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Simple Model Edit

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Level 16
Apr 20, 2014

Request title: Minor Edits of a Model
Request type: 3D Model
Request subtypes: Animation + removing Glows


I would like to edit one Ujimasa Hojo's model.
Dalaran Ranger: Archer, Sylvanas Windrunner, Dark Ranger, and Derivatives

I would like to remove all the glow (Hero + Bow) which simple. (I can do it myself).
However, if I want to make it as an unit, I need to add a Decay Bones animations.
But I can't do it myself.

Since the model is like Shandris, you just have to add her bones.

Is it possible?
Thank you very much.

+ Changing her sound of death (currently, it's Sylvanas Dark Ranger)

Use: It's for my campaign. I will use it directly when it's done :p

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