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Horde Heroes

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Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
I`m lacking in ideas for heroes in my map (hero arena) for horde. This can be ideas only of the hero type (tank/healer/ranged/etc.), name and probadly model of this, or you can maybe give me some ideas for spells. The race of the hero can be any from horde (orc/undead/blood elf/etc.). For the best ideas or the most useful I will give +rep.
Healer's spell:

Life companion

Heals a friendly unit over time, causing its health regeneration to be turned into a damaging aura, until the effect lasts. Area of Effect increases per level.
(Deals your health regeneration -detect it each second- into damage for nearby units within 200/300/400/500 Area of Effect)


Temporarily breaks the pact with the god, enabling himself punishing those who question gods' presence, dealing extra damage for every hit on the same target (based on Intelligence). Cap of 3 bonus hits. In the state of unfaithfulness, the Healer gets all the healing spells disabled, but has increased Intelligence.
When activated, all the healing spells this class might have are disabled for the player (Unit - Remove Ability). For the duration of the spell, the priest, will have increased Intelligence, and, when attacking, he will be dealing bonus damage, based off his Intelligence, e.g. Intelligence/2. This will last for 3 hits or until the effect's duration.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2009
Fella the Outcast Harpy

: Fella is an outcast of her Bloodfeather Clan of harpies, but has joined the Horde where she found eager allies.

: Fella is a harpy; she is swift. She has low health and armor, but can kite her enemies while dealing damage on the run.

Theme: Fella’s theme is traditional harpy “no mercy” antics.

Model: Fella is a silver harpy.


Feathered Needles – Auto-Cast Non-Targeted; In Fella’s clan, they have grown needles under their feathers. They learn to shoot these needles out in a circle around them. This is like an auto-cast weaker version of Fan of Knives.

Talon Strike – Unit Targeted; Fella rushes towards a target and strikes them with her talons. This deals damage, stuns them for 1 second and slows them. The attack rushes toward the target like a charge.

Reflexive Wings – Passive; Fella’s wings are reflexive; when she is struck, she has a chance to increase movement and attack speed.

Envenomed Saliva – Ultimate Channeling Area Targeted; traditionally in the Bloodfeather Clan, the harpies poison their saliva and learn to shoot it out in rapid volleys. Fella can channel this envenomed saliva in waves at a target point, with each wave dealing damage and knocking enemies back.

Balance: Fella’s statistics are low, but her speed is high so she must continuously kite enemies, which can be hard for the player to do. Also, she must balance her Talon Strike and Feather Needles abilities wisely so she can keep the enemy slowed and deal damage without losing too much mana. Also, Fella is required to kite because of her melee attack.

Feathered Needles + Talon Strike – Fella can use Talon Strike to slow an enemy and then Feathered Needles to deal damage while she kites them.

Feathered Needles + Reflexive Wings – If Reflexive Wings procs, it can serve as a replacement for Talon Strike.

Envenomed Saliva + Anything – Envenomed Saliva can serve as a complete replacement for her line up. Fella can use it to keep the enemy away, damage them, and put herself in a kiting position.

Fella’s game play is fairly unique. She is the only hero that is forced to kite, although she can do so in different ways.
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Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
Name:Garn Bigmaul
Prefix name:Captain Grunt

Description:Garn was an excellent grunt fighter that soon became the captain of the grunts because of his wise attacks and brilliant ambush ideas.


Stealth Attack(target)-Garn Targets An enemy unit And becomes Invisible and slides forward to the targeted unit,damaging it for (your damage) damage,and stunning the targeted unit.

Turning Point(Target)-Garn targets an enemy unit and suddenly Stuns it and damaging it,and for the next 2 seconds,the targeted unit will teleport to garn near 110 AoE.

Hammers Wrath(Passive)-For every 8/6/3 seconds, Garn's Hammer Suddenly Stuns All units in 400 AoE.

Power Orc Skin(passive)-Garn has a chance to deal no damage by any unit for (your seconds) seconds, when attacked,and make the attacking unit damaged.

