is why humans could beat them (they also were the winners, even though they died since they would eventually be reborn).

An Angel who's not powerful enough to defeat Diablo alone?
Not his fault, we are missing Imperius who did solo Diablo.

Kerrigan who personally got beaten by Raynors men several times over and had to retreat and heal her wounds?
That was before her power up with primal power. And even then she could take a doom laser from a multi-hundred meter battle cruiser to the chest and only have minor injuries (while she ripped it apart instantly with psionic implosion). In fact the only reason she lost was because of Amon's Dr Narud who helped assemble an artefact designed to absorb her source of power (to resurrect Amon). Too bad Deathwing would not be smart enough to build such a thing. Considering Amon is "godlike" are we surprised Kerrigan was defeated once in that situation? Again when Raynor had to save her at the end of HotS that was because of Amon's artefact.

A barbarian who couldn't even attack Deathwing since she has swords and he is flying?
Seeing how the Barbarian can create tornadoes which rip everything apart in his/her wake that is hardly a problem. In fact the only reason he would stand a chance is because of how nerfed the Barbarian is in Heroes of the Storm. If the Barbarian had proper Ancient Wrath of Waste gear on With Ancient Immortal King and 3 practically immortal Ancients...

Deathwing could make the greatest dam one of the greatest buildings crafted in our time yet the hostile buildings would withstand his powers? Do you really think that a pandaren child is of the same power as an aspect?
Li Li is not normally able to. Too bad she got so heavily buffed for Heroes of the Storm. In fact she is on the upper health range, near monsters like Diablo/Azmodan. She has more health than most assassins, support and specialists which is a huge surprise for a child. Yes she has more health with her cloth armor and panda fur than Tychus and Raynor which are wearing special alloy power armor from the future. Even the AI Li Li is a real pain to kill and usually ends up with the lowest death count.

Also the other series are missing their real power players. Diablo does not have either Baal or Mephisto, both of which were more powerful than Diablo (especially Baal who is the literal incarnation of destruction itself). StarCraft is missing Executor Artanis, leader of the Protoss who's main base of operation is a planetary body sized ship (Deathwing is but a Dwarf compared with it) and Dr Narud (or Amon) who both possess knowledge unknown by mortals.

If you really want power what about Mathael? Deathwing could not even damage him because Mathael's control over death made him intangible to assault of any kind. The only reason he lost was because the Nephalim convinced the sprits of the dead to help due to personal relationships, something Deathwing would not be able to do.

Even Nova could do something to Deathwing. A shell from her high velocity futuristic sniper rifle would easily penetrate even meter thick scales of exotic materials. And if that does not work she can get a large orbital satellite to blow him up.

A lot of the heroes in Heroes of the Storm are powerful by their own right and are major bosses. Deathwing certainly would be powerful, and would deal more damage and be tougher than Li Li. However he would likely be more than evenly matched by Azmodan or various other heroes.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Ok so your claim is that only a few champions are on the level of Deathwing that sounds more reasonable. It sounded like you meant that everyone was on the same level. The StarCraft heroes I do have more faith in when it comes to power, but since Hyperion isn't permanent I'm not really ready to buy that Raynor could best Deathwing. And if we are to take into account nuclear bombs and the Hyperion which is controlled by their allies and not Nova and Raynor than in all fairness we also have to account for the Old Gods helping Deathwing out. And aside from the Xel'Naga or the Pantheons there is nothing that I will even consider to have the same powers as the Old Gods. I'm also a little skeptical of Tyreal as he for some reason did not battle the weakened Diablo alone. As for the demon lords if we were to account for them as the prime evils and not as shards of a prime evil I think they would be at the level of the aspects. As for Sonya's tornadoes that's stretching it a little far they are a bit to small to catch a 200 meter tall dragon. :D Valla could possibly since she's an archer and she did solo Diablo when he was a prime evil.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
but since Hyperion isn't permanent I'm not really ready to buy that Raynor could best Deathwing
Raynor carries around a gun that is quite a significant size. Put simply it is an semi-automatic cannon, the kind that is usually fixed to large vehicles. Seeing how it is only possible to use such a weapon when wearing power armor (ignore various skins of Raynor) I do not think any dwarf, gnome or goblin made gun for Warcraft is anywhere near as effective. He used to carry around a physical cannon (his SC2 commando model has it) which can be considered a mobile tank turret but that was removed towards end of alpha.

Raynor does have command over the Hyperion as well as his Raiders. Hence his Hyperion and Banshee support ultimate is fair. Anything else would be saying that Azmodan does not have an army or Zagara cannot call for Zerg reinforcements.

