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[Arena] Dominators: Mastery of The Kingdom

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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Dominators: Mastery of The Kingdom is an hero arena where you take buildings for increasing your mana gain and casting faster summoning spells and so have an better army for protecting your hero, attacking your enemies and dominating more cities.
There is an random terrain generator and an resource system and one Hero/Race

hiphop4eva is the leader of the development team and he will create the heroes the summons and the balance and he have the good ideas.
noob is something who decided to help for scripting and for creating an random generator "Because terraining is too much hard".

He will make heroes items summons we will do the summoning system and he will change the base melee buildings(they are not funny) they are plenty of others things to do

Currently the one attached to this post is the newest one


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Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Please communicate through private or visitor messages, this forum isn't for communication between project members its for discussion between the staff and the players.
Level 15
Aug 7, 2013
My eye caught the "random terrain generator."

Would you mind explaining more on what it does exactly and how it works? Does it generate dungeons, towns, forests, etc.?

Also if it works I would also request to see the source (hopefully it's in vJASS), as I have been drafting my own terrain generator, and I think we could collaborate together on this task, since every person qualified to make one thinks it's a waste of time.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
It create some randomly distributed elevations(get random point in region)
some tree (the same way) and titles then it place important elements randomly(like the centers of the cities or the starting point of the cliffs and the centers of the forests) then it place the corresponding stuff around.
But it is not an evolved terrain gen for example cities risk to stack and stuff of this kind also there is no notion of biome or anything of this kind in fact there is not really many functionalities.
So it is not at all the kind of terrain gen you want in your project (It is in GUI and use waits but I watched for memory leaks and the only ones I see are the special effects(I do not remove them because I use them like doodads) and terrain deformations(no way to get rid of them)).
So I am pretty sure in ten seconds you have made an better terrain gen(I you will see in no time after launching this map at which point it is useless).
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Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
I almost finished Aldin, only summons are remaining. Also, now every hero will have 5 abilities, 3 normal, 1 ultimate, 1 stronger ultimate that is unlocked in lvl 9. I changed its name to ''Dominator of Necromancy''. After this, I will probably make a hero called ''Dominator of Elementals'', based on the Blood Mage model.


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