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Help me with the topic: GIRLS!

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Level 4
May 23, 2012
I like this girl named Johanna. I tried to be sweet with her, but she doesn't like a boy that is too sweet, and she doesn't like saying "I love you" ever... even to her family. She's not emo/emotional if you think she is. Actually, she's the most popular, most intelligent, and most hard-working girl in school. I've been "hitting" (if that is how Americans say it) on her for over 1 year now. She says she likes me, and I like her, too. But she says she really doesn't want a relationship yet. She said that 'If I would have a boyfriend, I want to prove that he really cares for me... I don't like a boy that only says "I Love You" but doesn't really mean it.' I need help from love gurus out there on how to convince her. I really like her since I met her. Please help, for the sake of the Earth!
Level 4
May 23, 2012
Oh... I forgot to tell. The definition of the word girl:
"A girl is any female human from birth through childhood and adolescence to attainment of adulthood when she becomes a woman. The term may also be used to mean a young woman." In other words, it's the vice versa of us males.
And I don't want to get "off-topic" here. But please, do stay in the thread's real topic, ok.
Level 2
Jun 5, 2012
Well women are not entirely different species with us men. Just try to understand that person's mindset. Dont crack when speaking and if you feel nervous, imagine their face as someone who you really trust and can say anything to, such as your parents/best friend/sibling.

Also, dont go hipster fuck, just try to be as unique as possible.

But most important, make them laugh. Chicks dig funny guys.

There you go, troll-free answer.

If guitar fails, try go british accent on 'em :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 4
May 23, 2012
Well women are not entirely different species with us men. Just try to understand that person's mindset. Dont crack when speaking and if you feel nervous, imagine their face as someone who you really trust and can say anything to, such as your parents/best friend/sibling.

Also, dont go hipster fuck, just try to be as unique as possible.

But most important, make them laugh. Chicks dig funny guys.

Problem is; I don't really know how to be funny. I'm usually serious in class. Sometimes I try to joke, but ending up being ignored, I feel shame because of that.

Can someone help me how to have a good sense of humor?

If guitar fails, try go british accent on 'em :ogre_hurrhurr:

British accent ain't gonna work here... this is the Phillipines, yo! We use bloody tagalog language.

There you go, troll-free answer.

I don't believe you... :ogre_frown:
Level 14
Jul 25, 2011
Ah!!! So what she wants is true love, right???? Easy. If she says she likes you and all you need to do is care about her, GO AHEAD AND BE KIND TO HER. Do nothing else like, lying to her, being too sweet (Akward). Because it can screw everything.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Whatever you do, don't try playing flute...it won't work.....trust me, I play flute as well, and from past I do know it's not what women like.
Especially if she's not emotional like you said.
Maybe try getting some more info about her, for example, what does she like, and stuff. Then, if you like same or similar things, show her what you know about it.
At any time, remember not to say that you dislike something she likes.
Level 2
Feb 10, 2012
I will help you.

There are two simple steps to getting this girl. Step one: Get money. Step two: Date planing.
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Here are some good tips:

- Speaking to a girl about your problems and/or how your life is terrible at the moment gets them to like you even more than they do in many cases. It depends on the girl though, this won't work on /all/ women.

- Humans and animals are alike. Women will look for males that have high social statuses. If you show a woman you've met for the first time that you're pretty high on the social food-chain, then your chances of success will be much better.

- According to several studies in the field of psychology, it's been confirmed that:

  • Looking at a woman's mouth and making sure she sees you looking at her mouth will get her to feel attracted to you.
  • Rotating your body to face a woman will filter you out of her 'radar'. Women have this 'radar'. Never do this.

- Being funny wouldn't hurt, girls would often admire your humor.
Note: Don't make meme references unless you're sure she knows about them, else, she'll think you're strange.

Ultimately, a girl needs a reason to like you just as much as you need a reason to like them.


Try to understand her character, learn to like listening to her (stories).

