Fourth Age Middle Earth - Shadow from East

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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Here are ways to get into lands of Gondor (From harad's view)

-Using the fleets from Umbar
-passing osgiliath
-passing cair andros

I'm also trying to "detrigger" the map..... Dunno if it will work tho.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Why do you need to "detrigger" the map for Ghost?

Anyway, just delete all the folders and save it as a separate file.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Just download WEU you lazy bum.
I did it. I'm glad I did it. I have JNGP and WEU.

It would take less time for you to download it for him to export all the triggers that New Gen can't open.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Most people prefer newgen, but it would be more beneficial for you to get WEU so that if you ever get a map that uses it and you want to open it, and it's only compatible with WEU, then you're screwed (kinda like now!).

Just get WEU. It's good to have both.

ANYWAY, Osgiliath looks good Artins, but as others have pointed out, a little small. But I suppose that that's because Osgiliath has been ruined and not rebuilt, or not rebuilt completely.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
is it really that small?.... or did i just use different camera? Anyway. off topic, Arvedui, wats your Lord of the Rings: The Banished map gonna be like? it sounds interesting.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
It doesn't really need to be much bigger, in my opinion. It looks fine as it is.

Off-topic: My map is about the 1st Age of Middle-Earth. The pre-history that is in the Silmarillion. It's set just before the coming of men.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Not at the same time. They both count as World Editors. The same thing goes for the regular World Editor and JNGP. You can't have them both open, it just gives a message saying "World Editor is already running."

But you can have both downloaded. And you can use both, just not at the same time.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
OMG...... I swear hero won't be rigged. I rather think that heros shouldn't be stronger than some of the trolls or other strong beings. the only rigged hero u will see in the game is Morgoth (That is if forces of evil successfully saves Morgoth) and even him will be destoryed if massed and surrounded. This is a promise.

Anyway, back to the topic. I need some idea for rescue of Morgoth. how should it be done? Who guards Morgoth and how should "Morgoth's Jail" look like?
Level 4
May 26, 2008
According to Silmarillion, Morgoth was pushed by the valar trough the door of night into the great void, from wich nothing can escape, it is said Earendil himself is quarding the gates.
The jail should be totally black emptyness, the door of night could be a dark door, very tall for a dramastic effect?

How Morgoth should be released? I am not sure... Perhaps killing Earendil?
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
ive got a perfect model for a jail:
Black Hole Credits to Will the Almighty


Black Hole Spell take the black hole model from there (it has purple edges, but its black spot is bigger)
credits to MC ! for the blackhole model.

maybe like sacrifice your units in exchange for his release? like replacing his spot. ive read the pre-third age books, but it was too long ago to remember what they said
Level 9
May 17, 2008
lol artins is doing something new- the 4th age :)
Really! war of the ring maps are getting boring!

keep up the great work
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
The terrain isn't done yet, and I'm planning to add more environmental doodads if madcd didn't added in yet. I'm expecting lot from him, and i think the edoras is wonderful. Anyway, redscores, I'm warning u, DO NOT START THE sigh CYCLE AGAIN!
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
may i recommend adding like hay carts/hay? those models look really familiar... like... from bfme...

1.) Caps lock is cruise control for COOL! My favorite part is that you tried to capitalize the G while already in caps lock.
2.) I, most unlike me, have to agree with Ghost. Remove the ground arts from the towers. It usually looks bad with the terrain. Sometimes it doesn't, but sometimes it does. It's a case by case thing; and in this case, it's bad.

That terrain is horrible... just to tell you... very bad... empty... no environmental *sigh*.

3.) As Artins has said, it's still being made, and he was just showing the improvements; which, infact, are vast.

4.) I'm watching this thread very closely. I may not post a lot, but I am watching it. As such, I have a few things to add:

According to Silmarillion, Morgoth was pushed by the valar trough the door of night into the great void, from wich nothing can escape, it is said Earendil himself is quarding the gates.
The jail should be totally black emptyness, the door of night could be a dark door, very tall for a dramastic effect?

How Morgoth should be released? I am not sure... Perhaps killing Earendil?

