However did this discussion derail into suicide?
I guess it kind of makes sense, seeing as suicide kind of depends on depression,
and that people giving too much into depression often get suicidal.
Anyway, my advice?
- Grow a spine.
Honestly, no matter who you are, no matter where you are and no matter what position you find yourself in,
you're always going to experience depression, in small or sever quantities, it's part of the human nature - the human mind.
- When you never experience depression, that's when you should be concerned.
There's not particular cure to depression, mostly because depression isn't a condition.
- Save for when it is, but then we're talking serious problems, such as manic depression or bipolar disorder---
Or something along those lines.
I'm just going to assume you're not talking about such depression.
Truthfully, the best way of dealing with depression is enduring it, which is why I said "grow a spine."
Keep reminding yourself that a period of depression doesn't last forever, and as long as you live,
there's always something worth living for. You'll find it anywhere, everywhere, if you just look for it.
As a personal example, I could pull out one night I was feeling slightly depressed, I was sitting outside,
it was dark and windy. I sat there, halfway through my cigarette, of which my depression made me feel all
the more crap about enjoying. But then, as I somewhat pulled myself together, I looked at the edge of
the cigarette and in the dimmed light of a silent night I saw a beautiful play of light at the end of the cigarette,
how the embers played inside and around the edge of the cigarette as it was slowly devoured by heat.
Sure, smoking is a bad thing, but that's not the point, the point is that I found something beautiful, something
that entirely caught my attention, in such a small and insignificant thing as a cigarette. And following that
amazement I raised my glance to the world surrounding me, and saw how the wind was playing with the bushes,
trees and plants, how the lights and shadows were dancing all around me and guess what? I felt serenity.
If ever I didn't live, I'd never have experienced that tiny window of wonder, that insignificant moment of serenity.
And that's my advice, endure the pain,
keep reminding yourself that there's always beautiful things in life,
for without depression, there wouldn't be joy.
Well, that's my analysis anyway.