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My website

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Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
http://www.freewebs.com/aleihza/index.htm don't ask just listen ok? ofcourse its Freewebs. I still need to do ALOT more things on it...anyways why not about myself? why Aleihza? you may ask, so there was this request from a random...nobody...that I should create a site about this 'character' which obviously belongs to Alotof..oh and about that Age of Terror thing on the homepage...I was majorly bugged to add such stupid moronic thing in...anyways feel free to comment, good or bad.:emote_party:

Oh btw incase your interested, the song on the homepage is by Nightwish - End of All Hope.
Level 7
Dec 26, 2006
First question: Who's Aleihza??

Second Question: Why the random script was so big?? Make it smaller, it's make me borred to scroll it down until next twelve minutes

*I didn't find song at all is it really attached?
*The 2 Naaru is about Naruto Anime??
*Is this about war3 or Naruto?? Akastsuki and Azshara (Anyway thanks about information of Azshara, I need it)
*Ferazamu and Yseran, what's that?
*X of megaman?? What's this website about??

This all about your campaign or you write everything you want??
Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
First question: Who's Aleihza??

Second Question: Why the random script was so big?? Make it smaller, it's make me borred to scroll it down until next twelve minutes

*I didn't find song at all is it really attached?
*The 2 Naaru is about Naruto Anime??
*Is this about war3 or Naruto?? Akastsuki and Azshara (Anyway thanks about information of Azshara, I need it)
*Ferazamu and Yseran, what's that?
*X of megaman?? What's this website about??

This all about your campaign or you write everything you want??

wtf this is all alotofgarbage's information ill get him on to awnser these for you. He just got me to do the site because I know how to do this and he doesent..its about time I gave him tutorials.
Level 7
Dec 26, 2006
Dumb information?? But how can you combine all about war3 and Naruto in one story?? Is it your own fantasy

Off-Topic: 200 POST !!
Level 6
Jan 6, 2007
This site r roxx0rx. U done gud job at dis site. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29602 is where Aleihza is from, she be my character, MINE I SAY, WoW character /cough, and damn fun aswell. Eh nah the 2 Naaru thing was random, wasn't thinking properly :). Sue me please for not thinking of good names, really please...Verazamu is my BE character leave him alone :mad:. Ysera is a Green Dragon, she is a Dragon Aspect of Nature, also known as The Dreamer, wtf is megaman x? the website is about my characters lore and stuff, Azshara isnt mine but shes in it, and Akatsuki is Twilight's Hammer only but they remaned theirselves. Oh and the song isn't an attachment, if you download limewire you can download it. You got your information and I dont want no darned tutorials..
Level 7
Dec 26, 2006
OMG!! Sorry I didn't know if alotofgarbage is an ID of some1 at THW, the name at 2 Naaru is rasengan and chidori.. Really annoy for any1 know Naruto anime changed it, Those are dragons name for your maps?? Wait... I hear these name at RotD, is it your campaign??

I just see at website you do Nature's Call until Spider Queen, and this site about RotD?? How can I don't know about it??
Level 6
Jan 6, 2007
WTF is Nature's Call?! Naruto, Shiftshape and Aleihza are dragons yes, X isn't a dragon and I still want to know what megaman x is...sounds stupid. Your accusing me of stealing? sorry dunno what nature's call is. Sue me again PLEASE for not having good names seriously...

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

God damn, quit using two accounts. Nobody believes it.
Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
Glad to see you learned how to use Freeweb's site builder tools. :)

Thanks :O It didn't take me long to learn, abit too easy for me hehe. I could create more sites if I wanted, but nah.:emote_party:

Oh btw CoolsoFar did you even bother to read in the Lore section? makes sense once you read.

Because of his powers he was used against the Burning Legion in survival for their race, but instead it turned out that the Burning Legion fled and X started to kill his own world with his powers

So it says that this X person thing was used against the Burning Legion, dunno tbh I dont know all this stuff, I just get told the inforamtion, and he started to kill his own world..xD(noob l2p)

Hmmm Yseran warning thing, I assume that that would be written in my own words but really came from www.freewebs.com/shiftshape (no I did not copy him, I had to type this up because it was lore)

Indeed she is a female dragon. She usually is in elf form, trying to flow with the world as she usually does.

Again it says she is a female dragon and is usually in elf form trying to flow with the world as she usually does(talking bout Aleihza ok..) maybe if you didn't read then do so, makes things a lil clear, hell got a problem PM alotofgarbage.
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Level 7
Dec 26, 2006
I don't say if you guys stealing, I just ask you 'are you the maker?' if no than so be it.. Who care what I said after it??

Then what was this idea about?? If you didn't use it I could make a war3 map from it
Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
Im just the terrainer ;<.

WARNING:-The Betrayal of the Drakes series will continue no longer, due to problem on the computer, I no longer have the right amount of space to continue these campaigns. Sorry for any inconvienience.

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