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Exodus of the Horde (Original Voice Over)

Exodus of the Horde with original voiceovers
-- Obsolete with Reforged, only for Classic TFT --
Exodus of the Horde bonus campaign INCLUDING the voiceover which was included in Prologue Campaign that came with the original Warcraft III Demo, but was missing in TFT custom campaign. In fact this one is demo-like (Prologue Campaign that came with the original Warcraft III Demo, which includes tutorial levels) for people who would like to play demo, but wants to have latest version features available like widescreen support and alt for healthbars.
You can start either from Tutorial mission or from Riders on the Storm, but your hero is cache-saved through the whole campaign, so if you do start from the tutorial level, you'll have ring +1 def and a couple of consumables with you on Riders of the Storm =) I have also switched Demolishers to Catapults with it's stats on RoC 1.26 and removed TFT upgrades.


  • Featuring original voiceover from Warcraft III game Demo installation
  • Featuring original Warcraft III game Demo mission pack: two tutorial missions and three missions from
    Exodus of the Horde custom campaign included in the Frozen Throne installation. Here's a little scheme:

    Warcraft III Demo campaign

    RoC Prologue

    • Chasing Visions
    • Departures
    TFT Custom campaign

    • Riders on the Storm
    • The Fires Down Below
    • Countdown To Extinction
  • Featuring original Warcraft III game Demo gameplay (RoC)
You can get more info here. (external link)


  • Campaign by Blizzard Entertainment
  • Compilation by Kostyarik
The reason for me posting this was because a lot of people didn't know there was a voiceover in a custom campaign that was included in TFT installation and that it was a part of Prologue campaign initially, for it contains some essential lore elements specifically why does the horde has blue trolls.

I think I missed nothing in voiceover and text hints, but you know =) bugs and suggestions will be most welcome =)

  • Fixed various minor bugs, including the visibility bug with Sen'jin in The Fires Down Below.
  • Loading screens for tutorial chapters are replaced with wc3 game demo version of those.
  • 23.04.15 Updated cinematic map file to hide scorescreen
  • 30.09.15 Fixed ending cinematic in Countdown to Extinction (ships didn't appear in it)

  • 03.07.16 Revamped 03.09.15 Fix (the one i made included terrain and unit editing - reverted to original map file, the problem existed because original trigger missed a parameter for some reason, just fixed that)
  • 03.07.16 changed victory scorescreen image to RoC one
  • 03.07.16 changed attack/defence type for heroes and spellcasters to RoC settings ("piercing" for spellcasters and "normal" for heroes, "light" defence for spellcasters)
  • 03.07.16 changed description for items involved in optional quest in mission "Riders on the Storm" (couple of sentences of description in game demo map were shrunk to "Magical %itemname%" for TFT bonus campaign map for some reason)
  • 03.07.16 changed cinematic map not to require to press any key (used "default" loading screen with black backround and all the consequences. This is my lapis offensionis, i honestly don't like the way it looks now, but it appears to be more practical)

  • 15.07.16 fixed several sound bugs in "Fires Down Below"
  • 30.01.17 changed cinematic map loading screen
  • 12.01.20 fixed more sound bugs in "Fires Down Below"
  • 12.01.20 changed humans team color to dark green
  • 12.01.20 fixed intro cinematic bug in "Countdown to Extinction" (Sea Witch didn't appear in it)
  • 12.01.20 changed murloc models to use RoC version (just read the wiki lol =) )
  • 12.01.20 changed archmage's name to be Kelen the Seeker only
  • 12.01.20 changed Thrall's attack type to "normal" (RoC version)
  • 13.01.20 fixed murlocks' skin in mission 1
  • 13.01.20 added cinematic subtitles to rescued units from cages in mission 2
  • 13.01.20 changed troll witch doctor's attack to "piercing"
  • 13.01.20 addition to original triggers to fit cinematics for widescreen (hidden units and doodads)
  • 13.01.20 changed scorescreen icon to murloc in episode 4 and 5, thanks to Mayday Much oblidged m8!
  • 21.02.20 remade from 30.01.17 including all the changes with 1.26 version WorldEdit. Should be compartible for all further and previous versions







