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Inhale Cigar?

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Level 19
Oct 29, 2007
I was out last weekend, and got quite drunk. Then I got hand on a cigar. This was one of my first time experiences, and so a mate of mine today told me I did it all wrong. You see, during the whole smoking I inhaled the smoke from the cigar – which was in fact quite big. That's the way I am used to smoking cigarettes. Then my friend comes and tells my it's quite dangerous to inhale cigar smoke, because it's a lot stronger than normal cigarettes, and could damage my lungs – not that I'm not aware of the fact that smoking in general does damage to my body – but that it is significally more dangerous. How true – and if it is true – how much worse are cigars than cirarettes, when it comes to killing people over time in exchange for their money?

Thanks for answering.
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Level 5
Sep 7, 2008
The main reason why most people don't inhale cigars is because it's too damn strong. Also, cigars contain more nicotine than the average cigarette. However some people do inhale cigar smoke. It depends on the type of cigar I think. I'm not really sure but I think most brands actually say if their cigars is ok to inhale. However I don't think cigars do significaly huge damage to your body unless you smoke like 10 a day. (and yeah I know that smoking can be the cause of a lot of diseases)
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I inhale every fourth time, and most of my friends do the same. I heard that if you don't inhale when you smoke, you might get lip tumour. Is that true ?

Whether you inhale or you don't, tobacco smoke is still harmful to your mouth/teeth/gums.

Inhaling isn't going to do you any better, if that's what you're getting at. I sometimes smoke but for social/leisure reasons; I don't crave it in any way. I probably smoke 1-3 cigarettes a month really, and I just puff (I don't inhale it all the way into the lungs).
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
Thanks for the answer, and
Inhaling isn't going to do you any better, if that's what you're getting at. I sometimes smoke but for social/leisure reasons; I don't crave it in any way. I probably smoke 1-3 cigarettes a month really, and I just puff (I don't inhale it all the way into the lungs).
same here :). Cigarettes help if you want to meet someone, it's easier to start a talk with some random girl you just met... And I don't smoke often, in three months I've smoked one Cigarelle (cigar with taste of cherry, vanilla etc.)
Level 2
Sep 15, 2009
I inhale cigars all the time, get more of a buzz ahahaha.

I like that taste better than what you get on your lips.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
you mean don't smoke. yea smoking is bad, eating potato chips is bad, burgers are also bad, by the way, the cars are also bad, they make lotsa fumes. But better live short meaningful and fun life than long and booring. /offtopic
Level 2
Sep 15, 2009
Smoking helps me out in stressful situations, quickly reduces my inventory though (in this event.)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Smoking is one of many sources of joy, so while not making the whole life booring, it does make some part of it booring.
I'm wondering whether this is really true...
From the moment you are addicted, you will get less happy every second you are not smoking, since you really want to smoke... (a lot of smokers who didn't smoke for a while are really moody, this is why).
As the person smokes another cigar/cigarette, he/she will get happier indeed, but this is only to negate the effect of being less happy (due to the addiction).

Smoking also affects the lungs, you won't be able to breathe as much air in as you normally would (long-term effect), so you won't be able to practise a sport as long as you'd normally would.
On top of that, you can lose your legs due to smoking (since it will affect your blood vessels), you can get heart diseases, your life will be shortened, you can get problems with your eyes and of course there's always cancer when the others wouldn't do.

If you think this is a good way to achieve joy, then feel free to smoke, but I won't ever smoke myself.

ham ham said:
That's... freaky (I was thinking the left leg was photoshopped, but seemingly it isn't... how can you ever fuck your body up like that?)
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Cigars are considered to be more appropriate for 'special occasions' .
Cigarettes are 'take every 5 minute one'-ers.

And now for something completely different:
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Way to show off that intelligent brain of yours, Teh_Ephy.

On-topic: Really, why would you want to smoke? If I was somehow addicted to something, I'd be doing everything in my power to NOT to do it anymore. And yes, I do realize how hard it is to stop beign addicted to nicotine. But, just as Ham Ham said, the best thing you can do is not smoke.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
I'm wondering whether this is really true...
From the moment you are addicted, you will get less happy every second you are not smoking, since you really want to smoke... (a lot of smokers who didn't smoke for a while are really moody, this is why).
As the person smokes another cigar/cigarette, he/she will get happier indeed, but this is only to negate the effect of being less happy (due to the addiction).

Smoking also affects the lungs, you won't be able to breathe as much air in as you normally would (long-term effect), so you won't be able to practise a sport as long as you'd normally would.
On top of that, you can lose your legs due to smoking (since it will affect your blood vessels), you can get heart diseases, your life will be shortened, you can get problems with your eyes and of course there's always cancer when the others wouldn't do.

If you think this is a good way to achieve joy, then feel free to smoke, but I won't ever smoke myself.

That's... freaky (I was thinking the left leg was photoshopped, but seemingly it isn't... how can you ever fuck your body up like that?)

I haven't said i'm addicted... I smoke rarely, with friends, and, well, you have to smoke to understand. For me smoking relaxes me, in company or otherwise.
And I don't smoke that often that my skin turns yellow and my legs fell off :).
Level 6
Mar 8, 2007
Sounds to me like this:
Because iam not capable of being social i just smoke so my friends and strangers accept me.

Another reason i heard often: I smoke because it decrease the stress.
The smoking actually calls up the stress, and when they need an cigarrete they feel better. So it circles endlessly.

Anyway, some people can inhale some dont. I hear alot of people can get diarrhea or stomache problems if they inhale to much. Though thats not permament ;)
(Too bad xd)
Level 2
Sep 16, 2009
Who the hell would smoke 20 cigarettes?

That's just utterly stupid and very uneconomic.
One lady at a time is the way, sometimes two is okay, three would mean that two of them are gay, 20 is just... wrong.

Well, about the economic side, never had I bought a single pack of cigarettes.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
xxdingo93xx is right, all addictions are bad, but Alcohol = Epic Win!
So not fuckin true for the sole reason that alchohol harms more then most of the drugs you know about...(not to mention that alchohol has the worse aftereffect of all the other addictive drugs)

And yeah lol at people being amazed by a guy smokin a pack a day.
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