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This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
As the title suggests, this is Grom Hellscream. I've had multiple requests to make a new Grom throughout my years of WC3 modeling, and with the new WoW expansion out I suddenly got inspired to make him. So here he is :)

I worked hard on this one and he's probably my best work so far, so I hope you all like him. I had more plans for him originally, animation-wise. But they turned out to be quite time-consuming to make and since I also have stuff going in RL, I decided to keep to the basics.

Give credits if you use and/or edit.

UPDATE: Fixed a bug, Mdlvis cut off part of his hair when I optimized for some reason.

UPDATE2: Fixed animation bug in portrait.

Major update:

Gave Grom as little face-lift because some of his low quality-ness was bugging me. Changes:
  • Did some touch ups on the texture. Face and hair is much more detailed and crisp, and the rest of the texture has much clearer highlights, resulting in an overall better look.
  • Scaled up Gorehowl quite a bit because the old one was way too puny. Also moved it close to his hand, so now his grip is closer to the head of the weapon. This looks much better and less like he's balancing the weapon by the end of the hilt.
  • He now boasts both new and reworked animations. The walk cycle has been completely redone and should look a lot more dynamic, the attack animations have been tweaked to look less awkward, and he finally has the cinematic animations, which brings me to my next point:
  • He now has a Chaos version, as well as the above mentioned animations. The animations are built the same way as the vanilla version, so it's not an alternate animation set. It's for use in cinematics, like in the Orc campaign.
  • The portrait animation has added bones, resulting in more realistic and less static movements.
  • His weapon and hero glow now has global sequence animations.
There might be more, but that's all I can think of right now. I've decided to leave the old Grommash here as well, for comparison purposes and in case people would like to use it.

Grommash (Model)

GrommashChaos (Model)

GrommashOld (Model)

05:48, 6th Feb 2015 MiniMage: Oh this is awesome. A Hellscream 2.0. The feet seem a little big, but eh, this is warcraft, so whatever. XD Anyhow, I'll approve this with a 5/5. Well done.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Major update:

Gave Grom a little face-lift because some of his low quality-ness was bugging me. Changes:
  • Did some touch ups on the texture. Face and hair is much more detailed and crisp, and the rest of the texture has much clearer highlights, resulting in an overall better look.
  • Scaled up Gorehowl quite a bit because the old one was way too puny. Also moved it close to his hand, so now his grip is closer to the head of the weapon. This looks much better and less like he's balancing the weapon by the end of the hilt.
  • He now boasts both new and reworked animations. The walk cycle has been completely redone and should look a lot more dynamic, the attack animations have been tweaked to look less awkward, and he finally has the cinematic animations, which brings me to my next point:
  • He now has a Chaos version, as well as the above mentioned animations. The animations are built the same way as the vanilla version, so it's not an alternate animation set. It's for use in cinematics, like in the Orc campaign.
  • The portrait animation has added bones, resulting in more realistic and less static movements.
  • His weapon and hero glow now has global sequence animations.
There might be more, but that's all I can think of right now. I've decided to leave the old Grommash here as well, for comparison purposes and in case people would like to use it.
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Hosted Project: SC
Level 23
Jan 29, 2010
The update is just plain awesome. You never disappoint, Tauer.
I was recently observing how your models improved over time and was thinking what your initial models (from recent times) like Grom, Garrosh, Durotan and Garona would be like if you had made them today. And just as this crosses my mind, you break through with this gorgeous improvement on Grom.

I am always excited to see what you bring up next for the rest of us, warcraft 3 modders. Keep up the badass work! ;)
Level 1
Feb 2, 2018
It seems your model file is corrupt. Tried loading the file several several times, doing it very thorough, however it would never work. Just a heads up for you, and maybe you can fix it? It does look very good, and i'd hate to see such a good model go to waste :)
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
It seems your model file is corrupt. Tried loading the file several several times, doing it very thorough, however it would never work. Just a heads up for you, and maybe you can fix it? It does look very good, and i'd hate to see such a good model go to waste :)
This model works fine, as far as I know. However, once I did have troubles making one of Tauer's models work the very first time I tried to import it, for some reason. I had to do it many times before it could be displayed properly, I don't know why. I would recommand to delete everything about this troublesome model in the import manager (all Hellsceam's .blp and .mdx files), then save your map, exit WE, and try importing again. Also, make sure you set the right path to the textures: remove war3mapimported before the name of .blp file. In addition, after you imported stuff, always save your map before doing anything else. If needed, you may also want to restart WE. Hope this helps!
Level 1
Feb 2, 2018
This model works fine, as far as I know. However, once I did have troubles making one of Tauer's models work the very first time I tried to import it, for some reason. I had to do it many times before it could be displayed properly, I don't know why. I would recommand to delete everything about this troublesome model in the import manager (all Hellsceam's .blp and .mdx files), then save your map, exit WE, and try importing again. Also, make sure you set the right path to the textures: remove war3mapimported before the name of .blp file. In addition, after you imported stuff, always save your map before doing anything else. If needed, you may also want to restart WE. Hope this helps!

Thanks for the tips, however i've already tried all of the above, more than once. I've probably spent between 1½ hours and 2 hours, trying to get it to work. I've read countless posts from other members and read different possible "solutions", however none of them have worked. Of course i can't tell anyone that it isn't working, if it works in their game but it doesn't work in mine.
No matter what i try, it keeps being invisible and unable to load the file.
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
That's odd. I'm thinking of something else: this model uses Grommash.blp and GrommashChaos.blp, even if you imported the regular green Hellscream only and not the chaos version. Both textures are needed.
Level 1
Feb 2, 2018
That's odd. I'm thinking of something else: this model uses Grommash.blp and GrommashChaos.blp, even if you imported the regular green Hellscream only and not the chaos version. Both textures are needed.
It is very odd indeed. Usually i don't have any problems loading models but this one teases me. I've already imported all the files downloaded, yet it still doesn't work.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
It is very odd indeed. Usually i don't have any problems loading models but this one teases me. I've already imported all the files downloaded, yet it still doesn't work.

