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For The Hive!

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Sigh. . .,

I typically enjoy making announcements to you and keeping you in the loop but today I am the bearer of bad news and there is no easy way to go about this, so please stay with me ‘till the very end.

I write this sad announcement today to shed some light on a situation that has been going on for a couple of days and perhaps longer than that. I wanted you all to hear it directly from me to stop all the rumors and hearsay that have been floating around in regards to our former administrator Rui. I don’t know how I should begin, so I suppose I should begin by stating that:

Rui has always been a great friend of mine and I acknowledge everything he has done for this site and all the good he has done but that is no justification or excuse to do what he has been doing as of late and for health of the site, he had to be let go, regardless of how painful it was to do. Allow me to explain:

As of late Rui has been acting strange, strange as in completely out of line and not taking the site’s well being into consideration any longer. This had been apparent for quite some time, but I constantly wanted to give him a chance and acknowledge him for the work he has done. However, the line was drawn at the random demoting of moderators for no reason, globally ignoring users, and just overall mistreating users and abusing his powers. These actions go against everything The Hive stands for and the friendly environment that we have been striving for years to create.

This is a great loss for the community but we must continue to move forward and work together as a community for a greater Warcraft 3 / Starcraft 2 future.

Speaking of a greater future for the community, I may have more information on a later date about Hive 2.0 which got jumped forward to a few months from years due to a good friend of mine. So keep an eye out for that! I promise you will be in for a treat.

~Keep on Mooseing,

PS: If you feel that a staff member has stepped out of line and wronged you please do not continue further engaging with the individual in question and immediately contact me by using admin contact or if you prefer something more private, you may use the contact us at the bottom of the site or send me a PM directly,. Screenshots or other types of evidence will help greatly, do not be afraid if it’s an administrator or moderator, just come straight to me. Help me, help you make this the community we all want it to be.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I liked that Rui posted some esports stuff from time to time but since I would be talking/posting to myself there and even he didn't understand the content he was posting about cause, it was pointless - mostly because no else cares.

If he's the one that cleaned the place of some members it was also a great move. Too bad one of the admins that actually did something correct that direction, you let him go. If he did it, that is.

Yes im talking about the ban of some members like
HFR, leet firefox, takenji
, some others - if your definition of FRIENDLY means letting such who endlessly spammed and trolled stay - like have you seen
posts in the last months - Dolan The Duck-retarded style all threads - if that needs to exist for the sake of being 'friendly' with members I beg to differ. And some members just got what they deserved and according to my plan, I do not know what powers of his Rui exceeded.

I think you can forget about trying to focus on other games here than war3, it's clearly not gonna happen here. Everybody knows this place is for war3 mostly and since newcomers sign up for War3 right - most of them are some Asians, non Koreans, plus ppl who didn't buy one game and D3 SC2 can't be bypassed and thus gogo free War3 in GGC

One thing I do not understand, how can you come in year 2012, register to join a site to start playing/making in war3? Where've you been so far, in your mother's womb?
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
I liked that Rui posted some esports stuff from time to time but since I would be talking/posting to myself there and even he didn't understand the content he was posting about cause he doesn't follow it much and he did it out of boredomj as he said, it was pointless - mostly because no else cares.
You know, since you opened that can of worms, can you start putting together coherent posts? Like, with punctuation marks?


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
I'm truly saddened it had to come to this.
Please, don't let Rui be seen as a bad person. He isn't. He has been under a lot of pressure, both from the staff and from the users. And I'm afraid that some of our users havn't shown him the respect he deserves. Rui has been forced into a corner for some time, this has clouded his judgement and driven him to act irresponsibly. Thusly, we had to let him go.

While frustation does not excuse his actions of late, let it be a reminder of that every human being has his / her limits. While certain language and images may not be offensive to you, consider the fact that that same language and images may have a completely different effect on someone else.

Therefore, if you lack the insight to clasify something as offensive or inappropriate, then atleast listen to the user if he/she ever tell you to stop posting certain comments about him/her, respect the user's decision and show some heaven-be-damned courtesy. Don't try to have fun at another person's expense. Community forums, as you are well aware of or atleast should be, works best when forum posters treat eachother with respect and chat in a friendly tone.

