• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Need a model? Request it here!

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Level 15
Nov 26, 2005
Hello. I hope you will take my post into consideration.
The Project I work on is:

I'm in a need of a beastmaster goblin and a banker goblin.
The beastmaster goblin can be something like a beastmaster with 1. less muscles and greener skin 2. goblin head (one of the sappers maybe or the tinker/alchemist, dunno) 3. no weapons (just leave him bare handed, I will attach the weapons I need). Uses normal beastmaster anim.

The banker goblin should be something related to money. A goblin that carries a bag of gold in one hand and some sort of weapon in the other (what would that be?). I can't really describe it otherwise. Should wear some pants.... look rich, you know :D
Tell me if that is possible.

Ofc, credits and +rep will be given for each model !

Edit: A villager goblin model is also necessary. Just a simple villager man/child/peasant with goblo-head and greener skin. (In-game textures for all models if possible).
Level 15
Nov 26, 2005
10x man!

I'll be looking forward to any progress. I will try to think of a concept for my banker Goblin and send a PM to you (something more specific, and as close as possible to the already existing models)
Please send me a PM when there is any progress :)
I really appreciate it!
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
i wished i had ths model for a long while now. U know the wc2 ogre? I need normal ogre that looks liek a wc2 ogre. Just base it on the wc3 ogre and remake it little so it looks that cool as the wc2 one remove club. ANd stuff. I tryed to it in magos before. It looks kinda ok not very cool tough. Should be very little file size for my project if u can. + rep when ur done. Hope u can realy make it look like a wc2 ogre because its kinda diffrent from the wc3 one.

Picture here.


The best one under here


And pls do it in team color.
it attack with the hands.
Level 5
Feb 6, 2009
Hi could you do maybe 2 cave troll units from lord of the rings?
one armored and one unarmored i think many could use them and i dont realy like the idea of taking an Abomination with his 3 arms...
Level 15
Nov 26, 2005
Hi could you do maybe 2 cave troll units from lord of the rings?
one armored and one unarmored i think many could use them and i dont realy like the idea of taking an Abomination with his 3 arms...

You can really use the Ogre models. One headed Ogre and One headed Ogre warchief. (They can be found here in the forum weaponless too). Just use a darker color for them and they become PERFECT Lotr trolls. I've used them many times as LOTR trolls. Gl ;)
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
ye what u talking about ogre dont look liek a troll at all dude. Actually i requested the cavetroll from the abomination i tested with ogre before it was kinda old style maping with nothing special. All those lotr maps who have ogre as troll sucks imo and it looks so uggly. Not liek a real cavetroll. I played many lotr games. And the fact is abomintion fit cave troll perfect. Just he got a little extra arm. Who cares about that? seriously. Check the style how the troll in lotr look like. Its same style. I dont know where u get the idea that an ogre look more like a troll. It looks more like a giant from lotr online. if u make him white hair and stuff. I think closest skin would be abomination. I mean ogre realy sucks as cavetroll not close at all. Its so old style who use it. ANd most of the map sucks no cool models or nothing. Just telling the true. WHen i was 12 i thought ogre was good for troll. Mybe not 12 but before when iwas younger u see better when u grow up. And if u use a ogre as troll i will mybe klick start and when i see the ogres i quit. so boring no style at all sry. Actually i was remake some trolls from lotr with ogre model. U can have them if u want they look like real cave trolls let me show u screenshot.
Level 5
Feb 6, 2009

@chr2 i dont like that skin it looks... i dont know its nice when you just see the skin but on the model its ugly i think and because of that i would like more a real troll

yeah i know that i can use those ogres but i dont really like it when you just take a unit and make it dark... or blue or whatever it doesen look that good you know what i mean?

So i really would like a real cave troll or maybe a skin for the ogres to see how that looks
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
check this what u think i made al lthose nub skins its for my lotro online map i never gona finish it. Hmm and the models a waste of time. The big green one is a cave troll from deviant art


and the grey one

http://www.theempire.com.au/images/2005-12-30/LOTR Battle Troll of Mordor Statue.jpg

also some of them are from lotro online

here is the pic.

actually personaly the grey super nub is best and the big green one also the stone troll from lotro and one other aswell.

the one to the right most to the right is the best one personaly looks perfect like a troll with armor. would be cool if some one could make him have spike club like in lotr bfme.


  • Lotro Models.JPG
    Lotro Models.JPG
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  • nig green one.JPG
    nig green one.JPG
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Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
ok i can send u the map who have them odels i cba looking for all the skins and models its allready in the map i started on. Just export and import to ur map and look the paths i dont use Textures\before. u have any msn or anything so i can send the files :S
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
ah ok il pm them today was kinda bussy but il pm u whole my map then. then u just pick them out.

OK every one editing the post i upload the map with all this skins in it. So people can use it. i hope u feel lucky with that. hf here it is:

in this map the skins are in: Just export the files and load into ur map not hard gl n hf. HMM dident work to upload here il do it in my pastebin w8 sec guys.

just have to mention the models is named testing unit in the map.

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Level 9
Aug 18, 2008

I would very much like these attachment models to be made so that not all spiders look the same in my map. Would you be interrested in doing this?

Besides the two model requests I am also wondering if you would be willing to change the wrap on your DarkTrollAssassin_Portrait.mdx?
Because I want it to use the medivh texture on the hood but the wrap fucks it up, pretty bad.


  • DarkTrollAssassin_Portrait.mdx
    51 KB · Views: 85
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Level 10
Mar 19, 2010
hi i've got a request

hi im personaly idiot on modelling.but my map would need tic 2 mordal for importian charector. pls my only hope is u!:cool:


  • paladin.jpg
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  • SigRwar-2.gif
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Level 2
Mar 19, 2010
Hello. can I bother you? Could you make me a model of this Hawkstrider? I was looking for it, or to some resemblance, but I don't find anything. It is for a campaign of Blood Elf in Eversong Woods. If you cannot make it, there is not problem.


From already, thank you and excuse the nuisances
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Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Hello. can I bother you? Could you make me a model of this Hawkstrider? I was looking for it, or to some resemblance, but I don't find anything. It is for a campaign of Blood Elf in Eversong Woods. If you cannot make it, there is not problem.


From already, thank you and excuse the nuisances

Checked this one? http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=93662
Level 14
Mar 30, 2009
you dont need a new model for that, if you use it as a doodad.
just double click the doodad after plaxing it in the map and set the Z to a smaller value than X and Y.
if you are going to use it as a unit or an item then you're right.
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
Could you make another model for me?
I would like a ghoul like on this picture

You could just take a normal ghoul, and make it stand up.
Level 4
Nov 10, 2008
Okay, request one:
Weaponless Pitlord
Um, yeah, that's it.
and the somewhat weird and kinkish request 2:
Okay, this one's a bit complex...
I need a model with the body of Akama, head of Garithos,
a tentacle for the left arm, a lich arm for the right and
the lower deer parts of a keeper of the grove. Oh, and a hero glow.
Need it for a chimera boss. It would be nice if...someone could think of
a weirder, more disturbing combination.
No need to for custom animations. The keeper of the grove's should be fine.

Side note: If the...chimera thing is not doable, then my alternate second request
is a recolor of Unholy Aura to a fiery color (maybe orange, or red or, red orange).
Thanks in advance.
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