19:58, 20th Jun 2009
Pyritie: Unwrap is kinda messy in places, such as on the tail or helmet. Also, why is the horse hollow? You could also shave off some polies on those spikes on its back. Also, why are the back of its legs black? You should also fix the normals on the bit hanging down in the front below the horse's neck.
2nd Jul 2009
Pyritie: MUCH better. However you forgot the bit underneath the head though. Might want to add something there.
13th Aug 2009
Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved
Pyritie: Unwrap is kinda messy in places, such as on the tail or helmet. Also, why is the horse hollow? You could also shave off some polies on those spikes on its back. Also, why are the back of its legs black? You should also fix the normals on the bit hanging down in the front below the horse's neck.
2nd Jul 2009
Pyritie: MUCH better. However you forgot the bit underneath the head though. Might want to add something there.
13th Aug 2009
Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved