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DotA vs DOTA 2

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Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
its all about doing the right counters to him. he relies on his invis. therefore buying sentries and always carrying dust is the way to go. Also, if your huskar is having mana problems, you're doing something wrong.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
If you're having mana problems in general, then you're doing something wrong.
Strangely even though mana regeneration is considerably lower in dota than in LoL(most of the time), then it's actually much more manageable. The game is balanced around most spells not being spammed.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Riki's smoke screen seems very OP to me. You silence nearby enemies in an AoE and rape them while they are silenced and slowed by almost 50%. No living being can ever escape this guy :3

This is how the hero works. He's a silent assassin, very powerful against weak supports but dies quickly in a prolonged fight.

Counter to smoke screen? Move a few meters or have an ally support you with a stun. Or have anti invis detection so you see him coming and kill him.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
If you are a support and get caught alone with Riki you most likely won't escape, but that's how it works for pretty much every other carry, such as Void, CK, Lone Druid or Huskar too. As a support you just aren't supposed to be wandering alone. In team fights, if you get caught in smoke you should force staff yourself out. I'm mostly a supports player and when there's a riki around I just know force staff is indispensable. If anything, to throw some support spells and/or damage him before I die. Smoke screen is not THAT good, but it is a powerful ability as it forces your enemy to reposition.
If you're fighting riki 1 on 1 (or anyone else really), you need to make sure to delay his leveling and money as much as you can, after all items and level play a big role... And riki is really quite weak without items.

Plus investing on sentry wards early game does reap benefits... Plus there are a couple of items to help you, force staff, bkb, lothar's etc.
Level 4
Oct 12, 2014
Bounty is now useless
The more u use ulti the more you give money to the other team
Level 1
Sep 14, 2011
I don't see how they could have done otherwise.
DotA's playerbase is well known for very hostile kneejerk reactions toward any change no matter how large or small.

And since when does valve give a fuck about the player base?
Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
I prefer more colors Warcraft (darkness), and I think some very disagreeable heroes like Rubick, the Spirits, Leoric (Wraith King), Oracle, Terrorblade, Void, Rhasta and Balanar.

But already the heroes as Windrunner, Lanaya, Drow, Doom, Omniknight, Shadow Demon, Warlock, Abaddon, Troll Warlord, Outworld Devourer, Axe and Tuskar I think cool.

Shortcuts, communication (can mute), reconnect and find match. I enjoyed a lot.

In the analysis, I prefer to play Dota 2 of than the 1.




How much has the game changed, in terms of gameplay, since DotA WarCraft III map?

What do you like in DOTA 2 (as a game and as opposed to DotA 1) and what do you dislike?

I dislike everything about Dota 2 and like everything about Dota 1.

But that is because Warcraft III TFT is by far my most favorite game.
I am so used to it that everything else looks sub par in comparison.

Its not about the graphics. Its not about the engine. Its not about the speed. Its about my heart being in that game. Nothing can replace it.

And the bots suck in Dota 2. In Dota 1 they wiped the floor with me so
many times before I learned how to play I admire those that made them.
And the bots suck in Dota 2. In Dota 1 they wiped the floor with me so
many times before I learned how to play I admire those that made them.
They're the same to me... or maybe it's just that it was a year after I stopped DotA 1 when I started Dota 2. I just like that the latter has 5 difficulties compared to the former, which has 3.
Level 4
Oct 12, 2014
Hmmm, I don't think so in dota 2 i think that bots dont get scepter on supports until min 30 or so, while in dota 1 in min 20 jakiro already has scepter, force staff and mekansm or something. Although at leat for me dota 1 was much more fun to play alone on garena, because of rooms. The matchmaking pool wasn't so big, but nevertheless it had bigger variety of players, and they were from your country and knew your language. Now you play with 9 no name people, which, at least to me, is much less fun, despite the ranked system that is trying to make the game more competitive I think it's even making it worse. Although it's quite addictive, like gambling, but really elo system is worse the more players ae in the same game, and in dota there are 10 players so I think that sucks.

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
How much has the game changed, in terms of gameplay, since DotA WarCraft III map?

What do you like in DOTA 2 (as a game and as opposed to DotA 1) and what do you dislike?

