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Hive Spirituality Poll

Do you consider yourself religious?

  • Very Religious

    Votes: 10 7.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 52 40.3%
  • Religious

    Votes: 22 17.1%
  • Not Really... (leaning towards no)

    Votes: 23 17.8%
  • I Practice a Non-Theistic Religion

    Votes: 13 10.1%
  • I Don't Know...

    Votes: 9 7.0%

  • Total voters
Not open for further replies.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
I didn't care to check if anyone replied to this, but you got a lot of your facts wrong.

Without Religion, art, music, and many of the wonderful civilised, cultured achievements, like...

Sistine Chapel, various depictions of Venus, The Last Supper, Sicut Cervus, Handel's Messiah, the architecture of the pantheon in Rome, Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame, The Vatican: Domes, pillars, arches, and such, music notes, polyphony, pitch, a massive chunk of the dictionary...Oh I'll just cut to the chase since the list of things is exceedingly huge and I can't list it all:

Culture, Music, Sculpture, Architecture, Literature (Poetry, and Prose) and Art would be pitifully stone aged compared to the advancements in those fields, and the things inspired by them that we have now.

Metal work also...A massive amount of advancement in metal work (gold, silver, bronze, brass...sacred bowls, cups, plates...lamp stands...) gem cutting, and precious-material workmanship in general was used for religious reasons, and advanced because of the practice in those fields that religious devotion brought forth.

And that is just the physical side of things, philosophically, and otherwise...well, that contributive list is even bigger than the physical one...
We would have pretty much everything you listed except the churches if religion hadn't existed.

1. In a world without religion science is no longer opposed by the ignorant

Ignorance is not bound by Faith, dear friend: I cite a catholic monk who discovered genetics. Also: Culture examples above.
I remember there being a greek guy, but anyway, at that time pretty much everyone were religious which means it would be very hard to not have a religious guy discover it. It was AFTER they discovered these things people started to question religion...

2. Science would have boomed and we would be 3 times as advanced as we are now

Culture examples above. And by sheer irony, all those wars you claim that Religion caused "if they didn't happen because religion didn't exist" via your example: IE following your scenario of logic...all the technology from those wars would have been years in occurrence: War often breeds Progress in technology.
War breeds only progress in weapons, not stuff normal people use.

3. The Jews would have less cultural opposition(Palestinian, European etc) and there would be no religious terrorists meaning:

The Jews wouldn't even exist.
I agree there.

4. 9/11 would not have happened

No, just another form of terrorism, like Soviet Russia stealing farms from the populace in the name of The State. Humans are the issue, not their ideals.
If it wasn't set up by the government themselves then it was Osama bin Laden and those guys. And they were martyrs (*cough*religion*cough*).

5. The war in Iraq would not have happened

No, just another war for scarce oil.

6. The London train bombings would not have happened

London wouldn't exist, and if it did, most likely it would be a pale shadow of what it is now: Culture example.
I don't know about the train bombings, but London would have existed and it wouldn't be smaller in any way. Just less churches and more buildings people can live in.

7. The mass cult suicides would not happen

Why do that when you can just kill yourself for having no hope in the individual life? "There is nothing in this world for me! It is best I just rot! My genetics are inferior, no female would want to carry on my diseased genetic code! *shoots self*"

8. Children would not be molested by the Catholic Church

Or the boy scouts? Or any other organisation, or individual who molests people? "The Catholic Church" doesn't molest people, anymore than Walmart rapes women because of a minority of employees who hold down a girl in the dressing room to do the same.

I agree with Zombie.
Still, the Catholic Church are the ones who do it the most, and it says a lot when the Vatican got their own DEPARTMENT for such things. A WHOLE DEPARTMENT.

9. People would have more personal responsibility and self respect because they would understand that this life is all they have and they should live it to the fullest

...no they wouldn't...A vast many of them would have killed themselves looong ago.
Why would they kill themselves? It makes no sense whatsoever.

10. More charity organizations would be opened and more money would be given to them due to no more churches raking the money in

Wrong: I agree with Zombie. On that matter, money wouldn't have come about for many more years without Religion: Due to the Imperial Religion of Rome, which put his head on coinage...
Oh, so it's religions fault that people are greedy and people start wars to get richer? :D

11. More taxes would be given to the government instead of to the church and the economy would stabilize.

The State, The State...Politicians, Politicians, those blood sucking tyrants. I agree with Zombie.
The church did it first.

12. The Nazi party would not have been fueled or funded by the Catholic Church and subsequently anti-Semitism

Laugh out loud..."I agree with Zombie" yet again.
I dunno about this, but he (not you) might be correct.

13. Hitler would not have been inspired by religious anti-Semitic Nordic Aryan blood myths

No, someone else would have risen to power in the financially destroyed Germanic region, using a secular ideal, or inventing his own, which may have turned out to be even more brutal.
No one else tried, that's why it was Hitler. And it was his anti-Semitic view which drove him.

14. The holocaust would never have happened

Just like the Great Leap Forward didn't kill anyone in China...
The holocaust still wouldn't have happened. Just because someone else died too doesn't mean that it wouldn't help if LESS people die. It sounds like you didn't care about those millions of Jews who died....

15. Homophobia would not exist

I agree with Zombie. And actually, it would exist to an even greater extent: "Homosexuals cannot pass on their genes. They are degenerative to the human species. We must preserve The Species!"
No it wouldn't. The churches are the ones who started it and they still continue to deny gay people from being leaders in the church. Only now do we allow gay marriage and not thanks to religion. The church has been against this all the time.

16. Middle eastern racism would not exist

Because borders, land, space, housing, and financial control of oil have nothing to do with it...?
I dunno about this.

17. Slavery would not have been justified and therefore would not have been promoted meaning far less racism and poverty in America

"You are genetically inferior, serve me!" PS: Martin Luther King Jr. A pastor, who spearheaded non-violent protest for civil rights.
I don't think it was religion which started this. It was the USA.

18. The Spanish inquisition that tortured to death over 500,000 people would never have happened

And the Vietnam war would never have happened without Communism. ^_^

Interesting thing about the Spanish Inquisition, is that like most political actions, it was over money, land, and power.
Or without the USA, either one. And just like the one a bit further above, it sounds like you don't care about those people who died and that it doesn't help if LESS people die.

19. The crusades that killed from 1,000,000 to 9,000,000 people would never have happened

Just another war for securing the spice trade. Interestingly enough, many spices were discovered and used for religious reasons: Culture example.
Nope, those were to spread Christianity.

20. The burning of witches, homosexuals, the mentally unstable, and women would never have happened saving countless hundreds of thousands of innocents throughout history

No, just the destruction of the genetically inferior at the hands of Eugenic ideals that would inevitably spawn from a society where Religion never existed. And probably to a much further degree, since genetic inferiority would perhaps include le'gasp, not having blue eyes, blonde hair, and a perfect figure.

Also: The lame kid, the blind kid, and the deaf kid would be left to die, where as many, many, many churches take care of them. Alas for Genetics.
The witch burning was started by religion. Read a history book please.

