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LotR:Battle for Middle Earth

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Level 1
Jan 11, 2005
Right, after a very long break from Warcraft III (due to my mom snapping my disk in half) I bought Battle for Middle Earth, a game made by EA. I've met a few people on this game but one comes to mind, Lord Arkaine, a guy who's trying to mod the game. He has greatly succeeded compared to a lot of people thus far, the online community isn't nearly as creative and willing to make things as they were on Warcraft III (maybe it's because EA's editor sucks, I don't know). In any case I've decided to help this guy with ideas and such, but ideas will only get you so far. So I came here, I had to make another account because mine was apparently inactive. The reason I came here is because he needs a modeller, otherwise he isn't going to be able to accomplish anything. I tried to use G-Max a long time ago to no avail, so I came here on his behalf to ask someone to help. If you're willing to model for him it would be greatly appreciated, and seeing how he is one of the only mod makers on Battle for Middle Earth you'd probably get your name in the record books. Only help if you have Battle for Middle Earth, because it wouldn't be right if you couldn't use what you made. I know this is one of the oddest places to ask this question, but this place had the best model-makers I've ever seen and I thought I would ask.

Thanks guys, even if the answer will be no.
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