I love dota 1 and 2 nonetheless, both amazing games.. but i don't play dota1 anymore nor have i ever played dota2 but watched games on youtube.. I personally think that dota2 is a really good game overall but i don't feel the need to play it because how they made the game, is so confusing to me. I obviously know you can get used too it, as I'm very familiar with LoL because thats what i play a lot. But, going from dota1 to dota2 or going from LoL to dota2 is really hard like going from DiabloLOD to Diablo3 was really hard by all the stuff added. All I'm saying is the game changed a bunch and i know you have to update games and such but I'm not a fan of how they did it...
I personally find that the only thing that really changed from DotA 1 to DotA 2 is that the character models now "blend" with the terrain, and coz of that I sometimes find it hard to see if there's a nearby enemy already... Take note though that the last time I played DotA 2 was early last year so it would be around 1 year already, I just don't have time and capability to play any game that requires me to be online anymore..
Level 4
Oct 12, 2014
Nah man, 6.82 had big impact since exp gain and gold from kills are now determined on a different formula, with some new variables. That's a big change, at least i think it is. Let alone other engine, which although some things are copied with precision a lot of them lack some things. So it's different. But really 6.82 is i think biggest change, cause if you change one hero, the new hero will still work in the same way as others. But this changes the way how all heroes work...




I like both dota 1 and dota 2. But I only play dota 1 because bots are reliable, FAR MORE than the actual queue for dota 2. Finding a good team for dota 2 in solo queue is 1 in 100 chance. And I just don't want to waste my time and their time. And bots are sufficiently strong, if you misplay even slightly they tend to give a good ass whooping. So yeah, they are very good and I love dota 1 for it.
Level 4
Oct 12, 2014
Yeah, you have to adapt to new graphics, but once you do, it's no problem to play dota 2. The big size is well ... not good. On their place I would make it optional to dl customization items. I think that dota solo has 5 6 GB so that would make it dl faster and etc.

I got to a conclusion that bots on dota 1 are better, and beside that the biggest thing that I dislike with dota2 is the fact that dota 1 was made, at least for some time i think, out of hobby, and thus made with care, and constant wish to perfect it, and thus you got a better game as a final product. In making the game the game itself was on the first place. Valve made game just for profit so on the first place is just the profit they will get. So if you make game worse, but more popular it's good from their point of view, if people play it, there is no point in improving game, and thus you get a worse product than it would be if it was made for the game itself with same resources.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
It's a new AAA game, be happy it's not around 21 GB that some games nowadays are :p

" Valve made game just for profit so on the first place is just the profit they will get. So if you make game worse, but more popular it's good from their point of view, if people play it, there is no point in improving game, and thus you get a worse product than it would be if it was made for the game itself with same resources. "

Are you implying that Warcraft 3 is a bad game, as the developers of the game, made the game to earn money?

I know this is shocking, but most people with a fulltime job, want to earn money.
+ Icefrog is in valve.
Level 4
Oct 12, 2014
Well yeah, I went little bit too far, I just wanted to say that if you are passionate about your project or whatever you do it will turn out better compared to something you do against your will. You will try harder etc.
Also, you can't say that blizzard isn't putting a lot of effort compared to some other companies into making their games and other stuff.
I was wrong in many stuff I said, and now I see some of them.
Level 4
Oct 12, 2014
Talked to friend and he said some interesting stuff on this topic. Like he loses interest in dota cause of tryhards that only follow online guides and don't think or understand anything in game. He don't find it fun cause people don't ''play'' anymore.
Cause dota 2 compated to dota has more guides tutoeial videos etc... And you play with no name people. I mean if you'd put bots everytime in other team it wouldn't change anything :)
It was more fun for him before when we played together in rooms, and we could choose with who to play with, we would percieve others as other players. Game is too much competitive now, and it is more like obligation. A lot of people now think like I have to improve mmr, i have to win. But man f*** that, no obligation is fun.
Thats why I prefer eiropeans, chinese are somehow mor win oriented, not on play :)
Level 4
Oct 12, 2014
To me dota was all about choosing hero which lore and appearance goes with my mood at the time, then related to which hero you picked building that hero in a way you want and ofc testing it in the game. I liked the rpg side of it, now people play only on action, and only purpose is to win. For instance on riki my fav was say, then you take your two swords and go out and slay everyone. When someone chases you you do what would you do in reality, hide in trees try to juke them and hit them to slow them. Not to mention how much juking skill you get from playing this way. And I would have a feeling that I was really chased and then when you escape :) good feeling. Another thing movie f2p. I mean if I would make a dota movie it would be like 5 guys in a fantasy, and they find some older guy lets say they are 20 and he is 30. And then he teaches them in karate kid style :) and they then win tournaments.
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