I do believe that Artins said that once the men of Nurn have finished Morgoth's temple, he will be released. Though he's in the void, he does escape in the final battle. This is just Artin's interpretation/idea.

lol artins is doing something new- the 4th age :)
Really! war of the ring maps are getting boring!

keep up the great work


5.) Artins, keep up the good work and keep going on with the map.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Ouch, I'm touched. I feel like having a lawyer or somethin, Anyway, it seems that most of u dun like the ground pathing, I will remove it as soon as I get my map back. Anyway, I still think ground pathing is cool tho.... Thanks for the "protection" Arvedui~~~~
Level 4
May 26, 2008
Reviable heroes, I don't think it fits the lotr theme so good, exept gandalf.
What about the heroes could have low starting attributes, but gain large amounts once they level, making them weak and easily killled in the beginning, but strong enough to withstand morgoth if they gang together later in the game?
Level 9
May 17, 2008
i advise making the heroes exceptionally stronger and not revivable. instead have the reincarnation ability for each of them so that if they accidently die the player will have one more chance of saving him but have him revive after some time so that reinforcements can be sent to help him retreat/escape, well thats just MY idea, do wat u think is best...
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
looks what happens when you add exceptionally strong heroes to minas tirith?
no, make the heroes weak, but either revivable, or theirs alot of heroes so atleast one can survive.
i think the real strength should lie in each soldier, not just a single overpowered piece of crap.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Same, I hate it too. My heros won't be mega strong, but not revivable. Only advantage they have compared to other units, is that they get stronger and they can cast spells.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I deleted the post i had up there to say this (so this is worth listening to) Anyway, this is an idea i had before I thought of an whole Fourth Age idea.

Brotherhood of Fools

so this is an cinematic series about a drunken loser named Dave, and his adventures. So this is what happens in first chapter, the scourging of the Bridgeshire.

First: Dave is told by his wife to go and hunt in the nearby forest for the family, Dave refuses, but he is forced to go in fear of "no Dinner"

Second: While Dave is gone, his lovely town named Bridgeshire is attacked by band of orcs led by orc warchief. the paladin who were assigned to defense of the Bridgeshire flees after 2 min of battle and Bridgeshire is soon left in ashes.

Third: Dave meets random Pandaren (Ironic that every hero in the campaign meets wondering Pandaren) in the forest while hunting, they hunted together untill they ambushed the tired looking band of orcs, Orc gang was in shock and ran away in fear.

Fourth: Dave and Pandaren promised each other to meet each other tomorrow. Dave comes back home with full of treasures, to find his home in ruins. Dave swears to find the person who did this.

End: Angry orc gang makes small camp, They swears to find whoever did this to them and are ready to tear apart Dave and his Pandaren friend.

I know this isn't a place to post this, but I thought it was pretty good long time ago and I still think it's great. I never thought this would ever become a real map and I still don't. I just wanted some comments and ideas. I will begin this "side Project" if madcd don't give me my map back in a week.
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Okey, I would like to discuss about my opening cinematic for my map. Almean I'm not professional at making cinematics. What should it about? How should the cameras move? and whos gonna do it? (not me, I already tried doing it 3 times) should we try scouring people?

Edit: I got an another idea. A mounting system (?), the horses will be available to few of the races for foot soldiers to mount. if you checked out my unit list for reunited Kingdom and southern fiefs, You will notice that there is alots of different footsoldiers for Lotr accuracy. Because their stats won't be much different from each other, some of them will have ability to mount. For example, poor armored and vanurable Hillman of Lamedon, Man of Anfalas, and Footman will be allowed to mount to become the Riders of Gondor. while high stat units such as Axeman of Lossarnach, and Man of Dol Amroth won't. This will allow more interesting tactics and will increase the value of the weak foot soldiers. So what do you think?
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Using this idea, I was planning to make Easterlings' wains as moving burrow hall. Almean they can only attack If the skirmishers of Rhu^n gets in. I was planning to do same thing to the boats with the sailors. But I dunno....... that's lots of work :con:
Level 9
May 17, 2008
well seeing as no1's replied to this idea of artins' ill say something

that Is a good idea, and i dont think it would be too much work- do the same with sailors and boots as well

btw when r u getting back the map..?
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Ouch, 54 posts, that's alot. Okey, Rui I learned my lessons. Anyway, got a question for Minas Morgul, Should it exsist on the map? According to Lotr, king elessar, ordered his mans to burn it down, Almean it was a big fortress, with "magical Powers" sorrounding it, I dun think Elessars mans were able to destory it only with fire or something, or am I just talking nonsence? I dunno, what do you guys think?

