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Fourth Age Middle Earth - War of Men

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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
"Wilt thou learn the lore
that was long secret
of the Five that came
from a far country?

One only returned.
Others never again
under Men's dominion
Middle-earth shall seek
until Dagor Dagorath
and the Doom cometh.

How hast thou heard it:
the hidden counsel
of the Lords of the West
in the land of Aman?
The long roads are lost
that led thither,
and to mortal Men
Manwe speaks not.

From the West-that-was
a wind bore it
to the sleeper's ear,
in the silences
under night-shadow
when news is brought
from lands forgotten
and lost ages
over seas of years
to the searching thought.

Not all are forgotten
by the Elder King.
Sauron he saw
as a slow menace...."

Fourth Age Middle Earth

Fourth Age Middle Earth is a spawn based map inspired by BFME & Conflict for Sereg D`or. It will feature,

1) Classic Castle buildings to increase and upgrade your spawns. Easy and classic gameplay.

2) "Towns" mini bases which can give you extra resources and a men or so.

3) [being Considered] A historical events runs through the Fourth Age in order to tell the stories beyond third age various events in history. Some events can influence certain players.

4) 10 Different Factions with unique strength and weakness, Balanced by starting positions, abilities, heroes and events.

5) New factions never featured in any LOTR map before such as the Kingdom of Nurn & Chiefdom of Dunland.

6) Possible return of the Morgoth the Great enemy once again to Middle Earth.

7) New heroes featured, Including some old familiar heroes such as Legolas, Elladan, and Elrohir

8) Accuracy, leaning toward book rather then the movies.

History of the Fourth Age

Elessar's Fourth son, Arathoron Is now the High and Mighty king of The Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor. Under his rule, The mighty Fiefdoms and the Kingdom has became closer and concentrated their strength on rebuilding their once glorious kingdom of Arnor. The Rohirrims grew in numbers and their herds grew strong and greater than ever before. Even the Dark men were kept under control by Kingdom's might and trade flourished between many kingdoms of mans.

Elves grew thin and Dwarves grew old. The death of the High King Arathoron led to breaking of the kingdom. As the Rumors of the New Dark Lord spreads throughout Middle Earth, the Kingdom was soon flooding in fear and disorder. Rebels arises from everywhere in concerning of the Heir to the crown. Diseases and famine turns even the bravest man to cowards. Taking this as their license to uprise, old and new enemies arises from every side of the Kingdom. In the midest of Chaos, King Aldarioth takes the throne.

Cruel Easterlings are moving endlessly from the east, armed with steel and greed. The Easterlings quickly overthrew the army of the Kingdom stationed at Rhu^n and sieged the Kingdom of Dale. Their drums rings like thunder and fills the heart of their enemies with fear and thoughts of Death. They were cruel and slaughtered any living thing that stands between them and their greed. proud city of Dale was burnt to the ground and they now dares to siege the ancient city of Dwarves in the Loney mountain of Erebor. These mans Invades westward slaughtering Elves of the Greenwoods and even approaching far into the woods of Lorien. No good ever comes to West from the Eastern Lands.

Hradrim tribes have been united under the house of Scarlet Serpents. The Umbarian Lords have been bribed to their biddings. The hosts of the South gathers to prepare for their invasion against the lands of Gondor. Many southern shores had been already swarmed by The Corsairs in which their numbers are greater than anyone remembers. Few has a heart to stand against them. They are coming as we speak.

The new order arises in the dark lands of Mordor. These Savagerly mans who had formerly served Saroun was forgiven by Aragorn Elessar and sent to the fertile lands of Nurn in Mordor had betrayed our trust and joined the Invaders of the South. These servants of the Dark breeds orcs and other dark creatures to lay the Gondor in ashes. May they be cursed forever.

Rohrrims of the North has faced Invasion of their own. The Dunlendings are finally on the move, finally seeing the day of their revenge approaching, the day when they will take their homeland back from the Forgoils, With Rhovanion Refugees coming in, overpopulation and Famine attacks heart of Once fine lands of Rohan. Crebains cloudes the sky dark and wolves of the Dunland howls into the air. Rohrrims faces open war against the Barbarians, They will not be joining us in our fight against our extinction.

The age of peace is broken. Dark forces are stirring, and the wars will once again bring fire into Middle Earth. Every man's courage will be tested. It is the Fourth Age and the end has come.

