Hello fella'z
As I'm currently makin' my hope&learn spellpack I thought you wanted something to look at
So made this small preview as I'm not going to describe this so detailed as I used too cause it's jsut a preview right? ^^
Contains the holy light spell, fully MUI and customable. ALSO CHECK THE DOCUMENTATION, maybe I get a 7 in a 1 - 5 rating in documentation
Spell description:
The priest burns the ground with holy power that heals allies for x hp and damage enemies 0.75x of the healing. Also slows enemy units.
Level 1 - Heals for 150 hp, slows 10%.
Level 2 - Heals for 200 hp, slows 15%.
Level 3 - Heals for 250 hp, slows 20%.
AoE and casting range increases with level.
Very easy to understand.
Thought I didn't made the special effects so good, so please don't complain about it to much
and this is not as the normal holy light spell ... or maybe it is, just with aoe
v1.2 Changed dummy unit movement type to flying, removed the bj destroy and added the normal destroy group call, added a temporary unit group variable and also made a loop integer for the loop instead of integer A
NOW the ring of holy shit should move proper! and it does! 26/5 - 09
v1.1 Forgot to remove the target location 25/5 - 09
v1.0 Released 25/5 - 09
Have fun
Credit me and doom sheep if you wanna use this also you can change it to anything just credit us if you use this as a base.
heal, holy, unholy, damage, aoe, ring, circle, MUI, MPI, easy, documentated, baassee, doom sheep