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Hall of Shame

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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Greetings terrain board.

I request each and every one of you to showcase your very first terrain in this thread.
And by very first, I don't mean first uploaded here. I mean your absolute first terrain art ever, period.

'No real terraining imprint, no proper skills, no specific frame of reference.
Your virgin terrain, so to speak.'

  • Terrain
    Showcase your terrain here.
    Don't be embarrassed, we are all friends here :p
  • Information
    Provide some basic information about your showcased terrain.
    What was your inspiration, when did you do it etc

When enough terrains are submitted, we shall then determine which one of us who has the best virgin terrain.
Without further ado, commence shameful showcasing!

Fladdermasken's Virgin Terrain
Naturally, not everyone has their virgin terrain saved.
I, however, have each and every terrain I've ever done showcased in a folder.

This here is my transition into virility. The reason I'm here today.
I did it March '09 if memory serves. I had no idea what terraining was at the time,
I simply wanted to capture a nice piece of art in a screenshot.
I was fairly inspired by chinese themes at the time (still am quite frankly),
hence it all began with me locating these pandaren buildings.

Apparently, I failed.
Virgin Terrain
Terrain - Temple.jpg
[TD][/TD] [td][/td]
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Level 7
Jan 10, 2009
Very good idea, you got there Flad.

About your picture:

Well i have to say, that for first work, this aint bad. Eventhough this picture dosent have techniques what you use now, it has an artistic touch like any other of your works. People may be exstremly good in techniques, but without feeling of art, it aint "the" picture.

Now about my first art terrain.

This picture should be my first art terrain if i remeber correctly.
Inspiration came . . . dunno where exactly, but i think from horror movies and from book Called "Name of the Wind".
When i started to make my first one, i though, that i should try something different, what isnt usual type of picture, so i came up with idea to try to make indoors terrain.
Cursed Monk normal.jpg
Original topic here with updated picture also. (couldnt load updated picture again, cause it is in other topic?)

Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
My very very first terrain, actually this was the reason to join the Hive as a member really. I lurked around on a german warcraft site without an account a year before I made that. Then one day decided to try a terrain screen myself like those I saw on that forum. But I was never able to pull one of for atleast a year, than finally I got a first picture ready and well, at those times, the hive was already the forum which I liked most, even though I was only an unregistered user of the ressources at that time. Finishing "a piece of terrain" I finally decided to become a member of the Hive, and here is why I end :p

'nuff said, here it is:
Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
a very nice idea flad,love it

well i dont know how to put it cuz my very first update of a terrain wasnt an art terrain
,and the first update of an art terrain wasnt really a "virgin" terrain
but i'll post them both

my very first terrain,a thread were no one commented xD (dont know why,forum issue?),i for one wanted to make a playable map and even add triggers and stuff(when i would've learned them),but it was more actually just me messing around the first time with the utm,i didnt really know what an art terrain was
heres one of the screenshots i like more than the rest
View attachment 64603

my first art terrain,after i found out what an art terrain is
i made this terrain like in an hour or two after i got home from school,where i talked with my colleagues/friends about trips/camping in forest and that stuff...hence the inspiration for the terrain
but this terrain wasnt made with absolutely no knowledge of terraining,because i learned quite a few things while i was messing around with the utm in the above mentioned terrain
View attachment 67338

dont know witch one of them is eligible for this tread,probably you guys could figure it out

again great idea flad,would love to see more threads about something different in the terrain board
Level 3
Feb 18, 2010
First ever terrain?? Here is mine.

The Concept

I based this terrain on World of Warcraft Cataclysm, the area i chosen was barrens which was hit by the great cataclysm. The Night Elf seizes this advantage to retake Barren and have send their scouts to scout for more information.

(I tried to upload here but it not working as i have already attached my terrain image in the thread above which i have hyperlinked. Does anyone know how to slove this issue??)
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Ah well, seems I will have to hijack this rollercoaster of shame then, even though my pitiful first terrain have been... Openly granted in a previous occation. Namely the "Best'n Worst" thread.


Lost Eternity
Basically, as I've stated prior, this terrain was never made intending to be Terrain Art or Terrain for that matter. It was made to be sort of "something to view" when I was supposed to be drawing something related to an old story I were spining around on at the time. I just liked the outcome and found this section called "Terrain Section" on wc3c, and figured I'd post it. Hence my "career" as a terrainers commenced :p
Level 7
Jul 6, 2006
I´m joining:
Beware of my precious forest! ;D

Made it for the second TodK on InWc.de far back in 2004 or 2005. Unfornately I lost the first one, which was pretty ugly.
But I guess this picture should be the oldest on my harddrive. D:


  • TodK10.jpg
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