Likewise if you disagree with a user's opinion, feel free to engage in a discussion. But for Pete's sake do so in an orderly fashion. Do not join in simply with the intention to cause unrest and start flamewars.

The quickest way of dealing with harassment is to ignore it all together. Don't respond in kind or give them any more attention. Remember you can add a user to your ignore list via the User CP. This option will be made more obvious with the release of Hive 2.0.

As with all things, we must take the bad with the good. Hive 2.0 is not that far away. Which is indeed a good thing ;)

@eImtoR: While the users' you mention are responsible for their own actions, it was in fact me, who in the end had to push the flashy red ban-button.
This is very bad, Rui seems nice to me as he's answering my questions about SC2...Imo
maybe real life issues made him "globally ignoring users, and just overall mistreating users"
but I dont believe that he abuses his powers and demoting someone without reasons...

I hope that your actions in removing Rui from the admin's list still put the Hive on top of other WC3 communities...

This is a great loss for the community but we must continue to move forward and work together as a community for a greater Warcraft 3 / Starcraft 2 future.
I cant see SC2's future as it is now covered with D3 and on top >>> WC3...
Level 9
Nov 3, 2007
This is very bad, Rui seems nice to me as he's answering my questions about SC2...Imo
maybe real life issues made him "globally ignoring users, and just overall mistreating users"
but I dont believe that he abuses his powers and demoting someone without reasons...

I hope that your actions in removing Rui from the admin's list still put the Hive on top of other WC3 communities...

I cant see SC2's future as it is now covered with D3 and on top >>> WC3...

Removing Rui has nothing to do with where this community is positioned in relation to other communities, Ralle would never do anything with out evidence and even Archian believes he had to be let go.

What is done is done and it had to be done for the sake of the community.
Ralle would never do anything with out evidence and even Archian believes he had to be let go.
yes if he has suffient evidence but he deserves a warning, if he's was already
warned then he deserves to be removed...but its only my opinion that Rui doent
abuse his powers...

May I remind that there are many pending things in the resource section
specially the spells & Jass snippets due to lack of moderators, so eventually
users (specially new ones) will loose interest and leave, so if a moderator is
kinda inactive or busy with real life, then maybe an Admin can do the approving?
but how can an Admin moderate if it's also lacking/busy?...

What other WC3 communities???
see the bottom page...
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
Therefore, if you lack the insight to classify something as offensive or inappropriate, then at least listen to the user if he/she ever tell you to stop posting certain comments about him/her, respect the user's decision and show some heaven-be-damned courtesy. Don't try to have fun at another person's expense. Community forums, as you are well aware of or at least should be, works best when forum posters treat each other with respect and chat in a friendly tone.

Likewise if you disagree with a user's opinion, feel free to engage in a discussion but for Pete's sake do so in an orderly fashion. Do not join in simply with the intention to cause unrest and start flame wars.

The quickest way of dealing with harassment is to ignore it all together. Don't respond in kind or give them any more attention. Remember you can add a user to your ignore list via the User CP.

Off-topic: This has to be one of the best paragraphs I have read in along time and I'm glad to see some admins & mods realize and understand what it's like coming from another PoV or perspective whichever way you see it, it also saddens me when users get banned for something so small that wasn't well thought out or even brought up upon by multiple friends that are moderators and quite frankly abuse their powers I've seen it happen no question this could go for any site or community which is why I have minimal posts but has slowed down dramatically over the years not alot of sites or community's get to know their users/supporters/fans which I always thought was a +plus+ side really. I understand that administrators can be very busy but when it comes down to actually taking the time to listen to a user/users when there is such a problem like this one and hearing about it I find that just to be outstanding honestly. Ralle props to you & others that looked into it and took the time to do so. I'm sorry about Rui he has helped many and as I in the past and I/we greatly appreciate it I never had a problem with him (Rui) but when it comes down to it some sacrifices are just needed to be made for the better or good.
Level 9
Nov 3, 2007
Off-topic: This has to be one of the best paragraphs I have read in along time and I'm glad to see some admins & mods realize and understand what it's like coming from another PoV or perspective whichever way you see it, it also saddens me when users get banned for something so small that wasn't well thought out or even brought up upon by multiple friends that are moderators and quite frankly abuse their powers I've seen it happen no question this could go for any site or community which is why I have minimal posts but has slowed down dramatically over the years not alot of sites or community's get to know their users/supporters/fans which I always thought was a +plus+ side really. I understand that administrators can be very busy but when it comes down to actually taking the time to listen to a user/users when there is such a problem like this one and hearing about it I find that just to be outstanding honestly. Ralle props to you & others that looked into it and took the time to do so. I'm sorry about Rui he has helped many and as I in the past and I/we greatly appreciate it I never had a problem with him (Rui) but when it comes down to it some sacrifices are just needed to be made for the better or good.