Forces of Middle Earth

"Hold your ground, hold your ground. Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day. This day we fight! For all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

King Aragorn Elessar, at the Black Gate

Descendant of the mighty Dunedain, These mans of Gondor are truely the sons of mighty warriors. Your man's weapons are steel sword and a brave heart. Their shield is forged steel and pride. These warriors are truly hero. With enemies rising from every side, The Reunited Kingdom is one of the hardest kingdom to fight as. with enemies everywhere, it is hard to concentrate your forces in at one side. But do not lose hope, for their is always hope. You are allied with mighty Southern Fiefs and your warriors are one of the best in Middle Earth. If you command your troops with caution, and strategy planned ahead, your mans will soon overwhelm the tide of the battlefield. May the knowledge and strength of Valar be with you.

Mens from all over the fair land of Gondor comes to aid you on your battle against rising shadows. Armed with heavy forged steel, These mans have different advantages and disadvantages. having variety allows you to quickly counter-attack incoming enemy forces in Battlefield. Because your enemies easily outnumber your army, You must use strategy to control your forces. Relying only on your superior infantaries will not do the job. Not only that, you must quickly adapt at naval fights. While your fleets are small in number, you must use these limited fleets to defend the large coasts of Gondor from incoming Corsairs. Difficult yes, but absolute mastery of the battlefield is required to fight foe such large in number. May the knowledge and strength of Valar be with you.

Although the age of Elves has passed, Elves remain a strong and powerful force that must be reckoned with. fighting with superior weapons and moral, they are proficient with swords, spears and bows, and are the bravest of all fighting troops. Many existing elves do not wear armour, preferring instead to rely on stealth and mobility, weak against piercing demage but superior in mobility and quick counter-attacks. You must aid your allies against the savage Haradrims, and cultists of Nurn. May the Elves grant the mans hope and knowledge, before the time of Elves end in Middle Earth.

Horn of the mark blows and the mans gathers, Armed to meet the barbarians of Dunland. Heavily relying on your superior calvary, riders of Rohan can ride from east to west with ease. With horrible infantries and limited Calvary mans, it is crucial that you keep your enemy short to keep them from counter-attacking your calvary with pikes.

These Ancient races have same advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is that their units are very powerful and will not fall easily against barbaric Dunlendings or Vile Easterlings without a fight. They have powerful armors and lots of health. the disadvantages is that they are in the worst spot (for they are facing enemies to all sides) and their units are very slow. You must aid Rohrrims and Elves in fight against Dunlendings and Easterings. You will have bases at Moria, glittering caves, and fangoran forest. You must also drive our the Goblins in the Khazad-dum which will give you many Dwarven warriors under your control. May the knowledge and strength of Valar be with you.

Forces of Shadow

"A new Power is rising. Against it the old allies and policies will not avail us at all. There is no hope left in Elves or dying Numenor. This then is one choice before you, before us. We may join with that Power. It would be wise, Gandalf. There is hope that way. Its victory is at hand; and there will be rich reward for those that aided it. As the Power grows, its proved friends will also grow; and the Wise, such as you and I, may with patience come at last to direct its courses, to control it. We can bide our time, we can keep our thoughts in our hearts, deploring maybe evils done by the way, but approving the high and ultimate purpose: Knowledge, Rule, Order; all the things that we have so far striven in vain to accomplish, hindered rather than helped by our weak or idle friends. There need not be, there would not be, any real change in our designs, only in our means."

Saruman the White wizard

Your forces are numerous and mobile. Lots of strategies can be used once you dispose all the camps of the Reunited Kingdom in your lands. You can travel north by crossing the south Gondor and slaughtering the Elves and Rangers of Ithilien using mighty mumakils and skirmishers. Or you can use your powerful Black vessels to raid the southern Fiefs and burning their ancient cities into ashes. Only thing you must worry about is your armor, for most of your units are unarmored and are very vanurable against arrows. Dispose any archers you see with your powerful mumakils before you advance. May the dogs of Middle Earth fall under steel and manace of your Empire.

Your land is stretches from the sea of Rhun to the ancient forests of Lorien. Under your control, you have numerous and well-balanced army that includes variags of Khand. You also control one of the blue wizards who is one of the most powerful hero on the game. Your army is powerful indeed, but your large, vast lands are surrounded by many dogs such as, Elves, Rohirrims, Dwarves and Ents whose army are puny compared to yours, but might attack you from both sides to drive you back, make the best of your mans and wipe them out one by one. May the dogs of Middle-Earth falls under your invincible army my chief.

