Fourth Age Middle Earth - War of Men

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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Morgoth will be included, but screw all the complicated Idea, U will be allowed to summon Morgoth if you can build the temple, temple will be very, very expensive, yesssss

A lots of idea will be edited since this map will feature only half of Middle-Earth then what we expected.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Buildings are there for support. EX: Stables will be there to provide the factions with horses. Some Units such as Warrior of Rohan will be able to attach it self with nearby horses to become the "Rider of Rohan" You wasn't there when we were talking about that. The Farms are there for healing, and ports there to construct ships.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
And the only people allied with the Witch-King when he was alive, and still operating out of Angmar, were the men he corrupted from Rhudaur. All of whom are now dead.

There's no one left in Angmar. The Nazgul (more specifically the Witch-King) are gone, the evil men of Rhudaur were all killed in the Battle of Fornost.

And to top it off, Elessar re-established the North Kingdom, so even if there was evil left there (other than trolls and the barrow-wrights) he would have purged them all, rather quickly.

EDIT: 1200 posts <3
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
The Witch-King's forces were destroyed utterly. That means there wasn't anyone left, except for the Witch-King himself, because he ran away.

Nowhere in the book does it say that Black Numenoreans were allied with the Witch-King or that orcs took over Carn Dum.

Anyway, that's massively off-topic (sorry Artins :D). Point is, Artins isn't even doing that part of the world, so it doesn't really matter.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
I agree, Hobbits are pretty much a non-factor in everything. Unless of course you make them a findable race, which still they're not a separate playable race.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Artins, if you are implementing ''This invades That so plus 9001 Thissers in That's base''-like events, then I wont recommend it. It would be imbalanced then.

Just make ''This invades That so plus 9001 Thissers in That's base to ATTEMPT to kill That's base''-like events because it would be harsh for that person if he spent a hour long to make an army and bam, his whole place dies including his troops, leaving him with only a unused level 1 hero.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
About tha hobbits, no they won't be included on the map, if you have my demo map, the most west northern part of the map ends by the tip of Dunland. Theres no room, it would be cool if like Arvedui said, making hobbits findable (netural in my translation) and shire conquerable, but that will go against the book, which said that the Sarumans' attempt to conquer the shire was the last battle that took in Shire.

And for the events, I don't think I have that extreme kind of Event, except this one event that said "Dunlendings siege the Helms Deep" where it summons big army of Dunlendings in Isengard, or rather close to the Helms Deep. Thats current thought though. The events now is massed up and unbalanced. I will go over it later, I won't even work on the triggers till I'm done with some basic terrain.

And for jarri, the Mordor terrain ain't much, since Murdor is pretty much hill land with no trees and stuff. Ima work on some Nurn/Mordor things soon.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I redid the Minas Morgul, It's not much different, I hope to add more inhabited-by-Mans-now feeling, or not. Dunhold, I added more corpses. here is the city of Nurnbaneth, the home to the people of Mordor. Hope you guys like it, comments are welcomed.
Level 9
May 17, 2008
well.. theres this thing of using models as cliffs, i saw a tutorial once but didnt have time to read (though got basic idea) thinner and better models of cliffs/walls can be used for the city i suppose. (could someone enlighten us)
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Edoras is the capital of Rohan. And yeah I believe Artins is going to have it in the game.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Iron Hills is a dwarf area north-east of the Lonely Mountain.

Remember in the Hobbit before the Battle of Five Armies when Dain came? He came from the Iron Hills.
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