Jarri: Sorry for your -rep, and I dunno when I will get my map back, madcd just said that he had a long & busy week.
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Level 11
Mar 19, 2008
Hmm about 7% lotr maps what i have played are good. I rly have high hopes for this project. The problem is im not sure about your map editor skills yet.

I highly suggest to hire excellent terrainer its rly important in big map like this.
GUI is not very important but some spells would be nice.

Cinematic could be nice too :). Dont just add gandalf speaking in beginning since sound files are too big and take lot of space.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Using this idea, I was planning to make Easterlings' wains as moving burrow hall. Almean they can only attack If the skirmishers of Rhu^n gets in. I was planning to do same thing to the boats with the sailors. But I dunno....... that's lots of work :con:

Eh, too much work for an affect that won't be used that much. Or be all that much fun.

Anyway, got a question for Minas Morgul, Should it exsist on the map? According to Lotr, king elessar, ordered his mans to burn it down, Almean it was a big fortress, with "magical Powers" sorrounding it, I dun think Elessars mans were able to destory it only with fire or something, or am I just talking nonsence? I dunno, what do you guys think?

The Tower of Minas Morgul (Minas Ithil) cannot be thrown down. It was made of the same material as Orthanc.

I guess you could make evil men live there, but I would say you shouldn't. If anything just put "Ruins of Minas Morgul" and have towers or something around, but not have it as an actual spawn or place of interest.

The idea being that it was a place of such unspeakable horrors that not even the evilest of Men could live there.
Level 9
May 17, 2008
i dont mind about the -rep, i dont think i posted anything useless here but w/e

well i remember that aragorn or gandalf said that many generations must pass before minas morgul can be reinhabited again by men. well hasnt such a long time passed already, i think the king before the present one might have destroyed and rebuilt minas ithil with the help of dwarves, so make it a strong fortress of gondor. (thats just my idea though, do wat u think is best)
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
Rysis: I really dun't want to finish this project real fast, all I got is time and I will try my best to actually finish this project (If i ever give up, I will dedicate my idea and maps to the crew) Here is what I think about my own world editor skills

Triggers: 3 out of 5 (I know how to do the required triggers for the map such as main triggers like multiborde, and spawn system)

Terrain: 3 out of 5 (You guys already know how good I am with all the screenshots)

Cinematic: 1 out of 5

Object Editor: 4 out of 5 (This is where I really rock, I know few good maps to borrow few units from and I will not try to be "Noobish")

Jass & Fancy spells: 0 out of 5

at least that's what I think, But me being suck at world Editor doesn't mean the map will be horrible, I got lots of people who is experienced and proved them selves useful who are willing to help me.

Arvedui: I will fallow your wise advise, Minas Morgul will be left abandoned just like few of the Elven fortresses.

Jarri: giving Reunited Kingdom will give them too much territory almean, Northern Gondor and Arnor.

EDIT: Found a perfect model for the troll drummer of the Moria

EDIT: Doesn't Hive Olympics 2008 sounds interesting? Anyone got guts to jump in with me? I'm just too bored.
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Level 9
May 17, 2008
ok ok, btw orc drummer is fine, uses ingame skins- will be gd for map and i dont think u really NEED to have fancy jass spells for this map
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
I dun NEED fancy jass spells, but they are cool and I'm planning to have one or two of them in my map. What good is Blue wizards and Morgoth without ultimate super spells?
Level 4
May 26, 2008
Sorry for my long abscence, but I have been busy with my own campaign.
About Minas Morgul, I agree with Arvedui, place some ruins of the walls and lesser buildings, but let the tower itself stand.

The troll drummer is okay, it would have been even better if he had only one head.

Some JASS spells is good, they are the icing on the cake of any good map.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2008
campaign? what campaign? let me guess, is it about starwars? Anyway, btw, your abscence fine (this ain't no school). But, the map has been hands of madcd this whole time. He is doing a good job, but his taking little long. Also, I'm trying out for hiveOlympics
so when I get my map back, who wants it next?
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