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Fight of the Forest

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Level 6
Mar 5, 2010

Thousands of years ago, there was once a great battle. It was fought between four countries. The battle was called Fight of the Forest. But no one knew how it ended, so it's your task to end this battle and you being the victor.
The goal of this map is to exterminate your enemies and be the one and only tuler of the forest!
But, it ain't so easy. Your path to victory is full of tricky decisions and great dangers. And never forget, your foe can be anywhere!

What's so special with this game? Take a look at this list:
  • Realistic soldiers
  • So many upgrades you can't upgrade it all, you have to choose wisely
  • Both land and naval battles
  • Bandit camps
  • Do you wanna play a fast game? Or a balanced game? You choose!
  • Playable and nice terrain








Created by:

Thanks for helping testing:

1)ark NiTe made a votekick guide that I used.

Models, skins and icons:
Deathbringer made Roman Worker Model & Skin.
inhuman89 made making Roman Worker icon.
CloudWolf made making Roman soldiers skin & icon, Arrow icon, Roman Archer icon and Ranger Skin.
harel made making Roman Archer skin.
Kitabatake made Roman farm, Armor Models, Barbarian Camp Model, Spear Model and Warlord's Helmet Model.
Static made Spear icon.
Elenai made Triarii model.
Tr!KzZ made Sword Model.
Lord_Firage made Demonic Sword Model.
bigapple90 made Demonic Sword Icon.
Shield Models, Sword Model and Ballista Model made by HappyTauren.
Iron Armor icon by SilverEx.
Worgen Peasant model made by Cavman.
Barbarian Barrack Model & Icon made by SantoRayo[iP].
Axe icon by The D3ath.
Axe Model by ikillforeyou.
Barbarian Berserker Model made by Dan van Ohllus & Mr.Goblin.
Barbarian Archer Model made by Gmish 57.
Barbarian Cavalry Model made by paladinjst.
Clan House Model made by Red XIII.
Shadow Builder made by infrenus.
Swordsman of the Night Model & Hero Upgrade Icon made by Tenebrae.
Dark Footman Model made by Miseracord.
Assassin Model, Skin & Icon made by Norinrad.
Roman Tower Model made by unknownczar.
Barbarian/EotN Tower Model & Skin made by !!GORO!!.
Plantation Model, Blacksmith Model, Castle Model, Barbarian Camp Model, Country Choosing, Shipyard & Carrack Model made by Mr. Bob.
Death Rider, Trireme & Viking Longboat Model, Skin & Icon made by olofmoleman.
Ballista Icon made by GooS.
Stone Icon made by The_Silent.
Stone Model made by Ergius.
Ballista Missile Model made by Shadow-Scythe-R.
Far East Empire Main Building Models made by killst4r.

Here I list the changelog, things that I'm working on, things that I will work on and things that I can't fix and need help to fix.

Added custom minimap preview.
Added mercenary camps.

Fixed a bug where you can't train the two battleships
Fixed a bug where a base don't ping when you say -bases.

Fixed balance bug with Warlord Helmet.
Now -bases also ping the small island in North East.
Added a shipyard for all factions.

Team names fixed

Host can now choose tower limit.
Farms now give minor wood income.
Triarius more balanced.
Fixed a bug when you had to say -ally pnik to ally pink.

Bug fixes
Made Triarius better

Started with Far East Empire.
More information to race choosing.
Added another setting for host, so he now can choose how often income will be collected.
Even larger map!
Terrain fog, and ofcourse then a base ping.
Added Ean to credits for testing.
Added two heavy guarded hostile bases.

Minor fixes
Votekick systems fixes

Added another helmet
Added a loading screen

Minor bug fixes

Major bug fixing
Siege weapons added

Minor bugs fixes

More heroes added
More upgrades
Host can now choose to limit income
Helmets added
Minor fixes

Minor fixes

Map four times bigger
Playing system changed
Terrain changed
Map settings added

Map created
Votekick added
Countries created
Income system added

Other information
Various info
The map is NOT protected and you may work with it if you want, but remember to GIVE ME THE ORIGINAL CREDIT
Visit our forum at http://fotf.darkbb.com/forum.htm.
Visit our website at http://wc3-fotf.webs.com/index.html.

You may wonder how I got the idea to create this map. Well, it was kinda rare. I was creating a small terrain map and I searched for good bandit models to add. But instead I found lots of other good models, so I got inspiration. And since my first map (Empire Builder Snacker) was one of the worst map ever created and too bad to fix it, I desided to make a new one.
First version I played with my friend, Ean, was 1.10. And, I have to say, the map is much better than it was then.


-Terrain - 100%
-Triggers - 100%
-Units & Buildings: 100%
-Upgrades: 100%
-Heroes: 100%
-Items: 75%
-Overall: 95.833%

This is close to release, tell me if it needs more fix or not.