These savages of Nurn are watched by reunited Kingdom every second. There is small camps all over Mordor and you must first start with cleansing of your land. Your army are mainly composed of orcs and weak skirmishers and will stand no chance against the superior army of Reunited Kingdom. But do not lose hope, for their are many allies. Your goal must be destorying Osiligath and Ithilien to make the way for Haradrims to siege Minas Tirth. If your strategies don't work, you might even have to take this to extreme and build the temple of shadow which will alllow you to make the great enemy, Morgoth who is rumored to be incoming dark lord. Morgoth is a very powerful hero who will destory any army with ease. May the Knowledge of the Dark lord be with you.

Your savage army is strong in strength and ranged units. Forgoils depend on their calvaries and without them, they are good as straws. Their pitful infantaries are no match for your gathered warriors. In the start You will be short on numbers, but soon you will spawn orcs from misty mountains and grow in advantage against the Forgoils on numbers, You are in luck as you can concentrate your forces are only facing forgoils to south. The Forgoils pay every inch of the land they stole with blood.

Your army is numerous in numbers, but they are weak compare to other factions around you. Your mission should be recovering the Moria by driving out the Dwarves. Then, you will aid Dunlendings by raiding Rohrrims and aiding Easterlings by leading suprises attacks at Greenwood and Fangoran. Your army won't have variety, but numbers will swarm over any kind of enemies. Let fire burn your enemies into the ash.

The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

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Level 7
May 11, 2008
I heard about your map long ago.I hope it can be hosted on battlenet because LOTR maps seems pretty dead there. (I always liked LOTR maps)
Sounds like a upgrade to the standard Battle For Middle Earth-maps.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Warning: Probably going to be a long post ;)

1.) <3 the poem.

3) [being Considered] A historical events runs through the Fourth Age in order to tell the stories beyond third age various events in history. Some events can influence certain players.

Just make a dialog in the beginning that you can turn on/off events, or maybe have a voting system.

6) Possible return of the Morgoth the Great enemy once again to Middle Earth.

You could also make this vote/host decision. Or you could have it if they have events "On" then they get Morgoth after a certain period of time, like 30 minutes or something.

7) New heroes featured, Including some old familiar heroes such as Legolas, Elladan, and Elrohir

Actually, Legolas goes over the sea, eventually, with Gimli. You could say that this is before that happens, so it still works, but just telling ya'.

8) Accuracy, leaning toward book rather then the movies.

Thank you :D

Grammatically/Spelling errors :D
1.) Rohirrim is the plural form of the word. "Ride of the Rohirrim"
2.) Haradrim, as in "From Harad."
3.) Fangorn Forest

That's all for now.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Anyway, thanks for actually noticing my thread, been waiting for days for a response. Auuh... Screenshots comin soon. Auuh, and we should discuss about the events. Almean like they did in Conflict of Sereg D' or. Just for you to know, The whole event starts in the year 370 Fourth Age.

P.S. I missed you all.
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I made a new thread, cause first, I thought we were slowly dying and thought we would need a new fresh start to wake us all up. And two, cause I dun't need Crew members no more (I dun't trust them thx to madcd) and no, I didn't get my map back from madcd. Thanks for postin here tho, appreciate all of ya. Anyway BTW Ima trying my best to get back active as we were before, Ima in big boy now, got more things to do. I don't think most of the things I did ain't that good enough to post it up here (Don't want to disencourage you guys with sucky terrain) so I post only what I think is good enough. I promise more screenies.
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Level 9
May 17, 2008
well.. i commented on your album, just so u know, and dont worry- every lotr fan is here to support u , keep posting screenshots and progress
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008

Aye Aye Captain! Here is the current Timeline [might and will be edited later]

Year 371 : The High and Mighty king Arathoron is assassinated. Doing of the followers of the Saroun. In return, the Kingdom of Reunited Kingdom calls open war against these savages of Nurn. Many people are drafted into the army to serve their new king, Andelothor. *This event grants the Reunited Kingdom 20 Footman at Minas Tirith.

Year 372 : The rumor tells that large hordes orcs are returning from East, gathering in numbers at the ash mountains. This abnormal event drowns many people of Middle Earth in fear. *This event grants the Kingdom of Nurn 25 Orc Warriors near the ash mountains.

