Deleted member 126647
Deleted member 126647
IK Animation Exporter and VA Tools - Useful 3DsMax animation tools! [3dmaxhy]
IK Animation Exporter
IK Animation exporter - Wc3campaigns
VA Tools
va tools v2 release - Wc3campaigns
Tools made by 3dmaxhy of Warcraft III Campaigns
IK Animation Exporter
3dmaxhy said:IK tools
This tool can bake IK animation and correct bone's name to pass the requirement of wc3.
IK Animation exporter - Wc3campaigns
VA Tools
3dmaxhy said:VA tools
This tool can help you export vertex animation from 3dsmax to Warcraft 3. This is useful for us to create an animated flag, mantle even a dynamic t-shirt quickly.Hoping that it's useful for you:emote_grin:
va tools v2 release - Wc3campaigns
Tools made by 3dmaxhy of Warcraft III Campaigns
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