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[Trigger] fps

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Level 2
Nov 14, 2008
So im makeing a fps i got the camera movement and stuff done but im not sure how to set up the shooting system. I want it to be so u push the button and if the other perosn is infront of u it hits them (up to certian distance)

basically so u can shoot and kill without selecting ppl any ideas?
Level 2
Nov 14, 2008
i set up the ability and it works except u have to select where to cast i want it to just be auto like u hit the button and it does it starting from the hero out to certian distance
Level 2
May 21, 2007
Just straight trigger it from a dummy ability that's instant cast, possible something off of channel, as that's my general fallback. Then just use triggers to check within a certain distance in front of the unit.
Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
Thing is, if you want it to look good you have to include a physics engine, spells like breath and wave wont make the bullet look good and just pass through unpassable terrain and walls or doodads. I also suggest, from experience, for you to let a player press a hotkez for a point targeting spell each time the player selects his shooter, and whenever it is used to let the player press the hotkey again so the ability doesnt deselect. Bnets cursor is especially good for this (the targeting one) so itll be no problem. I actually was doing an fps with a friend just a while ago and we had to stop so hope this advice was helpful Rep plx )
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