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Friendship Sucks

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Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Hey... it's me the Lord Of Chaos:goblin_yeah:

Anyway, I was considering friendship as a curse. I was happy for the last couple of months not receiving any word from my friends, then suddenly out of the blue I get invited over have a blast:goblin_boom: and now I'm back home. Now that I've experienced the joy of friendship, I am super depressed to just chill at home.:goblin_cry:

Which brings me to the question:

Is friendship a curse?

What do you guys think, any similar experiences?


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011


You can close the thread now.
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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Guys, simply because it's him and his phrasing of the question, doesn't mean the question is necessarily a bad one.

I would say that no, friendships are not curses. But it is all dependent on the person who experiences it.
As social animals we crave the company of others, everyone in varying degree though, this is generally
categorised into two main categories: Introverts and extroverts. In theory an extrovert is a person that
can't be alone, who hates it, and always needs to be in the company of others, while an introvert is a
person that hates being in the company of others and prefers being alone all the time.

Obviously, very few of us are on either utmost end of this scale, most people are somewhere in-between.
But how do you know which of the two you mainly belong to? One way I've been thought to think of it is
like a battery: Do you feel like you "recharge" by being alone, or by being with others?

Anyway, funny notions on introvert-/extrovert-ism aside, I think which you are is somewhat telling
of how you view friendships. Some treasure them very deeply, while others think of them more casually,
but most people don't consider friendships a bad thing. As long as you can tailor the friendship to your

Now that I've experienced the joy of friendship, I am super depressed to just chill at home.

Don't fret, feeling depressed is a natural state of being a human, it doesn't mean friendships are curses, it means you enjoy them.

I would advice you to not have such a bleak outlook on everything in life, but I don't think you'd listen.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
I would advice you to not have such a bleak outlook on everything in life, but I don't think you'd listen.

How can I remain positive when everyone treats me so poorly simply for being me?
I don't understand this animosity towards me, what did i do? What can I do to avert it... what makes people so offensive?

I guess the only thing I can do is kill them all.


Friendship is a curse, why should I visit them if the feeling of their kindness and love leaves me feeling hollow and hurting.
If I never knew them I would never know what I am missing and therefore never feel this pain.
I would be happy with my solace and never regret my loneliness.

Now I feel affronted by my freedom to be without them
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
It isn't animosity, it's based on observations made by what kind of questions you ask and what kind of threads you post.

You generally have a very morbid and stubborn attitude, and what's more, you are easily offended.
Because of these qualities, I predicted you wouldn't listen, hence why I commented as I did.

This is also mostly why other people generally comment like the posts above mine to your threads.

Friendship is a curse

So, we have now changed the subject of the thread from being "Is friendship a curse?" to "friendship is a curse!"
I don't know how old you are or how schooled you are, but you certainly do have some extreme opinions that are
generally baseless, not based on facts, and seem to be completely, onerously, dictated by your own emotions.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
onerously, dictated by your own emotions.
I agree, it is a fact based on my own opinion. What I have to say or think on the matter is not as important as what, others such as your self, have to say. My question is simply, what are your conclusions to the matter, as I am looking for insight rather then objection or refrain.
Level 9
May 21, 2014
>Happy because no friends
>Went back home
>Becomes sad
>Friendship is a curse

You're still but a child. There are completely other factors that will deny that line of thinking, because what you really think is just nearly 1% of REAL factors for you to be thankful that you have them.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
It is a bad question. Anyone with a functional brain would immediately disregard the question of "is friendship a curse?" with a clear "no".
It's always nice and easy to Nope the hell out of everything, but if it's cut that clearly it should be a piece of cake to construct an argument for it. Anyone can be a blockage in a discussion.
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