Year 373 : The Great Disease sweeps through the lands of Gondor, turning many great warriors into cold corpses. *This event kills total of 4 demi-hero from Reunited Kingdom and Southern Fief.

Year 374 : The Hallgrim, the Lord of the Glittering Caves finds the ancient crystals that worth more than any stone found before, he shares his fortunes with the Rohirrims. *This Event grants the Dwarves and Kingdom of Rohan 800 Gold.

Year 375 : Dwarves are sent from the Mountain of Erebor to aid King Durin VII, the son of of Thorin III in conquest of Khazad-dûm. *This event grants 7 Dwarven Warriors just outside of Moria.

Year 376 : Dunlendings are gathering in large numbers. It seems that the news of the invasion is spreading throughout Dunland. *This event grants the The Chiefdom of Dunland 10 Wildman of Dunland, and a new hero.

Year 378 : The tension between the Empire of Harad and Gondor is about to break as the Emperor Felèth of the Harad demands the land of South Gondor & Lebennin. he demands that they submit to him, and become his people or they shall face the spears of Harad. *Choice Event

*Accept- Give in to the Emperor's Demand, giving the Empire of Harad the city of Pelargir into the command of Harad. immediately killing the shiplord (Demi-hero) of Pelargir. 14 Corsairs & 5 Warrior of the Harad will be summoned in the Pelargir. The city of Pelargir won't be able to spawn anything, but grants the Harad Gold.

*Deny- Deny the Demand of the Haradrim Emperor. Turning the Shiplord of Pelargir who is demi-hero into a full hero. This choice will grant the harad a huge unit bonus.

Year 379 : The citizens of the Reunited Kingdom revolt because of the incompetence of their new king Andelothor. they yearn for political change. *This Event spawns 10 Footman in all the base that belongs to Reunited Kingdom & The Southern Fief.

Year 380 : Many mans of Rohan is drafted to serve their kingdom from the barbarians. Under their king Thendur, They are eager to meet the barbarians in the face of Battle. *This event grants the Kingdom of Rohan with 20 Rohan Militia in Edoras

Year 381 : Elves of the Ithilien swear their alligence to fight aside of Gondor, In honor of the new alliance, the Elves are given great treasures. Elves get ready for war. *This event grants the Elves 15 Elven Rangers and 200 Gold.

Year 382 : The Dark Cult is formed in the Eastern lands, spreading rumors of the New Dark Lord. These members of the Dark Cult brings fear into the hearts of man for they seemed to be led by a Istari. *This event grants the Kingdom of Nurn with 5 Cultists, and Alatar the Blue Wizard, and grants the Chiefdom of Rhun with 5 Cultists, and Pallando the Blue Wizard. Both of these Wizards are very powerful.

Year 383 : Dwarves are sent from the Mountain of Erebor to aid conquistadors of Khazad-dûm. *This event grants 7 Dwarven Warriors just outside of Moria.

Year 384 : New Warchief arises in the East to lead the Easterlings into the battle. *This event grants the Easterlings 1 new hero.

Year 385 : The Orcs are sent from The Mount Gundabad to aid the Dunlendings and the Goblins of Moria. *This event grants 14 Goblin Raiders to Chiefdom of Dunland and The Orcs of the Misty Mountains.

Year 386 : The citizens of the Reunited Kingdom revolt because of the incompetence of their ruler Andelothor. they yearn for political change. *This Event spawns 10 Footman in all the base that belongs to Reunited Kingdom & The Southern Fief.

Year 387 : The Loney Mountain of Erebor fell under the Mighty Easterlings. The Dwarves grieve in their lost.

Year 388 : Umbar unleashes it's fleets. The Black ships cover the great sea. *This Event grants forces of Harad with 10 Black Fleet of Umbar.

Year 389 : Barbaric Dunlendings sieged Helm's Deep. The horn of Helm Hammerhead rings the walls of Helm's Deep one last time, and the beacon of Gondor is once again lighted. The Forces of Arnor are on it's way. *Spawns 10 Wildmans of Dunland and 20 Warriors of Dunland just outside of Helm's Deep.

Year 390 : The Forces of Arnor have arrived to aid the Rohirrims. *Spawn 30 Footman and 8 Knights of Arnor on most northwestern part of the map for the kingdom of Rohan.