Garn's Wrath(active)-Garn Slams his hammer to the ground, slowing units and damaging them, and calles forth 4 hammers from the sky that hits the ground too,and stunning the units that are hit from the hammers and damaging them.

there. .hope you like the ideas :thumbs_up:
Here's mine :

Dorg Stonebreaker the Avatar of Power
Model-Thrall by T-Revellion-T
Dorg Stonebreaker

Story- A lone wanderer of the plains, Dorg has endured a lot of pain and torture in his quests. Though his orcish body has reached its limit in physical strength, Dorg is still capable of increasing it at his will. His discipline in his body is so severe that his body can withstand extreme suffering. His reason of serving the Sentinels is as unknown as the way he disciplines his body.

Primary attribute- Strength
Hit Points-568


War Hammer
Description-The Avatar of Power throws his axe with great strength to stop his enemy at its tracks.
Level 1= 75 damage + 10% of STR, 1 second stun.
Level 2= 100 damage + 15% of STR, 1.5 second stun.
Level 3= 125 damage + 20% of STR, 2 seconds stun.
Level 4= 150 damage + 25% of STR, 2.5 seconds stun.
MANACOST: 75/95/115/135
COOLDOWN: 15 seconds.
FRAMEWORK: Throws a hammer at a target enemy with great power. Casting range of 600.

The Avatar of Power focuses his strength to reduce if not avoid damage.
Level 1= Reduces damage taken by 20% of STR.
Level 2= Reduces damage taken by 25% of STR.
Level 3= Reduces damage taken by 30% of STR.
Level 4= Reduces damage taken by 35% of STR.
COOLDOWN: 30 seconds.
FRAMEWORK: A grunt warcrying

Power Cleave

The Avatar of Power capable of unleashing his devastating power at an entire area with his attacks.
Level 1= 7.5% of attack damage is inflicted at an area of 200.
Level 2= 15% of attack damage is inflicted at an area of 250.
Level 3= 22.5% of attack damage is inflicted at an area of 300.
Level 4= 30% of attack damage is inflicted an area of 350.

Body Build Up
The Avatar of Power goes beyond the limits of his physical strength through intense concentration.
Level 1= Gains 2.5 STR per second. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Level 2= Gains 7.5 STR per second. Lasts for 20 seconds.
Level 3= Gains 12.5 STR per second. Lasts for 25 seconds.
MANACOST: 200/275/350
COOLDOWN: 130/110/90 seconds.
FRAMEWORK: The Avatar of Power channels his power to gain more strength for 4 seconds.
They were made by mine for some hero contest (not hive)
So if someone thinking that i copy them, your wrong.

Jin'Kil - Troll Batlord


Range: 360 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: AGI
Str: 14 + 1.2 | Agi: 23 + 2.9 | Int: 19 + 1.7
Damage: 46 - 58 | HP: 416 | Mana: 247
HP Regen: 0.67 | Mana Regen: 0.77
Attack Speed: 1.33 | Armor: 3


Bat Bite (B)
Jin'Kil commands his bat too bite his enemy that deals a great damage and stuns the target for 2 second.
Level 1 - Deals 100 damage
Level 2 - Deals 175 damage
Level 3 - Deals 200 damage
Level 4 - Deals 225 damage
A great spell when you wanna turn off channeling spells.
Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 7/7/6/6
Framework: You hear the sound of the kodo devour.
Notes: Range:Melee


Fast Net (F)
Jin'Kil covers a net with some burning fluid from his lantern and throws it on an enemy.The enemy will take damage every 0.5 second and will be unable to move for a few seconds.
Level 1 - Nets the target for 0.5 seconds - 25 Damage
Level 2 - Nets the target for 1 seconds - 30 Damage
Level 3 - Nets the target for 1.5 seconds - 35 Damage
Level 4 - Nets the target for 2 seconds - 40 Damage
Does not turn off channeling spells.
Target can still attack and cast spells.
Mana Cost: 45/45/50/50
Cooldown: 5
Framework: Works like all other ensnares but the net is red.Else it works fine with green spider web.
Notes:The damage is take every "0.5" second, not every second.


