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Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Ok just to clarify, upgrades that benefit specific units (like upgrades in barracks) require a tower of that element, but the racial attack/defence upgrades (like the ones in black smith) don't, right?
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
And what exactly should I do for that? I'm refering more to icons. If I just put something like "Upgrade to Elemental weaponry" (just an example) then what icons would I use. It needs to be something that fits the elemental race as a whole. So I can't put a water sword (for example) and call it "Elemental Melee weaponry"

Btw, Click
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
So do you want me to have a attack/armor upg for each of the four elements? Like "Fury of Ragnaros" would increase attack and armor of all fire elements.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Will do.
Alright now let the ability brainstorming begin.
One idea I had, is that all heroes have a ability to regenerate health by sacrificing a unit of that element. Example, the Fire Hero would have Flame Regeneration. If he sacrifices a fire unit he recieves equal amount of hit points. Basically death Pact but only works on units of the same element.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
So you want me to keep the fire lords abilities the same? That's boring. I think we should make new abilities for him so that he is more interesting and unique in the eye of the public. I already DLed some awesome icons for him aswell. Opinions on that?

If you only want one of the regeneration abilities then I suggest the Earth elemental. The reason being, that the air elementals are spell casters and air. Rock units are the higher HP melee units. They play a less important role then the air units.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
k, but the thing with lava spawn is that I already used that model twice. Can I make a new spell but instead he summons that magma guy that you wanted to be removed due to too many fire unit? I could try to make something like the inferno, where a meteor hits a target location, does AOE damage to nearby units, and then summons 2 Magma Spawns from where the meteor hit.
well.. it is not necessary, just add like.. shoulderpads on the attack lava spawn? C:
i like the idea of havin' the two units that have same lava spawn model. due to me liking firelord. so that it is.

about the spawning of those.. it is a good idea C: just.. magma and lava spawn names kinda don't match.. find a good name for the "tar" one.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Kk, I'll try to find some good attachments.
We'll worry about names later. Now, they aren't important. So I can use that magma guy instead of Lava Spawn for the Fire Lord's summoning ability?
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Alright, so what are the plans for unit abilities? Should each element have a default ability, like a weak immolation for fire units? And any ideas for individual unit abilities?
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
You can use different unit classifications to act as the different elements, making it so that abilities can only affect certain elements. For example, the most common one would be Ancient/Non-Ancient, but if you're allied with the Night Elves that would be bad. However, there's a lot of classifications under the 'targetted as' list, so be sure to check them out if you haven't done so already ;)
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
I'd rather not use classifications cause then it can effect your allies with that classifictaion aswell. I am going to try to do that with triggers.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Meh, there are other ways to make volcanic boulders swirl around a unit.
And ya, I had the same idea about the orb.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
@VeljKom: Yeah, I posted that on his picture earlier, it's a horrible model, eh? Can't believe it's still up on hive :/

@Misha: When it comes to immolation, it should only be used for the actual fire units that would burn nearby units (which is probably all of them :p). Also, what other attributes will you be having for your other elementals? For example, if fire units have immolation (make it permanent but weak, that'll work nicely for balancing as well), what abilities will the air elementals have? Same applies for Earth and Water. I want to know! :p

@Chaos.: When it comes to unit classifications, if you also make sure to check the Player Units box, I think it will then only effect your own units. So, if you're allied with another Elemental race, the ability won't effect them. Which is gay. Do it your way, it's better by far :p
alright.. fire may have weak immolation for balance purposes

air should have something like a tornado ability.. which mean picks up a random enemy automatically, like tornado of the seawitch (but it should be only for the strongest air unit and a veeery long cooldown

earth units should have a weak autostomp or so..

and water units should have something of frost.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
So should I scrap the fire damage then? Or have both?
Should they start with these abilities or should it be an upgrade in the tower? Like the fire tower would have an upgrade that gives fire units the immolation ability.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Tornado (sea which ultimate) has actually 3 abilities. To randomly cast cyclone, slow aura and damage building aura.

So earth unit will have pulverize which gives 25% to deal area damage?

Maybe water should have attack that strikes more then one unit? Like flood of some sorts?
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
I think that those abilities should all be passive and very weak. So I don't think that tornado is a good idea for air.
As VeljkoM said. earth with a rare stomp and water with area damage (flood)

as for wind/air, i though of giving either slow or rare auto-cyclone
i too had an idea of merging two lesser wind units into a greater and merging two of those greater units into a hurricane elemental. which would be like the most powerful but most expensive unit, and thus hard to obtain
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well I didn't want to go overboard on the "custom" part of a custom race. I still wanted it to follow the style of the original race. So I don't want to make a building for each element that trains all units of that element. If you did it that way then you would have your basic ranged unit in the same building as a spellcaster. It would get too random and not feel like a custom race. So instead a building will work for several different elements.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
It will have most of the same buildings as the other 4 races (main hall, food producer, altar, primary troop producer, spellcaster producer, secondary troop production building, shop, tower, and ultimate). It will also have the four element towers upgrades. These towers will also serve as the upgrader building. Each tower will have an attack and an armor upgrade for that element along with the ability that gives the units of that element a weak, special ability. (like fire unit's immolation)
So in total their will be 9 buildings plus the four tower upgrades.
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