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Internet Explorer users have lower IQ says study

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Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
Internet Explorer users have a lower than average IQ, according to research by Consulting firm AptiQuant.

The study gave web surfers an IQ test, then plotted their scores against the browser they used.

IE surfers were found to have an average IQ lower than people using Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Users of Camino and Opera rated highest.

The report has sparked anger from IE supporters, who have threatened AptiQuant with legal action.

Researchers gave over 100,000 web surfers a free online IQ test. Scores were stored in a database along with each person's web browser data.

The results suggested that Internet Explorer surfers had an average IQ in the low eighties. Chrome, Firefox and Safari rated over 100, while minority browsers Opera and Camino had an "exceptionally higher" score of over 120.

AptiQuant stressed that using IE doesn't mean you have low intelligence. "What it really says is that if you have a low IQ then there are high chances that you use Internet Explorer," said AptiQuant CEO Leonard Howard.

The findings have been treated with scepticism by Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University's Statistical Laboratory: "They've got IE6 users with an IQ of around eighty. That's borderline deficient, marginally able to cope with the adult world.

"I believe these figures are implausibly low - and an insult to IE users."

However, Mr Howard said he didn't feel threatened by a lawsuit: "A win in a court would only give a stamp of approval and more credibility to our report."

Well i use Google chrome :)
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
You're leaving out one little teeeny detail

The survey was conducted with IE 6 users

Actually, http://www.aptiquant.com/news/is-internet-explorer-for-the-dumb-a-new-study-suggests-exactly-that/ and

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Yay for Opera =P
<------Uses Opera
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010

They probably sent surveys via email or something like that.
I don't know.

I use Google Chrome :3
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Guys, if you read the article again, it says that the company was made over a day, and that its' "employees" were taken from another site.

But I don't doubt that there are more IQ-less people using standard stuff than shit you need to download :).
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I know IQ cannot be accurately measured but would anyone know of a website that gives the most or close-to 'accurate' IQ measurement? :3
There are plenty from Google but I'm unsure of which is the most reliable.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
I use Firefox and my IQ is 141 :>

Anyway, people with low IQ's probably use IE because they are too stupid to change browsers. The fact that they still use IE6 says a lot, because afaik IE starts annoying you when there's a new version available, and clicking "OK" is very simple.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
I'm sure these free online iq tests can't really be compared to each other score-wise (and lots of them seem to be giving out pretty high scores on average). I'm curious what test they gave to those that took part in the research.

Anyway, I mostly use Firefox myself (but got IE, Safari, Chrome and Opera as well for testing purposes only).
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
What IQ test did you take? :D
If it's "free-iqtest", then mine's 155 :> (181 when I was 12 ;D)

I took one that doesn't give you anything higher than 136 :/

I can't remember, but I can recall that there was a picture of Einstein on the page and that the test was 40 minutes long and I got all sorts of questions.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
To state the assumption that a person's IQ is somehow related to the type of browser he uses is simply nonsensical. I fail to see how the mechanics unique to each type of browser pertain to percentiles of IQ. One can even make the analogy of saying that this is much like how a "study" (and I use that term loosely) could propose that people who wear red shirts have a higher IQ than those who don blue. That's nice to know. But why is that so? Nearly impossible to answer. Is it that the photoreceptors in the retinas of people with higher IQs are more sensitive to colours with lower frequencies, and this, in turn, initiates some psychological stimulus that causes them to favour reds and oranges? That's plain ridiculous. The point of my illustration? These studies mean nothing aside from an interest-arousing discussion, and should not be taken too seriously.
So, please, people - if you happen to use Internet Explorer, take this study with a pinch of salt. It was found on the Internet and not some academic publication, anyways.

And to those posting their IQs - I congratulate you on your natural cognitive gifts, but I would suggest honesty and modesty (as well as refraining from recounting IQ scores off free Internet IQ tests). This isn't about how high your IQ is, and few people care. Intelligence is one thing, but it is virtues such as work ethic, determination, honesty, diligence and so on that get you far in life or make you a man (or lady). Forgive my being blunt, but an IQ isn't something to flaunt around with, no matter how high it is. Even Albert Einstein discredited the worth of an IQ.* So, please, practice some humility.

* - When asked what his IQ was, Albert Einstein has been quoted as replying: "I don't know, and I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference."* Einstein has also been reported as dismissing an IQ test as needless and meaningless. Even more, when interviewed on why he was so successful in his scientific field, Einstein has been quoted as replying: "It's not that I'm so smart , it's just that I stay with problems longer ."*
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Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
I think you've misunderstood Elite Slayer. It's not that IE reduces your IQ, but if you have a lower IQ you're more likely to use IE.

Oh, and IQ is actually very important. Sure, diligence and ethics and all that is good, but some of the most successful people, as well as those who have brought humanity the most forward in terms of technology, didn't have those virtues. All they had was a brilliant mind. Some were often criticized for being rude and selfish.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
I was aware of that, but I misphrased my first sentence. I will edit it accordingly. However, my analogy should've rectified my implication, as well as the additional points I had stated.