Up In Dah Air! (U)
Jin'Kil commands his bat too fly up in the air for a short time.He will then be able too fly over trees and high ground.Jin'Kils movement also increse with 15% while he is in the air.
Level 1 - Stays in the air for 3 seconds
Level 2 - Stays in the air for 4 seconds
Level 3 - Stays in the air for 5 seconds
Level 4 - Stays in the air for 6 seconds
Jin'Kil can still take damage while he is in the air.
Mana Cost: 120/110/100/90
Cooldown: 30
Framework: Jin'Kil comes high up in the air and gets able too fly over all kinds of objects on the ground.
Notes:You can still cast buffs like beserk too give you some extra speed while ur in the air.
You cant attack while ur in the air.


Paralyze Screech (Y)
Jin'Kil commands his bat to make a powerful Screech that paralyzes the target for a few seconds.The target cant do anything at all while it is paralyzed.When the Paralyze goes out the target will still feel dizzy and will be slowed or silenced for a few seconds.The Screech can also paralyze close targets for 2 seconds, even allies.
Level 1 - Paralyze for 2 seconds - 30% Slow for 2 or Silence for 2.5 seconds
Level 2 - Paralyze for 2.5 seconds - 40% Slow for 3 or Silence for 3.5 seconds
Level 3 - Paralyze for 3 seconds - 50% Slow for 4 or Silence for 4.5 seconds
Turns off channelingspells
Slow or Silence is random
Mana Cost: 225/325/425
Cooldown: 120
Framework: Sends out soundwaves against the target.Could work with the framework of Lions attack.
Notes: Range:250
Also paralyzes enemys/allies that stands in 200 range of the target.
Jin'Kil cant be paralyzed.
Here is the tauren one :D

Megadon Boulderhorn - Landbreaker

Icon-Tauren CHieftain
Model-Tauren Chieftain

Range: 128 | Move Speed: 290
Primary: STR
Str: 24 + 2.4 | Agi: 14 + 1.2 | Int: 15 + 1.7
Damage: 56 - 63 | HP: 606 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.97 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 1.35 | Armor: 3.7

A master of the earth, Megadon is not to be messed with. Once a member of the Mountainhorn Clan, Megadon learned many techniques of his race. His father, Grolavim, taught him how to master the manipulation of the earth.

(icon would be the original hurl boulder)
Rock Shower (C)
Megadon uses its might to grab a massive boulder and tosses it at the enemy with great force and also stuns the target. He is also able to grab several rocks, and the stun effect increases at the cost of the damage.
Level 1 - Grabs 1 boulder, 1 second stun. 100 damage.
Level 2 - Grab 4 rocks, 1.2 second stun. 75 damage each hit.
Level 3 - Grab 8 rocks, 1.6 second stun. 50 damage each hit.
Level 4 - Grab 12 rocks, 1.8 to 2 second stun, 30 damage each hit.
Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140
Cooldown: 25 seconds

(decide it)
Earthen Roar (R)
By unleashing a mighty roar, Megadon softens and erodes the land, which decreases the enemies' movement speed by 25% while on the area of effect.. Last 10 seconds.
Level 1 - Has 400 AoE.
Level 2 - Has 500 AoE.
Level 3 - Has 600 AoE.
Level 4 - Has 800 AoE.
Mana Cost: 100/115/130/145
Cooldown: 30 seconds.

(icon: any halberd would do)
Grolavim (V)
The halberd which he named after his father, to commemorate his fathers death, that is made from volcanic rocks and pure earthen steel. This weapon drains the geo-organic force of everyone or everything it kills, which adds damage to its ultimate attack. Each force temporarily adds 2 extra damage to its base damage until its ultimate attack is unleashed. It also has a 15% chance to Bash for 30 damage and stunning for .5 seconds.
Level 1 - 15 damage limit.
Level 2 - 30 damage limit.
Level 3 - 45 damage limit.
Level 4 - 60 damage limit.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
(icon would be the FIRELORDS volcano)
Paroxysm of the Earths (X)
Megadon’s ultimate attack. He gathers up all his mighty earthen force to randomly create volcanic eruptions around him. He also channels up all the force the Grolavim gathered to the point of his weapon and strikes it to the ground, and makes the force the base damage of every volcanic rocks that spurt out of the volcanoes. 1 second casting time. Also stun every enemies it hits for .8 seconds. 700 AoE. Does not affect buildings.
Level 1 - 2 volcanoes will arise from the land, last 30 seconds.
Level 2 - 4 volcanoes will arise from the land, last 15 seconds.
Level 3 - 6 volcanoes will arise from the land, last 10 seconds.
Mana Cost: 200/240/280
Cooldown: 170/150/130