Well spoken!
Level 5
May 14, 2007
Sigh. . .,

I typically enjoy making announcements to you and keeping you in the loop but today I am the bearer of bad news and there is no easy way to go about this, so please stay with me ‘till the very end.

I write this sad announcement today to shed some light on a situation that has been going on for a couple of days and perhaps longer than that. I wanted you all to hear it directly from me to stop all the rumors and hearsay that have been floating around in regards to our former administrator Rui. I don’t know how I should begin, so I suppose I should begin by stating that:

Rui has always been a great friend of mine and I acknowledge everything he has done for this site and all the good he has done but that is no justification or excuse to do what he has been doing as of late and for health of the site, he had to be let go, regardless of how painful it was to do. Allow me to explain:

As of late Rui has been acting strange, strange as in completely out of line and not taking the site’s well being into consideration any longer. This had been apparent for quite some time, but I constantly wanted to give him a chance and acknowledge him for the work he has done. However, the line was drawn at the random demoting of moderators for no reason, globally ignoring users, and just overall mistreating users and abusing his powers. These actions go against everything The Hive stands for and the friendly environment that we have been striving for years to create.

This is a great loss for the community but we must continue to move forward and work together as a community for a greater Warcraft 3 / Starcraft 2 future.

Speaking of a greater future for the community, I may have more information on a later date about Hive 2.0 which got jumped forward to a few months from years due to a good friend of mine. So keep an eye out for that! I promise you will be in for a treat.

~Keep on Mooseing,

PS: If you feel that a staff member has stepped out of line and wronged you please do not continue further engaging with the individual in question and immediately contact me by using admin contact or if you prefer something more private, you may use the contact us at the bottom of the site or send me a PM directly,. Screenshots or other types of evidence will help greatly, do not be afraid if it’s an administrator or moderator, just come straight to me. Help me, help you make this the community we all want it to be.

Ralle, you are just the best owner this site could ever have.
This elitist guy called rui should have been banned (or at least removed from the admin staff) long ago, since he didnt listen to any of my complains, didnt even answer. I told him to neg rep this guy called hfr and all the bunch of losers who kept insulting me (just check my profile). I actually dont care if they insult me, but I do care if I get negative reputation from Rui. and guess why they instulted me. because I started insulting their little friend Supa :) and that was because he said some shit:

Originally Posted by SuPa-
"As for you, HeroSlayer, please refrain from inserting your "knowledge" about modeling when your only submitted model is a WoW rip. Also, it is ill-advised to uphold a disrespectful tone to those who are much more experienced than you."

now look:


Rui never listened, and he just kept neg reping me :)
Having him banned is good news indeed.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Woah now HeroSlayer, calm down. Just because Rui was demoted doesn't mean that his years of contributions were all wrong. In fact, he typically did the best that he could to solve problems of the Hive, especially when the Maps section was such a huge problem.

HeroSlayer said:
What makes you think I dont know about modelling?
Looooooooool thats so sad.
hahaha thats really sad, worst part is that you cant face im right on reviewing that model.

If you truly believe that Rui qualifying that statement as provoking or insulting was incorrect and an abuse of power, then I can't try to convince you otherwise. But please don't tarnish his years of work on this site by using this thread to post your own personal experience and self-promotion.

Level 5
May 14, 2007
Woah now HeroSlayer, calm down. Just because Rui was demoted doesn't mean that his years of contributions were all wrong. In fact, he typically did the best that he could to solve problems of the Hive, especially when the Maps section was such a huge problem.

