• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Hive's Request Exchange Workshop


Request Rules:
  • Requested resources serve the community, not just the individual.
Your requested resource needs to be used to develop another resource ex: asking for a weapon for the unit model you are making, and/or be used in a map, campaign, or a tutorial or something that servers the community equally.

  • Requested resources are to be utilized immediately
Requested resourced need to be useful now. Hard-drive stashing requested resources is a waste of time for the people that spend time and effort working on it. If you don't need your resource until a month or two later, then do not ask for it until then, so that urgent requests can be attended to.

  • Requested resources need to be published and available if useful
This is to further enrich the community with quality resources.

  • Requested resources meet the Hive's rules and standards
All hive workshop rules still apply here. If you aren't familiar with them please give them a read, there is only a few.
The requests will be sorted by type and then listed in order of difficulty. if you satisfy a request, you are encouraged to publish the resource in the appropriate resource section and link this thread to help others find it.
Requests Index

3D Art (new!)

2D Art (new!)

Terrain Art

Systems and Spells


I think this could work.

Request title: model edit
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtypes: Animation, Re-model

What i need - if you want to do only 1 thing theres is not problem.

1- Change "slam anim" to defend stand anim with left hand.
2- "Slim down" body just a bit to avoid bugs with armor models. The problem are not the armors. - pic 1 - pic 2 - pic 3
3- A portrait - if it talk would better.

Use: If you change it "slam anim" to an "defend up" you can use a "shield up" spell that increases your defense a lot for 0.30 seconds and body can be visible some times through armors.

Model > https://www.hiveworkshop.com/attachments/villager-rar.283208/

Pic >


Request title: Basic RPG Orc reskin
Request type: 2D Skin
Request subtypes: Reskin

Description: Orc skin for the 40-animation villager rig (Villager)

Use: Battleground type map

submit a request

Step 1: Prepare your materials:
think, what are all the things you can do to make the job of the person who will make your request easier? easily first is lots of pictures, reference pictures resource pictures, any pictures. lets say you have multiple models that you want re-skinned. Take individual pictures of each model like they are individual requests. prepare the files, do not put everything in a compressed file, unless the file is huge and needs to be compressed, otherwise separate them. Properly label all relevant materials

Step 2: Submit a request following template:
By following this template, it will make it very simple to plug your request into this megathread, and it will also make your request more presentable in the main thread.

Request title: //describe your request in the simplest form
Request type: //(3D Model, 2D Art, Icon, Script, Terrain, or Other)
Request subtypes: //Animation, Re-skin, Spell, etc. (use all relevant)

Description: //Here you will describe everything you want to the best of your ability. Try to clearly state the things that you want and what you don't want

Use: //Here you will describe why you need this request, what it will be used for, how, and everything relevant

[hidden="Relevant material"] //Here you will post all of the relevant media like pictures and the links that are needed to download things if applicable.


Request title: Add legs to unit (stonneash's Shaman)
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtype: Model edit

Description: I need legs attached to this model behind the skirt with the feet sticking out just below the front of it so that it kinda rest and drapes over it. I'd like the quality to match the rest of the model and to use the same texture.

Use: I will be using this in my FAKEPROJECT linked here: FAKELINK


FAKELINK to download mdx file

FAKELINK to download 3ds file

Step 3: Notify me of your listing with a link to your thread so I can add it to the list.

stonneash's Note: why is it called exchange? because we expect you to try and satisfy at least one request for each resource you request (whenever possible). I mean do you even romance a girl? love to community, don't abuse it.

Solved Request

Solved by: Cuore
Request title: Murloc Edit - Tribesman Murloc
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtypes: Edit Only - Attachment of Geosets to obtain a new look.

Description: Some simple permanent attachment of weapon and tribal mask on the murloc, replacing its basic melee fisher tool weapon. Giving it a new fresh look and distinct from other murlocs.

Use: For addition in a murloc race and for others to use it too who find it useful.

Request solution entry

All the necessary files are in the attached testmap.
Material includes:
- Unit model
- Portrait model
- 2 custom textures (murloc's skin, mask)

Solved Request

Solved by: Cuore
Request title: Thick white or blue-ish fog model that hides what is beneath it
Request type: 3D model
Request subtypes:

Description: I need the fog to be of same thickness on all sides and to get thinner only upwards. The main point is that the fog needs to effectively hide everything underneath it, that is the most important thing.

