Giant Mech

This is a giant mech. Nuff said.

Oh, and a HUGE thanks to shaman for making the particles. He does a damn fine job.

UPDATED: Fixed attack anim.

mech, droid, mecheon,

Giant Mech (Model)

22:50, 2nd Jul 2009 Pyritie: On the attack particles: the duration of the flashes should be decreased along with their size. There's too much smoke afterwards as well. Lower the particle count on that. The rest is fine though :D shamanyouranus...
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22:50, 2nd Jul 2009
Pyritie: On the attack particles: the duration of the flashes should be decreased along with their size. There's too much smoke afterwards as well. Lower the particle count on that.
The rest is fine though :D

shamanyouranus: Lol, the attack animation looks fine now. And whoever made that death did a damn fine job. DAMN FINE!
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
Its a pretty good model, but i dont like the attack at all. that looks pretty weird. The attack looks too "calm", like its not exploding, its just gently sending out flares.

so... the guns dont recoil fast enough and the particles for that are WAY TOO BIG AND BRIGHT and last too long.

other than that, its a fine model.
The mesh looks great, 4/5 for that, but you really should fix those animations. Like callahan said, exagregated animations does look best, your tiny ones will barely show in a strategy game. Make sure to animate the whole legs, not just the part above the knees - in the walking animation it looks like it's just stomping the ground. Take a look at the "thor" model on starcraft 2's homepage, and see how it's done.
The teamcolour is really nice.
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008

1. Attack anim

2. Walk anim.

I will answer each in order.

1. Archy, lol, the flashes are huge. Calm is not the correct word.

2. Of course, like callahan said, it would look better in WC3 if exagerated. Here's the thing. I think Blizzard style is crap. D: They make what we call "bubbly animations". I like realistic anims. Sorry. D:
2. Of course, like callahan said, it would look better in WC3 if exagerated. Here's the thing. I think Blizzard style is crap. D: They make what we call "bubbly animations". I like realistic anims. Sorry. D:
The probelm is that it's not even realistic.When you walk you're feet goes backward behind you're spin; you're mech keep his feet forward as if he doing the half of a step.
In this case it's not matter of a style.
I understand if you don't want to update this model.Just don't do this on your futur model unless you don't want to improve.
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
The probelm is that it's not even realistic.When you walk you're feet goes backward behind you're spin; you're mech keep his feet forward as if he doing the half of a step.
In this case it's not matter of a style.
I understand if you don't want to update this model.Just don't do this on your futur model unless you don't want to improve.

Lol your right. I forgot to spin the hip.

Hmm... Well also keep in mind that this unit is a freaking huge one.

Another flaw of mine was, I used non attaching bones. D; Dex's exporter sucks. And, I don't know how to use neodex properly. lol.

Next time it will be better.

Oh, and I guess you keep increase the walk anim speed in the object editor. That might help. D:
Level 4
Oct 12, 2008
Dude?...Is that what I think it is?... OMG YES ITS A GIANT MECH YEAH!!!!!

Good job man, it is a bit of a Thor look-a-like, but mehhhh too bad. You've done well =D.
Level 2
Jan 26, 2009
Level 4
Apr 9, 2009
lol.. isn't this a look-alike of a terran mech from StarCraft II :D
Are you trying to copy a version of Thor form the StarCraft 2 ?
i think y :)

well... it doesnt look ok if it comes to chceck animations :/
attack and destroy could be a bit more perfected. in attack the light should be on cannons not in front (i mean on end of cannons)
and death... just too easy :) (at least make 1 leg going somewhere else ^^)
dunno whats wrong with other anims but try making stand2 to make model much funnier :)
Level 9
Aug 18, 2008
Your model just gave me a brilliant idea for a map! I wonder if I can pull it off... Ever played Futurecop multiplayer?
I will rep you just because of your brilliant model gave me a brilliant idea.

Ow and if you ever want suggestions for cool mech walker units to model just give me a poke.
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Level 2
Jul 13, 2009
mesh looks nice but yeah the walk anim is weird. but you prolly wont see the legs properly in ingame so meh :D

love it, good job as usual
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