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Extending the Signature Line Limit

Would you like the Signature Line Limit increased?

  • Yes. I would like that very much.

    Votes: 20 58.8%
  • Maybe. I don't like to take sides and/or I'm not sure.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • No. The Limit is fine and should stay as it is.

    Votes: 13 38.2%

  • Total voters
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Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
This has always bothered me and I'm sure other users have come across this problem too. May I request that the Signature limit be increased by at least a little amount?

If a thread like this has been posted before I am sorry for posting something like this again, but I must really want to know with my own eyes.

I'm sure it's not only in this time the Signature limit has been noticed, I'm sure many others in the past have requested this. But can you tell me why (this is under my assumption that the limit has not been increased in the entirety of my stay here on hive and possibly before that) the limit is not increased?

I know that if it is increased too much threads like these and the ones in the forums would be overloaded with such big and long pictures, and every post the user of the sig has will fill up a lot of space, but I'm not asking for that... just a little increase of the limit; or possibly the user will choose between the limit of his signature (User chooses from a pre-placed Option list) when he decides to create or edit it.

If I may do so myself, I have taken the liberty of creating a poll regarding this topic.

I know I'm not famous in the hive, or infamous for that matter, but I've seen other users with this problem before.
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
I am against this.

In my opinion, sigs are already too long, and force you to spend much more time scrolling and scrolling to read actual posts.

If the development isn't too much of an issue, I'd like to recommend an option per user to display short/long signatures.

At least you agree with me regarding the option per user.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Most signatures are already far longer than the actual content of the post itself. Scale your images, use silent table structures, get creative.

And a slight increase is stupid because then it contributed absolutely no change whatsoever anyways


Hosted Project: SC
Level 23
Jan 29, 2010
And a slight increase is stupid because then it contributed absolutely no change whatsoever anyways

You can see how slight increase would make the difference for Daffa's signature. Mine is fully visible, his is not.

Most signatures are already far longer than the actual content of the post itself. Scale your images, use silent table structures, get creative.

And actually the one who got creative is Daffa, because he uses a nice bbcode, but unfortunately he is being punished for his creativity by getting his signature cut-off.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
You can see how slight increase would make the difference for Daffa's signature. Mine is fully visible, his is not.
Or he can crop, rescale or use a different image like everyone else, i.e. conforming to the site settings rather than the site conforming to one user's signature size.

And even if you increase the limit slightly there will still be people affected by it.
(Hint: It's what limits are for.)

And actually the one who got creative is Daffa, because he uses a nice bbcode, but unfortunately he is being punished for his creativity by getting his signature cut-off.
Context. Get creative as in work around the cut-off.
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
I think its fine as is but if the sig goes farther down than create a little hyperlink to display the rest of the sig, sort of like how the hidden tag functions
Nope. It won't. I can imagine people in a few months wanting it longer again. I don't see where this would end.
However, I cannot eliminate the idea of allowing people to set their preferences. Maybe somebody don't care about arthritis in their scroll finger.

Yeah, you got a point, people always hunger for something more.....
Has it ever occured to you to just buy a bigger screen?
Do the companies a favour and spend some >150 bucks if you are so desperate to see huge-ass signatures.

This is just one of those cases where people are to adapt to the environment, not vice versa - especially for something as trivial as signatures.

However, I cannot eliminate the idea of allowing people to set their preferences. Maybe somebody don't care about arthritis in their scroll finger.
"Set preferences" as in "show/hide signatures" ?
That's the only actually useful edit I can think of in this matter.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
People trolling using extended signature to make "page browsing" extremelly difficult.
So wait you want the staff to set a limit so people can do that, and then call troll when people do it?

...Sounds pretty solid to me.

Why don't we give this a trial run first before officially rejecting or approving this suggestion?
Because what you're suggesting is more work for worse outcome trying to do exactly the same thing that the limit does for us automatically.
I'd like to test a new Polio vaccine that's based on the currently used variants, but has been genetically enhanced.
It's likely to have heavy secondary effects - turns out it might be carcinogen and has a 40% chance of causing dementia.
Additionally, some test subjects (rats) showed signs of turning into Michael Jackson.

Several people who posted in this thread have shown to be potential human test subjects.
Before I can actually reject or approve of my hypothesis of this vaccine being 150% more efficient and durable, I would like to do a trial run.


Nothing should be tested or even applied before being checked thoroughly (which is usually done when a concept/idea/whatever has proven to be valuable --> Phase I).

Note how we are still in Phase I here (if we can consider this to be a serious discussion).
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