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If you meet a Genie...

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Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
If you ever meet a Genie that could make your 3 wishes come true, what 3 wishes you would like to be granted? (Excuse my poor english)
Note: you can't wish for more wishes or anything that leads to more wishes
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
My first wish would be for a life's worth of money. Money is everything.

My second wish would be for eternal youth, so I can retain my young and sexy looks.

My third wish is that I would be a wizard that can do anything.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Here are my wishes, and if you don't like them, then too bad.

1. Be the most powerful wizard of the whole damn world. Jafar you old fool of a dook.

2. Make a order of strong allied people and rule the Earth, and bring peace to all who need it and would ally with us into a age of sanctuary.

3. Become immortal and help humanity with its troubles.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
1. To always be lucky. Exactly, physical, mental or whatever strenght is something I wouldn't change, and since luck is something completely random and I can't effect it, I choose luck.
2. So iPhones and other "luxurious" junk like that would be completely free and everyone would have them.
3. Word Duck to have F instead of D. Just for lulz.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
I'd wish to:
1. Control gravity.
2. Immortality.
3. I don't need it so I'm probably going to go with, give a lot of money to the poor and homeless.

This beats all.

No it doesn't, you could do as I did (use one wish to have the same powers as the genie without being bound to any master and without being bound to a lamp) or as MortAr did (become a god). From there you could give yourself any power you want as you'd be able to shape everything, including yourself, to your will.
Becoming a genie means more wishes witch is restricted by the thread "rules". Oh and a genie cant grant a wish to himself, only to others and that's his only power. So yea, mine beats all.

Do you know what means controlling the gravity? You cant lift your freaking finger up when I push you to the ground so hard that you burn yourself in the earth's core or I could toss you into the orbit and move every freaking obstacle including planets around, make the gravity so high around me that if anything tries to attack me it will automatically stop in a moment and with my immortality I cannot die and I could breath in space=win

Oh and I would change my last wish to something really cool

3) To never feel full so I'll be able to eat every day, every hour, every minute without getting full...mmmm....*drooling*
Level 11
May 26, 2009
1. Be the most powerful wizard of the whole damn world.

One fireball and you'd be the most powerful wizard in the world. Because last time I checked there weren't any wizards at all (;

My three wishes would be;
  • Immortality (obviously including eternal youth and the ability to end my life whenever I feel like it, if I grow tired of living etc)
    As I live forever I have some time to earn money and etc, just having money must be dull because then there is nothing to work toward.
  • Control physics (the ability to customize and edit the natural physics as we know them. Changing gravity or making gold from water for instance)
    Now I can create anything.
  • Godspeed (Move with extreme swiftness for however long I want)
    Because I'm immortal it doesn't really matter if I fly through space and collide with a star for instance, I wouldn't die from the impact nor the lack of air anyhow.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Yes, that's a genie rule number one.
Oh, also as I heard genies ussually make fu
n of their masters by making the wish come true in not exactly the way their masters wanted. Like you want a chest with endless gold, but instead you get a completely unopenable chest that has endless gold because nobody can take away any of it.

And genies have their own powers if they get freed, they can do some magic like build palace out of nothing and obliterate entire cities.
Level 14
Jan 5, 2009

I would wish for:

1. Eternal Life,
2. Infinite Knowledge
3. A genie that grants me Infinite Wishes

No.3 is technically not wishing for wishes, it is rather wishing for a genie with unlimited wishes. So YA Muahahahaha

Due to No.2 though, Infinite Knowledge would mean I would know how to destroy the universe with one tiny movement of my pinkie? Or to create stars using toilet paper? Or even grant all the people on Earth to win the same lottery and them only getting 5 cents?

Who knows, I would if I had Infinite Knowledge, although I would possibly go insane? But I would figure a way not to go insane? Or I would figure a way around that to go insane? And maybe I would find a way to divide 0 by 0?

Woops I went alittle offtopic but meh.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
well, i would wish to
1) be infinitely smart
2) be infinitely wise
3) be a sorcerer as defined by me

1 because if you were infinitely smart you would know everything, because you could figure out everything really fast, thereby know everything and be infinitely wise because that way i would understand everything,
and be a sorcerer because that would just plain be awesome
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
First I think I would wish for the eradication of all weapons or Ironman's suit of armor to go fuck up all the Armies. Second I would wish for all diseases to be wiped off the earth. Anddd Thirdd, I'd wish for Global Warming t.. I'd wish for a big ol' fucking island.
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