They were made by mine for some hero contest (not hive)
So if someone thinking that i copy them, your wrong.
Jin'Kil - Troll Batlord
Range: 360 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: AGI
Str: 14 + 1.2 | Agi: 23 + 2.9 | Int: 19 + 1.7
Damage: 46 - 58 | HP: 416 | Mana: 247
HP Regen: 0.67 | Mana Regen: 0.77
Attack Speed: 1.33 | Armor: 3
Bat Bite (B)
Jin'Kil commands his bat too bite his enemy that deals a great damage and stuns the target for 2 second.
Level 1 - Deals 100 damage
Level 2 - Deals 175 damage
Level 3 - Deals 200 damage
Level 4 - Deals 225 damage
A great spell when you wanna turn off channeling spells.
Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 7/7/6/6
Framework: You hear the sound of the kodo devour.
Notes: Range:Melee
Fast Net (F)
Jin'Kil covers a net with some burning fluid from his lantern and throws it on an enemy.The enemy will take damage every 0.5 second and will be unable to move for a few seconds.
Level 1 - Nets the target for 0.5 seconds - 25 Damage
Level 2 - Nets the target for 1 seconds - 30 Damage
Level 3 - Nets the target for 1.5 seconds - 35 Damage
Level 4 - Nets the target for 2 seconds - 40 Damage
Does not turn off channeling spells.
Target can still attack and cast spells.
Mana Cost: 45/45/50/50
Cooldown: 5
Framework: Works like all other ensnares but the net is red.Else it works fine with green spider web.
Notes:The damage is take every "0.5" second, not every second.
Up In Dah Air! (U)
Jin'Kil commands his bat too fly up in the air for a short time.He will then be able too fly over trees and high ground.Jin'Kils movement also increse with 15% while he is in the air.
Level 1 - Stays in the air for 3 seconds
Level 2 - Stays in the air for 4 seconds
Level 3 - Stays in the air for 5 seconds
Level 4 - Stays in the air for 6 seconds
Jin'Kil can still take damage while he is in the air.
Mana Cost: 120/110/100/90
Cooldown: 30
Framework: Jin'Kil comes high up in the air and gets able too fly over all kinds of objects on the ground.
Notes:You can still cast buffs like beserk too give you some extra speed while ur in the air.
You cant attack while ur in the air.
Paralyze Screech (Y)
Jin'Kil commands his bat to make a powerful Screech that paralyzes the target for a few seconds.The target cant do anything at all while it is paralyzed.When the Paralyze goes out the target will still feel dizzy and will be slowed or silenced for a few seconds.The Screech can also paralyze close targets for 2 seconds, even allies.
Level 1 - Paralyze for 2 seconds - 30% Slow for 2 or Silence for 2.5 seconds
Level 2 - Paralyze for 2.5 seconds - 40% Slow for 3 or Silence for 3.5 seconds
Level 3 - Paralyze for 3 seconds - 50% Slow for 4 or Silence for 4.5 seconds
Turns off channelingspells
Slow or Silence is random
Mana Cost: 225/325/425
Cooldown: 120
Framework: Sends out soundwaves against the target.Could work with the framework of Lions attack.
Notes: Range:250
Also paralyzes enemys/allies that stands in 200 range of the target.
Jin'Kil cant be paralyzed.