If you truly believe that Rui qualifying that statement as provoking or insulting was incorrect and an abuse of power, then I can't try to convince you otherwise. But please don't tarnish his years of work on this site by using this thread to post your own personal experience and self-promotion.


I never said all his years of contribution were wrong. but, self promotion...?
I wont say anything about that, I wont argue anymore.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Wow, I can't believe this happening, RUI always do my request such as renaming,deleting and moving threads, he's been so helpful to me and to many hive users. For me he is the best admin that hive ever got.

What other WC3 communities???

A very young wc3 community called ChaosRealm is getting very popular lately, it took the 4th position under xgm.ru, hive, bbs.islga.org(on their respective ranks) within less than a year.
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Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Although I was slightly expecting something like this happening sooner or later, I didn't expect it to be him.

He was indeed quite helpful at times, and occasionally it was entertaining to actually play with him.
Also, he actually helped me with a few things every now and then, mapping related. Not going into more detail there.

I wonder if he will be back (or if he is actually completely gone in the first place?) one day.

As for the Hive 2.0, I don't know if I should say "About bloody time!" or "take your time, we ain't in a hurry".
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
@fladdermasken - perfection speaking itself... again. Please.

I'm truly saddened it had to come to this.
@eImtoR: While the users' you mention are responsible for their own actions, it was in fact me, who in the end had to push the flashy red ban-button.

In that case, good job by you and thanks, you are a good admin/director. Not that it matters to me anymore cause I go elsewhere for sc2 without troll grounds, you are doing it for the site, though.

Rui wanted me to stay, so I stay at least until I go unactive. Very nice of him and seeing him never doing anything wrong I had to take a side here.
Level 16
May 2, 2011
... Q_Q :goblin_cry:

I am too sad for that, Rui

Now, you no longer have to work for this site and consume your time. probably congrats?

map designer stands up and salutes Rui

Edit: For real!, this news bring me utter sadness...
Edit: Thank god I do not have to do such a thing. That would probably kill me.
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Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
It is a tremendous loss. Hive lost something big once Rui left. Is there any chance that Rui may come back after a while? I hope so.

HeroSlayer, poor you, he truly deserve to get banned, because he did so much against you, he did not listen to you, what a tragedy, oh dear.. We must cheer now.
Uh ya...guess my comment went right by your head. I'll be nice and spell it out for you. There are no WC3 communities left worth mentioning...except this one.

thehelper and Wc3C.net still has awesome resources to mention, still Hive is
more polular and active(?) nowadays...

map designer stands up and salutes Rui
me too with respects...
Level 15
Sep 18, 2009
Allow me to explain:

As of late Rui has been acting strange, strange as in completely out of line and not taking the site’s well being into consideration any longer. This had been apparent for quite some time, but I constantly wanted to give him a chance and acknowledge him for the work he has done. However, the line was drawn at the random demoting of moderators for no reason, globally ignoring users, and just overall mistreating users and abusing his powers. These actions go against everything The Hive stands for and the friendly environment that we have been striving for years to create.

That kind of explanation ?
It will be nice if you can tell us even just a small explanation, why he got demoted since some users that he had help might ask why he got demoted.(just do it if you think it reasonable to explain it to public)

...random demoting of moderators for no reason, globally ignoring users, and just overall mistreating users and abusing his powers.

And because I already made a post here, I 'ought to make something in the context.

I see whatsoever no reason for the ban myself. But I guess that's just me, a typical Hiver with a little too little inside information. Have ye fun Rui, come back when you do. I'm sure there'll be job for ye once yer comin' back, admin or a member, does not matter.
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Well, I have no objections to this, I salute rui for even helping us,anyway, being an admin doesn't really mean you can't help the community anymore,he's just having problems at the moment,give him some time.

as for hive 2.0,take your time ralle...
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Grievous1, told me a story of RUI giving neg rep before(back when he is a map moderator) he did give Griev -20 neg rep for uploading multiple maps back when hive got no update button. But that is way back before, so how did he abuse his power? Is he still doing it lately?(and before bashing me just too look like awesome, just answer me properly.)
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