Campaign archive also contains unused sound files, which were found in game demo .mpq (the following sound files appear in the Demo but aren't used in any known part, they aren't attached to any trigger):

Riders on the Storm
  • D03Grunt17: Warchief, one of the humans escaped!
  • D03HeadHunter19: Our spears would be no good against that shields, run!
  • D03Thrall16: Humans, just what we needed... Don't let them get away!
  • D03Thrall18: Damn, they'll alert the outpost for sure. Prepare for battle!
  • D03Thrall25: Stay alert, not all the island inhabitants are friendly.
  • D03Thrall30: This wards contain healing power.
  • D03Troll26: Welcome to the village mon.
  • D03Troll27: You are green or I'm just seeing things?
  • D03Troll28: I hope you help us get rid of those nasty humans.
The Fires Down Below
  • D04Footman16: Orcs! Get up!
  • D04Footman23: Orcs, I should have known... attack!
  • D04Grunt11: Free at last!
  • D04Grunt13: Those fish creatures must pay!
  • D04MurlocSorcerer30: You may have rescued the others but I'll see to it that the exalted one does not go completely unpleased.
  • D04Thrall15: There are maybe other creatures down here, these paltry wretches died before they were even sacrificed.
  • D04Thrall17: Will you humans never learn?!
  • D04Thrall20: These cave may lead outside, but we can't leave without the others.
Countdown to Extinction
  • D05Thrall15: One of the shamans must have found a way to purify this fountain.
  • D05Troll13: Hey, you got room for one more mon?
Info on those found here: Warcraft III Demo

Demo Campaign, Exodus of the Horde, voiceover, voice acting

Exodus of the Horde (VoiceOver) (Campaign)

02:55, 17th Apr 2015 Orcnet: The Voice-Overs are truly amazing, I am really fascinated when Blizzard to Warcraft have unfinished business that ends up leaking inside hidden places, who knows we might catch the map based from Tharifas the green...




02:55, 17th Apr 2015

The Voice-Overs are truly amazing, I am really fascinated when Blizzard to Warcraft have unfinished business that ends up leaking inside hidden places, who knows we might catch the map based from Tharifas the green dragon, anyways on-topic I think I believe the reason why they ditched out the voices is due for the frail of the voice-acting of most voice actors especially from the human side, I lol when the witch's voice is from a night elf and the murloc a naga voice actor, its a shame how it could be of good use for the overall map but I believe blizzard has proper reasons.

While I want to wrap this up, I suggest you remove the 1st cinematic scene its not needed and it builds you up some space, as well as part 1 and 2 conditionally, if you want to keep it there its still cool.

Can be useful, approved.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
I'm actually surprised this hasn't been uploaded with voiceovers before. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find such anywhere.
Anyways, you'll need a better description if you want this to get approved. As a start, you can check out this.
EDIT: Are the Hive's 'submap preview images' broken or is it something on my side? I seems to happen on each and every campaign I try to view.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009

It has already been released with voiceover - in a 2 player version by Pyraeus.

I'd suggest opening a thread with a map pack instead of putting this in the Map Section. In my opinion, it doesn't fulfil the requirements that are needed to be approved, even though it might be useful.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Hello Kostyarik, please be advised that before a moderation may proceed, a proper map description must be in place, still you have lacked a map category, screen shot and proper crediting list.

I'll be sure to check whether you had read this part of our rules: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/rules-information-710/map-submission-rules-228244/ and may I suggest you to read this guideline I have proposed long ago: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...s-456/map-description-making-good-bad-245849/

For now, this map will be sent to "awaiting update".
Level 6
Dec 28, 2014


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Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Third mission: The Murloc Sorcerer's line has a troll portrait instead.

Fourth mission: During the ending cutscene, Sen'jin disappears, with only his shadow left instead of his corpse. When everyone evacuates the cave, his shadow follows along.
Also, rescued units don't have their lines subtitled.

After beating the campaign, the last two missions don't show up on the select screen.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2014
orcnet said:
While I want to wrap this up, I suggest you remove the 1st cinematic scene its not needed and it builds you up some space, as well as part 1 and 2 conditionally, if you want to keep it there its still cool.

