Fourth Age Middle Earth - Shadow from East

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Level 9
May 17, 2008
i really think u should work on the map yourself instead of 'handing it out' to others to mess around with, u waste a lot of time like that, {im entering olympics wid artins}
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I want to make sure that you guys know that Reunited Kingdom still rules Mordor. Mordor will be like half half just like Moria. I like Rysis idea but then, Minas Morgul will be quickly taken by the Reunited Kingdom. I also need some more ideas, when you look back, I said that because Reunited Kingdom was sooo strong, and overpowered, in fourth Age, it will suffer from civil disorder and diseases, How do I do it? Almean do I kill off units that belongs to Reunited Kingdom time to time? what about the rebellions?

Edit: What should we do with the sons of Elrond.... (forgot their names)
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Reunited Kingdom was sooo strong, and overpowered, in fourth Age, it will suffer from civil disorder and diseases, How do I do it? Almean do I kill off units that belongs to Reunited Kingdom time to time? what about the rebellions?

You could have a periodic events with small amounts of bandits or easterlings or something. Nothing all that threatening, cause some people won't like that. It happened in the star craft maps that I used to play. They had war events, but everyone hated them.

Edit: What should we do with the sons of Elrond.... (forgot their names)

Elladan and Elrohir. And, if I remember correctly, the book never says what race they chose to be with, Mortals or Elves. So it could be plausible that they're still around.
Level 9
May 17, 2008
yes they might be arounD, make them neutral, or.. make them hostile to the bad guyz, and why not make disease clouds among the people of reunited kingdoms? that way, theyll be... diseased and will lose hp slowly and make their attack speed slowd or something but that would make them 2 weak and easily defeatable
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Well, the disease clouds is good idea actually, how come I neva thought of that? They wouldn't still be easily defeated since they are facing Harardrims(who are mostly lightly armored and depend of numbers at least in this game.) and timy army of Nurn (Which mostly consist of weak orcs and unarmored mans)

Okey, I'm Back!~~~~~ Anyone missed me? Now, the army of Nurn will be weak because they are unorganize. Mordor is still in control of Reunited Kingdom and army of Nurn are barely nothing compared to Harad or Easterlings. They will spawn elite units such as Olog-Hai and stuff when they actually complete building of their temple and rescue Morgoth.
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I AM BACK!!!!! and with new ideas and a rough loading screen (or Minimap). This is my first time handling any of the painting tools (I used Gimp) so dun judge too harsh.


  • Fourth Age Loading Screen.tga
    657.7 KB · Views: 69
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
jarri: Ya I still dun have it.... I sent madcd a pm asking it back, anyway, gondor will have small seaports, but mostly the Fiefs will. The problem is, that I can't get creative with naval armies because I dun know nothing about ships and how the people of Middle Earth name their ships.

Rysis: Thanks for ya compliment. I dunno how to decrease the filesize tho.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I'd like to say that after few minutes of thinking, I finally realized that madcd told me that he was moving. Moving means new cable and that means time..... I totally forgot. "Erm no-idea, my little brothers been away with his band for a while... also I'm moving house on saturday so pot luck ^^ however he was pretty happy with doing it so it will get done :)" Also I'd like to say that after I get my map back,(almean if that ever happens) I'd like to have total reterraining done. I'm not satisfied with the work I did so far and I hope the new reterraining will reduced the filesize (for now the map is huge and it's not even half done~~~)
Level 9
May 17, 2008
exactly how big IS the map right now? and do u intend to make it bnet playable?
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I'm getting a bad feeling about this map right now, it was 1020 KB right now and it's not even half done. I haven't been active on this map for month (all thanks to madcd, no offense)I think we are heading for a slump.
Level 5
Jun 27, 2008
Keep trying on the map, dude, I would love to help, but mostly i'm Easterling (Rhu^n) biased, so don't give me something like unit balancing. I;m pretty good at triggers, and the filesize isn't that big, have u seen those Japanes hero arenas. They're huge, but they play fine.
Level 6
Aug 27, 2008
Sounds like a nice project, do you need someone to do some of the terrain?? :cute:
I'm here

While i read i saw that you didn't know what elladan and elrohir wanted to be. I think they choosed to sail with Elrond over the sea, but i am not sure. I'll check it up.

EDIT: well, it didn't say sure. Found this on internett.

'' Like their sister, they could make a choice between mortality and immortality, expressed by whether they would follow their father to Valinor at the time of his own departure at the end of the Third Age. Since they are explicitly described as remaining to Rivendell for a time after their father's departure, some fans speculated that they had also chosen mortality. However, J.R.R. Tolkien himself noted that the twins were allowed to "delay" their choices. ''
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