this hero is unfinished when i quit the hero making.
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
Name:Groug'e ShieldHunger
Prefix Name:Orc Defender

Description:groug'e is a powerful orc warrior that has won 81 victories on his war fights, he is the perfect supporter in the battlefield.



Defender-Groug'e activates his shield for protection. gives him +(your +armor) for 6 seconds. and has chance to get healed when attacked.

Sword Break-Activate Sword break to break groug'es sword, decreasing his armor.but gives him +massive atk speed and massive movement speed.

Shield boomerang-Groug'e Throws his shield to a targeted unit,damaging the unit in random of 2-6 times.stops the targeted unit to channel spells.

Break Armor-Has Chance To Break An enemy Unit's armor(decreasing the armor ok?). for (your seconds) seconds.

Perfect-Groug'e Explodes Damaging all unit within 400 AoE, and transforms into this >http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/fel-orc-warlord-50604/?prev=search%3Dorc%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20,giving him +armor,+damage+atk speed+movespeed and + HP and Mana.
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
here is the alliance hero you want.
Name:Fagirath Renderhood
Prefix Name:OrcSlayer



Orc Essence(passive)-Fagirath Feels The essence Of An Orc Coming,When The Orc Is near Him from 50 Feet Near him, the orc Will be seen for the random of 2-6 seconds.

Defend And Slash(active)-Defends Him self For 2 seconds dealing little damage of the unit that is attacking to him,and automatically Slashes All unit in 300 AoE.

Fatal Shield-(Active)Fagirath Hits his Shield To units that are in 250 AoE.dealing damage to them,and knockbacking them.

3 Divided Torture-(Target)Fagirath Calls for his 2 twin ghost brothers.together they will slide forward to the targeted unit damaging the unit for random of 3-5 seconds,stops channeling spells.
Glacius - Avatar of Ice


Glacius is a servant of the Lich king.He is gifted with extremely powerful fighting skills.They say that anything touched by him is instantly frozen.He can strike his enemies with waves of frost,or can use ice as a kind of shield.He has been seen calling multiple waves of ice exterminating his enemy and freezing lands...

ALTERNATE STORY FOR PANDA: Glacius is a Pandaren who resides at the cold Northrend.He is gifted with extremely powerful fighting skills.They say that anything touched by him is instantly frozen.He can strike his enemies with waves of frost,or can use ice as a kind of shield.He has been seen calling multiple waves of ice exterminating his enemy and freezing lands...

Range: 500 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: INT
Str: 14 + 1.4 | Agi: 18 + 1.5 | Int: 24 + 2.9
Damage: 45 - 47 | HP: 416 | Mana: 312
HP Regen: 0.67 | Mana Regen: 0.97
Attack Speed: 1.44 | Armor: 3

Ice breath (F)
Glacius breathes ice against his enemies damaging them and slows them.Hits all enemy units in a line.
Level 1 - Deals 90 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 120 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 180 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 230 damage.
Mana Cost: 90/130/160/190
Cooldown: 20/15/15/10

Ice blast (A)
Sends an enormous ice ball agains a single enemy.Deals damage and has a % chance to deal 100 bonus damage.
Level 1 - Deals 100 damage.10% chance to deal bonus damage.
Level 2 - Deals 190 damage.15% chance to deal bonus damage.
Level 3 - Deals 280 damage.20% chance to deal bonus damage.
Level 4 - Deals 340 damage.25% chance to deal bonus damage.
Mana Cost: 100/140/170/200
Cooldown: 20/15/12/10