I'd like to keep them there to keep some kind of feeling of more complete campaign. Other thing i plan to do is customize the campaign screen if i can figure out any workaround for that. Also I know, that not everyone would like to play them all, so i've made available a start from mission 3. I could DO remove them to save bandwidth, but those 3 maps are only 593kb in common, so i don't think there would be much difference) Anyway, thank you for your review and the feedbacks =)

Third mission: The Murloc Sorcerer's line has a troll portrait instead.

Fourth mission: During the ending cutscene, Sen'jin disappears, with only his shadow left instead of his corpse. When everyone evacuates the cave, his shadow follows along.
Also, rescued units don't have their lines subtitled.

After beating the campaign, the last two missions don't show up on the select screen.

Fixed all of those and reuploaded campaign file, many thanks for pointing that out with user-friendly description. In fact there were no subtitles in original Mission 4, only sounds, but i agree, it would be right to have them, so now there are =)
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Level 6
Dec 28, 2014
i advise you to change the banshee sea queen model to naga sea witch, because in cannon lore it was a naga witch. Banshee is undead unit, and blizzard did not want to add custom model for her.

If it is Zar'jira you mean, indeed she is THE Sea Witch in WoW. There she appears as a banshee-naga of some sort. However, i looked through the wc3 RoC and TFT manuals and this campaign dialogs, and found no reference to her or the naga, so i suppose this was one of the speculations to fill WoW lore. Therefore, i'll leave her with her current model for now, sorry.
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Level 1
Jun 30, 2015
This is not exodus of the horde You liar I HATE YOU SO MUCH! How is this even approved its just warcraft 3 reign of chaos prologue campaign!!! you did nothing!!!
Oh so the campaign uploader thinks that Warcraft 3 is wide screen? Well, it's not. Warcraft 3 doesn't support wide screen resolutions, it only stretches the screen to make it look wide screen. You can just download demo and use registry method to play in stretched mode. The game looks awful when stretched.. you can see a big difference when switching between 4:3 and 16:9
Level 6
Dec 28, 2014
This is not exodus of the horde You liar I HATE YOU SO MUCH! How is this even approved its just warcraft 3 reign of chaos prologue campaign!!! you did nothing!!!

To stop hating me just start the campaign from 3rd button. i, for one, love you =)

Oh so the campaign uploader thinks that Warcraft 3 is wide screen? Well, it's not. Warcraft 3 doesn't support wide screen resolutions, it only stretches the screen to make it look wide screen. You can just download demo and use registry method to play in stretched mode. The game looks awful when stretched.. you can see a big difference when switching between 4:3 and 16:9

You're quite right, it comes just stretched, however it looks more appealing for me than those two stripes on the sides of the screen. For someone it doesn't. It's better to have an easy accessable option isn't it? =)
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Level 6
Dec 28, 2014
How did you make the voice acting (VoiceOver) ? I mean what tool did you use ?

It was made by blizzard itself, not by me =) I've just extracted the sound files from wc3 game demo mpq and insert those into three custom campaign maps that come with TFT along with some trigger editing (if i understood your question right) In fact i've extracted all voice files, even those that are unused, and put them into the campaign archive in case modders would find them fancy. You can check this link for additional info on those http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Warcraft_III_Demo (bottom of the page)
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Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
I played the original demo over and over again for 3 months before Reign of Chaos came out, it certainly brings back plenty of memories.

I was very disappointed that when Frozen Throne came out they released the other 2 missions of the Demon without voice-over. Apparently they did it like this because Frozen Throne was regionalized (translated with voice into different languages) and they didn't want to bother translating the demo missions as well. Could have also been some problems with the original actors and copyright.

Anyway, many thanks for uploading this, you are awesome:D :goblin_good_job:
Level 2
Apr 9, 2016
Here i've made this map while on cinematic.

Loading Screen


At the Selecting on Circle of Power (There is 2 circles that you want)

1. The right section is going to Cinematic.
2. At the Top, This allows to skip without Cinematic and go to Chapter 1.

Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Here i've made this map while on cinematic.