21. The spread of AIDS in Africa would be slowed considerably

They'd all just starve to death instead. Ministries around the world single handedly keep hundreds if not thousands of Africans alive.
[cynical bastard] without religion those people would have died and AIDS wouldn't have existed![/cynical bastard]

22. The genocide of the North American Indians would never have happened

...Because space, and lack of timber, and resources in Europe had nothing to do with moving west. Nor the rumour of Gold. Zombie is again correct.

23. The genocide of the Central American Indians would never have happened

...Because space, and lack of timber, and resources in Europe had nothing to do with moving west. Nor the rumour of Gold. Zombie is again correct.

24. The genocide of the South American Indians would never have happened

...Because space, and lack of timber, and resources in Europe had nothing to do with moving west. Nor the rumour of Gold. Zombie is again correct.
I'm afraid Zombie and Elenai are correct here.

25. Women would not be as oppressed and sexism overall would not exist in such abundance

Of course! Because like all women in the Genetics driven environment, those who are not pretty are left to die, or killed...And women are just organic machines to bear young, and feed them.
Actually, the Pope himself started this. The Pope was the one who said sex was a sin and that women were inferior and all that. Before Christianity women were WORSHIPPED by men as GODDESSES. And it was believed that you could only contact god through them. There are still religious groups who worship women. I'll quote myself "Hieros Gamos anyone?".

26. Fanatical religious terrorist extremists would not exist and countless hundreds of thousands of innocents would not have died

China, Soviet Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam...Atheist Chinese state annexing and trying to kill Buddists and the Dali Lhama how silly of me... xD These never happened.
Huh? If I understand that correctly you're trying to say that some atheists ATTEMPTS at killing Dalai Lama is worse than countless of innocents dying? I'll say this again: It seems like you don't care about people dying if other people die too.

27. The Japanese would not have massacred, raped, pillaged, and tortured the Chinese or have bombed Pearl Harbor

Because Imperialism and the desire for land, riches, and wealth never influence decisions...

28. The genocide of the Armenians by the Turks would never have happened

Another reason, another genocide, in a different place: Would have occurred.
AGAIN, it seems like you don't care if LESS people die because there still are people dying. Wtf is wrong with you?

29. People would not believe in a giant invisible ancient Middle Eastern desert spirit in the sky who gives a shit about them

Instead they'd just..."nothing" sounds really dreamy... >_>
Huh? How does NOT believing in a "giant invisible ..." sound a "dreamy"? It's the OTHER WAY AROUND.

30. Iran would not rape and murder innocent young girls under Koranic law

No, they'd just be raped and such because they are so pretty and genetically advantageous.
I dunno about this.

31. Saddam Hussein would not have massacred hundreds of thousands of his own people

Saddam Hussein was an Atheistic Socialist: Muslim 'for show'. Basically, he was a miniature Stalin, who celebrated a muslim version of "Crimbo".
He wasn't an atheist. He was a FUCKED UP religious guy. An atheist isn't "muslim for show", and he wasn't anywhere near atheism anyway.

32. World War 2 would never have happened

Wrong, reasons explained above.
The war might have happened, but MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WOULDN'T HAVE DIED. There would still be deaths, but there would be LESS, AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS FFS.

33. Manifest Destiny preached by Van Buren in the Second Great Awakening would never have happened and the Mexican American War would have been avoided

Never heard of him.

34. Numerous other atrocities would never have happened

Great Leap Forward, Forced Industrialisation...
Again, you don't care if LESS people die.

I'll quote a possible conversation between you and some random guy:

"Some guy: If Bush had never been born then countless more people would have lived!
Elenai: As if the Great Leap Forward in China didn't kill people."
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
No it wouldn't. The churches are the ones who started it and they still continue to deny gay people from being leaders in the church. Only now do we allow gay marriage and not thanks to religion. The church has been against this all the time.

It's not like much people don't view it at 'weird', and that's not only thanks to religion.
Level 8
Oct 11, 2009
I am Actively religious...Christian
Elenai Made lots of sense from my point of few...
The_Reborn_Devil aslo made some good points...
But people like to blame things on religion for no reason aswell...
Most people see religion as a scapegoat they use to blame things on...
Like i said i am a Christian... and shiiK is a Satanist
shiiK said:
I chose non-theism simply because atheism doesn't describe my opinion wholly, and also because atheism often is considered non-religious; thus a non-theistic belief is more accurate.
...or well thats what his avatar message says..so im a bit confused but im going to use you as a example... But im not judging him on..o your a satanist you're going to burn i hell blah blah blah...and im not saying he is going to... But that is his choice..his religion...
if a guy goes out and kills 100 people and says he was possessed by the devil...he might use Satanism as a scapegoat...
People love to use Christians as a scapegoat...for Reasons i dont no why...
Something else that annoys me is when poeple say 'Oh My G**'...yeah you're thinking "you're a Christian, of course you gonna think that..." yes that one reason but the thing that bugs me is most people who use that word dont believe in Christianity... (might be habit) BUT they dont believe in God so why use "somethings" name that does not exist? why not say Oh My Toes??
The_Reborn_Devil ur an Atheist...
The_Reborn_Devil said:
Fuck religion...
I consider myself as a collection of energy. Everything is energy when you think about it. When you start picking out the really small particles you don't measure their mass in grams, but in volts :D
Why Swear something you dont believe in?

The_Reborn_Devil said:
What kind of evidence is there for a god existing?
I like to call it Faith

Etzer said:
I am a believer that Earth created itself.
From a science point of view...it didnt create itself..lol

Dan van Ohllus said:
So yeah, an anti-religious agnostic/ignostic suits me perfectly.
anti-religious...once again how can you be against something that does not exist in your eyes?

The_Reborn_Devil said:
It's probably because you thought you drank it, but you didn't :D
It happens to my mother all the time. She thinks she has done something and she is 100% sure, but she hasn't done it.
It happens to me...but i drink my coffee that after like 2 min i look and coffee's gone and i swore i didnt drink it...lol

The_Reborn_Devil said:
We would have pretty much everything you listed except the churches if religion hadn't existed.

Sistine Chapel, various depictions of Venus, The Last Supper, Sicut Cervus, Handel's Messiah, the architecture of the pantheon in Rome, Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame, The Vatican: Domes, pillars, arches, and such, music notes, polyphony, pitch, a massive chunk of the dictionary...Oh I'll just cut to the chase since the list of things is exceedingly huge and I can't list it all:.
Is Not Pretty much EVERTYHING Btw...

The_Reborn_Devil said:
War breeds only progress in weapons
and racism, Hatred, Thinking your superior, greed....

The_Reborn_Devil said:
If it wasn't set up by the government themselves then it was Osama bin Laden and those guys. And they were martyrs (*cough*religion*cough*).
Once again using religion as a scapegoat...9/11 is caused by hatred not religion...

The mass cult suicides would not happen
This is just weird to my taste...