Unfortunately, unless someone else can report having the same problem I'm going to have to assume that it's a user error. Nobody else has had this issue, and I always test my models thoroughly ingame before uploading. I can't exactly fix something I can't replicate. Like @Sieben said, an invisible model is often a sign of wrongly imported textures. Perhaps you could upload a screenshot of your imports, so I can check filepaths?
Level 1
Feb 2, 2018
Unfortunately, unless someone else can report having the same problem I'm going to have to assume that it's a user error. Nobody else has had this issue, and I always test my models thoroughly ingame before uploading. I can't exactly fix something I can't replicate. Like @Sieben said, an invisible model is often a sign of wrongly imported textures. Perhaps you could upload a screenshot of your imports, so I can check filepaths?
Apparently it suddenly started working. For this i am very happy and intrigued. I hope i haven't too much trouble and thanks for the help i could get @Sieben . Keep making such nice models @Tauer :)
Level 10
Apr 4, 2010
Unfortunately, unless someone else can report having the same problem I'm going to have to assume that it's a user error. Nobody else has had this issue, and I always test my models thoroughly ingame before uploading. I can't exactly fix something I can't replicate. Like @Sieben said, an invisible model is often a sign of wrongly imported textures. Perhaps you could upload a screenshot of your imports, so I can check filepaths?

If it helps, I was planning on using this model in my campaign anyway. I'll go ahead and import it tonight and see if I can reproduce the issue.
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
Apparently it suddenly started working. For this i am very happy and intrigued. I hope i haven't too much trouble and thanks for the help i could get @Sieben . Keep making such nice models @Tauer :)
Nice! I had the exact same problem first time I tried to import Tauer's Cho'gall: the first couple of times it didn't display, and all of a sudden it worked. And I never had the issue again. WE's import editor is not great though, you probably just had bad luck!
Level 2
Jul 30, 2017
Um, anyone know why I can't see the normal Grommash model? If anyone else can figure out why I can't see it please tell me.
Level 10
Apr 4, 2010
Um, anyone know why I can't see the normal Grommash model? If anyone else can figure out why I can't see it please tell me.

You mean in-game or in the editor? If it's not showing up in-game there's probably a problem with the filename - maybe it wasn't imported to the right path or there is a typo somewhere that's referencing the model.

If it's just in the editor, try importing the model, clicking save, and then relaunching the editor. That usually fixes editor display issues for me.
Level 2
Jul 30, 2017
You mean in-game or in the editor? If it's not showing up in-game there's probably a problem with the filename - maybe it wasn't imported to the right path or there is a typo somewhere that's referencing the model.

If it's just in the editor, try importing the model, clicking save, and then relaunching the editor. That usually fixes editor display issues for me.
Hey could you show me how yours is put so I can see if I'm just being stupid in my map msking?
Level 2
Jul 30, 2017
The image for Grom is distorted and idk why. If I did something wrong please point it out.
(Unless the Grom image is supposed to look like that)
@Tauer @Jake Kessler


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Level 10
Apr 4, 2010
Scroll up to the resource at the top of this page and follow this link:

This will tell you the paths you should use for important the model and texture:

(In this case just delete the war3mapimported/)


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Level 1
Sep 2, 2021
Can someone tell me how to replace grom's ingame model with this? I'm not intrested in importing it into a map
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Level 12
Jul 19, 2011
Can someone tell me how to replace grom's ingame model with this? I'm not intrested in importing it into a map
Level 1
Sep 2, 2021
Thank you dude, I'll follow the steps, but I truly tried everything I could for 2 hours and couldn´t get it to work. Starting to think the model is not optimized for local overriding and just works well with proper importation, which I cannot make any use of because I use models to play on dota maps which are protected and can't be edited. Didn't have this problem with other 10 models but this one really got on my nerve. Would love to make it work eventually, if you could provide another little hint, it would be awesome.
Level 12
Jul 19, 2011
Thank you dude, I'll follow the steps, but I truly tried everything I could for 2 hours and couldn´t get it to work. Starting to think the model is not optimized for local overriding and just works well with proper importation, which I cannot make any use of because I use models to play on dota maps which are protected and can't be edited. Didn't have this problem with other 10 models but this one really got on my nerve. Would love to make it work eventually, if you could provide another little hint, it would be awesome.
I really don't know what could be the problem if you followed the link, sorry can't help more.
Level 1
Sep 2, 2021
I really don't know what could be the problem if you followed the link, sorry can't help more.
When I saw your account was up since 2011 I thought that you would know everything that could be happening to me xd Or that you could give it some minutes of your time to try it for yourself and tell me how you did it. The files in the zip for this model are a little messy for me. There are 3 mpqs with different sizes and neither of them I could get to attack with the skin files. The skin path is not properly expressed by the author, and placing the mdls on "textures" without changing any names doesn't do the trick. That's how much frustrated I got yesterday with this Xdd I ended up surrendering, but maybe give it another try in the future
Level 1
Sep 2, 2021
Replacing the ingame Grom with the model via local override is definitely possible - I know this for a fact since I have done it myself.

The skin path is simply the root folder - the folder containing your WC3 executable.
That would be, the textures to be put in the executable folder??
Level 2
Sep 26, 2023
Excellent model!

I also wanted to ask, is there an Icon as well for this model? both the normal one and the fel version.