I'm also a little skeptical of Tyreal as he for some reason did not battle the weakened Diablo alone.
He is a very competent fighter. Even in weakened mortal form he is shown to be able to break "demonic seals" with ease. When Diablo III was first released he could carry the party around through A3 on Inferno as he did pretty high damage before he was nerfed to basically no damage (to stop him carrying you around). One must remember that in Diablo II he was forbidden from interfering with mortals directly, hence why he sat back until the very end. That said he is not the best fighter amongst the angels, that title goes to Imperius the Angel of Valour.

As for Sonya's tornadoes that's stretching it a little far they are a bit to small to catch a 200 meter tall dragon.
Size does not matter when they hit for >160 million damage critical. That is enough damage to kill all non-large normal mobs at T6 (maximum difficulty) in a single hit in 4 player mode. Seeing how a lot of them are produced every second even elites at T6 die almost instantly.

Valla could also do it but suffers from toughness problems (about 1/10 of the toughness). She would have to juggle Smoke Screen with possibly some Natalyer build.

Wizard would have no problem one hitting Deathwing thanks to the 6 billion critical meteors of doom. Nothing at T6 on 4 player difficulty short of a few select bosses (Adria, ones with forced transitions, some rift guardians) can survive more than a single hit and the hits are reasonably spam able.

Additionally Deathwing will not be all that tough in a few expansions of WoW time.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
Is funny that you are arguing with Deathwing's size and power...

When Kerrigan is almost a demi-goddess herself and Diablo is the prime evil and ruler of the burning hells..
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
in either way, I hope that the new hero would be Fenix.

We need a StarCraft Warrior, if not? well, Gul'Dan come to my mind, only to hear this datamined line.

"I'm taking your skull, Deal with it!" - Illidan
Level 21
Feb 23, 2015
I would like to see Tosh and Selendis :D. Tosh would be an Assassin similar to Nova, but fighting at closer range (AOE psionic attack, shield, drain energy and summon spectres/psionic storm with silence), and it's really easy to give him 3 skins - normal Tosh, master Tosh (full spectre armor) and ghost Tosh :D. As for Selendis, she would be specialist that spawns some flying drones :D.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Tosh would be an Assassin similar to Nova, but fighting at closer range (AOE psionic attack, shield, drain energy and summon spectres/psionic storm with silence), and it's really easy to give him 3 skins - normal Tosh, master Tosh (full spectre armor) and ghost Tosh :D.
Tosh would better suit specialist (or to a lesser extent support) than assassin. We already have 2 permanent stealth assassins, it is time for a different permanent stealth type.

As for Selendis, she would be specialist that spawns some flying drones :D.
Yeah that would b real fun though I think Artanis is highest up on my list right now.
If she gets a hero then Swann and Stetman should also get one. Swann as specialist (or warrior) and Stetman as support.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
We need more Protoss!!! Artanis as warrior, Selendis as specialist and one more support that can heal - full protoss team :D

If we are to speak most interesting sounding concept than I think Mohandar as an assassin would be fun and tricky. His attacks would probably be based on focus that builds up the longer he remains fixated on a target.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If we are to speak most interesting sounding concept than I think Mohandar as an assassin would be fun and tricky. His attacks would probably be based on focus that builds up the longer he remains fixated on a target.
Making him a specialist on like with Sgt Hammer (use a machine to fight instead of personally) would probably be the best idea. The problem I see is how to place a Void Ray in a meaningful way close to the ground. Both assassin or specialist could suit him.

Still Artanis is a higher priority. He really has to be Specilist who uses his large ship to attack (so as not to be a Tassadar clone).
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
She is without any doubt the greatest human who has ever lived and her deeds far outshines those of Thoradin, Anduin Lothar, Jaina, Medivh or any other of her race.
''Medivh'' Say whaaaat? Medivh saved all Azeroth when Burning Legion invaded Azeroth the second time. (In Wc3 Reign of Chaos)

if she can best the avatar of Sargeras the Lich King wont be a problem.
Not if she dies from Lich King's badassnes.

Deathwing does not need to be scaled down.
You dont want to see a dragon that is half the size of the map do you? They should either make him a smaller dragon or put his human form instead.

As for which champions I wnt to see, the first one I want to see is Malthael. Every single unit and building in the map will probably die from Malthael's badassnes. Second is Fenix cuz why nut and finally a worgen guy or Dehaka, since they both are hunters. I guess.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
The Hyperion should be big as the entire map, perhaps more, yet it's scaled down enough to be a ult for raynor.