The_Reborn_Devil said:
Still, the Catholic Church are the ones who do it the most, and it says a lot when the Vatican got their own DEPARTMENT for such things. A WHOLE DEPARTMENT.
Scapegoat...Catholic Church did not do it...it was the sick mind of a corrupt priest not the Religion itself...plus more poeple get raped elsewhere the in churchs...people just like to mock our religion.

The_Reborn_Devil said:
The church did it first.
Proof?... you cant use the donation we give on sundays..cause how otherwise will churches survive with the Goverments taxes and protperty and stuff?

The spread of AIDS in Africa would be slowed considerably
Whats this to do with any religion??? i live in Africa...i dont have aids...the reason why it spreads is because lots of people cant their snakes in the pants and raping has to do with it aswell

The_Reborn_Devil said:
Originally Posted by Elenai
25. Women would not be as oppressed and sexism overall would not exist in such abundance

Of course! Because like all women in the Genetics driven environment, those who are not pretty are left to die, or killed...And women are just organic machines to bear young, and feed them.
Actually, the Pope himself started this.

Id like proof that he said it plz...

to the Non believers...wow that sounds wierd..
But isn't religion made by humans themselves? Don't blame the idea of religion, blame ourselves?
He has a point

Stanakin Skywalker said:
I'm not completely retarded, so I voted atheist.
Dude i am not Insulting atheistism so why insult something you dont believe then?

The World Is Flat said:
blame religion
Generalizing there a bit..
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
In some animal groups the majority of them are actually gay, so being gay is completely normal. Kinda hard to reproduce though. Gays are looked upon as weird by most people, though few actually have anything against them, and that would be religious leaders as most regular religious people don't mind them that much, but they wouldn't want a gay guy to be the next pope.

I would also like to note that the amount of religious people is decreasing. Now it's about 50/50 (on an average basis).

Edit: Answering on post above. In the meantime I would say the first quote of me is wrong. I didn't say "Fuck religion",

Edit: Here goes:

Why Swear something you dont believe in?
Please look at what I posted again. I did not say that.

I like to call it Faith
I wanted proof. Faith is not proof, faith is a strong belief in a supernatural power or complete confidence in a person, divine entity, etc.

From a science point of view...it didnt create itself..lol
It didn't create itself, like putting itself together, but it used millions of years to gather particles in space which then formed the Earth.

anti-religious...once again how can you be against something that does not exist in your eyes?
He's against religion, i.e, against the very thought of a supernatural power which controls everything with an invisible hand.

Sistine Chapel, various depictions of Venus, The Last Supper, Sicut Cervus, Handel's Messiah, the architecture of the pantheon in Rome, Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame, The Vatican: Domes, pillars, arches, and such, music notes, polyphony, pitch, a massive chunk of the dictionary...Oh I'll just cut to the chase since the list of things is exceedingly huge and I can't list it all:.
Is Not Pretty much EVERTYHING Btw...
That was not all he listed.

Once again using religion as a scapegoat...9/11 is caused by hatred not religion...
A hatred caused by the different views (religion).

Scapegoat...Catholic Church did not do it...it was the sick mind of a corrupt priest not the Religion itself...plus more poeple get raped elsewhere the in churchs...people just like to mock our religion.
It wasn't the church itself, it was the priests who served it. And it happens more frequently in Catholic churches. "it was the sick mind of a corrupt priest" A priest? You mean "it was the sick mind of catholic priests".

Proof?... you cant use the donation we give on sundays..cause how otherwise will churches survive with the Goverments taxes and protperty and stuff?
My proof is history books, but since I'm too lazy to find an online one I'll just say what I recall. The churches started with collecting taxes which were 10% of all they owned. They also took money for relieving people from all their sins. F.ex. If you killed someone you could just go to a priest, give him some money and he would forgive you.

Whats this to do with any religion???
I dunno.

Id like proof that he said it plz...
His exact words are not known to me, but history books say that the Pope declared that having sex outside marriage is a sin. And to prevent the worshiping of females he had to say that they were inferior and all that.

to the Non believers...wow that sounds wierd..

He has a point
Yes, it was first created by humans, but now religion is steering people and taking control of peoples actions, hence why we blame religion.
Last edited:
Dude i am not Insulting atheistism so why insult something you dont believe then?
You are insulting every serious scientist in the world by disregarding their findings in favor of something guys that have been dead for 2000 years have written in some book.

The spread of AIDS in Africa would be slowed considerably

Whats this to do with any religion??? i live in Africa...i dont have aids...the reason why it spreads is because lots of people cant their snakes in the pants and raping has to do with it aswell

The pope says you can't use condoms. Many africans are christians. That's why.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Let's all bash Mr Evangelical here. Mr Evangelical and his colleges of the Christian Church Company have the tendency to flood you with old but plentiful texts with lots of expensive words that spin-doctor things around, making you believe it is true.

Without Religion, art, music, and many of the wonderful civilised, cultured achievements, like...

Sistine Chapel, various depictions of Venus, The Last Supper, Sicut Cervus, Handel's Messiah, the architecture of the pantheon in Rome, Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame, The Vatican: Domes, pillars, arches, and such, music notes, polyphony, pitch, a massive chunk of the dictionary...Oh I'll just cut to the chase since the list of things is exceedingly huge and I can't list it all:

Culture, Music, Sculpture, Architecture, Literature (Poetry, and Prose) and Art would be pitifully stone aged compared to the advancements in those fields, and the things inspired by them that we have now.

Metal work also...A massive amount of advancement in metal work (gold, silver, bronze, brass...sacred bowls, cups, plates...lamp stands...) gem cutting, and precious-material workmanship in general was used for religious reasons, and advanced because of the practice in those fields that religious devotion brought forth.

And that is just the physical side of things, philosophically, and otherwise...well, that contributive list is even bigger than the physical one...
This is your god.

1. In a world without religion science is no longer opposed by the ignorant

Ignorance is not bound by Faith, dear friend: I cite a catholic monk who discovered genetics. Also: Culture examples above.

2. Science would have boomed and we would be 3 times as advanced as we are now

Culture examples above. And by sheer irony, all those wars you claim that Religion caused "if they didn't happen because religion didn't exist" via your example: IE following your scenario of logic...all the technology from those wars would have been years in occurrence: War often breeds Progress in technology.
Sometimes, but not always.

3. The Jews would have less cultural opposition(Palestinian, European etc) and there would be no religious terrorists meaning:

The Jews wouldn't even exist.
It's just the Jews.

4. 9/11 would not have happened

No, just another form of terrorism, like Soviet Russia stealing farms from the populace in the name of The State. Humans are the issue, not their ideals.
Religion was started by humans.

5. The war in Iraq would not have happened

No, just another war for scarce oil.
Oil, oil, oil, just like money: Your God.

6. The London train bombings would not have happened

London wouldn't exist, and if it did, most likely it would be a pale shadow of what it is now: Culture example.
Then it would be just another city no one gives a shit about.

