If you were a Community Moderator

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Shar Dundred

Hosted Project: LoA
Level 75
May 6, 2009
Well, personally, I'd try to keep the sections clean from bullying, spam, advertisement, insulting, raging, etc if it gets too personal and aggressive. Also, I'd try to reanimate the Medivh's Tower section.
In my opinion, a community moderator should ensure that people follow the rules, without being too strict and/or humorless. It's important that people respect each other while still being allowed to say their own opinion and arguing - as long as it's in a respectful and fair way. A community mod should ensure that it stays this way.
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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
What would I do? Easy. Maintain peace within users when there are too harsh debates, make sure that all people follow the rules (especially by emphasizing the point that double posting, a very frequent issue, is heavily forbidden), warn users with a bad behaviour and eventually ban those that have an excessively unacceptable behaviour (but hopefully I don't think that such a rigid measure would ever be implemented)

Disclaimer: This may or may not be a way to become a candidate and get recruited xD.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
That is a topic in and off itself. You are all welcome to "define" what a community
moderator is or what you think it should be, as well as the previous question.

Oh, in that case I believe a community moderator should be a moderator of the community, and when I 'of' I don't mean 'in regards to' instead I mean 'coming from'... meaning basically a normal moderator that comes from the community >.<

Fun with semantics.
If I'd been community moderator...
  • I'd firstly been in chat as much as possible, since THW Chat is one of the primary methods to contact me. Since I'm (if I'd been of course) a community moderator, I must be available almost full time to operatively solve any arguments or issues connected with the community.
  • I'd regularily organized/assisted in execution of community-wide, small, but interesting contests to make everybody interested in their field of occupation.
  • I'd regulated the community in a way that couldn't provoke users to harass each other but instead, projected the good way of solving disputes (if any ever happen).
  • I'd visited every forum of the Hive daily to see if there are any problems in some topics which require a moderator to solve them.
  • I'd been helping fellow staff to find or post interesting material (maybe short but daily or every 3 days) and spotlights (like vkael did but he haven't managed to maintain that tradition).
  • And of course I'd never offend anybody (a good community moderator must serve as an example for the community: flaming moderator or the one who use obscenities / abuses the position for achievement of personal goals or rivalries definetly isn't good: the community will think like: 'Hey, he can do it, why can't we?').

Hope that was detailed enough. :D

P.S.: You can equal 'community moderator' with 'spirit of community' because his/her (its? o__o) actions reflect on other community members.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Nah I am watching this thread and....
I do not know... we speak about what would be if it would be (accent of WHAT IF)...
Everyone knows me. Friend to everyone, talking to everyone, greet everyone, bring moral to people to be more active and post more, help if I can etc etc... Yeah, as someone mentioned, staying in chat as much you can is a must (from there I can slightly increase spreading of haosis virus). Yeah, organizing stuff if that is my job to do, read threads and keep everything clean and calmed etc etc... What else could do can't remember. (,,IF" I am there).
yes, and DSG for admin, not moderator
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I will edit people's post to make it funny. And I will remove Mythic's reps, and give 999999999999999999999999 reps to me (does mod can do that?).

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
(does mod can do that?)
From what I remember you need access to the admin control panel which is separate from the moderator control panel. That gives you direct access to reputation and the ability to set it to any number. You can also edit individual reputation awards, deleting or modifying as you feel fit. However this is only if you are an administrator.

Moderators have very little power. The only thing their moderator control panel can do is track user IPs to detect multi-accounts or IP sharing. The rest is all related to the moderator's intended goal with him having power over the appropriate sections.

Not that people would actually want to be any of such for a game that is half-dead and over 10 years old. You might as well become a tomb keeper for a Pharaoh (no pun intended), or a telephone operator to direct calls.
Well, let's see, a community moderator...

Pretty much what some has stated, mostly I will be enforcing rules in a friendly manner and take decisive measures when necessary. Infractions, Neg Reps, and of course, Bans are taken for people who are persistent in rule breaking.

For community related stuff, I would say I intend to continue Fladder's legacy of resurrecting Medivh's Tower. In addition, I also intend to resurrect Roleplaying forum, but sadly, I haven't acquire all the necessity (knowledge and such) to do what I aim for, sadly.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
For community related stuff, I would say I intend to continue Fladder's legacy of resurrecting Medivh's Tower. In addition, I also intend to resurrect Roleplaying forum, but sadly, I haven't acquire all the necessity (knowledge and such) to do what I aim for, sadly.

You don't need to be a mod to post in medivhs tower. If you wanna 'revive' go post some stuff in there >.<
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