Sindragosa, the ultimate of the lich king want to say "Hi..." with a banshee voice, because she is almost as big as hammer or azmodan and she is a freaking dragon!

also, Blizzard don't play with scale fairly, almost every game they make, the scales are purposely small that is almost comical, I mean seriously, How dragons can be shot down by Riflemen? or why a Battlecruiser and Carrier are easily destroyed by mass marines, Stalkers or Hydralisks?

If Deathwing can be in the game, he can be in dragon form and be as big as Azmodan if Blizzard want him to be.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You dont want to see a dragon that is half the size of the map do you?
There is already SC2 style scaling in place so it does not need to be scaled down more than the natural scaling in place. Seeing how an Ultralisk, a unit normally the size of an entire city block (>10 stories high, there is a reason they are the swarm's ultimate creation) is scaled down to around the same height as Thrall. Or the Hyperion an enormous hundred meter battle cruiser is only a reasonably large circle. I would imagine Deathwing being a "massive" hero (this is some mechanic property with regard to Stiches) and probably the largest collision and model size of all heroes (bigger than Azmodan due to tail) but that is probably as large as the scaling would allow it to be.

They should either make him a smaller dragon or put his human form instead.
Its stupid how they make dragons have "human" forms. One might as well not even call them dragons then.

A large death breathing dragon would fit perfectly next to a lightning breathing incarnation of fear, a molten tungsten shooting siege weapon of destruction and a female alien super model who can crush whole town sized battlecruisers with nothing but her mind. The competition is very fierce and even Deathwing would need to try its best to win.

the first one I want to see is Malthael
I also agree that he needs to be in. As either Assassin or Specialist obviously. Arthras and Sylvanas could learn a thing or two from him. Also the possibility for awesome death quotes with his awesome RoS VO cannot be missed.

"Your time has come."
"I am here for your."
"Your soul now belongs to me."
"You are only delaying the inevitable."

For ultimate ability having him merge with the Black Soul Stone would be awesome (passive, enhance all abilities) and his skull orbit attack.

Second is Fenix
There is a good chance he might even be the next hero. Previous data-minded heroes made it in eventually and there was considerable data for him at some stage. That said there was also data for a few others such as some Gnome guy, Mengsk, The Butcher, and Skeleton King.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
We could have Deathwing in another facet if he enter in "Mortal" Form. (Dragons and Aspects enter in Human or other races of azeroth to interact better with the Mortals)

He could be "Deathwing, The Aspect of Death" or "The Mad Aspect." and his ultimates Could to be entering in his dragon form or summoning Molten Giants (Plus Talent could cause a cataclysm)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
He could be "Deathwing, The Aspect of Death"
Mathael would not like that very much... He cannot have stupid non-angles taking his name sake. Him appearing as a human would not help getting mercy from Mathael.

As is the style, he would be named Deathwing. They do not give the characters "titles" outside of the introduction cinematic.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
The other is they could make him as "Neltharion", his original self before the corruption of the old gods, just like Illidan is in his Night Elf Self rather than the Half-Demon Half-Night elf we love, but make reference of his Prime Self. "I'm the Cataclysm!" "Death is Final!" *Killing Mathael* "There is only ONE aspect of Death!"

"What are you talking about? he is not mine isn't he?" (Reference to Wrathion)

Also, Mathael already have competition with the Title of Lord of Death, His name is the Lich King (Arthas if you prefer), so expect his trailer to be beating Arthas To Death... Again...
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
Seeing how an Ultralisk, a unit normally the size of an entire city block (>10 stories high, there is a reason they are the swarm's ultimate creation) is scaled down to around the same height as Thrall.
In the HoTS trailer ultralisk is like wrecking havoc crushing vikings and stuff, yet in the real game he is at the size of one or two vikings. In Wc3 a peasant is at the size of a farm. Raiden logic I guess.

A large death breathing dragon would fit perfectly next to a lightning breathing incarnation of fear, a molten tungsten shooting siege weapon of destruction and a female alien super model who can crush whole town sized battlecruisers with nothing but her mind. The competition is very fierce and even Deathwing would need to try its best to win.
Kerrigan, since protagonists always win.

So expect his trailer to be beating Arthas To Death... Again...
Lich King would not get fokked by Kael. Come on now, we are talking about The Lich King. Athough he might have some problems while fighting Malthael, since they have similiar power levels.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
Lich King would not get fokked by Kael. Come on now, we are talking about The Lich King. Athough he might have some problems while fighting Malthael, since they have similiar power levels.