7. The mass cult suicides would not happen

Why do that when you can just kill yourself for having no hope in the individual life? "There is nothing in this world for me! It is best I just rot! My genetics are inferior, no female would want to carry on my diseased genetic code! *shoots self*"
Well if religion wasn't there in the first place, we wouldn't go through this situation due to our very advanced technology which would have cured your petty American-incested disease.

8. Children would not be molested by the Catholic Church

Or the boy scouts? Or any other organisation, or individual who molests people? "The Catholic Church" doesn't molest people, anymore than Walmart rapes women because of a minority of employees who hold down a girl in the dressing room to do the same.

I agree with Zombie.
As long there is sex and kids in this world, this issue will remain.

9. People would have more personal responsibility and self respect because they would understand that this life is all they have and they should live it to the fullest

...no they wouldn't...A vast many of them would have killed themselves looong ago.
[Citation needed]

10. More charity organizations would be opened and more money would be given to them due to no more churches raking the money in

Wrong: I agree with Zombie. On that matter, money wouldn't have come about for many more years without Religion: Due to the Imperial Religion of Rome, which put his head on coinage...
Money equals religion, stop avoiding the truth.

11. More taxes would be given to the government instead of to the church and the economy would stabilize.

The State, The State...Politicians, Politicians, those blood sucking tyrants. I agree with Zombie.
Read #10?

12. The Nazi party would not have been fueled or funded by the Catholic Church and subsequently anti-Semitism

Laugh out loud..."I agree with Zombie" yet again.
Don't be stupid, be a smartie, come and join the Nazi Party!

13. Hitler would not have been inspired by religious anti-Semitic Nordic Aryan blood myths

No, someone else would have risen to power in the financially destroyed Germanic region, using a secular ideal, or inventing his own, which may have turned out to be even more brutal.
Citation needed.

14. The holocaust would never have happened

Just like the Great Leap Forward didn't kill anyone in China...
Just like Fatman and Little Boy didn't either.

15. Homophobia would not exist

I agree with Zombie. And actually, it would exist to an even greater extent: "Homosexuals cannot pass on their genes. They are degenerative to the human species. We must preserve The Species!"
This is your religious side talking again, you homophobe.

16. Middle eastern racism would not exist

Because borders, land, space, housing, and financial control of oil have nothing to do with it...?
Racism doesn't have to do anything with religion.

17. Slavery would not have been justified and therefore would not have been promoted meaning far less racism and poverty in America

"You are genetically inferior, serve me!" PS: Martin Luther King Jr. A pastor, who spearheaded non-violent protest for civil rights.
You have seen too many movies.

18. The Spanish inquisition that tortured to death over 500,000 people would never have happened

And the Vietnam war would never have happened without Communism. ^_^

Interesting thing about the Spanish Inquisition, is that like most political actions, it was over money, land, and power.
God may be all powerful, but he's shit at paying his bills, so he lets you do the moneyfarming.

19. The crusades that killed from 1,000,000 to 9,000,000 people would never have happened

Just another war for securing the spice trade. Interestingly enough, many spices were discovered and used for religious reasons: Culture example.
Trade and such were active (late) during and after the Crusades, but not a reason for it.

20. The burning of witches, homosexuals, the mentally unstable, and women would never have happened saving countless hundreds of thousands of innocents throughout history

No, just the destruction of the genetically inferior at the hands of Eugenic ideals that would inevitably spawn from a society where Religion never existed. And probably to a much further degree, since genetic inferiority would perhaps include le'gasp, not having blue eyes, blonde hair, and a perfect figure.

Also: The lame kid, the blind kid, and the deaf kid would be left to die, where as many, many, many churches take care of them. Alas for Genetics.

21. The spread of AIDS in Africa would be slowed considerably

They'd all just starve to death instead. Ministries around the world single handedly keep hundreds if not thousands of Africans alive.
Is this a real or fictional situation? I'd call bullshit.

22. The genocide of the North American Indians would never have happened

...Because space, and lack of timber, and resources in Europe had nothing to do with moving west. Nor the rumour of Gold. Zombie is again correct.
This is true though. And the fact that 60%+ of all colonists were Germans.

23. The genocide of the Central American Indians would never have happened

...Because space, and lack of timber, and resources in Europe had nothing to do with moving west. Nor the rumour of Gold. Zombie is again correct.
I smell a deja vu here.

24. The genocide of the South American Indians would never have happened

...Because space, and lack of timber, and resources in Europe had nothing to do with moving west. Nor the rumour of Gold. Zombie is again correct.
Don't forget them diseases!

25. Women would not be as oppressed and sexism overall would not exist in such abundance

Of course! Because like all women in the Genetics driven environment, those who are not pretty are left to die, or killed...And women are just organic machines to bear young, and feed them.
It looks like you don't give your American ladies equal rights, again.

26. Fanatical religious terrorist extremists would not exist and countless hundreds of thousands of innocents would not have died

China, Soviet Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam...Atheist Chinese state annexing and trying to kill Buddists and the Dali Lhama how silly of me... xD These never happened.
If they didn't existed, in the atheist world, then why are you trolling like a bitch about it?

27. The Japanese would not have massacred, raped, pillaged, and tortured the Chinese or have bombed Pearl Harbour

Because Imperialism and the desire for land, riches, and wealth never influence decisions...
We're human, that's what we do.

28. The genocide of the Armenians by the Turks would never have happened

Another reason, another genocide, in a different place: Would have occurred.
Genocides will always occur, everywhere and to anyone.

29. People would not believe in a giant invisible ancient Middle Eastern desert spirit in the sky who gives a shit about them

Instead they'd just..."nothing" sounds really dreamy... >_>

30. Iran would not rape and murder innocent young girls under Koranic law

No, they'd just be raped and such because they are so pretty and genetically advantageous.
I have invented a new word: Genazi, it's a geneticist and a nazi together. And congratulations: you're it's first member.

31. Saddam Hussein would not have massacred hundreds of thousands of his own people

Saddam Hussein was an Atheistic Socialist: Muslim 'for show'. Basically, he was a miniature Stalin, who celebrated a muslim version of "Crimbo".
He was a Sunni Muslim, ask Firebeard213, he knows a lot about him.

32. World War 2 would never have happened

Wrong, reasons explained above.

33. Manifest Destiny preached by Van Buren in the Second Great Awakening would never have happened and the Mexican American War would have been avoided

Being Dutch economically supreme doesn't have anything to do with religion.

34. Numerous other atrocities would never have happened

Great Leap Forward, Forced Industrialisation...
Crusades, Inquisition, witch hunt, Aztec sacrifices, them exploding hatebeards, etc.
Bah, let's not do that. Trying to win an argument against Elenai is factually pointless since he'll try to dictate and lecture with out-of-context Bible passages (written in normal English). He's also an expert on spin-doctoring things and just loves to write his stuff in Stupid English, which is soaked in sarcasm and "maybe"'s.


Religion is a bitch.

If you want to earn a million, start a religion.

