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Council of Middle Earth

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Level 9
May 17, 2008
well for starters- the realm of the dwarves is advancing and Durin is again their king(the 7th i presume) the elves have mostly left= the woods of lorien are deserted but in rivendell celeborn and the sons of elrond remain and the elves of greenwood live on unhindered. the wild men of the south had been forgiven by Aragorn son of arathorn and so had the easterlings but maybe their devietful nature could cause them to ally themselves with the orcs and other dark creatures to launch an attack on the kingdoms of elves, men and dwarves. there could be a map about that- btw aragorn's son is now king and in rohan the king is eomer's son elfwine-im a big fan of lotr-there are plenty of models for it here on the hive and im hoping to see a good map from you- ill add some pictures ... eventually!
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Well... I seriously have no life, so I will write the ideas I have for my map.

In the South, there was confusion. Aragorn's fourth son is the High and Mighty king of the The Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor and It is now weakened by civil disorder and dieases. Taking this as their chance, Forces of Rhu^n (Had been a refuge for Orcs of Mordor...Secretly) called for a deadly war against The Reunited Kingdom and Dale. The Corsairs of Umbar had been raided the southern Fiefs for a time, helping the Haradrims who rides against the kingdom on their quest to conquer the lands of Gondor. With so many rising against the old and weakened Kingdom, there is a another force growing. In Far lands of Mordor, there is a land called Nurn. It is a only a fertile place in Mordor where it is possible for vegetation to grow. After the fall of the Dark Lord. These who served him was forgiven and sent back to their own lands. The Evil mans under Sauron's command had traveled into Nurn, settling their own kingdom. With so much confusion on this good earth, The forces of Nurn takes this chance and called for their place on this war.

In the North, there was destruction. The tension between Rohrrims and Dunlendings were ready explode. The things started when Dunlendings took over the treegarth of Orthac from the Reunited Kingdom. Dunlendings, with their renewed hatres against Rohrrims (Thanks to Saruman) exploded and ended on a war. The dunlendings raided the land and Rohrrims rode to meet them with their spears.

The Middle Earth was confused, but the worst of all, the rumors of the New Dark Lord soon arriving spreaded like a wild fire on Middle Earth, Few says that the new temple is being built to free the Great Enemy (Morgoth). If the rumors is true, This temple is definitely going to be a trouble.

Factions [Good]: The Reunited Kingdom: Heavy amored infantary units Although they don't have cavary.The Semi Heros & Rangers of Ithilien makes an great addition to the Kingdom's Army.

The Kingdom of Rohan: Very good cavary units, both good on speed and power. The Infantary lacks in variety and power.

The Southern Fiefdoms: Good Infantary, and Good Cavary (Knights of Dol Amroth) Although lacks in mobility compared to these of Harad

Elves of Middle Earth: Very few in numbers. Elves in Greenwood is treatened by unstopble Easterlings. few Elves exist in Ithilien. Elves overall makes an great warrior with heavy armor and long ranged archers. They lack in numbers.

Dwarves: dwarves rule the giliterling caves and Erebor. They have the most health point compared to other units, but they lack speed thanks to their heavy armor and short legs, they are very vanurable to these Wainriders and Variags.

Dale: They have good variety of infantary, from dragon slaying archers to Simple militia. Though they all lack in armor and strength.

I was planning to use this as my base map

But it was too "Oversized" so i'm planning to use this map

Evil faction list will be coming up. Any suggestions? Questions? (I know I have no life..)
Level 9
May 17, 2008

well thats fine artins- much better than my idea( which was of starting from where they left off in the book) but waiting until Gondor and Arnor have civil disorder and sufferings from disease is gd since it gives them a weakness and evil a fair chance to win. the haradrim have good cavalry and infrantry much like the fiefs but your right in saying that their cavalry is faster. the easterlings have no cavalry at all but they can be great as orcs in number and are probably as strong than uruks. can u plz explain who these men from nurn are and who the heck is this new "dark lord" is it morgoth or wat?
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Well... I meant to say that man from Nurn are secretly building a temple to Morgoth. Man of Nurn are savage, and very religious army of man and orcs looking up to their former lord Saroun. They think that if they can free Morgoth, they will have the power to destory their enemies and rise above them. they will stay pressured by nearby Gondor, but once the temple is built their spawns will increase like CRAZY and possibly free Morgoth to Middle Earth (Did I mention that this game will be like Ringwars, and that for now, only 7% of the map is done?) :con: hey Also, The Easterlings do have cavalry units almost powerful as ones from Rohan. They get Variags (From Khand) and Wainriders (From Rhun). But thanks for your idea. :gg:
Level 9
May 17, 2008
oh cool, morgoth freed, i like that, but wat does he look like..? maybe i could make a model for him?
Level 9
May 17, 2008
yea i model a little, some examples will soon be on the hive, NOTE: i am not a good ANIMATOR!
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Auuh... Well I'm working on it, time to time. I would love to post some screenshots but I dunno how to...... Hey and if u can... can u model a bandit on a horse? (Using Knight's Animation?) It's okey if u can't since i'm not planning to make my map laggy with tons of models.

P.S. thx for your help :grin:
Level 9
May 17, 2008
well to do screenshots, just press the print screen button (its above the arrow keys and then go to paint and then paste it there, then save, voila instant screenshot of when u pressed the printsc button. if u need models made from scratch, i can do that but editing models isnt really my thing cuz wc3 model editor doesnt work with my wc3, i think i dont have the latest patch installed correctly theres always some errors, and have u searched the hive for models, many of them can be used for lotr, theres elves,dwarves, and i even found a black knights model which could be well used for a black numenorean lord, u kno the kind that worship sauron, like barad-dur's lietenant(the mouth of sauron)

well anyway - are u working on this map alone or do u have people helping..?
Level 9
May 17, 2008
dude, theres already a brilliant orthanc model in the map you posted some time ago-why not use that...??!
Level 9
May 17, 2008
orthac is indestrusctible, made by the men of numenor it was made to withstand any attack//
Level 9
May 17, 2008
and sorry for not completing my post yesterday because of internet probs... i also wanted to say that yes i can be *one of your crew* i can help with terrain, models, and simple triggers:p also i will try my utmost to provide good advice and information about the world of middle earth and its peoples. and i 'checked it out' yeah real nice :D!
Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
Oh hai dere, im xx_noob i like that map idea and all that, i can help you with a lot of trigggering if you want, i can also do some terrain.

Also just one thing, there is way too many models in the map you use (hopefully you deleted many of them) but you should go for a model limit of max 7.

My 2 cents.
Level 9
May 17, 2008
hey artins im a bit on hold, im waiting until i move back into my house, im afraid i cant fix anything until 2 weeks so feel free to do anything on the map ill help later :)
Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
well, in the other fourth age maps saruman is there... i think that he should be again, like 5 minutes into the game melkor has become stronger very recently and sent saruman back (alike the way gandalf got back)
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
hmm.... I thought gandalf was back because he wasn't dead...... but of course, my knowledge on middle earth is very limited. Anyway, what "other" fourth age map are u talking about? can u give me links so i can check it out?
Level 9
May 17, 2008
uhhh why did so many people who havent saID a single thing yet, have joined the council? Artins, remove unwanted members please
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