Frozen core (N/A)
As Glacius's heart is covered by ice it gives hime extra protection against physical damage and magic.
Level 1 - 2 bonus armor,reduces magical damage by 4%,3% chance to block a spell every 50 seconds.
Level 2 - 4 bonus armor,reduces magical damage by 8%,6% chance to block a spell every 40 seconds
Level 3 - 6 bonus armor,reduces magical damage by 12%,9% chance to block a spell every 30 seconds.
Level 4 - 8 bonus armor,reduces magical damage by 16%,12% chance to block a spell every 20 seconds.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A

Frozen land (F)
Glacius unleashes his tremendus power summoning a sphere that launches frost waves which deal damage,slow the target and freeze the land around the ice warrior.Any unit get caught in is slowed by 4% per second.The land is frozen for 60 seconds.AoE improves per level.
Level 1 - The sphere launches 2 frost waves with 250 damage each.Slows the target by 5% for 5 seconds.AoE of the frozen land is 550
Level 2 - The sphere launches 3 frost waves with 250 damage each.Slows the target by 7% for 7 seconds.AoE of the frozen land is 650
Level 3 - The sphere launches 4 frost waves with 250 damage each.Slows the target by 9% for 9 seconds.AoE of the frozen land is 750
All heroes (allies&enemies are slowed by the frozen land)
Mana Cost: 300/400/500
Cooldown: 180

(recently done)
(you can use the Storm panda but change the effects and projectiles)
(i also included PANDA story)
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
Name: Va'ine Snaketotem
Class: Totem Master
Attribute: Intelligence
Type: Combat Support

Model: Shadow Hunter
Icon: Shadow Hunter

[Str] 14 +1.25/Level [Agi] 18 +1.95/level [Int] 24 +2.75/Level
Range: 600
Movespeed: 335
Attack Speed: 2.1
Starting HP: 150+350 = 500
Starting Mana: 100+360 = 460
Starting Armor -2 + 6 = 4
[Assuming you leave the constants the same]

Background Story: Va'ine Snaketotem began training as a Shadow Hunter, he did quite well, however, he did not care for the healing and hex spells his superiors taught him. Whenever he was sent to the field he would observe the Tauren and Troll totems and ward they summoned, then he perfected the art of totem summoning.

[Ward of the Earth Mother]
The tauren healing totem, Va'ine Snaketotem observed how the tauren placed this totem, and now he to can use the power of the Earth Mother to heal allies.
Icon: Ancestral Spirit [the Tauren caster spell]
Level 1: Lasts 13 seconds, AoE 350
Level 2: Lasts 16 seconds, AoE 400
Level 3: Lasts 19 seconds, AoE 450, can attack, dealing 14-17 damage
Level 4: Lasts 24 seconds, AoE 500, can attack, dealing 16-20 damage, also has Earth Travel, allowing it to blink 400 range.

[Totem of Revenge]
This is a totem Va'ine Snaketotem created, so that whenever a human attacked his allies, they would be damaged as well. A few of his superiors do not like this totem, as they believe Va'ine desecrated the Serpent Totems for his own personal gain.
Icon: Serpent Ward
Level 1: Deals 21-25 damage, Revenge Aura 30% AoE 550, Lasts 25 Seconds
Level 2: Deals 26-30 damage, Revenge Aura 35% AoE 600, Lasts 30 Seconds
Level 3: Deals 31-35 damage, Revenge Aura 40% AoE 650, Lasts 35 Seconds, Summons 2
Level 4: Deals 36-40 Damage, Revenge Aura 45% AoE 700, Lasts 40 Seconds, Summons 2, Has Venom, dealing 15 damage over 3 seconds.

[Totem of Voodoo]
This was a concoction that Va'ine hired a troll witch doctor to make, it actually replicates Big Bad Voodoo so that the Shadow Hunter wouldn't have to channel it.
Icon: Troll Regeneration
Level 1: Big Bad Voodoo 6 seconds, AoE 550, HP 500
Level 2: Big Bad Voodoo 8 seconds, AoE 600, HP 600
Level 3: Big Bad Voodoo 10 seconds, AoE 650, HP 700, Regeneration 2.0
Level 4: Big Bad Voodoo 14 seconds, AoE 700, H P 800, Regeneration 5.0, has Steel Plating, reducing all damage by 15.

