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How can I make a fog effect fade away?

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Level 4
Feb 23, 2009
I made a spell called "WTF Light"(okay it is weird), which basically damages all units within 3000 AoE of you for 800 damage. The spell is like this :

1.)The screen becomes white.(I used fog effect using Trigger Editor and it worked perfectly)
2.)Damage step. All units are damaged.
3.)The white screen fades to normal. I used Environment - Reset Fog for this but the fog doesn't fade, It disappear immidiately. Can someone help me to make the fog fade slowly instead of disappering immidiately?:ugly:

Sorry for wrong spelling if there is one and +rep to all who answers!:cool:
Level 4
Feb 23, 2009
(lol i'm at school too) err dont know what u mean.. I dont have such actions. Actions with Fog is only :

Environment - Set Fog
Environment - Reset Fog
Level 16
May 1, 2008
Seas =)

Ohh I think you want do something with:

  • Cinematic - Fade out and back in over x.xx seconds using texture <Choose Mask> and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
It's under Cinematic - maybe you try something with that.

Edit: If you want something in white set all three colors to 100%. It isn't complete white - but this can be used as white =P. Of course you can experiment your self what color you want =)
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