Lich King's will over the scourge is undeniable, as Death Knight, He made havok in his own kingdom, then destroyed and systematically exterminated 90% of the population of the Elven Lands just to revive one person/lich

Wrecked Dalaran and having the Lich to summon the Burning Legion and decimated the Rest of Lordaeron. Long Story Short; After Hyjal, Ner'zhul's betrayal was discovered and Arthas went to Northrend, Bested Illidan and fused with Ner'zhul, eventually, becoming the New Lich King.

Never Played Diablo because I'm no fan of Isometric RPG games (Played only D2) but for what I know about Mathael is that he was the Archangel of Wisdom before he went missing, returned back as antagonist of Reaper of Soul that stolen the soulstone for...

that would be very spoilerific

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Lich King would not get fokked by Kael. Come on now, we are talking about The Lich King. Athough he might have some problems while fighting Malthael, since they have similiar power levels.
Similar power levels? Mathael likely cannot even be damaged by Arthras, and even if he could it would not last long before Arthras is too weak to damage him.

Where as Arthras was a stupid prince who found a sword, Mathael was the literal incarnation of Wisdom before becoming Death. The reality is he never stopped being Wisdom, hence how he could convert the Black Soul Stone (an ambitious creation from the angel touched madman Zultan Kule) into a weapon capable of killing all demons (and those born from them) everywhere all at once.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
he maybe the angel of wisdom, but even then, it was quite a good idea to fuse yourself with the Black Soulstone that contain the Prime Evils whose powers can corrupt the most powerful angels?

There was no wisdom there, even when he took the black soulstone, I think he went insane.

At least Ner'zhul was more crafty, Arthas was not.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
he maybe the angel of wisdom, but even then, it was quite a good idea to fuse yourself with the Black Soulstone that contain the Prime Evils whose powers can corrupt the most powerful angels?
He corrupted himself already without demon help. The fact he could not understand humans drove him to madness and hence he become one with death as that was ultimately the only answer he could fine. This is evident by him attacking heaven, the place he once ruled just to stop the Nephalim. At this stage it is unclear if he could even call himself an angel anymore as even High Heavens wanted him dead (just like the demons).

It is hinted that the Black Soul Stone might have been created with demonic magic. This is evident by the fact its creator committed terrible acts to make it (experimentation on people, probably demonic rituals) and why Heaven was incapable of creating such a soul stone (as they cannot use demonic magic). If they could have created such a stone Mathael would have used it long before Neplahim were created to end the great war early on.

The Black Soul Stone was created to allow its wielder to harness the powers of those contained in it to enable them to be Nephailim like (since at the time the World Stone was draining away such powers). As such the wielder cannot be corrupted by using it and hence Mathael was not corrupted by it.

It is also hinted that it was originally flawed and could not contain all the lords of hell without self-destructing. However it would appear that when Diablo used it he must have fixed it (more evidence that it is also a demonic creation) since after his defeat the stone was perfectly stable, and even could sustain minor damage without exploding.

Since Mathael was the angle of Wisdom, he knew how to use and manipulate the stone. Hence he could execute a merger with it successfully. He also performed the merger as a last desperate attempt to stop you, hence it might have had long term physical affects to him that he did not care about at the time (next expansion...).

In any case he would be a formidable melee fighter. As Assassin or Specialist he would be a real danger to most heroes.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
In any case he would be a formidable melee fighter. As Assassin or Specialist he would be a real danger to most heroes.

... whose trailer will be gutting arthas... Again (Seriously, that guy is now from The most Dangerous threat in azeroth to a simple Punching Bag, is a way of blizzard telling us that they are done with him :(. )

Now that we are talking about Angels, I don't think that they will include Imperius, his abilities are so similar to Tyrael (Teleporting around, rushing to the enemy.) if they ever include him, I guess that he will be less like Tyrael and more like Illidan.

Spamming Buttom.

The Angels that I'm more interested is Auriel, The Archangel of Hope and Itherael, The Archangel of Fate, specially him.

He could be like a warrior version of Zilean

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Now that we are talking about Angels, I don't think that they will include Imperius, his abilities are so similar to Tyrael (Teleporting around, rushing to the enemy.) if they ever include him, I guess that he will be less like Tyrael and more like Illidan.
I think he would be a ranged warrior or something crazy. He was seen using his spear to shoot a powerful laser blast to destroy barriers. He also has some version of "Falling Sword" attack but with just him diving downwards. One must remember that Imperius is the best fighter of the High Heavens so being a Ranged Warrior with powerful moves would suit him well.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2012
I think he would be a ranged warrior or something crazy. He was seen using his spear to shoot a powerful laser blast to destroy barriers. He also has some version of "Falling Sword" attack but with just him diving downwards. One must remember that Imperius is the best fighter of the High Heavens so being a Ranged Warrior with powerful moves would suit him well.