[Cosmic Totem]
Icon: Starfall
Va'ine's final creation, a totem that replicates starfall, and no Va'ine will not talk to you about how he got it... its been a secret for years, supposedly he learned it from a female night elf.
Level 1: Deals 50 damage in a 2 second interval for 45 seconds, Range is 1500
Level 2: Deals 75 damage in a 1 second interval for 45 seconds, Range is 2000
Level 3: Deals 100 damage in a .5 second interval for 45 seconds, Range is 2500

I hope you like my horde hero idea, I had this idea stuck in my head for weeks, so i thought i would post it here. He isn't supposed to be a combat caster or healer, he summons these totems to aid allies.
Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
Trolls count as horde correct? Okay get ready for ma idea!

**For Hero model use the Pirmal one. That female troll is good.

Hero Model:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/primal-torntusk-104301/?prev=search=horde&d=list&r=20

Name: <Insert female troll name here>
Prefix: Arcanist
Stats: Int>Str>Agi
Roll: Int Support/Weak Nuker

Spell List

Arcane Missles

The arcanist summons 1 (+ 1 per level) missle that homes into a random target in a Aoe range of 600. (Can attack the same target more than once). Once the missle reaches its target it deals X damage (I dunno how your going to balance out your map and stuff so its better for you to decide dmg. Make it about 55% of what a normal nuke does per missle) and stuns for 0.10 seconds.

Arcane Blast

The arcanists powerful magic allows her to summon arcane explosions under all units in a Aoe range of 600 damaging and slowing (AS and MS) by X (Again I do not know how you will fix damages).
Special Effect: I imagine this as the spell (I think from wc3 its Doom gaurd death) from Jakiro from dota. His passive spell which does fire randomly the new skin for that one. The kind of fire burst only purple colored :)

Arcane Aura

The over flow of arcane magic causes disruptions in the area around the arcanist. All units within the aoe range of 600 will have reduced magic reduction and movespeed with a chance to get stunned for 1 second after having a spell (Allied or enemy spell) casted on them.
**Also add brilliance aura 2 this unless you think thats 2 much.

Chains of Arcaina

Concentrating, the arcnaist is able to have massive control from the overflow of magic from her body. From this massive control she is able to summon multi chains that pull and damage ALL enemy heroes within range of 600 (Yes i like that number.) to the position of the arcanist stunning them for 3 seconds. (Damage you choose)

Combo: Chains, blast, then missles with aura.
Chains for stun and pull and some damage. After blast for slower ms and as. Finally missles. (Hopefully you will get lucky and get somes with blast and missles)

BTW Vosty, my colorwall is on CD.


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Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
Omg my brain is overflowing with ideas!!!
BTW!!!!!! I feel wc3 is sexist so ima give ideas for female chars :)

Name: <Insert female orc name here>
Prefix: Elementalist
Attack Type: Melee
Roll: Dps > Support > Offtank
Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...le-135290/?prev=search=orc&r=20&d=list&page=4


Flame Fists

Type: Activate

Effect: The elementalist ignites her or her allies fists causing them to have a increase in damage by X% and X% chance to ignite the target they attack dealing 10 + (10 per level) damage every second for 5 seconds.

Special Effect/Model: Human fire building on fists of targeted ALLIED unit

Addition Information: Can cast on Heroes, Units, Summons.

Elemental Waters

Type: Activate

Effect: The elementalist summons a field of water that covers a Aoe range of 600. Every ALLIED unit in this field will recieve the following: Hp/Mp Regen (1+1 per level) and Damage/Magic reduction (About 5% dmg and 10% magic). Every ENEMY unit in this field will recieve the following: AS/MS reduction ( 3%+3% per lvl) and Mp degen (1+1 per level).

Special Effect/Model: Just cover up the targeted location by the caster with water. 600 Aoe

Addition Information: I do realize this DOES sound like a ultimate but it isnt to hard to run off it. Also the mana cost and cd should be a bit big.