Loading Screen


At the Selecting on Circle of Power (There is 2 circles that you want)

1. The right section is going to Cinematic.
2. At the Top, This allows to skip without Cinematic and go to Chapter 1.


Not really needed when OUTSIDEXs campaign Lord of the Clans has existed for almost a decade. hell he JUST recently updated his legacy campaign with new Prequel starter levels.
Level 7
Jun 28, 2017
Since i first installed WC3's Bilzzard Download Client, the custom campaign "Exodus of the Horde" with chapters 3-5 from the CD was not on there anymore.

I decide to download it and play it (Because it's part of Reign of Chaos campaign). I'll possibly leave a rating on there later. :\
Level 6
Dec 28, 2014
How about changing Kul Tiras colour from blue to dark green xd? Simple change colour trigger that turns on after 1-2 seconds on riders on the storm and fires down below would solve it :v

I see what you mean - so it can correspond to Kul-Tiras' wc2 clan color =) The thing is - i'd like to keep it as close to original campaign as i can, to have genuine experience)) I'll think about that anyway =)

strength and honor!

Zug-zug =))



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
In the demo version of Warcraft 3, all the text and its corresponding voice-overs are in English. Blizzard never released any localized version of the demo version of the game afaik.

Based on my French paid version of the game, the first two missions (= the RoC Prologue) are fully localized (both text and voice-overs). As for the three remaining missions which shipped with TFT, only the text was localized and there were no voice-overs at all.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2014
In the demo version of Warcraft 3, all the text and its corresponding voice-overs are in English. Blizzard never released any localized version of the demo version of the game afaik.

Based on my French paid version of the game, the first two missions (= the RoC Prologue) are fully localized (both text and voice-overs). As for the three remaining missions which shipped with TFT, only the text was localized and there were no voice-overs at all.

Honestly at this point i think there will be need for same moded content for reforged - and it'll be available in eglish from modders. I doubt that they'll make localisation for those =(
Level 1
Feb 17, 2019
Thanks for this file

As new version out from 1.30.2 and above till 1.30.4 this campaign was removed from BE original installation
I don't know why but even with pre purchase reforged nothing worked

But I download this and place it : Documents > Warcraft III > Campaigns
And now I played this wanted map

Many people has this problem and more ticket sent to BE support day by day


Still in 2019
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Level 1
Feb 17, 2019
I will checking further releases and checking of compatibility too

But, as for now anyone wants to try horde campaigns can download maps from this forum

Specially those not edited and its the original version with voiceover
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
Hello everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble launching my WC3 game, sof if anyone has any info on 1.31 compartibiity, i will be very happy to hear it and update the header, if there are no issues =)
Its works properly so far for me, voicelines work cutscenes plays. Btw did you update the kul tiras forces to dark green or its some old edit of your campaign i did when i downloaded it first myself xD?

Aside of widescreen showing some things unintentionally(like human footman on a shore in scene where Sen'jin walks it. On 4:3 he wouldnt be visible but in windescreen he is standing there and it looks weird xD)


It kind of messes up Thrall's surprise with humans being on the island xD
As additional suggestion it would be nice to fix few of these issues(it happenes in cutscene where grom is released too, grunt who informs about clans assembling for the voyage just spawns on the right side of hte screen in 16:9 resolution spawning him further back and adding short wait trigger for 1s so he can run up to thrall would solve the problem.
Ah and shouldnt it be...2 knights near the last gate in departures in stead of 2 captains and 2 riflemen?
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Level 6
Dec 28, 2014
Thank you for your much informative response =) and your rate =) i'll update the header.

1) No, i didn't modify any colors/models/etc to keep the condition of files as close to genuine as i could. There was a suggestion by "A Void" to change sea witch model to naga one, which i actually liked, but as it says in header - author - B.E.; compilation - K =) so again - as genuine as possible =)
2) Right, this was a nice suggestion about 4:3 going to 16:9. It's honestly not a big deal to add a couple of triggers to hide units/buildings "owned by someone" during cinematics, but TBH i think it happens throughout the whole campaign here and there, so i'll wait and check the news if Blizzard is going to do something about this issue - if they do it for main campaign and forget about this one - this'll be added, if not... ff i'll think about it (still want it to be as genuine as possible). TBH i doubt they'll going to do it as the reforged is coming out this year, but we'll wait and see =)

Also, if the Reforged will be compatible with current game files and the demo campaign won't be in it - i'll update this one for Reforged compatibility =)
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