I suggest to abandon your God, Allah, Number One or whatever his name is and worship something you can actually see: Like the sun. You can see the sun, it gives heat, light, food, flowers in the park, reflections on the water, the occasional skin cancer but hey: at least there are no crucifixions and we're not setting someone on fire simply they wont agree with us. Plus no one asks you for money.


Beer is empty, need moar.
Level 8
Oct 11, 2009
The_Reborn_Devil you agreed to it

The pope says you can't use condoms. Many africans are christians. That's why.
id like evidence & most african arent Christians..they have the tradisional Gods
You are insulting every serious scientist in the world
No i think they are really awesome...and yet some make discoveries that support my beliefs
I suggest to abandon your God
Not cool man...we didnt say become Christian...
Beer is empty, need moar.
are you Drunk?
Let's all bash Mr Evangelical here
Again not cool man
worship something you can actually see: Like the sun.
onca again its faith something you cant understand obviosly
Not cool man...we didnt say become Christian...
Lol? You christians converted (read: forced) millions to your religion.

id like evidence & most african arent Christians..they have the tradisional Gods
Evidence of what? You don't know what you're pope's saying? And I said many africans, not most.

You're right! Let's also start sacrificing things that are actually valuable to us!
Humans anyone?
We've already been doing that in the name of religion for thousands of years, actually.

Meh I'll stop here. If religious people'd be prepared to listen to factual arguments there wouldn't be any religious people, after all.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
I suggest to abandon your God, Allah, Number One or whatever his name is and worship something you can actually see: Like the sun. You can see the sun, it gives heat, light, food, flowers in the park, reflections on the water, the occasional skin cancer but hey: at least there are no crucifixions and we're not setting someone on fire simply they wont agree with us. Plus no one asks you for money.


Beer is empty, need moar.

You're right! Let's also start sacrificing things that are actually valuable to us!
Humans anyone?
Level 8
Oct 11, 2009
factual arguments
But there arent any..
You christians converted (read: forced) millions to your religion.
Once again Proof Plz

I didnt force anyone or anything and Most people just like to bash Christian...
Let's all bash Mr Evangelical here
I suggest to abandon your God
Blah Blah Blah

Is there a Nagging Voice in the back of your head? is that why you try to bash Christians?
Level 8
Oct 11, 2009
Go read a history book, please. Ever heard of missionaries? Ever wondered how half of Africa got to be christian when they used to worship other gods until European christians arrived?

5/8 of Africa is Tradisional..and they still worship their own gods...I LIVE HERE so i would know...about a 1/8 is Christian
And plz give me the name of the so called book...
Level 35
May 22, 2007
We would have pretty much everything you listed except the churches if religion hadn't existed.

...By sheer logic...the examples I cited would never have existed.

I'd like to see you find any possible intelligent way in which to argue that The Last Supper, or Kyrie Eleison would have come about without Christianity.

(You can't)

I remember there being a greek guy, but anyway, at that time pretty much everyone were religious which means it would be very hard to not have a religious guy discover it. It was AFTER they discovered these things people started to question religion...

"Science proves God's cleverness"

War breeds only progress in weapons, not stuff normal people use.

Nuclear power, the internet, plastic, radar, dynamite, synthetic rubber, margarine, the list goes on, and on, and on.

If it wasn't set up by the government themselves then it was Osama bin Laden and those guys. And they were martyrs (*cough*religion*cough*).

You should look at the whole history behind Osama Bin Ladin. As well as the Afghanistan wars when Communism was still around that spawned his ideals.

I don't know about the train bombings, but London would have existed and it wouldn't be smaller in any way. Just less churches and more buildings people can live in.

Religion is what gave birth to the British culture. Heck, I'll go so far back as to cite the celtic druidic faiths as a part of that birth.

In essence: Religion is what inspired mankind to build buildings, not just huts.

As a Christian I see a few people who feel that life is hopeless because God doesn't seem to care about them, or even exist because of temporal circumstances. In this time, they are often suicidal, rage-filled, in general irrational.

I can certainly apply this to the new breed of purely animalistic humans, whom are intelligent enough to know that they are conscious, but brutish enough to believe their only purpose is to further the species. If they can't contribute to that (finding inferiorities within themselves which EVERYONE does), and having no hope of otherwise. They commit suicide most oftenly: Japanese culture can be cited here for references to 'honourable suicide', which has applications here.

And even then, Eugenics takes its toll here. Morality being 'nothing' in this society.

Still, the Catholic Church are the ones who do it the most, and it says a lot when the Vatican got their own DEPARTMENT for such things. A WHOLE DEPARTMENT.

Most? Not by a long shot...Media Attention != Absolute truth statistics.

The United State's government has a department for the same thing by the way...Its called the SVU, I guess that means the United States molests children? (no)

Why would they kill themselves? It makes no sense whatsoever.

"No purpose, No hope"

Reality, and Life shows ample example enough of people who commit suicide because of those two ideas alone.

Oh, so it's religions fault that people are greedy and people start wars to get richer? :D

Greed is a human endeavour: They'd just commit greed through trade, and bartering.

The coinage example is to show that Religion creates convenience. I don't think any of us would be fond of taking a goat, and two turnips to the store for a pack of gum, when we can take a coin instead.

It isn't Baskin Robin's fault after making delicious icecream, if two kids kill each other over a cone rocky road. Free-will.

The church did it first.

The Church didn't tax people first... >_>

Ancient Empires and their Governments did.

Rome was very efficient with taxing people...even while they were persecuting Christians.

Egypt had a taxation system via labour. Where during the months where the nile was not flooded, they would work in what would be today public works projects.

China had a tax system using rice, so did Japan.

Politics, not Religion, is the source of Taxation.

No one else tried, that's why it was Hitler. And it was his anti-Semitic view which drove him.

You aren't at all aware of the Nuremberg trials are you?

The S.S, the Gestapo?

The holocaust still wouldn't have happened.

Oh yes it would have. Hitler's issue wasn't about religion, it was Eugenics, he killed all kinds of homosexuals, mentally disabled, handicapped, slavs, etc, and he was leaning towards a superior genetic race all with secular humanistic leanings, mixed with twisted occult mysticism: Which isn't Religion, by the way...

"He would have just found another scapegoat", is my point.

PS: Don't even try to pass me off as an enemy, especially to the Jewish people, it will serve you to no avail, and I will merely pass you on to someone who will deal with you unkindly.

No it wouldn't. The churches are the ones who started it and they still continue to deny gay people from being leaders in the church. Only now do we allow gay marriage and not thanks to religion. The church has been against this all the time.

You have very poor knowledge of Homosexual history. Marriage is a religious creation by the way. And for good reason do churches refuse to let homosexuals be their leaders, and for good reason we are against homosexual behaviour.

Point being: Without religion, genetics would be the purpose of a human's life...homosexuals would be greatly disappointed at their fate in the cruel eugenic world that awaits them there.

I don't think it was religion which started this. It was the USA.

It wasn't the USA either...

I'll remind everyone that England had slavery as well, and so did the rest of Europe, of which in England a man named William Wilberforce (a Christian), helped, and if not brought about, the fall of Slavery in England.