Mmmm Ranged Warrior, Interesting concept.

I thinkin in Mannoroth, the WC3 version was mostly Melee, the WoD seems to be Ranged, I don't know much of the Raid Version, however, he is undead in hellfire so...
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
I'd really like to see a Draenei or even Naaru hero (e.g. Maraad or Velen)

And I'm quite curious in who or if there will be a SC warrior.

about the ranged warrior: he could work with some barrier mechanics similar to Tassadar's Barrier, but on a normal ability, or he himself could be quite squishy but has some tanky adds/summons, in that case it would be similar to vikings, maybe with a maximum distance restriction to the adds?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
The warrior icon is a shield so the work as tanks of a sort so I doubt we'll ever see a ranged warrior.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The warrior icon is a shield so the work as tanks of a sort so I doubt we'll ever see a ranged warrior.
This is a common miss-conception with warriors. Warriors have nothing to do with health or ability to take damage or deal damage, but rather their overall team roll.

Azmodan for example has more health than most non-buffed warriors and is a Specialist. He also has a lot of the damage mitigation talents that one would expect on Warriors.

Sonya is a Warrior but is capable of Siege damage on-par or better than many Specialists (WoTB + Hammer build). She is also very squishy for a Warrior having less health than Li Li (a Support).

A ranged warrior would work but it would require careful design. Imperius would likely have less health than Tyrael but instead deal more damage to compensate as well as some very powerful abilities with higher cooldown.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Sonya does have a tank build though it's based around life steal rather than a huge pool of health. But you have a point, although it might not be "traditional" it's not illogical to have a ranged or semi-ranged warrior.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
They're not called "champions".

This is a common miss-conception with warriors. Warriors have nothing to do with health or ability to take damage or deal damage, but rather their overall team roll.

Yeah and no, but mostly yes. This is more, I'd say, a testament to Blizzard's attitude
toward letting themselves be locked down by a "class", they still make the heroes like
they want to make them, and then have some classes to organize things.

From my experience, Warriors are either initiators or pealers most of the time in
Heroes of the Storm, so yeah, it's more about their role in a team, like you said,
than their overall roll on the battlefield. Then again, that goes for all heroes in the
game, it is a team-based game.

The next hero I'd like to see is Kel'Thuzad, preferably the lich version.
Or any troll, really. (Rokhan, Vol'Jin, Zul'Jin).

But in regards to the next budle-package-thing "Eternal Conflict", where we get the
Butcher first, I'd like to see more angels. And preferably Malthael or Imperius.
Last edited:
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
What's all this bullshit about Deckard Cain? If I'm not mistaken, he has no combat
training, no magical powers and is an old man with a walking stick. He's a lore-writer,
one we love and adore, but nothing more. I just don't see him as a hero to brawl with
characters like Lich King, Kerrigan and Diablo.

Now Cho, on the other hand, he could be interesting. Sure he's also a lore-writer, but
he's more vested in warfare than I think Cain is, or at least, I can more readily see
him back his allies as a support/specialist more so than the man with the long beard.
I'm just awfully intrigued by the thought of what Blizzard could come up with for such
a vibrant character as Lorewalker Cho.

And Hogger. I just don't see them not adding Hogger at a certain point in time. Like
Murky, he's far too vested in the Blizzard community to not get an appearance.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
What's all this bullshit about Deckard Cain? If I'm not mistaken, he has no combat
training, no magical powers and is an old man with a walking stick. He's a lore-writer,
one we love and adore, but nothing more. I just don't see him as a hero to brawl with
characters like Lich King, Kerrigan and Diablo.

And Li-li is a master sorceress on par with the Lich King, Kerrigan and Diablo? I don't know if you've read the short stories about her. :D

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
What's all this bullshit about Deckard Cain? If I'm not mistaken, he has no combat
training, no magical powers and is an old man with a walking stick. He's a lore-writer,
one we love and adore, but nothing more. I just don't see him as a hero to brawl with
characters like Lich King, Kerrigan and Diablo.
Why is abuthur in then? He basically has no combat capability personally as well!

Cain would be an excellent support hero. Sacrifice almost all combat capabilities to buff and heal the team.
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
Why is abuthur in then? He basically has no combat capability personally as well!

Cain would be an excellent support hero. Sacrifice almost all combat capabilities to buff and heal the team.

Well atleast Abathur looks cooler.

E: And Abathur has some zerg-ish abilities. But none of those can match Deckard's ultimate ability that brings doom to everybody, "Stay awhile and listen"
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