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Goblin Outpost

Heavy edit of Ujimasa Hojo's Great Hall reskin at http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2511179-post351.html. He's been kind enough to give me permission to share this.

It's a 3 tier town hall in keeping with the style of the in-game Goblin Lab.

Uses in-game textures.

Goblin,Town Hall,Outpost,Building

Goblin Outpost (Model)

09:56, 11th Jul 2015 MiniMage: While I do say it looks a little simple, it does look goblin-ish and there's clearly some effort involved with animations. So I'm approving this.




09:56, 11th Jul 2015
MiniMage: While I do say it looks a little simple, it does look goblin-ish and there's clearly some effort involved with animations. So I'm approving this.
Level 8
Jul 7, 2013
Thanks for feedback

I could produce an alternative version without the custom texture but I'd lose:

- the nice TC orbs where the telescope and arms fit on - instead I'd have to shade those little cubes entirely with TC, as Ujimasa Hojo did for his Goblin Laboratory model

- the metallic texture used for the hut roof, again with TC

- the TC on the funnels (this is originally from the human blacksmith with a TC band added)

However, my custom blp is taking up 171kb of space, so I do see the point.
Thanks for feedback

I could produce an alternative version without the custom texture but I'd lose:

- the nice TC orbs where the telescope and arms fit on - instead I'd have to shade those little cubes entirely with TC, as Ujimasa Hojo did for his Goblin Laboratory model

- the metallic texture used for the hut roof, again with TC

- the TC on the funnels (this is originally from the human blacksmith with a TC band added)

However, my custom blp is taking up 171kb of space, so I do see the point.

Sure, you'd lose the TC placement. But the TC placement at the moment is nothing critical to the model; as long as it has TC. You'd just have to use in-game textures that also have TC. Sure, your TC would be in different places than now, but are the places it's at really vital to the model?
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
Sure, your TC would be in different places than now, but are the places it's at really vital to the model?
Yes it is! The point of existence for that custom texture is:
I could produce an alternative version without the custom texture but I'd lose:
- the nice TC orbs where the telescope and arms fit on - instead I'd have to shade those little cubes entirely with TC, as Ujimasa Hojo did for his Goblin Laboratory model
- the metallic texture used for the hut roof, again with TC
- the TC on the funnels (this is originally from the human blacksmith with a TC band added)
However, my custom blp is taking up 171kb of space, so I do see the point.
Id say there is no need to change.

Map filesize limitations are a thing of the past, and if somebody doesnt want to use any of the solutions then it possibly cannot be somebody else's problem than that person himself.
Map filesize limitations are a thing of the past

You don't have to change anything, but I'll have to disagree with this statement. Having a mod available that 1% of players use to remove the file size limit doesn't mean limitations are completely gone. The fact is, if a map is over 8MB, the majority of players will not play it because they do not use the mod and cannot host it.
Level 8
Jul 7, 2013
When I get a chance, I'll take a look and see if I can get around the custom texture without making it look too hideous :) No promises I'll achieve anything, as I'm not that good at rewrapping.

I take the point - we're working with software from 2002 and 100k is a relevant amount of data, so spending it on small details might not work for everyone
When I get a chance, I'll take a look and see if I can get around the custom texture without making it look too hideous :) No promises I'll achieve anything, as I'm not that good at rewrapping.

I take the point - we're working with software from 2002 and 100k is a relevant amount of data, so spending it on small details might not work for everyone

As a map maker who has most of their followers use battle.net I appreciate it when resource creators do their best to optimize files.

As for this model it is fantastic. My one criticism would be that the large vent tube at tier three is too large. I would reduce it by 1/3.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
(Model Viewer won't work for me... But it's probably not the site's fault).

Barring an up-close look at the model (see above), I'm really fascinated by this. Town Halls are really important to get right; they are the first & most important thing seen by a player, the thing that "typifies" the race, gives it character & flavor most potently... And the only other existing Goblin Town Hall is... Good, but something's missing.

This one might be the one. I love the edits so far, and while it looks a bit dense with the 'nurnies' (little dongles & additions & arms & things, as opposed to actual, structural/architectural flourishes), I'm excited to see this.

An in-game textures version would be greatly appreciated, if possible.
When I get a chance, I'll take a look and see if I can get around the custom texture without making it look too hideous :) No promises I'll achieve anything, as I'm not that good at rewrapping.

I take the point - we're working with software from 2002 and 100k is a relevant amount of data, so spending it on small details might not work for everyone

Cool. With the texture being as large as you said earlier, that is 171 KB, lowering the model's size down to 200 KB would be an incredible difference. A tier 3 building that looks this good with that size would definitely get a 5/5 from me.

But, of course, you don't have to. Like I said in my first post, I still really like this and it definitely earns a 4/5 from me (which is about equal to what a typical user would demand a 6/5 for, so take it as a compliment).
Level 8
Jul 7, 2013
@kyrib0 - yes, this was my thought exactly and my main motivation for spending now in excess of 10 hours on the bloody thing!

I think the key to making something look like it was put together by warcraft goblins is to figure out how to fit in as many embellishments and moving parts as possible without it hurting your eyes when you look at it.
Level 8
Jul 7, 2013
I figured out how to improve the "lite" version so that I can have the all-important TC on the funnels, so my lite version is now almost as good as the original and only 200kb (see new screenshot).

For some reason the online model viewer still has the first lite version cached without the TC on the funnels. Downloading will get the best version.
Level 8
Jul 7, 2013
Minimage - yep, you're right.

I just reread the rules around model submission and see your point - if you submit a separate skin with a model it should be 75% freehand work and not just a mashup of bits of blizzard textures.

I've updated the model to make the version without custom textures the master version. I'm pretty happy with the textureless modifications now and the only concession I've really had to make (the TC where the arms/telescope attach) is the same method that Ujimasa Hojo's Goblin Lab uses, so it fits well with that model.

@Whitefang - happy to email you the original model if you still want it, although I recommend checking out the new version first!
Level 4
Feb 9, 2009
Just look up how it is made with regular wc3 3-tiered buildings.

Well, i'm used to make a building and then add upgrades to it in order to change the model of the building. But my issue is when i try to copy paste an existent building like the human and/or the orc one with custom models. It just doesn't want to upgrade the model even if I add them in the game interface list of "tier buildings". Do I have to use some trigger for it ? or whatelse ? I'm using same model with +2 and +3 tiers and it just doesn't work atm, I know i must be missing something but dunno what !

Sry for bad eng, and thx for rep !
Well, i'm used to make a building and then add upgrades to it in order to change the model of the building. But my issue is when i try to copy paste an existent building like the human and/or the orc one with custom models. It just doesn't want to upgrade the model even if I add them in the game interface list of "tier buildings". Do I have to use some trigger for it ? or whatelse ?

Sry for bad eng, and thx for rep !

You need to add the right animation tags to the building in the object editor - just like on the regular townhalls.
Level 2
Dec 19, 2005
Anyone else having problems with this making the entire map black until the camera has been moved over to it once?

EDIT: Nvm, seems like a combination of problems of buildings leaking global lights, so goes deeper than this model.


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