I know the events right now is imbalanced and random, but I promise a better event timeline tommorrow. More or better event ideas are needed and expected from you guys. Help me!
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Fourth Age Middle Earth

Sounds like great map.It is like game Battle for Middle earth 2.
But I have questions.
Since when did corsairs of Umbar(The Southern Fiefs) joined good side.
And why did dwarves and ents joined in single forse when they are so different.
I would expect ents to join elves.
And orcs of the Misty Mountains are only in book.In movie and games they are goblins and half-trolls(I don't really care about this fact but maybe somebody will complain).
Check the official web site of Battle for Middle Earth 2 to see some ideas.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
VeljkoM, and NWG_Jonas thanks for postin, and yes I appreciate you guys being here.

VeljkoM, I think you misunderstood me, the corsairs of Umbar did not joined the good side, they are in the forces of Harad.

Dwarves and ents did not joined "Sides" but I rather put them together to balance out the game. Dwarves and ents are both ancient and are in edge of extinction surrounded by many foes.

Orcs of the Misty Mountains, ah yes they are only in books, and that's exactly why I put them in my game, because this game will lean toward the wonderful land of Middle Earth told by Tolkien, rather than Middle Earth told by BFME. Anyway +rep for postin.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Thanks for +rep.
Is there any demo map I whould like to see it.
Not many understand that book is better than movie.
Have you put Uruks(Uruk-hai are not only Uruks in book),spiders,wargs and Trolls, thay are not all dead right?And will elves have giant eagles of Manve?
For balancing good and evil you should make wildmen from Rhudar join with wildmen of Dunland.Rhudar is just little north of Dunland.
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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
For a map this big, I recommend you a lag counter-measure so the game can be synched (just like in Island Defense). Although, spawning every unit quickly one by one also works.
Level 3
May 18, 2008
just keep you'r triggers leakless, dont have to much units (bfme for example has to much units), make spawns ,spawn in diffrent times like 2-4 secs from eachother so it dosn't creat a lagg spike.

hey it takes some time to find, but msot of the lotr communtiy should probobly like some new project ( its been kinda dry latley)
Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
Hey, I like your project, and generaly good strategy games.
It seems that you have good control over your thoughts and ideas. But i wonder if you have any major issues? Or do you need some special help? Anyway I would be glad to help you if I can. I would like to help test it i can :)
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Level 9
May 17, 2008
hes right, the haven is ancient but not THAT ancient, i mean it just doesnt fit. and i think id like to see your map so can u send it to me?
Level 3
May 18, 2008
oh i like that, espaicaly that you do use cliffs, i cant stand all lotr maps that use raise tool instead , it doesn't look better. However i also look the layout of it, it don't remind me of any other lotr maps layout wich is a good thing. (ensure its a more original layout) as seeing copys from other lotr map wouldent be fun. i'm sorry im not that good terrainer so can't give any good terrain advise, i normnaly dont do the terrain in BFME only object data / triggers. (just so u know). Anyway i like the looks of it!.

Anyway where the tile is black (bligth??) there should be sand imo, cant tell now if it would look better but i think so, atleast you can try it.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Level 9
May 17, 2008
Dol amroth is beautiful. and Umbar doesnt look too bad either, but i wonder how it would look if u made the walls and archways tinted to blackish gray-try it and post a screenshot

i also like the cyan team color of dol amroth but red doesnt go with umbar-try brown or something
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Here's you need to do:

  1. Give Umbar the colour pink, no one likes pink but I aint finished yet.
  2. Change all Umbar units in the Object Editor to the Teamcolour ''Black''.
  3. Script the Umbar player's chatname so it wont appear pink but black.

Unless you already gave the Sauron player black.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
jarri: The Elven bases, let me see, uuhh One in Ithilien (not named yet) One in greenwood (not named yet) There will be several towns (mini base) around the greenwood. Most factions have only 2 bases, for example, the Dunlendings, and the Dwarves (ents)

Colors, It's not that hard, but Umbar is already black as It gets. The Corsairs ,the most common unit spawned in Umbar, I used the Demonhunters. And Because I did not want the heroglow, I teamcolored it hostilecreeps (black) The spearmans you see in screenshots are for Harad. So they are have to be red. I can get different farm and watchtower for Umbar, but that's all about it. Hope I'm not screwing all this.
Level 9
May 17, 2008
u still didnt read my post completely-i also requested u to tint the minas morgul doodads black (and not grey like in your screenshots)

and dont u think demon hunters are a bit un-lotrish..?
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Artins chose the locations he chose for a reason. If you look at his other thread you will understand, we've been through that discussion already.

