As HINDYhat mentioned, aspartame is very bad for you and it can be found in most diet foods and drinks with a sugary taste. For someone who doesn't drink diet sodas or whatnot or use the sweet-and-low or equal but uses it at sometimes, they'll feel like they are drunk or numb. That's because their brain is turning into goo!
Water is almost as bad soda. Flouride is a very toxic chemical and there is just so much of it that the chemical companies lobbied congress (meaning, bribe congressmen to pass a law in their favor) to be able to put it in the water supply. It is too costly to bury it in a mountain otherwise. Currently Australia is having a fit with flouride and over 200,000 cases of illness and deformations, but this happens everywhere that flouride is put into water. They use the "it's help your teeth" bit to justify their inhumane and unlawful actions.. greed.
I drink coffee at work and just add the flavored hazelnut creamers and no sugar packets. Yes, i drink on the job!
I drink vegetable juice and fruit juice. I don't care what kind it is as long as it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup (addictive substance added to most drinks) or other nasty additives.. So really there are a lot of juices out there that i do not drink, and the organic ones are very expensive, but i get them sometimes.. It's hard to come by them.
I drink tea sometimes. There are a lot of bad teas and most teas give different benefits and effects, though most have caffeine in them. I have some Tulasi tea which comes from India, extremely beneficial.
Next time you buy a bunch of apricots or peaches or fruits with large seeds, after you eat the seeds boil the pits (the hard shells) in water and drink it.. It's SOOOOOOO good! I've only done apricots, though.
NOTE: before i stopped eating meat i couldn't really enjoy tomatoes. Now i really do enjoy them and other vegetables, which is good because of tomatoes being the main ingridient in most vegetable drinks.
SUGGESTION: If you want to drink the best stuff in the world all you need is a juicer and some whole fruits and vegetables from a store. My friend showed me it and in 3 days we must have spent $150 on fruits and vegetables. We were talking about it like it was crack! He would call me up, "Hey... wanna juice?" "Yeah, man, i'll be right over"!! haha
Juicers costs anywhere from $100 to $300 but it's worth it, and the whole foods are cheaper and healthier in the end.. And just so damn good, just mix up different combos.
And finally this is just about Alkaline and Acidity. If you had an Alkaline body you'd never get sick. Most of the things in our daily diet, in modern times, makes the body acidic. The most common thing is sugar but there are other things you wouldn't know like by boiling milk (homogenization) makes milk acidic. Most fruits and vegetables and nuts keep your body alkaline.
To determine how acidic your body it buy some litmus paper for like a dollar and either pee on it or put some in your mouth. You may get a better result from urine. Anyway, adjust your diet accordingly for maximum health.
i like to drink!