Or without the USA, either one. And just like the one a bit further above, it sounds like you don't care about those people who died and that it doesn't help if LESS people die.

Your logic is flawed.

Nope, those were to spread Christianity.

Nope; political, financial, imperialism. George Bush didn't go into Iraq to spread Democracy you know...

The witch burning was started by religion. Read a history book please.

You'd be surprised at what the actual history of the witch burnings...considering I did read a history book, and not a Wiccan propaganda piece.

Actually, the Pope himself started this.

Yeah...and I'm technically protestant. Fascinating!

The Pope was the one who said sex was a sin

God however, says we should enjoy it with our wives...and it actually implies 'daily'.

and that women were inferior and all that. Before Christianity women were WORSHIPPED by men as GODDESSES.

One of the reasons Christianity spread so quickly amongst WOMEN in the ancient world, is because it actually taught social equality, in a world where women were not given much credit.

And it was believed that you could only contact god through them.

correcting your statement to be accurate said:
And it was believed you could contact the gods through them

You know absolutely nothing about the role of women in the pagan worship do you? >_>

The vast majority of women in religious service for the temples where prostitutes, also a financial venture.

There are still religious groups who worship women. I'll quote myself "Hieros Gamos anyone?".

Yay? I have yet to see myself, or my Christian brethren degrading a women to servitude, and quite the opposite. Since God tells us plainly and quite frankly that women are not to be used, being beautiful creations of his.

PS: I like how Christianity is against pornography, and prostitution. Yet most secular groups say pornography is perfectly alright, and the only reason prostitution isn't looked fondly on is because of disease liability. However, they have absolutely no problem with multiple sex partners, which is just prostitution without the paycheck, where as Christians are against degrading women to being sex objects.

He wasn't an atheist. He was a FUCKED UP religious guy. An atheist isn't "muslim for show", and he wasn't anywhere near atheism anyway.


On the other hand, Saddam Hussein only turned to religion near the end of his reign when he desperately needed anything that would bolster support. Conservative critics in the West have tended to focus on this, ignoring the fact that he was only using religion for political purposes - something we see in the West as well. Lumping Saddam Hussein with other Islamist leaders and movements is also likely to be inaccurate because Hussein himself was a frequent target of Islamist criticism for being too secular and not enforcing Islamic religious laws.


During his life time (not counting the few meager months nearing his death): He was a secular, socialist, atheist, just like his communist spawning pool-mates.

The war might have happened, but MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WOULDN'T HAVE DIED. There would still be deaths, but there would be LESS, AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS FFS.

I'd argue that more people would have died, considering how many people didn't go because of religious reasons.

Again, you don't care if LESS people die.

I'll quote a possible conversation between you and some random guy:

"Some guy: If Bush had never been born then countless more people would have lived!
Elenai: As if the Great Leap Forward in China didn't kill people."

You are failing to realise the whole purpose in citing the communist regime's various genocides. "Atheism isn't innocent; and for as much as "Religion" has ever killed anyone, by the same logic of 'ideals kill', Atheism is a blood stained murderer."
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
I am not saying anything but a test performed in Denmark showed that religious people have an IQ 5-20 points lower then Atheists.
Level 8
Oct 11, 2009
It's funny how a guy who constantly demands proof blindly follows a God for which there is no proof at all. Explain that to me, will ya?
Faith Again
LOL! This is common knowledge. This is even something you learn on schools.
Really? i never learned it and you cant proof the book exists cause i actually pay attension and dont daydream about non existing books
@Etzer... Sigh...

I'll be back to show you why that comment is not only untrue but also completeley irrelevant in a few hours
Id like to see that

This is a Futile Thread...Religion vs. Non Religion...nice idea but its just gonna turn sour and nobody is going to change their belief and going to win so...just close this thread...
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
Never said. Didn't you read it??? I just say what a test confirms, not what i mean!
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
I'd like to see you find any possible intelligent way in which to argue that The Last Supper, or Kyrie Eleison would have come about without Christianity.

(You can't)
The last supper is a church thing.

"Science proves God's cleverness"
More like "God grants a man the power to unveil something that would make people question him and stop believing in him".
That seems like fail.

Nuclear power, the internet, plastic, radar, dynamite, synthetic rubber, margarine, the list goes on, and on, and on.
Nuclear power didn't come from nuclear weapons. Nuclear power AND nuclear weapons were based on Einsteins discovery. The internet would have showed up anyway. Radar and dynamite is not something regular people use. I really hope you don't walk around with a radar in your hand and some dynamite in your backpack.

You should look at the whole history behind Osama Bin Ladin. As well as the Afghanistan wars when Communism was still around that spawned his ideals.
Osama was still a religious man, and if we believe the government, he did the 9/11 things due to differences between them and because the USA bombed his country.

In essence: Religion is what inspired mankind to build buildings, not just huts.
HAHAHAHA! You make me laugh. Seriously, that made me lol. People made houses to live in, not because they believed in a god. "Oh shit, I believe in a god, I must now make houses and not huts!"

As a Christian I see a few people who feel that life is hopeless because God doesn't seem to care about them, or even exist because of temporal circumstances. In this time, they are often suicidal, rage-filled, in general irrational.
Keyword: a FEW people.

Most? Not by a long shot...Media Attention != Absolute truth statistics.

The United State's government has a department for the same thing by the way...Its called the SVU, I guess that means the United States molests children? (no)
The media attention is caused because it happens the most there. And the US's department, which pretty much every country has, is not the same as the one the Vatican has. They made that department to cover things up. What we see in media is not live, it's things which are leaked out of the Vatican, at least the most recent stuff.

"No purpose, No hope"

Reality, and Life shows ample example enough of people who commit suicide because of those two ideas alone.
Not having religion != No purpose, no hope.

The Church didn't tax people first... >_>

Ancient Empires and their Governments did.

Rome was very efficient with taxing people...even while they were persecuting Christians.

Egypt had a taxation system via labour. Where during the months where the nile was not flooded, they would work in what would be today public works projects.

China had a tax system using rice, so did Japan.

Politics, not Religion, is the source of Taxation.
I was talking about money, not labor or molested goats.

You aren't at all aware of the Nuremberg trials are you?
That got nothing to do with it. At least not much.

The S.S, the Gestapo?
The SS was started by Hitler, and the Gestapo was made after Hitler had taken control. Why did you mention them?

Oh yes it would have. Hitler's issue wasn't about religion, it was Eugenics, he killed all kinds of homosexuals, mentally disabled, handicapped, slavs, etc, and he was leaning towards a superior genetic race all with secular humanistic leanings, mixed with twisted occult mysticism: Which isn't Religion, by the way...
Hitler's issue was the jews which took all the jobs. The jews lived in wealth, at least most of them. Most of the people he killed was jews. He killed millions of them, he made concentration camps and gassed them to death. Being a Jew means you're Jewish (religion), Hitler killed them and you're saying his issue wasn't religion?

