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Freewebs, yes or no.

Do you like/approve of freewebs?

  • Yes. It is very user-friendly and easy.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No. I like it better when people put hard work in it.

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters
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Hey, Hive.

While a student in Junior High, people are always coming up with Freewebs and calling it their website.

Personally, I don't like freewebs, and here is why.

People spend time in their site. I put 2-4 hours a day to work on my WC site. I pay for my hosting, I toil because I need more users and more resources, and it seems that a lot of my time is a waste compared to freewebs.

Freewebs in my opinion is like a way to get rich fast, while people who own ACTUAL sites spend hours on getting their layouts done, freewebs can do it in three minutes with their handy templates, then they brag about it saying that their freewebs is better than your actual site, or go telling their friends that they made a website. So, everyone now is going around saying, "Hey, have you been to Bob's website?" and Bob gets popular that way.

So, do you like freewebs?
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
That's not making a website, it's using a premade CMS and then customizing it to fit your needs. Scratch coding is the best, Freewebs is the fastest, and PHP CMS is the best looking with the least effort.

Freewebs is a definite no. Anyone who's serious will get REAL hosting.
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Umm freewebs do not always suck.
As in some cases they do not use the standard templates but actually take the time to make their own. I used freewebspace such as freewebs and awardspace for small projects when i want to throw something temp up and since I dont run my own server anymore.

Simply saying a website sucks because they dont pay for hosting means nothing.
A person who pays for hosting could easily use some shit template they downloaded and completed no work and have 0 knowledge of making a webpage.
And a person can use afree service and manage a very nice website.

oh and
Deskalada has no knowledge of making websites past stealing scripts and templates and claiming them as his.
Level 3
Jan 4, 2007
Wow, you guys are going to start a fire with all this flaming. xD

Freewebs isn't a get-rich-quick thing where people actually make money off of it. Most of the time some idiot who is already popular will make a website on it with nothing but a shitty 'about me' page that consists of all the persons friends pictures. Yes, it will be popular because the idiot who made it is popular.

I think freewebs is actually a P.O.S excuse for the latest geocities trend of webhosts. They're already behind every other free webhost like awardspace that actually supports a few languages to write a backend in.

I personally didn't fall into those categories during high school and actually ran into the opposite as the above. Was having issues with accessing files from home and didn't feel like bringing a cd or floppy in. So I decided to run a webserver at home on a shitty computer with centOS ( linux distro ) so that I could just up and dl a file straight from home. Word got around and I ended up setting up a CMS for friends and whoever visited as well as 40GB worth of flash games.

I'm getting off topic though. Freewebs is really just a sad excuse as a website host. It, like many others in this category, add in ad code, templates are all similar and shitty, have no support for server side scripting.

Just find a cheap web host like nearlyfreespeech.net or go the free route with awardspace. Or go take a crap computer, throw ubuntu or w/e flavour linux distro you want, run apache with w/e server side script you want, and start learning how to run your own shit.

As a side note, yes, Ralle did basically just take the vbulletin and make a skin for it. But, He also had to write his own script for the maps, icons, and anything in the resource section. They are in no way attached to vbulletin. So it isn't like he didn't put his own time into making the website. The resource backend would've had to be hand made from scratch.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
That's not making a website, it's using a premade CMS and then customizing it to fit your needs. Scratch coding is the best, Freewebs is the fastest, and PHP CMS is the best looking with the least effort.

Freewebs is a definite no. Anyone who's serious will get REAL hosting.

Or mooch off their friends, *cough cough*.

Freewebs is fail for reasons elaborated in detail in previous posts. On top of this, don't tell me you can just make something from scratch on it, because it has a severly limited feature package, even among free web hosts.
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