01:20, 31st Jul 2010
ap0calypse: Rejected
ap0calypse: Rejected
(2 ratings)
1.attack ally is my intention that all dmg robot has shot on can do.Why it travel pass and ally like nothing it not real.Explosive can't be evade I think that not much as the way of fact.
- You can't stand on explosive field like nothing.
- In battle field the gun has no eyes.
- Why you can shot all bullet and not think that your friend on the way of firing.
2.All skin I have made up on my owns.but song not I forget to credit it that true and will credit on next ver.
3.Some creep at base no move that not bug It cause the main troop are at base to protect and some gone and attack because this not normal aos map and it don't have tower to protect it self.
- If u see I have to limit the number of protected troop.
- Why I have to follow all aos stlye?
- troop at highest base is main to protect it that not want to gone cause their objective are protecting.
- creep on forward base have time to stay on and gone.That for real thing why you gone from your base like it can not be destroy.In my map they are troop not creep they not gone to fight the hero[pz] a lot cause they are position their rank the main objective are their matching rank opponent.
- My Idea would be wrong but I want to present it.If all think that former aos style are rule,then I want to break it, - -.
4.Terrian not much to high or slove cause laser I use on this map base on dummy unit.If terrian have many attitude thay will show many no smooth laser travel.That make all robot tester feeling down.All hill that I have made.It like that before I can summarize gun system and yes my tester wan't to remove it too.But I reject.
I want to explian those thing that I think and accept to go and think of it too don't worry.