You have very poor knowledge of Homosexual history. Marriage is a religious creation by the way. And for good reason do churches refuse to let homosexuals be their leaders, and for good reason we are against homosexual behaviour.

Point being: Without religion, genetics would be the purpose of a human's life...homosexuals would be greatly disappointed at their fate in the cruel eugenic world that awaits them there.
Good reason? Hahahaa, show me ONE.
My point being, without religion homosexual people would have had the same rights as heterosexual people.

It wasn't the USA either...

I'll remind everyone that England had slavery as well, and so did the rest of Europe, of which in England a man named William Wilberforce (a Christian), helped, and if not brought about, the fall of Slavery in England.
The rest of Europe? You mean the USA and England.

Your logic is flawed.
My logic is flawed? Again you make me lol.

Nope; political, financial, imperialism. George Bush didn't go into Iraq to spread Democracy you know...
Wth does Bush got to do with this?

You'd be surprised at what the actual history of the witch burnings...considering I did read a history book, and not a Wiccan propaganda piece.
If you read a correct history book you would know that the witch burning was caused by religion. It r maek no sense to u? Witches were thought to be in contact with Satan (religious shit), and it was religious people who accused them of being witches and stuff. The church started the prosecution and the burning of witches. From this I draw the conclusion that religion started with the witch burning and all that.

God however, says we should enjoy it with our wives...and it actually implies 'daily'.

One of the reasons Christianity spread so quickly amongst WOMEN in the ancient world, is because it actually taught social equality, in a world where women were not given much credit.
Are you sure you've read the Bible? Eve was created from Adams rib. I.e, women are inferior to men (according to your holy Bible, which is used by Christianity, which as far as I know is a religion too).
Maybe this can make it clearer?

Genesis 2 opens with God fashioning a man from the dust and blowing life into his nostrils. God plants a garden and sets the man there, "To work it and watch over it", permitting him to eat of all the trees in the garden except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, "For on the day you eat of it you shall surely die." God had already created the animals. When Adam tries to find a help-mate, none of the animals are satisfactory, and so God causes the man to sleep, and creates a woman from his rib. The man names her "Woman" (Heb. ishshah), "for this one was taken from a man" (Heb. ish). "On account of this a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his woman." Genesis 2 ends with the note that the man and woman were naked, and were not ashamed.

You know absolutely nothing about the role of women in the pagan worship do you? >_>

The vast majority of women in religious service for the temples where prostitutes, also a financial venture.
The women weren't prostitutes, that's a lie. Maria Magdalena was also not a prostitute. Women were worshiped by men as goddesses. They were part of rituals were there were both men and women dressed in black and white. They were standing in a circle and at the middle were a man and a women having, you know.

Yay? I have yet to see myself, or my Christian brethren degrading a women to servitude, and quite the opposite. Since God tells us plainly and quite frankly that women are not to be used, being beautiful creations of his.

PS: I like how Christianity is against pornography, and prostitution. Yet most secular groups say pornography is perfectly alright, and the only reason prostitution isn't looked fondly on is because of disease liability. However, they have absolutely no problem with multiple sex partners, which is just prostitution without the paycheck, where as Christians are against degrading women to being sex objects.
They may be against having them as sex objects unless they are married with that woman, since anything else is against their law. And according to your Bible you can easily see that women aren't near as "perfect" as men, and Eve was just there to help Adam. There are many Christians who treat women like they should be treated (as equals), but many don't and they use the Bible as their reason.


During his life time (not counting the few meager months nearing his death): He was a secular, socialist, atheist, just like his communist spawning pool-mates.
If you read the whole thing you can see he questioned religion, he wasn't a true atheist. It also says that he was a poor example of a secular atheist. Also, a true atheist wouldn't turn to religion to comfort himself or try to use it for political reasons. Saddam Hussein wasn't an atheist, he was a religious man who questioned religion and wanted to do things differently.

I'd argue that more people would have died, considering how many people didn't go because of religious reasons.
How can killing less people end up with more people getting killed? 2 + 0 != 6

You are failing to realise the whole purpose in citing the communist regime's various genocides. "Atheism isn't innocent; and for as much as "Religion" has ever killed anyone, by the same logic of 'ideals kill', Atheism is a blood stained murderer."
And you're failing to realize less deaths are a good thing and atheism isn't blood stained at all. We haven't started countless of wars to spread what we think. We don't murder millions of people who refuse to think what we think. We don't force our ideas unto others. Religion does though.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
The_Reborn_Devil said:
The rest of Europe? You mean the USA and England.

The Netherlands, France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal.. they used slaves too.

Etzer said:
Never said. Didn't you read it??? I just say what a test confirms, not what i mean!

Heh, I know, just said it for the people who were gonna generalize religious people across the world, =P
Level 35
May 22, 2007


Since I can't convince you of the existence of blue, or the implications thereof: I'll agree to disagree, and leave you to the grey illusion of your choice til such a time when you are ready to discuss colours again, which I assume, will be when your ability to comprehend them efficiently, and especially correctly occurs.

Til then; au revoir.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Who cares Elenai? You know, you are a kid, because you look always at the bright side of something, but whats about million of people which got killed during the crusades? A "Holy" War with tons of Mercenaries and shit, or the spanish inquisition, I could go on... it defeats all your arguments, people were sent to death for a fucking religion. And why? Because the pope and his triumvirat wanted MORE power.... thats disgusting.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Who cares Elenai? You know, you are a kid, because you look always at the bright side of something, but whats about million of people which got killed during the crusades? A "Holy" War with tons of Mercenaries and shit, or the spanish inquisition, I could go on... it defeats all your arguments, people were sent to death for a fucking religion. And why? Because the pope and his triumvirat wanted MORE power.... thats disgusting.

You know, the Crusades started on REQUEST of the Byzantine Empire, and the Pope saw it as a chance to unite the Catholic Kingdoms against a common enemy. The Pope gained nothing from it. -.-
You're fucking accusing him of being powerlusty with inferior knowdledge of the Crusades!
The Spanish Inquisition also had multiple other reasons.
Well one thing, The crusades only happened because of religious sanctions.

To Quote Wikipedia:

The Crusades originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and were launched in response to a call from the Christian Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Muslim Seljuk Turks into Anatolia. The term is also used to describe contemporaneous and subsequent campaigns conducted through to the 16th century in territories outside the Levant[3] usually against pagans, heretics, and peoples under the ban of excommunication[4] for a mixture of religious, economic, and political reasons

Note the economic and religious reasons for slaughter.


The Crusades had far-reaching political, economic, and social impacts, some of which have lasted into contemporary times.


The need to raise, transport and supply large armies led to a flourishing of trade throughout Europe. Roads largely unused since the days of Rome saw significant increases in traffic as local merchants began to expand their horizons. This was not only because the Crusades prepared Europe for travel, but also because many wanted to travel after being reacquainted with the products of the Middle East. This also aided in the beginning of the Renaissance in Italy, as various Italian city-states from the very beginning had important and profitable trading colonies in the crusader states, both in the Holy Land and later in captured Byzantine territory.