And whilst it is quite true that a person with a substantially higher IQ has the potential to fare far greater academically than someone with a lower IQ, it must be noted that morals and ethics make up the bedrock of success, upon which your academics are built. For example, a person with a greater IQ and a person with a lower both have B.Sci degrees. Both are accepted into two contemporary jobs. The person with the higher IQ has greater potential, but the person with the lower IQ works harder. Which is more likely to be promoted? It's common knowledge employers search for ethical aspects in employees, as it is that which strengthens corporations, and thus it is accurate to conclude it would be the person who is more diligent and works harder. In my opinion, the only capability exclusive to people with higher IQs is that of joining a higher IQ society. I've seen people in varying fields - from theoretical physics to ecology - with Ph.Ds whose IQs averaged in the 120s. Allow me to exercise my right to freedom of speech when I say it is little more than hollow haughtiness to place yourself above another who bears a lower IQ.
Please bear in mind I am not dismissing the instances wherein people with high IQs yet with low moral standards achieved greatness; there are those. But there are also many cases wherein people made great differences or achieved great success with an above-average or even average IQ.
Anyways, this sort of discussion is suitable for Medivh's Tower. Let's resume our discussion on-topic.
I find an IQ test quit useless in my opinion as from one that works harder is one that will achieve the most but also the IQ tests that I tryed attempting at is quit inaccurate from what I have observed.
As Elite Slayer said before that Albert Einstein didn't care about IQ but he just stayed with problems longer and that is also what I do but I do have limits as I am only young but I have recently been feeling a bit more Intelegence as I have been growing up.
To keep this on topic:
using a "Poll" to determine the intelligence of the poeple using specific web browsers seems to be a somewhat way to get people using there internet browser as the more intelligent people would usually use the more better running browser but considering that Fire Fox is very populure almost any result can come up meaning that the results will be unaccurate with only thew people taking the test.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Oh yeah and these 'research' are to be as trusted as any others of the kind 'Coca Cola is useful, you have to drink it and you can even lsoe weight'. Oh wait, few months later 'Coca Cola is one of the reasons for people being overweight' and developing diabetes. And the same can go for every thing, according to research, everything can be called useful. This is called paid research/advertising/anti-advertising of the competition.

This 'research' is so random, but sure since IE users don't even know how to download another browser, maybe that's where it's coming from. For me such studies published in articles are just ads, I don't trust them.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006

For whoever that feels like testing they're iq :9

That test seems to be incorrect. I did it twice (yes, I cheated) and I answered exactly the same both times and I used less time on my second try.
On the first try I got the score 111, the second time I got the score 99.

And yes, I know for certain I answered exactly the same each time. So, it's no good.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
That test seems to be incorrect. I did it twice (yes, I cheated) and I answered exactly the same both times and I used less time on my second try.
On the first try I got the score 111, the second time I got the score 99.

And yes, I know for certain I answered exactly the same each time. So, it's no good.

I just took the first on the list..... find one =)
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
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That test seems to be incorrect. I did it twice (yes, I cheated) and I answered exactly the same both times and I used less time on my second try.
On the first try I got the score 111, the second time I got the score 99.

And yes, I know for certain I answered exactly the same each time. So, it's no good.
It's the time.

I got 121 ;3
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
I doubt this is true.
Really, IQ tests are unreliable. How the heck can people get an average of low eighties? When I was 8 I took an IQ test and got 114. I doubt it was reliable either though, even though it was from "Illustrated Science" (The biggest science/technology/whatever magazine in Denmark).
It's probably around low 130's now. But I have no idea.

By the way I use Chrome, and used to use IE.
Level 8
Dec 12, 2010
That's absurd!

It seems to me there is too many variables in most research studies to draw any logical conclusions. That's why in many cases they do follow up studies to back up or confirm the initial studies which are many times inconclusive.

That's why you get research studies one day that say: "coffee is bad for you.
A recent study I was reading said up to a pot of coffee a day was good for you.
If I drank a pot of coffee a day, I'd be dead by the end of the week!

The only logic I see here is an inexperienced (notice I didn't say stupid) computer user or some one that's just not that interested in high tech gadgetry like most of use might be would most likely continue to use there default browser. My god man that shouldn't label a person stupid.

I just wanna know who were this idiots that can to this conclusion.

They must have low IQ's.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
It seems to me there is too many variables in most research studies to draw any logical conclusions. That's why in many cases they do follow up studies to back up or confirm the initial studies which are many times inconclusive.

That's why you get research studies one day that say: "coffee is bad for you.
A recent study I was reading said up to a pot of coffee a day was good for you.
If I drank a pot of coffee a day, I'd be dead by the end of the week!

The only logic I see here is an inexperienced (notice I didn't say stupid) computer user or some one that's just not that interested in high tech gadgetry like most of use might be would most likely continue to use there default browser. My god man that shouldn't label a person stupid.

I just wanna know who were this idiots that can to this conclusion.

They must have low IQ's.

Let me guess. You use internet Explorer.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
A lot of the compalints people had with Internet Explorer are not even valid any more with the release of IE9 and soon IE10. The main reason people started using browsers like chrome and Fire Fox was more fassion than them actually being a major improvement that revolutionized how you browsed. IE basically became cool to hate.
Level 4
Aug 17, 2011
I use Chrome, I find the home-page thing to be useful :)

Also, just a thought on the whole IQ institution:

I believe that IQ tests are a stupid way if testing a person's "intelligence", as they only really test 2 (and sometimes 3/4) of the many types of "intelligence" that exists.

Many comprehensive theories around human intelligence have emerged in the past, theories such as this one outline that there are at least 7 different ways that a person can be intelligent! This is just one, but there are many people that agree with Garners ideas and have similar views (just google 'multiple intelligence theories', or summin...).

Anyway, just a thought...
If you think about what it entails to be 'intelligent', surely there is more to it than just memory and numbers (the 2 things IQ-tests usually test for!). What about people skills, spacial awareness and music ability?
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
^ True IQ tell almost nothing. Like I said, I use IE only for stupid things but seeing how often on the 'new' IE 64 bit that comes with Win7 how many times I get error on pages and I need to refresh until all things show and this is not Adobe Flash Player problem.. IE sucks. Glad I use Chrome for the important stuff
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