Elemantium Bubble

Type: Activate

Effect: The elementalist summons a protective shield around targeted alllied unit that will fire random elements at all enemies in 600 Aoe. The shield has 100 HP (Or whatever you want to have) and every second it will shoot a random element at all enemies in AoE range of 600.
Elements Fired
-Fire: Fire bolt 0.5 stun weak damage
-Lightning: Weak damage jump losing 20% dmg per jump
-Ice: Weak slow Weak damage
-Earth: Weak dmg with knockback
-Wind: Weak dmg lowers AS

Special Effect/Model: Make a shield around tartged unit. I was thinking like Abbadons from DotA but with like elements circling him/her also.

Additional Information: The shield has X amount of HP. I would say it should low. When the hero is attacked the shield will abosrb damage untill that damage exceeds its HP. Shield should take full dmg from everything.

Elemental Mastery

Type: Passive

Effect: After many years of intense elemental training, the elementalist, is able to improve her fighting techniques.

-Flaming Fists
1) Improves
d)DPS duration

2) Addition
a)Increase in AS% of unit with buff (5% or something)

-Elemental Water
1) Improves
c)effects of spell
2) Addition N/A

Elemantium Bubble
1) Improves
a)Damage of each element
(increase by 0.7 per lvl)
c) Shield HP

2)Addition N/A

-Attack/Defense/Hero Stats
1) Improves N/A
2) Addition
a)Chance to strike with random element on melee attack. ( Look at Elemantium Bubble for "element' list) b) Chance to strike attacking unit with random element after attacking elementalist.

Special Effect/Model: Just add some cool looking attachment 2 her :) I would say like some colorful thingy over her head.

Additional Information: This ability is self explanatory. Now to balance things out you might want to make this hero with low mana and kinda squishy at the beginning although in the end she has to be kinda big on armor/HP less than a tank but more than a normal hero.

Okay there is another hero. Here is a "SNEAK PEAK!1" for my NEXT hero!

Name: Sakag'ja (OMG!!! I came up with a bad name!)
Roll: Healer
Stats: INT > STR > AGI
Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/centaur-103826/?prev=search=female%20orc&d=list&r=20

HISTORY: Centuries before the rise of the horde, there exisited, a hidden tribe of FEMALE centaurs. These power female warriors dominated and became the most powerful tribe then. Once the horde arose they tribe was wiped out. All except Sakag'ja who was the princess. Her tribe gave their lives to protect her. Now she carries the pain of 1000 centaurs.

** Yeah yeah.. im not "creative". I know your all wondering this... "If the horde killed her tribe why the hell would see join them in the first place?!?!?!?"

Well That question has a simple answer...



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Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
nice idea there inuyasha

well here is some ideas
Name:Thart FearFace
Prefix Name:Orc Lightning Sorcerer

Model-the normal Orc Shaman, the guy that wears the face of a pig :p


Lightning Ball-Targets A unit shooting A ball of lightning,slows the unit making the unit damaged every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.has chance to to unleash lightning from the sky.to the targeted unit


Chain Forked lightning-Shoots lightning to units that bounces to other units. .(the spell is just forked lightning,but bounces like the chain lightning)


Shock-Binds The Unit with a rope made by lightning,shocking the unit,damaging the targeted unit,the shock will leave the unit mini stunned for 10 seconds.


Call Lightning-Calls 1 Massive Lightning From the sky,making all units in 300 AoE damaged and Knockback'ed.


