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Hide Post-Count and Reputation

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Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
I'm sure this has already been proposed, though a quick search didn't bring up anything of interest or related to this thread in any way.

I'm here to propose the removal of Post-Count and Reputation from the quick-info next to your posts.

My hope is that this will create a more fair community, where noone's discriminated because of his low post-count or reputation.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
I don't support it. Even tough it's abused, reputation serves as a good way for new users to find out who they can get professional help and support from, and also, rep serves a reward for certain situations and it kinda gives a better motivation to helpful people than a simple "thanks".

You need to have SOME way of distinguishing people. Get to 50 and you'll stop caring about the whole bs.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Firstly: I suggest you read again. I dont propose to abolish reputation. Not at all.

I might have misunderstood you. If you want to disable your reputation, notify an administrator.

Secondly: We already have a way to distinguish people: mods and non-mods. They are moderators for a reason.

Not all helpful or skilled people get promoted to mods, you know.
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
I might have misunderstood you. If you want to disable your reputation, notify an administrator.[...]
You still didnt read my post carefully enough.
There, read again:
[...]I'm here to propose the removal of Post-Count and Reputation from the quick-info next to your posts.[...]
Now that i look at it i think the Join Date should be removed as well.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
You can AdBlock rep, but the Join Date an Post count would take some real hacking to get rid of on the client side.

I'd suggest to have it removable for people you already know, but that would require more trouble than its worth. If you need to know that information, go to their profile. You don't need it on every single post.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
You still didnt read my post carefully enough.
There, read again:
Now that i look at it i think the Join Date should be removed as well.

The thing is, what's going to be left then? Remove postcount, Avatars aren't needed either, and while you're busy purging stuff, you might as well remove signatures.

While I'm personally all for removing all the unnecessary stuff like rep, post count, avatars etc. it ain't going to happen anyway. In the end, there's "a lot of" free unused space there, so you might as well use it to show join date and such.

(I'm still in favour of an option to hide reputation on all members on your account...)
Level 27
May 30, 2007
There is an option in the User CP to disable display of avatars and signatures.

The thing is, people like me like avatars and signatures. I don't think many people can honestly say they want to see join date on every single post. I can see how some people might like to see post count, but even then it's probably better that it isn't shown one every post.
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
I dont think of this as of a matter of taste. For me, reputation, post-count and join date influence people and create some sort of bias. Those things aren't needed at all ('xcept for you imaginary e-peen ... ). So why not remove them? Things might be a bit more friendly without them.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
It makes absolutely no difference to remove these things, besides making the site a little less interesting. I say let people do what they want, as long as its not inappropriate, because it doesn't affect the technical side of the site at all.

And things like reputation, join date, and post count are there for quick reference.

So it's not really like you see it every post, since most people just ignore it, but it's there for a glance.
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
the sites interesting things are the resources and not the information you get when you look at someones post (at least its that way for me).
The way i suggested it that information wont get lost, only itd be a bit more hidden. Those who are interested could still visit your profile and grab that information there.

If you think its too empty without those things then put in other things. Like the place the user lives at, and so on.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
It would only take up to as much screen space as is unused right now. Just because it doesn't waste much space doesn't mean it still isn't wasting space. It is one of the factors making the average minimum post take up half of my viewing area. Most of the scrolling area comes from the area next to the posts than the posts themselves. >_>
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
@HINDYhat: I wouldnt have any problem doing that (well maybe preserve an off-topic forum), since this is a forum for a WC3 modding community.
Btw: Posts like yours are NOT helpful and DONT contribute to the actual topic (ie. theyre "spam").

@everyone: How about you comment on the actual topic of this thread instead of interpreting things? I only proposed to remove those things from the quick-info to the left of each post. And i did this because there are certain people who dont acknowledge anybody unless they have like 500 posts and a rep of 50+. I didnt suggest it to clean up the interface. Nor did i suggest it to make room for other things.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Deaod, just because my posts are like, one line long, doesn't mean I'm not trying to contribute and provide a point of argument. I was pointing out that if you'd remove everything that isn't related to Wc3 modding on this site, you'd disappoint many people.

I acknowledge people who are able to write and are well-behaved. I don't know who only looks at post-count and rep, but I can't see where it really matters anyway. What are you trying to accomplish with this if you already know better?
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
[...]just because my posts are like, one line long, doesn't mean I'm not trying to contribute and provide a point of argument.[...]
Theres no correlation between the length of your post and the usefulness of it, i agree. But in your case you commented only on a part of one of my later posts (which was a comment on a part of brad.dude03's earlier post), ignoring the actual topic (imho), and making fun of me (i hope you are aware that i can only state my feelings, you know what was intended and what not). I can see you tried to contribute to one specific spin-off topic, but that shouldnt be the sole purpose of your post (imo). I think everyone should try and concentrate on the original topic in order to avoid driving every thread off-topic.