Increased trade brought many things to Europeans that were once unknown or extremely rare and costly. These goods included a variety of spices, ivory, jade, diamonds, improved glass-manufacturing techniques, early forms of gun powder, oranges, apples, and other Asian crops, and many other products.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Note how the Byzantine Empire asked for their aid.

Note how the Seljuks actually began the conflict by killing pilgrims or chasing them away.

Note that mostly Venice and Genua profited from the Crusading armies, Rome didn't had a large empire of trade and colonies.
The Papacy is a seperate entity than rome. The papacy taxed all cristians, and the wealthier they were the weathier the papcy got.

Also, the muslim/christan conflict never would have happened if there werent any muslims/christians. i'm not saying all reigion is a bad thing, but the papacy sactioned genocide. That is what i disagree with.

Christian empires gained weath and power, and captued a holy site via the crusades. So of course they did it for benifit.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006


Since I can't convince you of the existence of blue, or the implications thereof: I'll agree to disagree, and leave you to the grey illusion of your choice til such a time when you are ready to discuss colours again, which I assume, will be when your ability to comprehend them efficiently, and especially correctly occurs.

Til then; au revoir.
LOL! I would never have guessed that you of all people would have given up. Were my arguments too good? No need to answer though.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
LOL! I would never have guessed that you of all people would have given up. Were my arguments too good? No need to answer though.

Congratulations, you just won a debate against Elenai. Not a lot men are able to do that, let alone to hear him out.

Report to the Dojo master in order to claim your title. +5 Experience

Devil 1 - 0 Elenai

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I am Actively religious...Christian
Elenai Made lots of sense from my point of few...
The_Reborn_Devil aslo made some good points...
But people like to blame things on religion for no reason aswell...
Most people see religion as a scapegoat they use to blame things on...
Like i said i am a Christian... and shiiK is a Satanist ...or well thats what his avatar message says..so im a bit confused but im going to use you as a example... But im not judging him on..o your a satanist you're going to burn i hell blah blah blah...and im not saying he is going to... But that is his choice..his religion...
if a guy goes out and kills 100 people and says he was possessed by the devil...he might use Satanism as a scapegoat...
People love to use Christians as a scapegoat...for Reasons i dont no why...
Something else that annoys me is when poeple say 'Oh My G**'...yeah you're thinking "you're a Christian, of course you gonna think that..." yes that one reason but the thing that bugs me is most people who use that word dont believe in Christianity... (might be habit) BUT they dont believe in God so why use "somethings" name that does not exist? why not say Oh My Toes??
The_Reborn_Devil ur an Atheist...

Why Swear something you dont believe in?

I like to call it Faith

From a science point of view...it didnt create itself..lol

anti-religious...once again how can you be against something that does not exist in your eyes?

It happens to me...but i drink my coffee that after like 2 min i look and coffee's gone and i swore i didnt drink it...lol

Sistine Chapel, various depictions of Venus, The Last Supper, Sicut Cervus, Handel's Messiah, the architecture of the pantheon in Rome, Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame, The Vatican: Domes, pillars, arches, and such, music notes, polyphony, pitch, a massive chunk of the dictionary...Oh I'll just cut to the chase since the list of things is exceedingly huge and I can't list it all:.
Is Not Pretty much EVERTYHING Btw...

and racism, Hatred, Thinking your superior, greed....

Once again using religion as a scapegoat...9/11 is caused by hatred not religion...

This is just weird to my taste...

Scapegoat...Catholic Church did not do it...it was the sick mind of a corrupt priest not the Religion itself...plus more poeple get raped elsewhere the in churchs...people just like to mock our religion.

Proof?... you cant use the donation we give on sundays..cause how otherwise will churches survive with the Goverments taxes and protperty and stuff?

Whats this to do with any religion??? i live in Africa...i dont have aids...the reason why it spreads is because lots of people cant their snakes in the pants and raping has to do with it aswell

Id like proof that he said it plz...

to the Non believers...wow that sounds wierd..

He has a point

Dude i am not Insulting atheistism so why insult something you dont believe then?

Generalizing there a bit..

I suggest you click the link labelled "Satanism" in my signature and read through the thread before you assume anything about my belief. In short though, there is no way to use Satanism as a "scapegoat" .. simply because in Satanism the entire responsibility is yours and yours alone.

Everybody knows what Christianity essentially is, everybody knows the basics of Islam.. it's about time people get a clue what Satanism is.

How did this devolve into a religious debate anyway? It's just a poll. Are you religious or are you not? There's no reason to start attacking each other for being different. Answer the question and feel free to clarify why you are as religious as you claim, but leave it with that.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
LOL! I would never have guessed that you of all people would have given up. Were my arguments too good? No need to answer though.

And so you proceed even further down the very same path I turned around from when I said thus to you: "I'll talk to you when you are capable of being talkable-to"...

Giving up, and "Not wasting time on an effort that is both fruitless, and will merely lead to the unnecessary disturbance of my peaceful, good day", are different things indeed.

Well, officially I am roman catholic but I'm more atheist then that, yet I'm not anti-religious as such (so I guess I'm non-theistic?), I do accept the possibility of gods and what not but I also think that their has to be a scientific reason behind their existance if they do, which the leads me onto thinking about how little humans really know about the universe, which then leads onto thinking that maybe humans will never know if gods and what not really exist. As it's fairly ovbious this then eventually leads me onto thinking about the destruction and ultimate obliteration of the entire planet &/or human race which continues to lead onto various related topics.

I'll respect others opinions on it, but I myself wont beleive it until their is scientific or matireal evidence to prove it.

As far as morals go, I think theres something you can take from every religion to better yourself, and make you a better person, I just don't feel the need to beleive in a 'divine diety' or multiple dieties.
Well said. Howeve non theistic would imply somthnig like buddhism, taoism or shintoism.


Theism in the broadest sense is the belief in at least one deity.[1][2] In a more specific sense, theism refers to a particular doctrine concerning the nature of a god and its relationship to the universe.[3] Theism, in this specific sense, conceives of a god as personal, present and active in the governance and organization of the world and the universe. The use of the word theism as indicating a particular doctrine of monotheism arose in the wake of the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century to contrast with the then emerging deism which contended that a god — though transcendent and supreme — did not intervene in the natural world and could be known rationally but not via revelation.[4]

The term "theism" derives from the Greek theos meaning God. The term theism was first used by Ralph Cudworth (1617–1688).[5]

The claim of no knowledge, no faith or a complete rejection of theism is known as agnosticism, atheism or antitheism, respectively.
Well technically I'm Roman Catholic, but I hold some non-conventional beliefs and find that its best to explore what religion means to you then to have what you should think spoon fed to you. Often it seems as if the extremely religious are just waiting to die, or for the world to end - I never want to be like that.

Idk, I guess I would find myself somewhere between Religious and "Not Really...."

Please do not turn a simple poll into another religious debate, especially the same Elenai vs. Shiik and friends as it normally ends up.
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