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Expansion - World of Warcraft: Catalysm

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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
well, now it's confirmed =))
looks very cool, may even make me return to WoW (if Allods Online will prove boring, despite the astral ship-fights)
Although i'll be upset if Garrosh will be the new warchief... he's a moron... i'd like him and varian kill each other =D

PS: Deathwing rocks =))
Level 6
Jul 22, 2008
Now now, the worst part is yet to be revealed!

Blizzard said:
* Mana/5 sec is gone. Spirit now regenerates mana.
* All healers will get a Meditation like skill. (In combat regeneration)
* Mages and Warlocks won't have to deal with Spirit on their gear anymore.
* Spell Power is also gone. Intellect now provides mana AND Spell Power
* Hunters and Enhancement Shamans won't have to worry about intellect anymore
* Attack Power is also gone.
* Agility now provides 2 AP for rogues, hunters, shaman, and druids. Plate-wearers won't steal your gear anymore!
* Defense is gone. No more juggling around the cap. Tanks will receive the needed anti crit from talents (Survival of the Fittest)
* Armor Penetration is gone. It was too confusing and is now replaced with a mastery.
* Mastery makes you better at what you do. (more on this later)
* Haste now increases rate which you gain energy, runes, rage, and focus.
* Talents for Enhancement and Retribution will make this work.
* Block value goes away. A block mitigates a percentage of damage. It is now a real mitigation stat.
* With No Defense, Spell Power, Attack Power = more Stamina for all.

Finally! I can stop give a shit about my items and just need as soon as an epic drop!
The time for casual child era has begun!
Thanks Blizzard!

@QueloR: Could you by any chance link the quote source? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to see the blizzard post it came from. :p

But man, those are some big changes. But this expansion is one I'm looking forward to. And damn finally... gnome priests. Now there can finally be pure-gnome raids without having to take dwarves as healers. (or any other race with noggenfogger or pygmy oils)
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
lol i cant wait 2 see what the earthquake thing destroyed thought im pissed that the wolf men are now alliance there much cooler than gobz.
Level 3
Feb 10, 2008
Looks awesome but some class combinations are very lame.
Like tauren pala, orc mage, goblin shammy, dwarf shammy and night elf mage. No really, these are lame combinations.

Anyway, finally Deathwing!!
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Orc Mage - they have warlocks in lore, meaning they have affinity to magic (lore-wise, Warlock is a Mage who uses his powers to summon and enslave demonic beings)

Dwarf Shaman - dwarves are rather close to nature, living in the mountains close to the element of earth. Also, rememebr the Wildhammer dwarves, who have an even closer bond to nature.

Night Elf Mage - according to screenies from PTR, the Highborne are making their return. Originally, Night Elves were skilled magi (and warlocks too, tbh), they forsaken their magic for fear of Burning Legion's return. Now that the Legion has access to Azeroth anyway, why should they forfeit such a source of power, as arcane magic?

Goblin Shammy - they were originally a spiritual race, slaves to the jungle trolls of Kezan. they might have learned something from troll voodoo. Also, the ore that gave the goblins their intelligence was used by trolls in voodoo rituals.

Tauren Paladin (as well tauren priest) - Light and Shadow are both spiritual disciplines as well, with the Holt Light associating with the Sun, which is a major diety in Tauren pantheon (Eye of the Earthmother)

don't see any problems
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
i like worgen. they'll add a nice gothic touch to the game and now Alliance will have some nice creepy race, like horde's Forsaken =))
Level 17
May 6, 2008
Now now, the worst part is yet to be revealed!

Finally! I can stop give a shit about my items and just need as soon as an epic drop!
The time for casual child era has begun!
Thanks Blizzard!

Blizzard said:

Reforging affords tailors, blacksmiths, leatherworkers, engineers, and jewelcrafters the opportunity to customize any player's gear, including their own. Specifically, they can reduce a single statistic on applicable items and convert the lost points into another stat not already on the item.
Yes, you can need on any epic that you can use.
However you need to use your brain for once to customize the gear for your needs.

If you do not like it, GTFO. Less scrubs = Better game.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
alliance will win now btw... goblin's will just blow up themselves along with the horde =DDD

ok, ok, i'm kidding, don't start a flame war =DDD
Level 7
Jul 11, 2007
WoW: Cataclysm

Yes guys, it's official. Maybe some of you know of it, maybe don't.

I, for one hope it's a joke.

Read, and post your opinion.

I personally think it'll be crap, especiall cause I'm a hordie and we get a cooler verson of gnomes, aka awesome and non-homosexual, but the allies get something EPIC.. And I can't PVP as an ally, my soul won't let me. Hope players will ditch it and stick to pre-cata versions.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
Ever heard of Wildhammer?

This expansion is awesome. 1-60 content is fucking shit boring, I am glad that they are going to remake it.

Wildhammers ain't shamans dummy.They're just hippies.

Warlocks look more interesting in cataclysm.

Itemization changes are seriously, seriously wrong.
Also no Frostmourne D:.
Actually now that I've read a bit more about the item changes they don't look so bad, oh well even more spell power for arcane mages.

If you examine this closely, the Azeroth remake would make the expansions mandatory if we're going to have flying mounts in it. Instance portals would be a hell to implement. Blizz is clever. They want all the cash.

The level for flying mounts was lowered.
Level 6
Jan 17, 2006
Sweet Baby Jesus.

I think i just vomited.

IN DISGUST. At World of Warcraft. Never thought those 5 words would come out of my mouth about WoW. I stand corrected. The Deathwing thing is cool, but seriously, they've just used Eviscerate then (pardon my english, but I'm angry) shit on the remains of what was left of WoW's fanbase and playability.

Blizzard's turning into frigging Sega!

I blame the merger with Activision.
Level 3
May 10, 2008
Don't care any of you say! Worgen, best race ever! Worgen can transform from human to worgen! (always worgen in combat) Also.. Dude.. fighting Deathwing?! Hells ya XD.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
lol but if you fight deathwing in a instance it means you will kill him and best villain of wow lore will be dead omg's.

also 1 thing to add its gay that worgen are now for alliance because alliance races sux now they have a cool 1 now which suxs because hordes funner.
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
Orc Mage - they have warlocks in lore, meaning they have affinity to magic (lore-wise, Warlock is a Mage who uses his powers to summon and enslave demonic beings)

Dwarf Shaman - dwarves are rather close to nature, living in the mountains close to the element of earth. Also, rememebr the Wildhammer dwarves, who have an even closer bond to nature.

Night Elf Mage - according to screenies from PTR, the Highborne are making their return. Originally, Night Elves were skilled magi (and warlocks too, tbh), they forsaken their magic for fear of Burning Legion's return. Now that the Legion has access to Azeroth anyway, why should they forfeit such a source of power, as arcane magic?

Goblin Shammy - they were originally a spiritual race, slaves to the jungle trolls of Kezan. they might have learned something from troll voodoo. Also, the ore that gave the goblins their intelligence was used by trolls in voodoo rituals.

Tauren Paladin (as well tauren priest) - Light and Shadow are both spiritual disciplines as well, with the Holt Light associating with the Sun, which is a major diety in Tauren pantheon (Eye of the Earthmother)

don't see any problems

Undead hunters is just... no. If I got it right, most animals can feel the presence of ghosts and stuff, and they try to scare it away? Doesn't really fit with half-ghosts and animals. They should only be able to have undead animals in that case.
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