[...]if you'd remove everything that isn't related to Wc3 modding[...]
I never suggested such nonsense. But thats another topic.

[...]you'd disappoint many people.[...]
And who would be disappointed? I think those who miss what was removed. In this case it would be their post-count and their rep. I cant see why anyone should miss it...if he does, he shows the certain attitude i want to "eliminate" (there are exceptions, sorry to all those who feel offended).

[...]I acknowledge people who are able to write and are well-behaved.[...]
I think its good when you take others for what they say and not for what their statistics say. So why do you need those statistics anyway? In my opinion they dont do good; if anything, they bias peoples opinion.

Have you noticed that only the new people (or those with a small rep/post count) bitch over this stuff?
Thanks for deliberately driving another thread off-topic.
Something like this, perhaps?


Just a quick mock-up in photoshop.

Also, there's a lot of unneeded space in posts like these.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
I'm sorry if you think I was making fun of you, but I wasn't. And I wasn't exactly avoiding the actual topic, just looking at it from a different point of view. You were discussing removing reputation and post count from the user mini-profile next to a post, and you said that this stuff was irrelevant, that the only things that mattered on this site were the resources. I said that I disagreed and that there are many things irrelevant to resources that matter too. Although I do agree that post count/join date/reputation aren't very useful, I'm just a stalker and I like seeing when people have joined. I guess it doesn't matter much anyway, and it's not like it takes up half of your screen.

About the disappointed thing, it was relevant to my post which in this situation was irrelevant to yours. :p
I don't think many people would be disappointed if rep/join date/post count were removed, just kind of confused. Like I said, it wouldn't matter either way...

The statistics only bias people who are retarded enough to think they actually matter. It's not my fault that someone interprets something in the wrong way.
If you're talking about an option in the User CP, I support it. I mean, if you can hide avatars and signatures, why not those other things?
Personally, I don't bother about rep or posts. You know if someone's a noob or not by the content of the post itself, not by anything around it. But since reputation is the best way to give thanks (aside from credits) in this site, I don't see the need to remove rep in any way (even as itself or from the quick info). And although rep is overrated, the best way to say thanks to someone who helped you to make your project is to give him rep and credits in the map.
And the number of posts means nothing to me. If you have a high amount of posts, that means: a) you have a long time in the Hive (for example, Pyritie or any of the renowned members), b) your life is all about posting in the Hive, and you don't have a life, which is sad, or c) you're a damn spammer.

In short: it could be an option in the User CP, but there's no need to remove them from ALL the members.
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
So actually just the name and avatar? This will never get accepted as atleast the post count should stay.
What makes you think this will never get accepted? And why exactly should the post-count stay?

[...]I'm just a stalker and I like seeing when people have joined.[...]
I only want to remove those things from the quick-info, mind you. You could still go to a persons profile and look it up there.

[...]Like I said, it wouldn't matter either way...

The statistics only bias people who are retarded enough to think they actually matter. It's not my fault that someone interprets something in the wrong way.
If it doesnt matter, and there are only downsides of it, why dont you remove it? I mean, theres no rational reason against removing those things (someone has yet to come up with one), especially since it would only hide that information, but everyone would still be able to get it by viewing a users profile.

If you're talking about an option in the User CP, I support it.[...]
Read the thread again and try to understand it. I already pointed out what i want to change and why multiple times. I see no point in doing that over and over again.

[...]But since reputation is the best way to give thanks[...]
I dont pledge to remove rep completely. I agree: its a nice way of thanking someone, and a good way of punishing as well. But since the punishment table is now in infractions, as Hakeem pointed out, these things happen at the moderators discretion. Theres no need to quickly access a users rep count any more (you could still access it, by viewing at the users full profile).

So, most people say that post-count and rep dont matter or are irrelevant to them (only Hakeem addressed the Join Date until now). My question is: why do they object to removing those 'unneeded' information, as they define it?
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
By Deaod :"My question is: why do they object to removing those 'unneeded' information, as they define it?"
The answer to that question is :
....a....sometimes act as QUICK references. Not every member wants to go to everyone's UserCP and see about them.
....b....the Avatars sometimes help in knowing who the person is. even though the names can be seen but avatars do help sometimes.
....c....post count sometimes help in knowing about the person's activity on Hive. Whether the user is a spammer is a different thing.
....d....the rep sometimes helps to find out who can help. i agree that some people who help don't always have nice rep and they may get ignored by the new users for a while but after a while the user will definitely see who helps.
....e....the posts may seem dry to many.
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
a.) if they dont care enough to do two additional clicks, they shouldnt be caring in the first place.
b.) lets just skip that one, okay? Read the thread.
c.) Post count is irrelevant, since you can still spam without being accused of spamming. And why would you need to know a persons activity?
d.) you should judge peoples helpful-'ness' according to the post they made and not according to the rep they have.
e.) hows that related to my main concern about Join Date, Post Count or Rep Count in any way?
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