  • 5 - Dark Forest.PNG
    5 - Dark Forest.PNG
    1.1 MB · Views: 1,756
  • 1 - Overview.png
    1 - Overview.png
    788.7 KB · Views: 570
  • 2 - Main Forest.png
    2 - Main Forest.png
    970.8 KB · Views: 623
  • 3 - North East Forest.png
    3 - North East Forest.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 762
  • 4 - The Island.png
    4 - The Island.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 626
  • 6 - Island view.PNG
    6 - Island view.PNG
    940.1 KB · Views: 634
  • 7 - Island View2.PNG
    7 - Island View2.PNG
    1.1 MB · Views: 573
  • 8 - Farm.PNG
    8 - Farm.PNG
    1,013.3 KB · Views: 526
  • FotF.png
    449.5 KB · Views: 843
  • Fight of the Forest 1.90.w3x
    4.7 MB · Views: 165
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Level 5
Mar 28, 2010
Well...nice map! And here's a suggestion, if you really want to be creative, try making your own Race. I would help, but I'm working on my own map right now.

You could also try making your own items, if you haven't already.
Oh and here's a good idea:

Make secret caves where people can build and grow stronger, or just hide from the enemy.

You should also make custom heroes.

But anyways, keep going with it, I'm sure it will get to be pretty popular, if you do the right things.
Level 6
Mar 5, 2010
not bad, but maybe too generic.. try to make something innovative, something that makes me think:"wow thats really something new, im gonna try it out with my friends".

good luck

Unfortunately, I'm not a good inventor ...

But I'll try, to make this map as innovative as possible!

But the farthest i came, was to make a totally new income system ... and it failed ...
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
I don't really play such maps often, so I can't really comment on how the gameplay is.

However, you do need to import DISBTN icons. The imported icons show as green icons when I pause the game.

Also, the descriptions for the units are pretty good, but doesn't give much information about the unit itself. Perhaps you could try separating the tooltip into information and unit stats, with unit stats talking about the health, damage etc.
For example
The cavalier (Latin: xxxxxx), .... An ideal choice for the front ranks.
The cavalier has high health and defense, but only average damage.

Good luck :D
Level 6
Mar 5, 2010
I don't really play such maps often, so I can't really comment on how the gameplay is.

However, you do need to import DISBTN icons. The imported icons show as green icons when I pause the game.

Also, the descriptions for the units are pretty good, but doesn't give much information about the unit itself. Perhaps you could try separating the tooltip into information and unit stats, with unit stats talking about the health, damage etc.
For example
The cavalier (Latin: xxxxxx), .... An ideal choice for the front ranks.
The cavalier has high health and defense, but only average damage.

Good luck :D

I'll do it!

The terrain is so simple you could add a terrain generator.

I'm not really good at terraining, so if I want a really good terrain, I need to recrruit a terrainer to the map team.
Level 3
Feb 28, 2010
I really think you need some more definitive terrain such as a large road or something, both for passage of armies, battles and for aesthetics, the tileset needs some major variation it looks quite boring at the moment. Also, try clumping trees, different desities to create a strategic terrain.
Level 6
Mar 5, 2010
I really think you need some more definitive terrain such as a large road or something, both for passage of armies, battles and for aesthetics, the tileset needs some major variation it looks quite boring at the moment. Also, try clumping trees, different desities to create a strategic terrain.

I will ...

Oh, and I think I shall upgrade some screenshots, but not today, I'm sick of working for today ...
Level 6
Mar 5, 2010
Updated to 1.10!
Terrain is finished, 4 more players added and triggers are almost finished. Screenshots of the new version is coming soon.
Oh, I forgot to mention the playable map area is about four times bigger.
EDIT: Also uploaded to epicwar, though still not enough quality to be uploaded here.
Level 6
Mar 5, 2010
Terrain, gameplay, buildings, typos everywhere.

The main base is quick to build but everything else takes 10 years?
The abilities aren't original, maybe you could use a coder or something like that.

So, exactly what should be changed to make it better? I don't just want to quit this ... I've been working since spring.
This is my second map, and it's MUCH better than my first (my first really sucked).
Level 6
Mar 5, 2010
you said terrain 100% but you should add more doodads like rocks to your terrain...anyway i havent played the map yet but just by the looks of the screenshots, the terrain is too simple...

indomitable said he would fix it, but now his school is taking all his time.
EDIT: However, I wrote it on my to do list. I will do it when I'm finished with the vikings.
Level 6
Mar 5, 2010
If you're doing something at the moment, you take on the project right now.

And, the terrain can be held until the last moment anyway.

Sorry, my English is not so good, didn't really understand "If you're doing something at the moment, you take on the project right now".

I'm working on 2.00, and the main new feature (requested by the players I tested with) was a new country.
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