This is awesome advice too.
Level 3
May 15, 2012
OrochiKira537, this sounds like Johanna sees only her best friend in you - and not more. Because in my circle of friends there were always more girls than guys (maybe i'm too female o_O), i know your situation just too good. I've made the experience that stepping back a few steps from the girl just makes you more interesting for her. I mean like stopping to call or SMS each day can make her care. Sure, there are (young) girls that react bitchy to this, but i don't mean to stop all the contact - just a little less. When i did this in my past, i quickly noticed if the girl suddenly began to interest in me or if she isnt worth it because she only looks for asshole guys...
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Practice on other girls and commit only with age. I suppose you're somewhere between 12-16, so don't overthink this yet. Women need to live themselves out on assholes before they learn to value nice guys.

Ha-ha that realization happens when they are to become mothers. Until then even in 20s they jerk off with assholes. I am a very nice guy, even though I don't look so ;>
Level 4
May 23, 2012
Oh my golly! This WILL really help a lot. Thanks to: Squiggy, shinji, Vunjo, and specially Magtheridon96.

@trolman: U Mad? Maybe that's how you think it is...
@HammerFist132: Lol :D
@EroticSideBurns: U Madder? I curse those who are immoral and do not stay with their original gender...
@Ronthewk: Ok, how?
@Verkas: You didn't actually help. Sorry...
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Bro Tip #39585.

Ask her out somewhere nice and make the moves man! You have to show her you want it through actions, or else you will be friendzoned.
Level 4
May 23, 2012
Bro Tip #39585.

Ask her out somewhere nice and make the moves man! You have to show her you want it through actions, or else you will be friendzoned.

well, I do try. But it's just very rare to ask her out. She's too busy with schooling. I did say that she is the most intelligent girl in school...not to mention the most popular. She is the governor of the Supreme Students Government, the President of the History Club, and the most courteous girl I've ever seen in school. So she really helps people a lot. But she does go out with me, when I trick her. Like for example, she asks me to help her in typing a paper work. When we are finished, I lead her to 7-11 without her knowing.

Anyway, thanks for the tip, bro. Helps a lot.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Then bro, that 7-11 trick will help more often. Because it doesn't matter where you go - as long as your together and making the moves to tell her you want to be in a relationship.

Good luck man!
On the note of her wanting "proof" of somebody caring for them, how much proof we're talking about? because there is a line when it does make them not worth it. Also makes them sound a bit like the type who play the "You never cared" card on you when you're in a fight to get their way.

For the record: Any relationship which you overly work for is much more likely to not be worth it in the end, since if it just didn't "Happen" there's a reason for that.

As far as getting with women generally, it's simply not being an ass will get you women one way or another - since you'll appear more stable and more likely to "treat them right" or whatever than ex. boyfriends who're assholes. Alternatively for casual encounters, being an asshole is perfect. But that's not what you're going for. In it's most basic form all you have to offer is love and affection and that can get you most women.

As far as them not saying "I love you" at any time is hardly any problem, it's not hard to tell from body language if they actually do or don't. And that might not even be true when they're actually in a commited relationship, but rather the complete opposite, their seeming lack of affection for others around them could simply mean they're holding back emotional commitment for somebody who's actually worth it.

Although for the record, if neither of you are adults, or rather atleast close to being adults, it's doubtful the relationship would last, most humans, male or female, will find maintaining an actual, real, deep relationship extremely difficult. Possible of course. But difficult.

On a side note, if they're playing hard to get, showing that you don't care for such games could cause them to stop running around and actually tell you what they think. Of course, it's dependant on the woman, considering some will be aggrovated that you don't want to play their little game.

I will say though, looking on the internet isn't going to help you, we don't know them, and nobody is the same, all we can say is all very generalised and isn't going to actual help you in any real way with getting with this girl. Unless you're completely ignorant of the fundamentals of hitting on people, which I doubt.
How to hook up with a girl:
-Girl of age 15 or older (can be younger if the man is also younger)
-A guy who knows what he's doing.
1. Ask her out somewhere nice. Go and do something together. For an example, go out with her and go somewhere to eat (dinner is the best option for a date). Do not talk too much while eating, though. Or you could go somewhere to dance. Or anything she likes.
2. After you're done eating/dancing/something, invite her for a walk, or maybe go sit somewhere to talk. Do not talk too much. Instead, ask her questions about her and let her talk. It is important to listen and remember what she's saying, it can prove useful later on. If you like her and she likes you, and you have common interests, talking to her won't be hard.
3. When you've done talking and you start walking home, then the game is on. If you think the date was good, and if you think she likes you, then do the following: Pick out a good moment to approach her, take her hand, slowly whisper something romantic in hear ear, and then kiss her on the lips. Don't be afraid, but be self-confident instead. If she doesn't want to kiss, that's fine. You can go out on another date and repeat these steps, or you can forget about her and try this with another girl.