Electric Wave-Thar Unleashes A nova in 400 AoE,all units hit by the nova will be slowed and damaged,and making them loose mana.
Level 4
Jun 21, 2009
Name: Princess Sakag'Ja
Roll: Healer > Support > Dps
Attack Type: Ranged Magic
Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/centaur-103826/?prev=search=centaur&d=list&r=20

History: Centuries ago a powerful tribe, named Jatak'Ja of centaurs exisited. They lived in a far off mountain inside the barrens. When the war between the Horde and the Alliance broke out, this peaceful but powerful tribe was mistaken for allies of the Horde. The leader of the Jatak'Ja centaur tribe, Yanka'Ja, was a powerful but old centaur at the time. The small battle that took place that day between the Alliance and the Jatak'Ja tribe was firece. In the end Princess Sakag'Ja had to flee with her husband. They were ambushed on their way but a band of lowlife alliance drunks. Although they, the couple, was powerful, when they finished killing the drunks they found out it was trap. To escape her husband sacrificed himself to say her. Now she is off to evenge her tribe, father, and beloved at the side of the Horde.
Spell List

Centaur Ritual Rune

Description:Sakag'Ja summons a powerful Rune used for healing rituals in her tribe.
Effect: Summon a rune at targeted location healing all allies in 600 AoE range by 15/30/45 every second. Rune has 100/200/300 hp and lasts 7/14/21.
Model: W/e you want.

Holy Spear

Type: like Frost arrow
Description: Sakag'Ja imbubes her spear with light causing every attack agaisnt a enemy to burn with light.
Effect: Every attack give a debuff to attacked unit and also increases damage done by Sakag'Ja by 10/20/30. STACKS 5 times. When a ALLIED attacks a unit with that debuff he will heal 10 per stack.

Light of the Centaur

Type: Activate
Description: Blesses the targeted unit with the sacred light of the centaurs.
Effect: Healing targeted unit by a initial 100/200/300 and then heals 70/140/210 over 10 seconds. there is a 40%/70%/100% that the targted unit wil recieve a buff that increases regen, dmg, armor for 15 seconds.

Burning Light

Description: With all the rage and light inside of Sakag'Jas soul she is able to create a powerful image that channels all her power to allies and enemies.
Effect: Summons a giant cross at targeted location healing all allies by 50/70/90 a second and degen on enemy units by 50/70/90. Also gives Centaur buff *Look at light of the Centaur" to allies and the opp of this buff to enemy units. Lasts 15 seconds. Channeling. kinda long CD.

No color im kinda tired atm. I just got my internet and installing it took for ever...


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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Belora Dawnbringer
Convicate of Silvermoon

Belora Dawnbringer is one of Azeroth's finest blood mages and famed veteran of the Second War. Her valiant efforts against masking the main encampment of the Frostwolf Clan from many Alliance expeditions against the fleeing orcs left on Azeroth by their former masters deserves high credibility. Using Dalaran as her base of operations, she was praised by even the Kirin Tor and came close to becoming one of them.
On the eve of her homeland's destruction, she returned to Quel'Thalas and like many of the stoic elves became a blood mage and finally rose to become a convicate of Silvermoon's Convocation.

Role: Belora is a severe damage dealer. Using her newfound knowledge as a blood mage, she is capable of taking out many opponents and banishing them to the Twisting Nether.
Main Attribute: [STR] [AGI] [INT]
Combat Type: [MELEE] [RANGED]


Belora exiles a target unit or hero to the Twisting Nether, making it ethereal. Ethereal targets are slowed by xx% and cannot attack or cast spells. However, the target may not be struck by physical damage only magical damage. Banish can not be negated and lasts for xx seconds.

Belora unleashes a target unit or hero's body heat and manifests it into an aura of radiant fire that burns a target for xx magical damage per second for xx seconds. After this, the target is left cold and is slown down by xx%. If this is cast on a target with a positive buff active, then it will explode and deal xx damage to all surrounding targets.

Belora sends forth a ripple of fiery wrath that travels along a designated line and deals xx magical damage per target that goes near the fiery path. At the end of the line, all targets will be knocked back by a catastrophic explosion that deals an extra xxx magical damage to all units knocked away.

Belora creates a fissure in the earth that causes the earth to violently shake for x seconds and slow unallied targets by xx%. The fissure then spits out x volcanic rocks that go in random directions and varied distances. These rocks stun all targets affected by the fiery rocks and deals xxx magical damage.

Belora summons a powerful Phoenix. The Phoenix burns with such intensity that it damages itself and nearby enemy units. Has Spell Immunity, and Resistant Skin. When a Phoenix dies, it creates an egg that will hatch into another Phoenix.
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