Use: It will be used to hide the black 'nothingness' that appears after using alpha tile. It will be used in practiacaly same matter as pick related


QUOTE="Cuore, post: 3209958, member: 257294"]Request solved. All can be found in the attached test map.[/QUOTE]
Solved Request

Solved by: Cuore
Request title: Minor Edits of a Model
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtypes: Animation + removing Glows


I would like to edit one Ujimasa Hojo's model.
Dalaran Ranger: Archer, Sylvanas Windrunner, Dark Ranger, and Derivatives

I would like to remove all the glow (Hero + Bow) which simple. (I can do it myself).
However, if I want to make it as an unit, I need to add a Decay Bones animations.
But I can't do it myself.

Since the model is like Shandris, you just have to add her bones.

Is it possible?
Thank you very much.

+ Changing her sound of death (currently, it's Sylvanas Dark Ranger)

Use: It's for my campaign. I will use it directly when it's done :p

Signaling a New request by @Tuwnew : form found at Simple Model Edit

Request Solved. A model fit to be a unit based on the Dalaran Ranger made by Ujimasa Hojo can be found inside the attached test map. Credits to Ujimasa Hojo for the excellent work. The requested model is called v 1.00

EDIT: at the additional request of the user, a second modification has been made. Particles and spheres near the ends of the bow have been removed. This second version is named v 1.01.
Last edited:
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
Request title: Thick white or blue-ish fog model that hides what is beneath it
Request type: 3D model
Request subtypes:

Description: I need the fog to be of same thickness on all sides and to get thinner only upwards. The main point is that the fog needs to effectively hide everything underneath it, that is the most important thing.

Use: It will be used to hide the black 'nothingness' that appears after using alpha tile. It will be used in practiacaly same matter as pick related

Relevant material
Request solved. All can be found in the attached test map.


  • FogThickTestmap.w3x
    13.6 KB · Views: 165
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
Signaling a New request by @Tuwnew : form found at Simple Model Edit

Request Solved. A model fit to be a unit based on the Dalaran Ranger made by Ujimasa Hojo can be found inside the attached test map. Credits to Ujimasa Hojo for the excellent work. The requested model is called v 1.00

EDIT: at the additional request of the user, a second modification has been made. Particles and spheres near the ends of the bow have been removed. This second version is named v 1.01.


  • DalaranRangerTestmap.w3m
    122.4 KB · Views: 171
Last edited:
Level 21
Apr 8, 2017
This is a great model who have a bit problem.

If you change it "slam anim" to an "defend up" you can use a "shield up" spell that increases your defense a lot for 0.30 seconds.

Body can be visible some times through armors.


MODEL (download link)

What i need - if you want to do only 1 thing theres is not problem.

1- Change "slam anim" to defend stand anim with left hand.

2- "Slim down" body just a bit to avoid bugs with armor models. The problem are not the armors.
pic 1 - pic 2 - pic 3

3- A portrait - if it talk would better

This maybe can control your mind to do this
This is a great model who have a bit problem.

If you change it "slam anim" to an "defend up" you can use a "shield up" spell that increases your defense a lot for 0.30 seconds.

Body can be visible some times through armors.


MODEL (download link)

What i need - if you want to do only 1 thing theres is not problem.

1- Change "slam anim" to defend stand anim with left hand.

2- "Slim down" body just a bit to avoid bugs with armor models. The problem are not the armors.
pic 1 - pic 2 - pic 3

3- A portrait - if it talk would better

This maybe can control your mind to do this

Would you be able to fill out the form in the template so I can add it to the thread instead?
Request title: //describe your request in the simplest form
Request type: //(3D Model, 2D Art, Icon, Script, Terrain, or Other)
Request subtypes: //Animation, Re-skin, Spell, etc. (use all relevant)

Description: //Here you will describe everything you want to the best of your ability. Try to clearly state the things that you want and what you don't want

Use: //Here you will describe why you need this request, what it will be used for, how, and everything relevant

[hidden="Relevant material"] //Here you will post all of the relevant media like pictures and the links that are needed to download things if applicable.
It's alright English isn't my main either.

If you put the information about your request here in the code above ^ and post it I can add it to the main post.
Level 21
Apr 8, 2017
I think this could work.
Request title: model edit
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtypes: Animation, Re-model

What i need - if you want to do only 1 thing theres is not problem.