1. You will need self-esteem, so if you are not natural snob or handsome, I suggest working out or something. Remember, even if you're short and not too pretty, girls will always love muscles.
2. When you go on a date, wash yourself, take some nice clothes and stuff like that. Most important thing: wash your teeth for few minutes. If the smell is coming out of your mouth, you can kiss your date goodbye.
3. Don't be disappointed if you don't manage to hook up with a girl first time you try it. It takes some practice. But think about it like maths: more girls you ask out, more will say YES, and therefore, more chance for hooking up. For example, you go on a vacation with your school. There are 100 girls of your age at the hotel. You ask them all out. At 20 of them will say YES, and you will hook up with least 2 or 3 of them.

Another thing, very important, so I will /bold/ it:
After you break up, don't be an ass. Example:
Man: She made my life better while I was with her. I don't resent her and I wish her all best.
Boy: She was a whore and I am glad I got rid of her.
So, if you act like a man, there is a chance of having a hot ex-girlfriend who might wan't you again in a month or so.
If you act like a boy, soon you will be out of girls to date and life will suck for you.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010

Make sure you leave her enough space for her own self.
Try to understand her character, learn to like listening to her (stories).
If for any, ignore all of the above and don't overthink too much.

Sing to her this beautiful ballad I made up:

you better lose yourself
to a man
one like me
who's awesome
ill never ever ever let you go go go
you got one shot do not miss your chance to blow
this opportunity comes once in a lifetime
you better go out with me

I would so +rep you right now. Go go go eminem :D
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
to my fellow pinoy,
I, Kurt009, has made up an advice to get all female tits on this world.
i believe what your lass needs is true love and true love must you show.
for in this world rarely is she and to be with friends with her luck has been endowed upon you.

this i must say is build a relationship that is strong as steel.
like what she likes and hate what she hates.
gradually, from friends you two have started must you flirt with her a little and when
the time comes, show her while indirectly that you love her.

to show her how you love her is up to you for not everyone is the same.
if you, my chap, hath built a strong relationship, marriage is now in the game.

if you didn't quite understand what i mean, i actually took it from SIMS.
here's the translation:

Greet,chat,chat,chat,chat,joke,joke,joke,friendlyhug,friendlyhug,friendlyhug,tell tall stories,tell tall stories,tell tall stories,flirt,flirt,flirt,kiss,kiss,kiss,kiss,frenchkiss,frenchkiss,hit on,hit on,woohoo,woohoo,woohoo,woohoo,woohoo,woohoo,woohoo,kiss,flirt,propose.

glad to help :D
Level 4
May 23, 2012
I can't believe this thread would last this long! Oh well...

Based on what MaTiJa97 said, looks like I will screw up. I think I told her twice that I give up. Yeah, she does play REAL hard to get. Then I said I give up, but then came back to her. I don't know... maybe that affected of what she thinks of me. Maybe, it's no longer possible to have a relationship with her. But I still am trying.

And I know you can't find tutorials in the net. But you do can find advice from people, right? Anyway, thanks to all of my advisers.
Level 4
May 23, 2012
If you preach about "death notes" and killing stuff, the girl will think you are strange. Try acting with no ANIME stuff. Well... It's ok if she likes anime. But if she doesn't or you don't know, you better not talk about ANIME with her.

Yup, she does like Anime. In fact, she's an Anime Lover. She even wants to be a cosplayer.

Just take a knife and force her to take her clothes off,done.

U not Mad...
Level 14
Jul 25, 2011
Yup, she does like Anime. In fact, she's an Anime Lover. She even wants to be a cosplayer.

Hmmm.... She's intelligent and she loves anime....
Anyways, I have some akward experiences with anime lovers. But if you are both anime lovers, it's great.

And a question, she is not gay, right? Because my classmate is a anime lover and she is gay.

Be forever alone then,dont take my advice.

Tell him to eliminate other men that she is interested in.

It's not illegal if you don't get caught.

Illegal means it's against the rules....
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