Minas Morgul doesn't have to be jet black, I think that's a retarded idea to be honest. I hate that in every LotR map they do that. It looks terrible in-game and gives off the wrong impression.

Plus supposedly it's been 371 years since the events of the War of the Ring, so Minas Morgul wouldn't still be corrupted. AND even more so to the point Aragorn ordered everything to be destroyed and set to fire, except the tower itself because it couldn't be destroyed.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
They choose them because 1.) importing a model just to be used once is rather ridiculous, especially if you're trying to keep file size down 2.) They're dark like the corsairs are supposed to be and 3.) because we've never actually seen a corsair, thus they can be anything the creator wants them to be.

That being said, I don't like demon hunters (or Night elves at all) as anything in LotR maps. They don't fit. But if trying to keep filesize down, it's completely understandable.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008

Somebody said Corsairs of Umbar.
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Level 9
May 17, 2008
nice picture- and arvedui, i think artins said in the old forum that minas morgul was captured by teh enemy so i suppose its been recorrupted. but refrain from using night elves in the map(apart from buildings as ents) because bandits or rogues or bandit lorrds are a better choice-
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
VeljkoM, this takes place 371ish years after the events of the War of the Ring. There are no more Nazgul.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
No I meant evil men can't corrupt Minas Morgul like Nazguls did it.
I know that there are no Nazhuls and that this is 4th age.

Oh ok, sorry I misunderstood :p

Anyway, yeah I agree with you. Evil men may be evil but they're not pure evil like the Nazgul, and as far as I know they wouldn't have the same "evil magic" that the Nazgul did, so Minas Morgul may be recaptured but it couldn't be corrupted to the same degree as it was before.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Yah, It's been a busy week, with thanksgiving and all, didn't have much time to work on tha map. But here is the Dunharrow, the trashy Capital of Dunland, The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site In the screenshot, our hero Garedath (short, black haired Paladin) and Durgush (Grom, Warrior of the Whitehand) is giving a speech to his Dunlendish army. (with few exception of the Uruk-Hai) The big cave on the right is where the orcs are spawned, becuase Dunharrow is the only Dunlending town that actually spawns any unit, there will be Dunlendings spawning infront of Dunharrow, and orcs spawning right outside of the cave. The Orc Spawning will depend from what it spawns in Moria, if Moria gets a barrack, it's cave spawn will also increase, if Moria falls, it's spawn will stop.
Level 9
May 17, 2008
i like your amazing use of cliffs, also the terrain is just like what i imaged dunharrow to be like- but i think veljkom is right, put more huts, corpses, fireplaces. and try using blight near the cave entrance

EDIT: using rexxar for dunledings is pure genius =P
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Wait, Wait, Wait let me get thist straight, there is a another Dunharrow on Rohan. So I officially rename this place to Dunfold! I will add more huts and corpses, and rename the screenshots and post it up again.

jarri: These rexxars are "wildmen of Dunland" They have really low healthpoint and they are slow. but they do a hero demage. And they are colored "Netrual Hostile"
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Here is a current Dunland Unit List

-Dunlending Axeman: good multi-purpose infantary
-Wildman of Dunland: Slow, and low health. Does Hero Demage.
-Duelending Huntsman: Spearthrower, shorter range than standard Archers, but have more health point and deamge.
-Wardogs: Super weak, very fast so good at harassing retreating enemies. Or just to mass for fun.
-Tribal Pikeman: Dunlanding's only hope against Rohan's Calvary. Does magic demage and calvaries got Heavy armor, so they do the job.
-Crebains of Dunland: Spy-unit. These units can fly! Also I'm planning to add some kind of aura to them, like decreasing armor or something so they ain't so useless.
-Rider of Dunland: Only calvary unit for Dunland. They are slower, and weaker than Rohan's standard calvary, although still useful.
-Tribal Wolfhunters: Spearthrowing unit with big health point.
-Fighting Uruk-Hai: Dunland starts off with few of these elite warriors. Dunland won't spawn them though.
-Archer: Standard Archers
-Orc Warriors: Orc from Moria, good in numbers.
-Orc Archers: Archer from Moria, good in numbers.
-Mountain Troll: Troll from Moria, Strong.

This is about it for now. maybe I will add axe throwers, but why do ya want them?
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Will you be able to produce units or is there just spawning.
Well dunlanders are savages and they use everything as weapon.
In official game you can build them.
But you don't need to add them you already have two kinds of archers for Dunlanders.
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