1- Change "slam anim" to defend stand anim with left hand.
2- "Slim down" body just a bit to avoid bugs with armor models. The problem are not the armors. - pic 1 - pic 2 - pic 3
3- A portrait - if it talk would better.

Use: If you change it "slam anim" to an "defend up" you can use a "shield up" spell that increases your defense a lot for 0.30 seconds and body can be visible some times through armors.

Model > https://www.hiveworkshop.com/attachments/villager-rar.283208/

Pic > https://fb-s-d-a.akamaihd.net/h-ak-fbx/v/t34.0-12/23113736_1484122808347422_1066657237_n.jpg?oh=49aac597f871232b2b68c843e1bea472&oe=59FA7363&__gda__=1509613863_f9268672e16fc968f641d427c4fae532

Good initiative. But I personaly find there's a bit of not required information - I see no real sense of rules. I would try to focus on making it easy for people to see listed requets, if the goal is to complete ones. They should not be necessarily required to make formal requests with defined shemas in thread, but we could marely have active requests listed, in categories maybe, also ones that can be linked to an other respective request thread. People could use the list to navigate then to wanted request.
Good initiative. But I personaly find there's a bit of not required information - I see no real sense of rules. I would try to focus on making it easy for people to see listed requets, if the goal is to complete ones. They should not be necessarily required to make formal requests with defined shemas in thread, but we could marely have active requests listed, in categories maybe, also ones that can be linked to an other respective request thread. People could use the list to navigate then to wanted request.

The goal here is to give priority that will provide to the community as a whole to speed up its development and tend to the places where it lacks, But Ideally if we wanted to solve all requests and treat them equally then your way would definitely be better.
Level 10
Oct 13, 2014


  • Hero_Vagabond.mdx
    160.5 KB · Views: 242
Level 9
Jun 10, 2013

Request title: Replace Centaur Khan head with a Tauren head ( and match skin/fur tones)
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtype: Model edit

Description: Ello ladies and gentiles, and seasons greetings! :wgrin: I would greatly appreciated if someone can edit the ingame Centaur Khan model by replacing its head with that of the Tauren unit one's. And if you'd like to go a little further, any effort to match the head and body's skin tones into something dark brown, bloody and sinister would be greatly appreciated and would aid immensely in my upcoming map spin off :cgrin:

Use: I will be using this in my map spin which will be in a pastebin page and linked in the description of this project linked here: Warhammer: Eternal Strife (Melee)


Request title: Create a Poseidon statue model according to the relevant picture posted below.
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtypes: Model from scratch.

Description: Hey, guys!
I need a statue model of Lord Poseidon (God of the sea, earthquakes and horses as you know). Something like relevant picture posted below (Better exactly).

Use: I will be using this model in my upcoming project.


Last edited:
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017

Request title: Create or link one or more 2D art Tutorials that teach how to paint male and female human faces suitable for a Warcraft 3 texture
Request type: 2D Art Tutorial
Request subtypes:

Description: Hi I need to learn how to paint warcraft 3 textures and I'm finding difficult to paint human faces, along with shading and features. Please make or find a tutorial that explains how to do it. I ask that the tutorial is made for either Photoshop (any CS) or for GIMP.

Use: It's useful in my opinion

Any model's face UV is okay to be used as base to fit the texture, but if you want me to suggest two I'd suggest to use human Arthas's and Jaina's faces UVs in the tutorial.


Request title: Create or link one or more 2D art Tutorials that teach how to paint male and female human faces suitable for a Warcraft 3 texture
Request type: 2D Art Tutorial
Request subtypes:

Description: Hi I need to learn how to paint warcraft 3 textures and I'm finding difficult to paint human faces, along with shading and features. Please make or find a tutorial that explains how to do it. I ask that the tutorial is made for either Photoshop (any CS) or for GIMP.

Use: It's useful in my opinion

Any model's face UV is okay to be used as base to fit the texture, but if you want me to suggest two I'd suggest to use human Arthas's and Jaina's faces UVs in the tutorial.

Well, I'm not a much experienced artist but I've created a quick tutorial for you. I hope it'll be useful. :)

Face Painting
Last edited:
Level 6
Apr 20, 2016


  • CharmTarget.mdx
    18.7 KB · Views: 160